A TOILET IN THE PARLOUR 🚽 Episode 2 – Missing pen

A TOILET IN THE PARLOUR 🚽 Episode 1 - Missing pen

A TOILET IN THE PARLOUR 🚽 Episode 2 – Missing pen

When I got home, I was able to trick my parents and got the key to the cupboard but another, was how to open it without anybody’s knowledge .


It was at the middle of the night I walked out of my room sneaking into my parents room to open the cupboard. When I opened the room door I couldn’t find my parents on their bed

I saw two human shadows reflected by the toilets light so I guess it them. I silently opened the cupboard and found human skull inside them, Put on a rod as if it was a a diamond collection.

Beside one empty rod I saw my girlfriend ‘Bianca’s” phone, so I picked it up. I was about stepping out when I heard my dad say “leave the eye balls for me”.

I got more scared but summed up courage to peep them. I saw my dad and mum feasting on raw meat coming from Bianca’s body .

I almost led out a scream before someone covered my mouth and dragged me outside of the room. When I turned to see who it was, behold it was my senior brother. He signal me to keep silent and follow him.

We walked to my room and he explained that our parents were cannibals and eat flesh of visitors….he went on to say that he didn’t know how the toilet gave them access to killing people for food but he was sure they where not ritualist.

I asked him how he came to know that our parents were cannibals and the evil of the parlour toilet……he told me it was the incident that happened to Ade his old time classmates, who was reported missing two years ago. I also nodes my head in believe, because I knew about the event but didn’t know it happened in our house.

My brother asked me if my girlfriend left any clue behind but I answered ‘no except her phone ‘.

He quickly took the phone from me and asked me to unlock it….. luckily I knew the password and opened it.

When we opened the phone we noticed it was on video recording, so we quickly tap to play the video but the phone shot down. I took the phone to the parlour to charge it further.

Two hours later I searched for the phone to play the video…….but couldn’t find it anywhere. I called out to my brother to confirm if he was with it but he testified negatively.

We started searching the whole house but couldn’t find it, so I demanded we search his room but he refused, swearing never to take the phone.

I believed him and gave up the search for the phone, but I was still eager to know what was wrong about the toilet.

It was 10pm and I was left alone in the house, my brother and parents have all gone for night vigil. I was sitting in the parlour watching movie, when I saw some one on black gown, carrying an axe walking into the toilet.

I became frightened but summoned up the courage to check the person. When I got to the toilet whilst holding my kitchen knife, I opened the door speedily “who is here…show Ur self.” I said with courageous tone but with a fragile heart.

I turned on the light and figured out no one was in the toilet. I became more fearful because I actually saw some one entrying the place.

I went back to my movie and a thought came to my mind to call back Bianca’s phone number again….if I could do a search just to reconfirm .

When I Dailed the number it rang but this time the sound was coming from my…………

My brother’s room. I kindly walked towards the direction and picked up the phone. The phone was locked due to multiple trial to failed unlocking.

I unlocked the phone with the actual codes . I quickly went to the gallery to watch the video, when I saw the same person carrying axe with black gown. I chased the person and again he entered the same toilet. When I opened the door I found no one in the toilet.

I then went to the parlour and played the video, in it I saw ; My girlfriend Bianca was done easing her self and flushed the toilet, so she was picking her face with her phone since the toilet had no mirrors, when someone one appeared behind her with an axe and strike at her. the phone slipped and fell down from her hand. There was a total silence for a while before someone came and took the phone from the floor and cut the video but the persons face showed ‘it was Ade my brother’s long lost friend!!!!!!!’.

I became frightened the more because am now thinking the house is hunted, in regards to the person I was seeing walking inside the house. Who happens to be Ade my brother’s long lost friend.

I quickly rushed up to my brother’s room to confirm how he is involved in my parents cannibalism, when I heard a crack sound from our gate . I ran to the balcony to take a peep…….it was my brother, he was back. I quickly looked at my Watch to check time and it was 2am already, but from the best of my knowledge night vigil close by 5am.

“What is he doing at home by this time? ” I asked almost audibly.

My suspicions for my brother grew and I assured myself to keep watch on him through out the night.

I quitly hid myself behind the parlours big curtain. when he came inside he didn’t open the door because it was locked, instead he passed through the door just like a ghost would.

Immediately he entered the parlour he called out my name, “Richard.” to confirm if I was asleep, before going straight to the toilet at the parlour, opened it and the person with black gown and holding an axe ‘Ade’ came out and knelt down beside him.

My brother removed the wooden covering his head and and romance the head of Ade. He then stood up and walked towards my parents room and opened the cupboard I took Bianca’s phone from, brought out raw flesh and came back to the parlour.

He threw the raw meat on the floor to Ade and he was rushing it like a hungry lion devouring it’s prey.

I was seriously terrified to the extent I wanted to come out, but immediately I made an attempt to come out my brother stood up and transformed into my late uncle. I became more frightened and held myself back from coming out because any notice of me would lead me to the grave.

I was still watching him feeding Ade like he was feeding his pet when I lost control and feel asleep behind the curtain. In my sleep I had a terrible dream and was freaked to the extent of waking up ” Help me ” I screamed as I woke up.

My uncle transformed into my brother and asked “who is there?” As he kept walking towards the direction of the exact curtain I was hiding behind.



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