A PAINFUL STORY OF A WOMAN (A MUST READ) by Praises Chidera Obiora



I had gone to see a friend yesterday at Rukuba here in Jos. I was seated in his room, when I over heard some people shouting at a man angrily from outside.

From what I garnered from their arguments and shouts, the wife of this man had gone into a contribution (Adashe), as it is popularly known. She had formed the contribution group, and thus became the leader of the contribution.

A certain agreement was made between members before the contribution began. And she signed a document, agreeing to be held accountable for any loss of money, should anyone default in payment, or abscond.

This contribution had been going on perfectly for months now, without the knowledge of her husband. She had kept it entirely from him.

Well someone close to her in the group, absconded with a huge amount of money – over two hundred thousand or there about.

Members involved in the contribution, came in search of this woman who was the leader of the group. But she fired angrily at them.

They angry members, had to come report the situation to the husband, but the husband revealed he was not aware of such dealings his wife was in. He claimed she never told him about any contribution, and any agreement she had gotten herself into.

“See let me tell you, if I was aware of such agreement, I would not even allow her sign that document because I know the implications. My wife never told me anything about this.” She said.

He appeared very disturbed and upset about the whole thing. At some point I began to feel for the innocent husband, whose wife had just brought him a load of trouble.

“So you mean my wife has been paying her own part of the contribution all this while?” The husband asked.

“Yes, 3k weekly. She is suppose to be the last to collect by ending of this month. If she knew she could not take responsibility the loss, why did she gather us together? The annoying part is that the person who absconded is her close friend. So we now feel it is all a plan between her and her friend.” A member announced bitterly.

“Do you know all through this corona period, this woman said she had no money? I knew how I have been struggling to pay bills and provide food at home. So all this while, she was channelling her money somewhere else?”  The man spoke rather disappointedly.

At that moment, my friend walked into the house to find my mood changed. He asked me what the problem was and I told him that I was angry and upset with the man’s wife.

Why will she go into such dealings without her husbands consent. She didn’t even let him know of the agreement she had signed with the people. She didn’t even seek advice from someone else. Now the innocent man is now suffering for something that he knew nothing of.

My friend told me not to throw stones yet. He told me the story of the woman and how she struggles to  provide for the house.

“Praises this man that she married is not a responsible man. Once he notices his wife has money, he played broke and used his money to drink and spend carelessly on other women.” My friend revealed.

“Some months back, she had collected a bag of crayfish worth hundred thousand from a dealer to sell, with the hope of paying back within a month or two. Within that period, her husband suddenly became broke. He kept collecting money from her bit by bit with the promise to refund back every penny when he is being paid. She used some of the money earned to cook and provide other necessities in the house.

“Praises during that period, she also paid the children school fees and funded the bills too. A month passed and, when she had not remitted any amount to the crayfish dealer, he approached the husband to let him know of the issue. The husband referred him back to the wife, claiming he had no Idea of their business transactions with the man.”

“Praises I have lost count of the number of times the husband kept insulting her during that period. He asked her what she had been using money for. This woman returned from the saloon, this man insulted her and told her that all she did was to spend money unnecessarily, knowing fully well she had a dept to pay. When the case was taken to the police station, this woman managed to raise 50k which she managed to give to the crayfish dealer. She kept paying off her dept in bits, and remitting out money without without the help of her husband. I even had to lend her 20k to pay off the dept completely, when the crayfish dealer returned after a month with police men.

“Praises, her business has really been affected ever since that incident happened. It really made her look dry and old. I am sure that contribution organised by her, was a means meant to raise money so she could fund her business again. This woman does menial Jobs; Jobs meant for a man, just to ensure she saves money to bring back her business on track.”

“So Praises after hearing this, if you were in her shoes, will you still tell your husband that you were in a contribution, and you are to collect over two hundred thousand naira at the end of the month?”

I buried my head in shame for blaming the woman at first. She was just another victim in a bad marriage. Some women go through a lot in their marriages. It gets worse when you are married to a man who is not a responsible someone, and is not supportive.

Don’t Just pray to get married to a husband. Pray for God to send you a good and responsible man who loves you, and is ready to support you through thick and thin.


© Praises Chidera Obiora

Read this Action Thrilling Story > ALL IN A CIRCLE

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