A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 65 – 66 by Azeemah Salami


A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 65 by Azeemah Salami

Zeema Writes?


“Uhm” Doc Fern sighed.
He packed his things back into the box.
Everyone stared at him expectantly. Allysia fell asleep minutes after she was injected.
“I sedated her..” Doc Fern said.
“I’m afraid she might be needing a psychiatrist once she wakes up” He added and they all stared at him in disbelief.
“And she might not…but seeing how she behaved not too long ago, it seems her brain is in shock,i don’t know how much shock it is..that’s the reason I’m not so clear about her visiting a psychiatrist or not once she wakes up.
If i hadn’t sedated her, she would have gone on and on and that will be terrible. She’s in a weak state of mind right now”

Mrs Nola stroked Allysia’s hair, she hadn’t even paid full attention to the doctor.
She was so worried about her daughter.
Everyone was.
“She’ll be awake by tomorrow morning and I’ll make sure I’m here before she wakes, so i would know if she’ll need to be transferred to a psychiatrist immediately”
“You can sleep here, a room will be prepared for you” Harold said.
“I would have loved to but I’m on night shift, the hospital needs me. I’ll be here first thing in the morning” Doc Fern carried his box.

“I’ll book appointment with the psychiatrist tonight…” He said.
“Is it that serious?” Mrs Marshall panicked.
“We never could tell…if it doesn’t turn out bad like I’m thinking then I’ll cancel the appointment but if it does,and she doesn’t see a psychiatrist immediately, it might go beyond what a psychiatrist can handle. We should hope she’s in the right frame of mind by tomorrow.” Doc Fern said.
“What could have gone wrong in school?” Irene thought.
“I’ll take my leave now Mr Harold”
“Alright Fern, thanks so much” Harold said.

“Ivory,you need to go to bed or you’ll be late to school tomorrow” Harold said, minutes after Doc Fern left.
“No, I’ll be sleeping with Ally” Ivory said and Harold sighed, knowing there’s no point in arguing with her.
“Alright,go with Irene to get you ready for sleep” Harold said and Irene got to her feet.
She took Ivory’s hand and they both left the room.


wore Ivory her pyjamas after she showered and brushed.
She took her back to Ally’s room after they were done and Ivory laid down gently beside Allysia.
“What really happened?” Harold asked.
“No one knows. She returned from school looking sad and i told Mrs Nola about it. Allysia refused to open the door, she said she’s fine until this night…” Irene said.
“Why didn’t anyone told me that?” Harold asked.
“You know Allysia! I thought it was one of her silly mood swings,i never thought it to be this serious” Mrs Nola blew her nose into a handkerchief.
She had cried so hard.

might have happened in school or on the way home” Mrs Marshall said.
“Harold, I’ll call Damien to ask him,you should ask her bodyguards if anything happened on the way” Irene said.
“Isn’t it too late to call Damien? He might be asleep” Harold said.
“No” Irene glanced at the wall clock. “He’ll be watching movie now”

I’ll go ask her bodyguards” Harold walked out of the room.
Irene also walked out after him.

She placed a call across Damien when she got into the living room.

?Sister” Damien said, immediately he received the call.
He wondered what made her call by this hour and he wanted to tell her he already has a friend! A male friend!
He’s so happy.

? Damien, what happened to Allysia in school today?” Irene asked and Damien could sense the panic in her voice.
He sat up on the couch and lowered the volume of the movie he was watching.
?What’s wrong?” He asked.
? Answer me asshole!” Irene said and he sighed.

?Okay… Allysia told everyone in school that she wasn’t Mr Harold sister like they thought,he only accommodated her and her Mum and you won’t believe her friends, everyone cut ties with her immediately, she was mocked and avoided like a plague” Damien said sadly.
“That’s terrible!” Irene exclaimed, getting the whole picture now.

She now understands why Allysia kept muttering ‘everyone left me’

“Did something happen to her? How did you know something happened in school today?” Damien asked.
“Her eyes were so red and she looked so sad when she came home” Irene said.
“What really prompted her to tell everyone that Harold isn’t her brother?” Irene asked.
“I don’t know honestly,i was surprised when she did so but i think Marlene’s words pushed her to say that” Damien said.

“Really? What did Marlene said to her?”
“She only advised her openly ” Damien said.
Damien groaned ” You ask so much question!”
“Just answer me black ass!” Irene said and Damien laughed out loud.
“Why did Marlene advised her ‘openly’ ?” Irene asked.
“I think she got fed up of Allysia’s behavior,she needed to put her in her place”
“Ohh” Irene sighed.
“Is Allysia fine?” Damien asked.
“She will be. Goodnight” Irene said.
“Good night Irene” Damien said and dropped his phone.

couldn’t tell her about Blaine cause he sensed something was wrong.
This is not the right time to do so.


“What did he say?” Harold asked, he was just returning from her bodyguards and they said nothing happened on the way home,she was just awfully quiet.
“Something indeed happened in school” Irene sighed and she told him all Damien had said.
“Woah!” Harold sighed, dropping on a couch.
“Allysia only has a hard cover,she’s as weak as a feather, she has the softest heart and she tears up quickly, she doesn’t have the heart to deal with the betrayals,i doubt she has ever been betrayed” Harold said sadly.
“She must have felt so terrible” Irene sat down beside him.
She’s feeling so sorry for Allysia.
“For someone like Allysia,it’s just too much to take in. I can’t believe her friends and everyone are all over her just because of me! That’s so crazy. I’m glad Marlene made her see she has no friend after all” Harold said,so disappointed with how people usually turn out to be.
“It’s just so rare to see someone in a high position have a true friend” Irene said .

“I so much prefer to be alone than have a friend, Ethan Weston was my friend,he was the only friend i made in the business world but he ended up betraying me” Harold smiled sadly.
“I don’t keep friends too, i can’t handle everything that comes with it, i guess I’m used to being alone” Irene said.

“I’m glad Ethan took Carrle away from me” Harold smiled.
“Uh? Why?” Irene was surprised.
“I wouldn’t have met you” He said and Irene blushed.

“Let’s go check on Ally” She took his hand.
“I hope she’ll be fine by tomorrow, i won’t want my sister to visit a psychiatrist” Harold said worriedly.
“She won’t, she’ll be fine” Irene assured.
“Thanks Irene” Harold said.
“For?” She asked as they climbed the stairs.
“For caring about Allysia without minding the way she has treated you” Harold said, he was deeply touched when he saw Irene cry for Allysia.

“I understand Allysia” Irene said.

They got back into Allysia’s room and met Ivory fast asleep beside her.


Damien was glad to meet Marlene in class when he walked in.
He couldn’t wait to tell her about his new friend.
He dropped his backpack in the locker and headed to his seat.
“Hey” He said to Marlene.
“You look happy” she noticed.
“I now have a male friend” He said,even before sitting down.
“Really?” Marlene smiled,she was happy for him.
“Yes, he’s my neighbor. He came around yesterday to ask me to play basketball with him and while we were at the field,he told me things about him,vice versa. We’re going to the play station today after school” Damien said excitedly, finally sitting down.
“Wow! He isn’t threatened by your looks?” Marlene asked.
“Not at all, maybe it’s because he’s quite good looking too”
“I’m so happy for you” Marlene smiled.
“But jealous too” She frowned.

“Com’on you still remain my best friend,i even told him about you” Dam said.
“Really?” Marlene smiled.
“Yeah, we were both glad to find each other,it seems he doesn’t have so many friends also”
“Ohh..so you both clicked immediately” Marlene said.
“Yeah, he’s a great person,fun to be with. I enjoyed his company” Damien smiled.

“Enough” Marlene rolled her eyes and he laughed.
“Someone is jealous” He teased.
“Marl, you’re more than a friend to me and i wouldn’t even trade you for any male friend,not even Blaine” Damien said and he was surprised when Marlene pulled him into a hug.
“Thank you” She said.
“Everything” Marlene said and he nodded even though he was confused.

The students seemed to mind their business this morning.
Haha… Marlene really taught them some lessons yesterday.
He brought out his laptop and glanced towards Allysia’s seat.
She was not there.
“Allysia isn’t in school yet?” He asked Marlene.
“No” Marlene answered.
“It’s unlike her, she’s known for coming to school early” Damien said.
“She might want to digest everything..it’s too much to take in” Marlene said and Damien nodded.

“I think she’s not coming today” Damien said after the second teacher for the day left.
“Obviously” Marlene said.


“Thank goodness!” They all exclaimed after Doc Fern said Allysia won’t have to see a psychiatrist.

She woke up by 11am and Doc Fern was around before then.
Allysia just pulled her Mum into a hug and cried.
They were all aware of what happened in school and they consoled her.
“I’m surprised she pulled through,she’s strong” Doc Fern smiled.
He prescribed some medications for her and left.

“I’m glad you’re fine now” Mrs Nola said.
“They all left me, i don’t even have a friend anymore” Allysia said.
“You do” Irene said and Allysia turned to her.
She feels so ashamed to face Irene because of the way she had treated her.
“I don’t have friends anymore” Allysia said and her tone was surprisingly cool towards Irene.
They were all surprised.
“Marlene and Damien are there for you, they will gladly be your friend” Irene said.
“They won’t… I’ve been so bad to them. Irene I’m sorry to have treated you wrongly all along,I’m so sorry,will you forgive me?” Allysia said, remorsefully and this time , everyone was more than surprised.
Mrs Nola smiled happily..
“I forgave you already Allysia, i totally do” Irene smiled.
“I’ve wanted to hug you for sooo long” Allysia said to Irene,her voice childlike as she stretched out her arms towards Irene.
“Wow” Irene was all smiles as she hugged Allysia.

“Oh..my. finally” Harold felt so happy and Mrs Marshall grinned.

“Why does it feel so weird, i miss your glare and all” Irene joked and they all laughed.
“I’m sorry i made everyone worried yesternight” Ally said.
“It’s fine”

“I’m hungry mum” Allysia said.
“Yes, we all are” Mrs Marshall said.
They all skipped dinner.
“I’ll go make something for everyone now” Mrs Nola said.
“I’ll help you in the kitchen” Irene said.
“I’ll take care of Ally” Mrs Marshall said.
“I’ll drink my favorite wine in the living room” Harold said and they laughed.


“Irene sounded worried when she called yesternight” Damien said to Marlene.
It’s lunch break and they were both eating in the class.
“Yes, she asked what happened to Allysia in school and i told her everything but i sensed there was something wrong with Allysia” Damien said .
“Oh..my, could that be the reason she’s absent today?”
“I guess so. I’m going to call Irene tonight and find out” Damien said.
“You should” Marlene said.


Irene was in her workshop, working alone after they’ve all eaten.
Two of her bodyguards were sent to wait and pick Mr Marshall at the airport and one visited the restroom.

Irene is so happy about Allysia’s change.
She’s really a sweet girl.
“Hi” Allysia walked into Irene’s workshop in a pink short gown,white flip flops and her hair was styled in a ponytail.
She looked pretty good and her eyes looked better.
“Ally” Irene smiled.
“I was bored so i decided to watch you work, and i must commend you, you’re so good at this” Allysia said and Irene smiled.
“Thank you”
“Wow! Are you done with this ones?” Allysia pointed to a set of newly made wears.
“Yes i am, I’m just gonna pack them and have them delivered” Irene said.
“They are beautiful, how do you pack them. I’m going to help you with it” Allysia dropped her phone and Irene was touched by her kind gesture.
“Thank you Ally” Irene said and quickly showed her how the dresses are being packed.
Allysia got it almost immediately and they both started working.
“This is so interesting” Allysia said enjoying what she’s doing..
“It’s fun when one starts” Irene said.
“And you should send your measurements to me” Irene added.
“Huh?” Allysia asked.
“You’re just like my younger sister now,i need to make beautiful dresses for you” Irene said and Allysia screamed happily before flying into her arms.
“Irene, do you think Damien and Marlene would want to be my friend? I have no friend anymore and i know no one will speak to me in school again” Allysia said.
She was done packing the dresses,she watched Irene as cut and sew.

“Of course Ally, trust me they’ll gladly forgive you and keep your company in school” Irene said.
“I’m going to apologise to them tomorrow”
“Good! Pass me the scissors please” Irene said and Allysia gladly handed it to her.

She was enjoying this new path she had chosen.

“I’ve been wanting to tell you this,you’re so beautiful Irene and i love how you go all natural” Allysia said.
Irene smiled…”Thanks Ally”
“I apologise again for any inconvenience i might have caused you”
“Com’on Allysia. It’s fine” Irene said.
“I can’t believe that man is arriving in the night,he just keep getting on my nerves” Mrs Marshall sighed as she walked into Irene’s workshop.
Allysia and Irene turned to her,they both knew she was talking about Mr Marshall.
They smiled.

“Ohh.. you’re here Ally” Mrs Marshall sat on the chair.
“Yes godmother and Irene is going to make so many beautiful dresses for me” Allysia announced to Mrs Marshall happily.
“That’s one of the things you enjoy, having a fashion designer close to you” Mrs Marshall smiled.

She had decided to make Irene her personal fashion designer but she’s not ready to tell her yet.

“And Irene, the Marlene you’re talking about,do you know her last name?” Mrs Marshall asked.
The name Marlene is quite rare in San Francisco and the only Marlene she knew was Marlene Louis, the princess of King city.
“No, Damien said she doesn’t have a last name” Irene said.
“Oh..my.. God!” Mrs Marshall exclaimed, getting on her feet immediately.


Zeemah writes?

? Episode 66


“No, Damien said she doesn’t have a last name” Irene said.
“Oh..my.. God!” Mrs Marshall exclaimed, getting on her feet immediately.

“What’s wrong?” Allysia and Irene asked.
“Uh.. nothing. I mean,i just remembered something. I need to go” Mrs Marshall said and hurried out of Irene’s workshop.
Royalties hide their last names in order to keep their identity but not many people know that..
Mrs Marshall is so sure the Marlene in Ally’s school is the princess of King City or why else won’t she have a last name.
Who doesn’t have a last name!

“Harold” Mrs Marshall called as she walked into his room.
He was sitting on his bed, working on his laptop.
“Mum” He said, without raising up his head.
She sat on the bed beside him…
“I just made a discovery” Mrs Marshall said,she was still stunned.
“Really?’ what’s that?” Harold asked.
“Princess Marlene Louis of King City is the one in Allysia’s class!” She said and Harold didn’t act surprised.
“You knew?!” Mrs Marshall asked and he nodded.
“Wait..i hope you didn’t tell anyone she’s a princess?” Harold asked.
“Of course not, i know how much they love hiding their identities, i wouldn’t do that” Mrs Marshall said.

“I was invited for dinner in the Royal Palace months ago and i met every member of the Royal family.” Harold said.
“Oh.. my! You were invited to the palace?” Mrs Marshall was surprised.
“Yeah” Harold nodded.
“And you didn’t say anything! You should have uploaded pictures and make people know you visited the palace” Mrs Marshall said and Harold laughed.

“You know i don’t do things like that. Though Prince Alexandre Louis and i took some pictures but i never uploaded it” Harold said.
“Really?” Mrs Marshall asked and Harold fetched his phone.
He unlocked it and showed her the pictures.
“OMG! Harold, you’re an asshole! You know how much i really cherish royalties, I’ve been dying to get invited to the Royal Palace!” Mrs Marshall said as she scrolled through the pictures.
She was amazed and happy.
“You should help me get a chance to visit the palace for once Harold, i know you can do it” Mrs Marshall said.
Harold sighed. “There’s a Royal ball coming up, if i get invited. I’ll take you along”
“Yes!” Mrs Marshall screamed.
“Mum!” Harold chided.
“I’m sorry,I’m just so excited” She squealed like a kid.

“I’m going to meet the queen and we’ll take some pictures together,I’ll get to tour that exquisite Palace,I’ll get to speak to royalties and even make friends with queens. OMG!” Mrs Marshall said dreamily.
“Mum!” Harold groaned. “I’m not sure I’ll be invited yet”
“Who wouldn’t invite billionaire Harold Marshall,your invite is on the way son” Mrs Marshall grinned.

“I should go tell Irene to make me a beautiful dress” Mrs said, hurrying out of Harold’s room.
She slammed the door out of excitement and Harold shook his head.
His dad should come take her away to Paris already.


Allysia and Irene helped Mrs Nola in the kitchen as she prepared different types of meals for Mr Marshall’s arrival.
The house was being cleaned by the workers, everyone was doing one thing or the other to welcome him.
It was like a king was coming home.
Harold had said he’s gonna take half of the bodyguards and workers in the house to the quarters, Mr Marshall doesn’t like being surrounded by so many people.
He loves his privacy.

“I can’t wait to see God father again” Allysia smiled.
“Me too” Mrs Nola said.
“He must be a nice person” Irene said.
“He’s just like the older version of Harold,if not nicer” Mrs Nola said.
“Really?” Allysia asked.
“Yes, he’s so nice,funny,down to earth,he’s a disciplinary and doesn’t condone any act of nonsense,so many workers would be fired during his stay here” Allysia said.
“Woah!” Irene exclaimed.
“And he can be pretty blunt too, he says things as they are” Mrs Nola supplied and everything they said got Irene nervous .

She really hope he’s going to be nice to her.
She can’t deal with another round of restlessness.
Mrs Marshall and Allysia were more than a handful.

“I have to go check on Ivory” Irene said and walked out of the kitchen.

Ivory was still asleep by the time Allysia got to her room and she covered her properly with her blanket before leaving..
She met Harold on her way back to the kitchen.
“Hey there, you look tired” He cupped her cheeks with his palms,she smiled.
“I’m not, i just feel… nervous about meeting Mr Marshall” She said.
“Ohh .. you’re having Mr Marshall’s fever” Harold laughed and led her to a couch in his private living room.

“Well…my dad doesn’t bite, he’s just a bit blunt. He’s very nice and I’m sure he’s gonna like you,do not worry about him being another version of Mum and Allysia” Harold said and Irene laughed.
“And Allysia said a lot of workers are gonna get fired during his stay here” Irene said worriedly.
“Yes, Dad likes things done with total competence, he doesn’t like errors and he’s so quick in firing workers. Though i do tell him he doesn’t have the right to fire my workers,i hope none of the would misbehave though” Harold said.
“Woah!” Irene sighed.
“Chill..” Harold assured.

“Ivory is awake, i need to go” Irene said after a hearing a bell sound.

“Hey,look at you” Mrs Neave said to Damien and Blaine as they walked into the house,damp with sweat.
Damien grinned as he walked to the couch.
He and Blaine had played football in the field after they were done in the play station.

“Hi, Mrs Neave” Blaine bowed in greetings.
“Blaine,how are you?” Mrs Neave asked.
“I’m fine ma’am” Blaine smiled.
“You both reek of sweat,go get freshened up. I just made soup” Mrs Neave said .
“Thank goodness! I was starving,I’m not gonna freshen up,i want mine now ” Damien said and Mrs Neave made to give him a correctional knock but he quickly hid behind Blaine.

“Silly boy!” She said while Blaine laughed.
“Buddy, I’ll go get freshened up” Blaine said.
“You’ll be back right?” Damien asked.
“Yes, for the soup” Blaine smiled.
He wasn’t a shy person,he doesn’t pretend and Mrs Neave liked him for that .

“Okay” Damien said and hurried to his room after Blaine left.


“He’s on his way already, i should go get dressed” Mrs Marshall giggled happily and headed to her room.
Irene helped Mrs Marshall set the table while Allysia and Ivory waited in the living room.
“How is it going?” Harold asked, stepping into the dining room.
“Everything is set” Mrs Nola smiled.
“I hope Mr Marshall room is prepared already?” Allysia asked.
“No, he sleeps in the same room with his wife” Harold said and Irene smiled.

“Grandpa!” They heard Ivory scream happily and they headed to the living room.
Irene nervously walked behind Mrs Nola and Harold.
They got to the living room and Irene was instantly aware of Mr Marshall’s height.
He’s a huge man,tall and powerfully built,his presence was almost overpowering.
He was surprisingly looking young,he could pass for Harold’s elder brother.
He had huge golden eyes, just like Harold’s,his face was perfectly chiseled.
His black hair touched his shoulders and he looked like an Italian.

He was putting on a real tuxedo,that looked incredibly expensive.

This man is more than good looking.
No wonder Mrs Marshall is totally enthralled by him.

Ivory was in his arms and he carried her like she weighs nothing,he was still kissing his grand daughter and didn’t seem to notice anyone yet.
“Purity, how have you been?” He asked Ivory.
Ivory actually means purity.
“I’ve been fine grandpa, i missed you” Ivory said and giggled as he tickled her.

Harold smiled, seeing how nervous Irene looks.
Mr Marshall finally dropped Ivory and Allysia ran into his arms.
” Lily” He smiled as he kissed Ally’s forehead.
“I hope you didn’t cause trouble?” He asked Allysia and she shook her head.
“You did…i know you did” He pinched Allysia’s nose.
“Ouch! God father” Allysia whined.

“Mrs Nola,come here” Mr Marshall gave her a hug too.
“It’s so nice to see you again” Mrs Nola smiled.
“I miss your meals so much and i can’t wait to down it” Mr Marshall said and Nola grinned.
“Billionaire Harold Marshall” Mr Marshall smiled proudly, he was always proud of his son, Harold success had surpassed his and he’s so glad he has a very hard working son.
“The real Marshall” Harold smiled as they hugged each other, he patted Harold’s back affectionately.

Irene noticed,no bodyguard or worker was around.
“Dad, meet Ivory’s nanny. Ire..”
“Irene Noris” Mr Marshall completed Harold’s words and Harold wasn’t surprised.
His mum might have told him about Irene.
“Hi.. Mr Marshall, it’s so nice..to meet you” Irene said.
“Each of them told me how good you are, i hope you are as they said,do not disappoint me” Mr Marshall said.
“I won’t Sir” Irene said.
“By the way,you look beautiful, i find you perfectly okay to be Harold’s future wife” Mr Marshall said and Irene stared at him with her mouth wide opened.
“Dad, don’t make her feel uncomfortable” Harold sighed.

“Come here, come give me a hug” Mr Marshall told Irene, he was impressed with her.
None of ivory’s nanny has ever dressed so decently plus she looked calm, beautiful and natural.
Irene went to hug him even if she was so surprised.
His perfume filled her nostrils and she smiled at Harold as she hugged his father.
He winked and smiled back at her.

“By the way, where’s my wife?” Mr Marshall said.
“She’s here” Mrs Marshall said walking into the living room, she left everyone stunned.
The dress Irene made for her looks so beautiful on her,it suits her like second skin and showed her enticing figure. The crystals glittered hard and clear.
Her hair was styled in a completely different way,that made her face more attractive,she had applied a little make up.

Mrs Marshall simply looked spectacular!

“Darling..come here” Mr Marshall who was speechless finally spoke up and Mrs Marshall almost knocked him over with her hug.
“Let’s head to the dining, they’ll join us ” Harold said, knowing his parents had no shame whatsoever in showcasing their love.


“Simone did a great job with your dress, i love it” Mr Marshall said over dinner.
“Well.. Simone didn’t make it. Irene did” Mrs Marshall smiled,she was glowing since her husband’s return.
“Really! Oh..my! You’re so talented.” Mr Marshall said, one could tell he was deeply impressed with Irene. He liked her.
“Thank you” Irene smiled.

She was greatly enjoying his company,he had cracked jokes and made them laugh and he didn’t seem to mind that she’s eating with them.

“She’s so good at what she does,she’s just the best fashion designer I’ve ever come at” Mrs Marshall said.
“What’s the name of your fashion store? I’ll link you up with some of my friends and boom your fashion store would go worldwide ” Mr Marshall said and Irene was stunned as she answered him.
“D..Daire fashions”

“Wait! Travis Noris is your father?” Mr Marshall asked and his spoon dropped from his hand when she nodded.

“What!” He exclaimed.



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Jidda mj
Jidda mj
3 years ago

Am glad ally is back to her usual self nd irene forgave her…see anothher suspense ooh hope its in a good way mr marshall knows travis noris

3 years ago

Mr Marshall knows Irene’s dad……..

Rufai Ayotomiwa
Rufai Ayotomiwa
3 years ago

First to comment

Please should we expect more episode tonight this z one of d best stories hv read so far but I hope Mr marshal and Mr noris didn’t hv any unsettled scores ooo welldone writer

Eze Stephen
Eze Stephen
3 years ago

Wow I’m enjoying this ???????

3 years ago

I love every bit of this story, kudos kudos kudosssssss I love ❤️ it

3 years ago

I hope the shock is for good ooo

3 years ago

i sha hope that spoon that fell will not spring up issues…

well done Azeemah

3 years ago

Suspense!! I Mr Marshall what again?

3 years ago

Hmmmmmmm, hope no more dramer