A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 95 by Azeemah Salami


A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 95 by Azeemah Salami

“Ohh.. yeah” Irene turned back to her phone and noticed they had disconnected the call.

She turned to Ethan, embarrassed.
“I guess they thought you were here to see me for something important and they didn’t want to interrupt” Irene quickly said.
“Ohh..i thought they disconnected it because they do not want to talk to me. How about we go to your house to say hi to them after leaving the hospital in two days time” Ethan suggested.
He really wanted Irene’s family to love him like they love Harold.
“Okay” Irene smiled, knowing if her plan works out, Ethan would be going to jail right from the hospital.
Her only worry now was the baby,she really hopes it’ll be Harold’s.

“Do you want anything?” Irene asked.
“No, just wanna spend some time with you.” Ethan sat beside her and made her rest her head on his shoulder.
“I know you’re uncool about what Carrle said,I’m sorry about that” Ethan said.
“It’s fine seriously. I’ve learned not to take Carrle’s words to heart” Irene smiled.
“You’re just so different from other women I’ve spent time with. You’re special” Ethan said and Irene smiled.
“You’re actually the first man to trust me this much and make me feel so loved. I’m so glad to have made the right choice” Irene said, smoothening his hair.

Ethan’s head felt like it’ll spill into two with love.
Irene could see the effect her words and carress had on him and she knew this is the right time to ask him the about Helena’s death.
“You were about telling me the similar plan Alex and Marie carried out for you that turned out to be a success before Carrle interrupted” Irene said.
“Ohh..that?” Ethan asked.
“Yeah” Irene smiled.
“You shouldn’t bother yourself with that, just know they once carried out a similar plan for me that was successful” Ethan said.
“Com’on,are you trying to hide things from me again? Ain’t i part of you guys anymore? Why is everyone treating me like an outcast” Irene said, raising her head from his shoulder.

turned from him, pretending to be pissed while she quickly grabbed her phone and clicked on the recording app.
It started recording and she stealthily placed it back on the stool.

“Com’on, don’t tell me you’re pissed over that” Ethan said, making her face him.
She reluctantly did.
“Irene,you don’t have to know about our past plans,you should just flow with the new ones” Ethan said.
“Why don’t i have to know? That’s just because you don’t trust me,i only want you to fill me in on the past incidence so i can trust Alex and Marie to be capable of this plan”
“They are, you’re going to see for yourself when they’re done with it” Ethan said.
“Is it so bad for me to know about that past incidence and you were even about telling me before Carrle walked in yesterday” Irene said.


wasn’t going to tell you Irene,it’s something..i shouldn’t just reveal. Trust me,you don’t have to know” Ethan said.
“Alright then! And to think i was starting to feel you’re the only man who has ever trusted me and loved me. I was wrong after all!” Irene said crossly and made to get up from the couch.

Ethan quickly stopped her.
“Alright sit,I’m going to tell you” Ethan said and she almost jumped in the air in excitement but she couldn’t make Ethan see how excited she feels or he’s gonna get suspicious.
She reluctantly sat down beside him.
“The thing is,the first plan Alex and Marie carried out that was successful was t..” Ethan was saying when they heard a loud knock on the door.

“Just ignore it and continue what you were about to say” Irene said, trying not to sound as desperate as she felt.
The knock grew louder and Irene told Ethan to ignore it again.
“Its one of the maids..i guess” She said.
“Ohh.. okay, so the plan was carried out in…”
“Ethan! I need to talk to you now. Open this damn door,what the hell are you doing in there!” Carrle yelled.
Ethan sighed loudly.
“I’ll be back Irene” He said as he got to his feet.
Irene nodded even though she was so pissed that Carrle had interrupted them again.

walked out of her room and she let out a loud groan.
She picked her phone and discarded the recording.
Just two days left!
And she’s yet to know the truth behind Helena’s death and so many other crimes Ethan has committed.
Damn it.

Is Carrle doing this intentionally!


“What the hell did you just performed there Carl!” Ethan yelled at Carrle after they got to her room.
He had dragged her all along.
“Hey, you’re hurting me!” She said and he released his hold on her .
He dropped her hand and she winced.
“I’m sorry” He said.
“Whatever!” She hissed rubbing the part Ethan had held her.

“What do you want Carrle? Did you interrupted us on purpose?” Ethan asked.
“Yes and no”
“Explain that” Ethan said sitting impatiently on her bed.
“I know being alone with her would make you spill things you’re not supposed to? You grow weak like a dead plant whenever you’re with her” Carrle claimed.
“What does that mean? I know the things to say when I’m with her okay? Don’t dare use that as an excuse to interrupt us again” Ethan warned.
“Well..I’ll be leaving for Mexico tomorrow afternoon” Carrle announced to him.
“Really? Again?” Ethan asked.
“Yeah,that was what i wanted to tell you but that witch told you not to open the door and if i hadn’t yelled,you wouldn’t have opened the door. What were you both doing in there huh?” Carrle asked.

“We were not doing anything! Okay.” Ethan cleared.
“I won’t be surprised if you were screwing her, she’s a slut” Carrle said.
Ethan shook his head and sighed. “I can’t believe you’re being this way to her just because Harold rejected you. You were nice to her from the start”
“That was because i thought Harold would accept me back but finding out she’s the reason he rejected me made he hate her. He still loves her” Carrle said.
“That’s not her fault! channel your anger on Harold who deserves it, do not make life unbearable for Irene in here,to the extent she’ll want to leave. Please” Ethan said.

“And that’s the reason, i’ll be going to cool off my head in Mexico” Carrle said but she knows deep within herself that that’s not the reason.
Irene knows she’s being watched by her and Carrle knows Irene is watching her also, Irene’s being careful not to make a suspicious move in her presence.
Perhaps if Irene sees she’s in Mexico and believe she’s not being watched, she’ll be loosen up a bit and Carrle would know whatever she’s hiding through the CCTV footage that’ll be connected to her laptop.

Irene would feel she’s not being watched anymore and then walk right into the trap she had set.

She so much wish she can set up a camera in Irene’s room,not just the living room and corridor.
But the damn girl is smart also, she’ll discover the camera like she did the last time and show it to Ethan who would get pissed at her.
The living room and corridor should be okay for now.
She can’t actually wait to see what Irene’s hiding,so she can show it to Ethan who would kill her or kick her out immediately.
“Well..i hope you won’t tell the pilot to stop the plane when the footage goes blank” Ethan joked and Carrle laughed.
“Com’on..I’m really going this time. Perhaps when I’m back,I’ll get to love Irene” Carrle said.
“That’ll be great” Ethan smiled.

Irene contacting Harold, don’t you think something sounds off about it” Carrle said.
“I don’t think so, they both gave the same excuse” Ethan said.
“Their excuse seems quite dumb to me, who would contact someone just to remind them of how much they’re hated” Carrle arched a brow .
“It happens and that was not the only reason Irene mentioned,she also wanted to make him erase the thoughts of ever having her back again. She’s head over heels with me now” Ethan chuckled.

Well.. she’ll be waiting in Mexico to hear the news that Irene finally has a miscarriage…

“For how long will you be gone?” Ethan asked.
“Two days” Carrle said.
“Will you be watching the house activities on your laptop again?”
“No” Carrle lied, telling Ethan means Irene would also know and that would ruin her plan.
“Are you sure?” Ethan asked suspiciously.
“Of course” Carrle said.
“Alright,will you be needing anything?”
“Nothing..for now” Carrle said.
“Okay,i should go now” Ethan said.
“Yeah, go meet the mother of your baby” Carrle rolled her eyes.

“Uhm..is that jealousy I’m sensing?” Ethan teased.

Carrle shrugged as she sat on the bed.
She laid on her back and stared at the ceiling.
“Com’on Carl, you’re still my first and you’ll forever be.” Ethan assured.
“Uh..that? I’m not worried about that,i know I’ll still get to love Irene and we’ll all live happily ever after” Carrle smiled.
“Good!” Ethan grinned.
‘yeah,in your dreams’ Carrle said inwardly.
“I love that” Ethan said.
“Yeah,you should go meet her now,she needs your company more than anybody else” Carrle said.
“Okay Carl,see you over dinner” Ethan smiled before walking out of her room.

Carrle called in her personal maids and ordered them to start packing the things she’ll be taking along with her to Mexico for two days.
She left the room, determined not to make Ethan and Irene have a time to themselves before she leaves for Mexico.
Emily and Jessie walked after her as she made her way to the living room,she stopped by Irene’s door and concluded there was no one in there because she couldn’t hear a sound.
She proceeded to the living room and didn’t meet them there either.
She asked one of the bodyguards who told her they were in the garden.
She headed there fast.
Ethan was sipping his wine while Irene’s glass cup of water was beside her.
Christiana and Ryan,one of Ethan’s personal bodyguards stood at a distance.
The novel Irene was reading before Ethan came to join her laid on the grass.
She doesn’t even know how to approach Ethan over telling her about the plan Alex and Marie once carried out cause it seems Carrle told him something already.

“Why are you looking worried?” Ethan asked.
“Am I?” Irene asked.
“Of course” Ethan said.

“Hello! I thought i should spend some time with you both before leaving for Mexico tomorrow” Carrle smiled, approaching them.
She caught the happy look on Irene’s face even though it disappeared almost immediately.
She’s obviously glad to hear she’ll be leaving for Mexico.

Carrle is so certain her plan is going to work this time.

☀️Next Morning☀️

Sunlight streamed into Irene’s room,she’s yet to open her eyes but she could feel the warmth of the sun on her skin.
She remained that way for some minutes before finally opening her eyes and sitting up.
There’s only one day left…that was the only thought that crossed her mind as her eyes opened clearly.
One day left and she’s not fully done with what she’s here for.
She has been here for six days now and even though she has gathered some evidences,she needed more.
Her intuition keeps telling her Ethan knows about Helena’s death but she’s yet to confirm it.
Carrle keeps cutting in,she’s glad she’ll be off to Mexico this afternoon, she’ll get to coax Ethan into spilling what she wants him to.

She stretched as she slipped her feet into her footwear.
She adjusted her pajamas and walked into the bathroom.
She was fully dressed by the time Christiana walked into her room.

“Good morning ma’am” Christiana smiled.
“Good morning Tiana” Irene said,she was seated on her dressing chair, styling her hair.
“Your breakfast is ready” Christiana said.
“Really?” Irene asked glancing at the wall clock.
It’s actually time for breakfast…she had gotten up late.
“Thanks Christiana, I’ll be at the dining room soon” Irene said and Christiana nodded.


“Have a nice trip darling” Ethan kissed Carrle on her forehead.
Irene didn’t say a word,she only sat, impatiently waiting for Carrle to leave already so she can get Ethan to spill those things.
“I want you to see me off to the airport” Carrle said to Ethan.
‘fvck!’ Irene cursed under her breath.
It’s just feels like Carrle knows of her plans already.
“Alright..I’ll be back soon, Irene” Ethan said.
“Okay” Irene said.
Carrle walked out of the living room with two of her personal maids and two bodyguards that’ll be going with her to Mexico.
Ethan stepped out after her and Irene let out a deep sigh.
Well.. he’ll be back soon,there’s still a lot of time.
Irene patiently waited for Ethan in the living room.
She had thought it’ll take him minutes but it’s going to two hours and he’s not home yet.
Carrle left by 4:30 and now it’s 6:31!

She sighed as she picked her phone and placed a call across Ethan.
?Hey Irene..” He said.
?Hey, where are you?” She asked trying not to make him sense the desperation in her voice.
“I’m on my way home already, Carrle stopped by a lot of places to get things, thankfully,she’s gone now” Ethan said.
“Ohh..i was worried” Irene said.
“I’m sorry to have made you worry” Ethan said,with a smile. She’s worried just because she didn’t see him for two hours,that simply means she cares for him.

“It’s fine” Irene said.
“I’ll see you soon at home then”
“Alright bye”

Irene disconnected the call and dropped the phone beside her.
He’ll be home soon, she felt relieved.
She wonder if Carrle is deliberately preventing her from spending some time alone with Ethan.
Well..whatever,she’ll be away in Mexico and without interrupting her and Ethan.
Ethan was about passing the phone to one of his bodyguards when another call came in.
He glanced at the screen and almost screamed in excitement.
The call is from B pharmaceuticals!

Ethan walked into the living room and Irene stood up.
She had planned to go with him to his room before coaxing him to tell her whatever he knew about Helena’s death.
She noticed the excitement on his face as he approached her,he seemed to be in a hurry also.

“I just got a call from B pharmaceuticals, they want me to come now” Ethan smiled.
“You’ll be awarded the contract?” Irene asked.
“Hopefully” Ethan said.
“So you’ll be going there now?” Irene asked.
“Of course,i need to get dressed and run along. I can’t miss this opportunity” Ethan said.
“When will you be back?” She asked.
“I might be late, don’t wait up” He said and patted her shoulder gently before rushing to his room.

Irene slammed herself on the couch knowing she just missed the chance to get to know more about Helena’s death again.
Ethan might be back late and he’ll obviously be tired to say anything or even respond to her.
Well..he might not be tired when he’s back,she’s going to wait up.
She can’t miss this again when tomorrow is the last day she’ll be here.
“Ma’am,you need to be careful with your movements so you won’t hurt the baby” Christiana said, she was alarmed when Irene slammed herself on the couch.
Irene obviously forget sometimes that she’s pregnant.
“Thanks Tiana” She sighed.


Ethan returned late like he had said but Irene was still waiting up for him.
She was dressed in her pajamas already and had told Christiana to go to bed.
Most of the workers were asleep also.
“You waited up?” Ethan asked and Irene nodded.
He looked a bit tired
“Thank you,but you shouldn’t have” Ethan was touched by Irene’s care.
“It’s fine,i just wanted to make sure you’re home safely. Do you want me to dish out your dinner?” She asked, knowing the meal would probably clear his tiredness.
“No, i had something on the way. I should go to bed now” Ethan yawned and Irene felt sad her waiting was in vain.

There’s still a day…she comforted herself with the thought.

“Were you awarded the contract?” She asked.
“Not yet but i was assured I’ll be awarded the contract, I’ll be going there tomorrow morning to sign some papers and the it’ll be mine” Ethan smiled sleepily.
“You’ll be leaving the house tomorrow also!” Irene asked.


“Goodnight” He kissed her cheeks.
“Good night” She sighed.

?Next Day?

Ethan returned home drunk in the afternoon,in celebration of the B pharmaceuticals contract he had been awarded.
He smiled happily as Irene and some bodyguards helped him to his room.
They placed him on the bed and left, leaving Irene with him.
“I won it!” He laughed but Irene was less concerned.
She was sad she’ll be leaving without really knowing if Ethan is involved in Helena’s death cause obviously he’s drunk and will be sober by night or tomorrow.
She had packed her luggage already and told Christiana to pack hers also because they’ll be going for the test result tomorrow.

Well she had enough evidence against him already,that should be enough to put him in jail.
She was about leaving his room when she remembered he’s known to leak informations when drunk.
She quickly turned back to him.

“Ethan,you wanted to tell me about how Alex and Marie is involved in Helena’s death” She said bluntly without coating words.
“Ohh.. Helena’s death? She’s dead. Sh.. she’s dead” Ethan said drunkenly.
“I know she’s dead but were you involved in her death? Did you sent Alex and Marie to do it?” Irene asked.

“No” He shouted. “Alex and Carrle did it! I told them to do it and th..they did” Ethan laughed.
“Y..you mean.. Alex and Carrle poisoned Helena?” Irene asked in a shaky voice.
“Yes..they poisoned her dinner and she’s rotting in hell now..” Ethan smiled, pulling the bed cover over his head.
He laughed under it, speaking gibberish.
It took a while for Irene to gain her momentum,she had suspected Ethan knew about it,she shouldn’t be so surprised now.
Tom had told her to keep her emotions aside and that’s what she’s gonna do.

She slowly pulled the bed cover from Ethan’s head.
“Why did you ordered them to poison her?” She asked him slowly.
“Helena..i hate her! Sh..she dared threaten to tell Harold about our affair,i started dating Carrle while she was pregnant with Ivory” Ethan said and made to drag Irene closer to him,she quickly shifted back.

Irene sighed, getting the whole picture now.
They had poisoned Helena because she threatened to reveal their affair.

She slowly walked to the door,staying with such a murderer almost want to make her puke.
She felt like hitting him over and over again for the crimes he had committed.

“H..hey. Don’t you want to know about your fat..her’s death?” Ethan’s drunken words brought her legs to a halt.
She turned sharply.



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Rufai Ayotomiwa
Rufai Ayotomiwa
3 years ago

Hmmmm wow dis z nice omo Ethan z really in for it wats his involvement in Irene fathers death next please

3 years ago

God! Ethan is evil

Jidda mj
Jidda mj
3 years ago

This guy is wicked and evil, killing people without being remorseful..while their days are numbered…so he’s involved in irene’s dad death too. Ethan is in big trouble