A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 68 – 69 by Azeemah Salami


A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 68 by Azeemah Salami


“Ohh.. you’re back?” Irene smiled as Allysia walked into her workshop.
“Yes i am” Allysia grinned.
She not even changed into her house wear yet.
She couldn’t wait to tell Irene that Damien and Marlene had forgiven her and she was officially their friend now.

“You look happy” Irene sensed.
“I am! They forgave me” Ally said.
“I knew they would” Irene smiled, this shows Marlene is also someone who doesn’t hold grudge.
“And not only that…” Allysia sprawled on the chair.
“What?” Irene turned to her curiously.
“I’m officially their friend!” She said excitedly.
“Woah! That’s great, you guys will make great peers” Irene said.
“They even made me eat with them in the class, they stopped me from going to the cafeteria because i might be mocked. ”

“Eat in the class? Isn’t that prohibited?” Irene asked.
“It is but.. Marlene has a phobia of eating amongst so many people. She’s allowed to eat in the class during lunch break, she made Damien join her and I’m included now too!”
“Ohh” Irene said.
“Yeah…School was much fun than i thought it’d be, i thought I’d be bored with no one to talk to but Marl and Damien kept my company and they are the funniest people on earth” Allysia laughed.
“Relatable” Irene smiled.

“I need to go freshen up…and you’ve delivered those dresses?” Allysia asked, seeing the dresses she packed wasn’t there anymore.
“Yes i have and i got great feedbacks” Irene grinned, she’s glad she’s starting to create a name for herself.

“The feedbacks should be great, you’re great yourself” Allysia said.
“Thank you” Irene said.
“Are you okay Irene?” Allysia asked, noticing how pale she looked.
“Yes i am” Irene said.
“Are you sure?” Allysia asked.
“Of course” Irene smiled.
“Okay then, I’m off,I’ll be back.” Allysia said.
“Okay” Irene watched her leave and smiled to herself.
It’s unbelievable to think this is Allysia.
Woah…when people change, they’re hardly recognizable.

She sighed and rested her head,she doesn’t know why she has been feeling down.

??Next Day??

“It’s Halloween!” Ivory giggled happily rushing down the stairs, looking so cute in her mouse costume with the pink ballet shoes and tutu. Someone had painted mouse whiskers on her face, she was grinning and bouncing as she made her way through the employees, she was carrying a plastic Halloween pumpkin to be filled with miniatures candy bars.
Harold had been the first to drop a candy in it,then Irene.
Others were prepared,they dropped candy bars into her pumpkin as she passed them.


plastic Halloween pumpkin were almost full when she was done.
So many people had contributed to her candy stash and she was so happy.

“I can’t wait to see others Halloween costumes” she said as they had breakfast.
“Im sure yours is gonna be one of the best ” Irene said.
“Yes,I’m sure of that too” Mr Marshall said.

“I bet there’s gonna be commotion in Ivory’s school today” Allysia laughed.
“The people with witch and vampire costumes” Allysia emphasised and they laughed.
“Im gonna go in a witch costume next year” Ivory said.
” You should go in a vampire costume with blood dripping from your mouth” Allysia said.
“Gross!” Ivory groaned and she laughed.

can’t wait for Damien’s candy bars, he promised to put a lot in my Halloween pumpkin” Ivory smiled.
“Really?” Allysia asked.
“Well.. starting from today, we’ll be going to pick Damien together ” Allysia announced.
“Really?” Ivory asked.
“Yes, we’re friends now” Allysia smiled.
“Woah” Harold, Mrs Marshall and Nola said in unison.

“I won’t have to be going with you guys again then” Irene said, relieved.
“Yeah, you need to rest after all” Allysia said.

“That’s your brother they are talking about right?” Mr Marshall asked and Irene nodded with a smile.
“He’s coming over by weekend, you’ll get to meet him” Allysia said.
“I can’t wait, i heard he’s a braniac ” Mr Marshall said.
“He is, God father. I hate to admit it but i think he’s more intelligent than i am,just with a little gap though” Allysia pressed her lips together.
“Really?” Mr Marshall was stunned and Allysia nodded.

For someone to be more intelligent that Lily,then it means he’s a real genius.
He’s so impressed with Travis’s children.

“Goodbye everyone” Allysia and Ivory waved.
“Bye” Others said in unison.

“Irene,are you okay?” Harold asked her quietly and she nodded.
“You’re looking so pale” He touched her forehead but it wasn’t burning up,her body temperature was normal.
“I’m fine” Irene insisted.
“You really need to rest, you’ve been working so hard. Don’t be so hard on yourself please” Harold said worriedly.
“Okay, I’m going to rest” She said.

kissed her forehead and she smiled.
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine” She said and he nodded.


Allysia wondered if Mrs Neave is going to tell her to get out of her house.
She’s so sure Damien would have told her what happened between them.
She sighed…even if he hadn’t told her,who wouldn’t ask seeing her son come back with a bruise forehead and broken nose .
“Ivory, is Mrs Neave…nice?” Allysia asked Ivory.
She was nervous,they were almost at Damien’s house.
“She is, i like her, she makes nice sweaters for me” Ivory smiled.
“Ohh” Allysia said.
“You must be worried about the fight between you and Damien, i’m sure Mrs Neave isn’t gonna hold it against you” Tom assured.

Tom and Alex were guarding them while Eric was driving.
“I hope so” Allysia sighed.
“We’re there” Eric said, parking the car in front of a building.

Ivory smiled and grabbed her Halloween pumpkin,she alighted from the car and Allysia gingerly followed behind her.
“Help me open the gate Ally” Ivory said.
“They have no gatekeeper?” Allysia asked and Ivory shook her head.
“Ohh” She said and opened the gate, she allowed Ivory step in first before stepping in after her.

It was a big clean compound and Allysia wondered how many apartment were there.
Ivory walked to Damien’s apartment like she has lived there all her life .
She got to the door and knocked.
Allysia stared at her feet and picked at her fingers.
Alex and Tom was standing at a reasonable distance, watching over them.

The door opened and she raised up her head, expecting to see Damien.
There stood a guy about Damien’s age looking tall and cute,his full and thick eyebrows were noticeable,narrow straight nose, exotic high cheekbones and eyes,the color of liquid honey.
He had black curls that looked messy but attractive.
His skin is not only creamy but smooth.
Allysia didn’t realise her heart had been beating crazily all the while until she heard his voice. So cool.

“Ivory, how are you?” He asked but his gaze was focused on Allysia .
She had gotten a hold of herself and looked like she didn’t care but her heart was beating crazily for this guy…damn!
“I’m fine Blaine” Ivory said.

He’s Blaine!!…Allysia realised.

Ivory stretched her Halloween pumpkin to Blaine and he dropped some candy bars in there like he had been waiting for her.
“Thank you” Ivory grinned.
“I’m off buddy” Blaine said.
“Alright, bye” Allysia heard Damien’s voice.

Blaine stepped out, mesmerized by Allysia’s beauty,he couldn’t help but keep staring at her as he walked away.
He was almost tempted to say hi.

Allysia blushed hard, knowing he had been staring at her.
She’s used to guys staring at her but why does this feels so special.

“Allysia is at the door” Ivory said to Damien as she walked in.
“Really? Why isn’t she coming in?” He asked and headed to the door.
“My candy bars first” Ivory said and he smiled, he dropped so many candy bars in her Halloween pumpkin and it got full.
“Woah! Thank you” Ivory was happy.
“You look cute by the way…Mum wants to give you some too, she’s in her room” Damien said to Ivory who nodded and hurried off to Mrs Neave room.

Damien opened the door and met Allysia standing there, seeing how red her cheeks was,he smiled.

“I guess you’ve met Blaine” He said and opened the door widely for her to come in.


“I think they might be good together” Marlene smiled.
Damien told her about how flushed Allysia had looked after meeting Blaine.
“I’m sure Blaine was twice as flushed as she was” Damien said.
They were waiting for the next teacher,they just finished their second subject of the day.

“Did you…set them up? You knew Allysia was coming?” Marl asked.
“No! I didn’t even expected her to be there this morning,i was surprised when Ivory told me” Damien said.
“Then i guess it’s fate…” Marlene smiled.
“Yes it is..” Damien said.
“We should wait for what Blaine is gonna say” Marlene said, expectantly.
“Yeah” Damien agreed, his face met with Allysia’s and he winked at her.
She smiled at him and turned back to her laptop.

Mrs Neave had been nice to her, she hadn’t even acted like she was aware of the fight that happened between her and Damien,she was so happy to see her this morning and she even offered to make a nice sweater for her.
Damien’s family has a nice charm about them.

And is she seriously thinking about Blaine?



“What did she say?” Marlene asked Damien as he approached her and Allysia.
It’s lunch break and Paris had called Damien aside to tell him something.
Damien sighed and sat down…
“Was it about me?” Allysia asked and he shook his head.
“She likes me and want us to be in a relationship” Damien said.
“Ohh” Allysia wasn’t surprised.
Marlene looked jealous…” What was your reply?”
“No, i don’t have feelings for her and i told her that but she said she isn’t gonna give up” Damien smiled.
Paris is so lucky he’s changed or he’ll gladly take advantage of her and dump her as soon as he’s done with her.

“So shameless” Marlene hissed and Allysia thought she was acting like Damien’s girlfriend.
“No she’s not, she was brave enough to walk up to me. Not many girls can do that” Damien said.
“I know, but she’s so shameless to say she isn’t gonna give up even after you turned her down” Marlene said.
“Ohh…she doesn’t wanna give up so easily on something she wants. And it’s not like you’re taken or are you?” Allysia asked.
“Uh..well” Damien rubbed his neck and stole a quick glance at Marlene who looked like she wanted to kill Paris.
“No, but soon” Damien said.

Ally felt she should tell him about Irene, she looks unwell to her.
But Irene might just need some rest…she shouldn’t bother Damien over that..


Mr Marshall looked thoughtful as he sat in Harold’s private living room.
He just learned that Irene’s mother had died of cancer and Irene’s grandmother had too.
He was so worried, he feared it might be hereditary,it might be passed to Irene too.
Irene should go for check up soon.

“Hey, what’s bothering you?” Mrs Marshall walked into the living room.
She sat beside her husband and handed him a cup of juice.

“Just thinking about business and all” Mr Marshall lied.
He liked Irene so much and wouldn’t want something to go wrong with her.
“Liar! But I’m gonna spare you, i know you’ll tell me whatever is bothering you whenever you’re ready to” She said and Mr Marshall smiled softly at her.
“Thank you” He said.

“Stop acting cheesy” She rolled her eyes.
“Wait…i hope you’re not gonna die soon? Are you?” She feigned awareness and he laughed.

He couldn’t have asked for a better wife.


“Hayden had scared everyone with his vampire costume, fake blood was dripping from his face and mouth and we all ended up running off the stage” Ivory narrated to Irene and Irene smiled faintly.
She was feeling so weak and she couldn’t even explain why.
She’s gonna rest after helping Ivory get changed and settle in her house wears.
She got to her feet after selecting Ivory wears for that afternoon.

“Irene,are you okay?” Ivory asked,she could notice how pale Irene had gone.
“I’m fi..” Irene was saying but she wasn’t strong to hold it any longer.
She felt sick and dizzy,her hands trembled and she really tried to get a grip of herself before loosing balance.

She heard echoes of her name before darkness surrounded her like fog.


Zeemah Writes?

? Episode 69


Harold rushed into the hospital and headed for Doc Fern’s office.
He was called Irene went unconscious.

He opened the door and met his parents and Mrs Nola in there.
“How’s she?” He asked Doc Fern immediately.
“She’s asleep for now and the test result is yet to be out. She’ll be fine” Doc Fern said and Harold sighed in relief.
“What really happened?” He asked.
“Ivory came to me to tell me Irene collapsed and i actually noticed she has been looking pale for days now” Mrs Marshall said.
“I told her she needed rest, she seems to be over working herself” Mrs Nola said but Mr Marshall was quiet.

There seems to be something going on in his mind.
He looked more worried than everyone else.
“Can i see her now?” Harold asked.
“No, until she’s awake. Any disturbance now would affect her treatment” Doc Fern said.
“Doctor, could it be cancer?” Mr Marshall suddenly asked.
“Stanley! What the hell are you saying!” Mrs Marshall screamed at him. While Mrs Nola and Harold stared at him in surprise.
“I’m just worried” Mr Marshall said.
“That was an unfortunate choice of words” Mrs Marshall said.
“Irene’s mother and grandmother died of cancer!” Mr Marshall revealed and there was deafening silence.

Harold almost grabbed the chair for support.

“W..whe..when? H..ow d..id you know that?” Mrs Marshall stammered.
“I knew when Irene’s grandmother died, Travis told me then that she died of cancer and i was checking into Irene’s family when i saw her mother died of cancer too” Mr Marshall said.
“Oh..my..God!” Mrs Marshall exclaimed.
Mrs Nola covered her mouth with her palm.
Harold only stared into space, he knew her mother died of cancer but he didn’t know of her grandmother.

“Could i..t be that the cancer is hereditary?” Mrs Marshall asked.
“I don’t think Irene has cancer, she looked like she didn’t have enough rest when she was brought in” Doc Fern said.
“What if she does?” Mrs Marshall asked.
“Then we should hope it’s in the early stage so we can quickly cure it” Doc Fern said.
“I’ll give you any amount, I’ll pay anything. Just make sure she’s fine or I’m going to die with her!” Harold said and he looked like he meant everything he said.

Mrs Marshall panicked knowing Harold can do as he said.
“I still don’t think it’s cancer” Doc Fern was saying when the intercom buzzed.

He received the call..

“Why didn’t you tell me immediately you found out? ” Mrs Marshall queried, facing Mr Marshall.
“I found out not long ago” Mr Marshall said.
“Enough of this talk! She does not have cancer!!” Harold almost yelled at his parents .

He loosened the top button of his shirt and pulled the knot of his grey tie away from his collar.
He looks tired and worried.
He should have stayed with her and made sure she rests when he discovered how pale she was looking.
He should have made her come for check up.

“How’s Ivory?” He asked Mrs Nola.
“Allysia is with her at home” Mrs Nola answered.
“I hope Allysia isn’t gonna call Damien ” Harold said.
“I told her not to” Mrs Nola said.

“There’s a problem” Doc Fern said after dropping the call.
“Wh..at?” Harold asked with a shaky voice.
“The press are outside, i don’t know how they knew Mr Harold is here”
“fvck!” Mrs Marshall cursed, knowing there’s no way they’ll be able to go out there.
“You’ll need to leave through the back door”
“There’s a back door? Thank goodness!” They sighed.

“We should wait till the test result is out” Mrs Marshall said.
“It might not be out today, it’s getting late . Besides,i told them to carry out various tests on her,so it’s gonna take time” Doc Fern said.
“I would be with Irene, you all can leave. It’s getting late and i won’t want Ally and Ivory to be alone. Go home and assure them Irene would be fine” Harold said.

“Call us immediately the test result is out okay?” Mr Marshall said and Harold nodded .
He hated to admit it but he was damn scared for Irene.

“I’ll lead you through the back door” Doc Fern stood up.
“Bye Harold” They said in unison.
“We’ll be here tomorrow morning” Mrs Marshall said and all Harold could do was nod.
He blew out a breath immediately they left.
“Irene please be fine for me” He prayed silently.
Doc Fern walked back in few minutes later.
“They are gone?” Harold asked.
“Yeah,i watched them enter the car” Doc Fern said before sitting on his chair.
“Fernando, talk to me please. What do you think is wrong with her?” Harold asked.
“I didn’t want to say this in front of your parents but i think she’s pregnant” Doc Fern said and Harold stared at him like he was joking.
“I only think..I’m not sure but with my years of experience, my intuition might be right. ” Doc Fern said.

“Pregnant?” Harold furrowed his brows, he’s finding it hard to believe.
“No, we’re not sure about that yet till the result is out so we’re just gonna wait” Doc Fern said.
“But she’ll be fine right?” Harold asked.
“Of course, she will be.” Doc Fern said.

Harold settled on the couch in Doc Fern’s office.
Irene doesn’t look like she’s pregnant.
Nothing had changed in her body.
What if she’s indeed pregnant.
He’s sure he’s the last person she had s£x with cause she resumed being ivory’s nanny the next day and they had unprotected s£x, she told him she was on pills and..he had released into her and..
What if he isn’t the last person she slept with? He can’t be so sure.
He groaned,his head almost bursting with different thoughts.

“Is the test result seriously gonna be out tomorrow?” Harold asked.
“No, tonight. I didn’t want your parents to stay behind,that was why i said that” Fern said.
“Ohh” Harold sighed.

He couldn’t understand why he’s so scared.
He so much hoped it wasn’t cancer.
That’s gonna shatter him!

“I’m going to attend to other patients” Doc Fern grabbed his coat.
“Alright and you should tell your nurses not to disturb me in here” Harold said.
“Okay” Doc Fern smiled.

“And, my bodyguards… they’re in the reception. You should help me make them feel comfortable” Harold said and Doc Fern nodded.


“Don’t you think i should tell Damien about Irene?” Allysia asked worriedly as they ate breakfast.
She was prepared to go to school with Ivory.
“I don’t think it’s necessary to do so, Irene’s is fine, she only needs bedrest and i don’t think you should bother Damien over that, you know how worried he can be over his sister” Mrs Nola said.
“I’m glad she’s fine, she’ll be back home today right?” Ivory asked and Mrs Nola nodded.

Mr and Mrs Marshall were quiet over breakfast.
They both dreaded calling Harold this morning,they don’t want to confirm their fears of Irene having cancer and they are so worried he is yet to call.

“I’m sure he hasn’t called because the test result is not out yet” Mr Marshall had assured Veronica in their room earlier that morning.
“What if it’s out? But he doesn’t want to call us?”
“He wouldn’t do that, be rest assured” Mr Marshall said but he was damn scared himself.

“God mother are you okay?” Allysia asked noticing how lost Mrs Marshall looked over dinner.
“I’m fine, Ally” Mrs Marshall said.
“Is..is something wrong with Irene?” Allysia suspected.
“No, Irene’s perfectly fine.” Mrs Nola quickly said.
“Yeah” Mrs Marshall agreed.

They ate the rest of their breakfast in silence.
Allysia and Ivory left for school after bidding them bye.

“When are we leaving for the hospital? Harold is yet to call” Mrs Marshall said, greatly worried.
“If he doesn’t call in the next one hour,then we’ll leave for the hospital” Mr Marshall said.


Damien was waiting outside his gate by the time Eric drove there.
He hopped into the car and greeted everyone with smiles.

“Ivory” He dragged her cheeks playfully and she smiled.
“How was your night?” He asked Allysia.
“Great. ” She said and he noticed she looked troubled.
“How’s Blaine?” Ivory asked and Ally’s heart almost skipped a bit hearing his name.
She wished she had seen him this morning though.
“He left for school just now,we were standing outside together” Damien said and smiled, remembering how Blaine had wanted to see Allysia before leaving, but he was running late and had to leave.

“Where’s Alex?” Damien asked.
“He’s in the hospital” Ivory said.
‘damn!’ Allysia swore.
“Hospital? Who’s sick?” Damien asked worriedly.
“Him, Alex is the one sick” Allysia said and Ivory gave her a ‘you’re-a-badass’ look.
“Ohh” Damien sighed.

“By the way,why do you look so troubled? Did you probably wanted to see Blaine this morning?” Damien teased.
“fvck you” Allysia hit him and they laughed.


“Oh..my” Harold yawned loudly..
He realized he was in Doc Fern’s office when his eyes got clear and everything came rushing back to him.
He had been waiting for the test result before he fell asleep

He stood up and the door opened just then.
Doc Fern walked in.
“You’re awake. Good morning” Fern said.
“How’s irene?” Harold asked.
“She’s fine” Doc Fern smiled
“She’s awake, waiting for you”
“Really?” Harold smiled, almost pushing Doc Fern out of the way.
“Hold on, you need to freshen up. Some toiletries have been provided for you in my personal bathroom” Doc Fern said.
“Ohh” Harold said, pulling his shirt already.
“How are my bodyguards? I hope they were comfortable” Harold said.
“Yes, i made sure they were. One of them left to bring you some fresh wears, he’ll be back soon”
“Ohh.. okay” Harold said, he hurried into the bathroom. He couldn’t wait to see Irene.
He had even forgotten to ask for the test result.


?She just collapsed…” Alex said to Ethan over the phone.
He was driving back to the hospital after picking Harold’s wears.

?Really? Are you sure you’ve not used the poison?” Ethan asked.
?I didn’t,i planned to put it in her drink after she’s done caring for Ivory but she fainted.
?Woah… how’s she now?”
?She’s awake already and fine”

?You have no idea what happened to her?” Ethan asked.
?Not really but i overhead Mr Marshall say Irene’s grandmother and mother died of cancer, it might be hereditary”
?Wow! If she has cancer, we don’t have to use the poison again” Ethan grinned.
? Yeah but the test result is yet to be announced, i need to rush to the hospital so i won’t miss it” Alex said.

?Alright and do not forget to plant the tape recorder in his car” Ethan said.
?I’m going to do that after dropping this call”

Alex parked Harold’s car and quickly planted a tape recorder in it.

He smiled before zooming off.


“Irene” Harold rushed to pull her into a hug immediately he walked into her ward.
She smiled and hugged him back tightly.
“I told you to rest, why didn’t you?” Harold asked.
“I’m fine now” Irene said.
“Are you sure?” Harold asked and she nodded.
The hospital wear didn’t even made her look less beautiful.
He kissed her cheeks…”I was scared. Everyone was”
“I’m sorry i made everyone worried” Irene said.
“Did Doc Fern say anything is wrong with me? I just need bed rest right?” She asked and Harold’s smile faded slowly.

He’s yet to receive the test result but he really hoped it’s not cancer.

“The result is not out yet..” Harold was saying when Doc Fern walked into the ward.
“The result is out” Doc Fern said and Harold’s heart skipped a beat.
Alex stood by the door, stylishly placing his ear on the door.
“It’s not cancer” Doc Fern said and Harold couldn’t explain how relieved he felt.

“Thank goodness!” He almost screamed.
He hugged Irene tightly and she looked confused.

“Cancer?” She asked,confused.
“Err..you know your grandmother and mother died of cancer so..”
“You thought it might be hereditary?” Irene completed and Harold nodded.
“It’s not, my grandmother and mum was just unlucky” Irene said.

“There’s no trace of cancer in Irene’s body system but we discovered something else” Doc Fern smiled.
“What?” Harold asked.
“Irene is fourteen weeks pregnant” Doc Fern announced.
“You must be joking” Irene laughed.
“I’m not” Doc Fern said.
“Sorry to say but you must be crazy” Irene said, breathing heavily.
“Iren…” Harold was saying.
“That’s not my test result! You must be mistaken!!” She screamed.
Doc Fern was a bit shaken by her behavior.

“Irene Noris, I’m not mistaken. This is your test result. You’re fourteen weeks pregnant. Why are you being like this, you’re not too young” Doc Fern said and Irene refused to believe him but..
Doc Fern is damn serious!

Fourteen weeks?
Exactly three months and two weeks.

“No! I take contraceptive pills after s£x!” Irene yelled.
“Did you checked the expiry date of the pills the last time you used it?” Doc Fern asked.
“No, i didn’t. I..i took an antibiotic for an ear infection, could it have cancelled out my pills?” Irene said and tears filled her eyes when realisation dawned on her.
“It did!” Doc Fern confirmed.
“No! There a mistake somewhere,i still see my menstrual period” Irene said desperately hoping she wasn’t pregnant.
“That’s completely normal, it happens.” Doc Fern said and Irene knew that was true.
“My stomach…it’s still damn flat. No baby is in here!” Irene pulled the hospital gown, revealing her stomach.
Harold looked at it closely and noticed a very small bump.
“Irene look…a baby is in there” He smiled and Irene looked closely at it too.

How couldn’t she have noticed…

“No, it was probably something i ate” She cried.
“I’m not pregnant Doc Fern, i never had morning sickness,i didn’t even threw up for once, no symptoms at all. You need to do the test again” Irene said.
“The test was done twice and Irene, women have different symptoms, some doesn’t even feel anything at all, your baby bump is yet to be obvious because the pregnancy is just three months and two weeks and i think you have a flat stomach right from the start. Even if your pregnancy clocks nine months,the bump is gonna look like a five month’s” Doc Fern explained.

“Wait…is that why..my bre@sts are fuller?” Irene asked.
“Exactly!” Doc Fern said.
“Oh..no” Irene cried, she’s indeed pregnant.

“Irene,we had s£x three months ago right?” Harold asked and she nodded.
“I’ll leave now” Doc Fern walked out of the room.
“I..was the last person you had s£x with right?” Harold asked and she nodded again.

“Irene we’re having a baby!” Harold screamed in excitement and she was touched deeply.

Tears filled her eyes as she remembered she had s£x with Ethan Weston a night before sleeping with Harold and she took an antibiotic for an ear infection before sleeping with Ethan’s also.
That simply means the pills had been ineffective before her s£x with Ethan and Harold.
Her heart almost shattered at the thought that Ethan might be responsible for the pregnancy.
“Irene, com’on I’m ready to accept the baby. I’ll gladly accept it. I love you Irene and be rest assured, im going to marry you before you give birth” Harold smiled and kissed her fully on the lips.
“Harold..i don’t want the baby” she bursted into tears.
“What! Why? Don’t you love me? Ivory would be happy about it and my parents too. You know how much my dad likes you, I’m going to take care of everything sweetheart.” Harold assured.

“No,it’s not that” Irene wiped her tears.
“It’s what? Wait…did you sleep with someone else before the night we were together?” Harold asked and he sighed when Irene went quiet.

“I didn’t sleep with anyone a month before i met you and..” Irene was saying.
“Then the baby is mine” Harold said.
“I slept with Ethan Weston the night before i..i slept with you and i used the antibiotics before sleeping with him also. I’m so sorry Harold” Irene bursted into fresh tears while Harold looked as though he has been struck by lightning.


? She’s pregnant!?” Ethan asked.
?Yes boss, three months and two weeks. I think Mr Harold had something with her exactly three months and two weeks ago..looks like he’s responsible for the pregnancy .
?Wow! Wait..did you just said three months and…” Ethan flipped the pages of his table calendar and there it is!

He had marked the date he slept with Irene because he wanted to taunt Harold with it and fvck! It’s precisely three months and two weeks ago.



So Irene is pregnant, who is responsible for the pregnancy??

Is it our Mighty Harold or our Wicked Ethan??

Ladies you can tell us about this?????️

Drop your comment!!!

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Eze Stephen
Eze Stephen
3 years ago

Wow this is getting so serious oo??

I hope Ethan is not responsible.

Rufai Ayotomiwa
Rufai Ayotomiwa
3 years ago

Yeeeh damn dis z getting complicated than I think oooo
Hope abortion won’t be the best option bai I sha hope d pregnancy z for Harold oooo

Rufai Ayotomiwa
Rufai Ayotomiwa
3 years ago

There re some DNA test that they cn do for a foetus even before d child z born dey shud do it quick nd let’s knw watsup bai oooo…. Tnx Azeemah

3 years ago

ah! this is so complicated

3 years ago

Oh no. Not again

3 years ago

Another suspense, very interesting next episode please

3 years ago

I pray is not Ethan oooooo

3 years ago

Oh my goodness ???…. Good news but i hope Ethan is not the father o

3 years ago

Loving this story the more

Jidda mj
Jidda mj
3 years ago

I feel sad tyt now…why would irene go tru this. I hope they all stamd by her in this trying period

3 years ago

Author please upload today’s episode

3 years ago

@OpraDre we must be compensated with 6 new episodes tommorow for not uploading any today

3 years ago
Reply to  Adetola

@adetola I uploaded yesterday

3 years ago
Reply to  OpraDre

Today nko?