A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 61 – 62 by Azeemah Salami


A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 61 by Azeemah Salami


Damien picked a glass cup too and aimed it straight at her,they started throwing things at each other and the bodyguards quickly stepped in.
Harold ordered them to take Allysia to her room and lock her door.
And she didn’t made it easy for them,they had to take to forcefully take her to her room.
They locked her in and she screamed, banging the door.
She threw things in different directions and shattered the expensive oval mirror.
Her jaw got bruised when she and damien were throwing things at each other but now the shattered mirror had bruised her palm.
She shouted.
Damien on the other hand almost got slapped by Irene.
But Harold stopped her, she was breathing fast in anger, disappointed at what Damien had done.
He had stood up for her but she feel he went overboard with it.
Blood seeped out of his nose and he had a small cut on his forehead,his whole face was red and he didn’t look remorseful a bit.
“Do not hit him for expressing himself” Harold said to Irene.
The maids were cleaning up the whole place,the dining room is a total mess!
“Take him to his room” Harold said to his bodyguards and damien was also taken to his room..
He bent to pick the sweater he had been asked to give ivory before following them.
He was so pissed that he felt like punching someone,he restrained himself and followed the bodyguards quietly.

“Alex, call doc Fern right now” Harold said and Alex nodded and left to carry out the order.
Irene stood there,not knowing what to do.
“I’m so sorry Mrs Nola, I’m so sorry damien was rude to you” She apologized on his behalf and Mrs Nola only nodded,stunned by the whole incidence.
Her cheeks were smeared with jam when Allysia and Damien were throwing things at eachother.

“Is your brother always this violent?” Mrs Marshall asked in disgust.
“He’s not always violent, Allysia made the violence move first,she threw a glass cup at him!” Irene said,a bit sternly for the first time.
She was defensive of Damien.


always have her brother’s back just like he always have hers.
She might not be able to stand up for herself but she won’t watch her brother get insulted.

Mrs Marshall was a bit surprised at the tone of Irene’s voice,she had never spoken to her that way.
She always speak like a scared cat.

should at least have respected the fact that she’s a lady! He clearly doesn’t have respect for whomever” Mrs Nola said, spitefully.
” Damien loses total control when it comes to me,he doesn’t care about gender. If i had know he was coming,i would have warned Allysia beforehand. And he shouldn’t be blamed for this,he would never have attempted to hit her if she hadn’t hit him first” Irene said.
“He has no manners,he was so rude to me” Mrs Nola said.
“I apologized Mrs Nola,I’m so sorry. He was blinded with fury” Irene said.
“Allysia has always been rude to Irene too. Do you now feel the way Allysia makes Irene feel? ” Harold asked, surprising everyone.

doesn’t owe you an apology neither do Damien, you never apologized to Irene whenever Allysia was rude to her. And Mum, you raised Allysia the perfect way” Harold clapped mockingly.
He got to his feet and told Irene to return to her workshop.
Mrs Marshall and Nola stared at him as he walked to the door.

“Doc Fern will be here to get damien and Allysia treated and everyone of you should stay out of it. I don’t want anyone in either Allysia’s room or Damien’s,leave them to sort themselves out” Harold said before walking out of the door.
They all knew he was pissed about the whole thing but he was obviously more pissed at his Mum and Mrs Nola.
He walked towards his garden and his bodyguards stayed back.
He loves being alone in there.

Irene was back in her workshop also,she couldn’t do anything,she sat and stared into space.
Her bodyguards were there with her and no one spoke a word,aware of what just happened.
It had spread among the workers.
She wanted to go see damien but Harold had ordered everyone not to.
Harold walked into Irene’s workshop and her bodyguards greeted him.
“You all should leave” He said with a very serious face.
Irene has never seen him look this way.
He looked angry and she panicked, he was probably angry at Damien for causing fuss in his house.

Irene’s bodyguards left immediately.
“Tom,get me my laptop from my room” Harold said to Tom before he left.

He paced her workshop without talking to her and then sat when Tom brought his laptop.
She turned to him and blinked like a nervous puppy.
He knew she was staring at him but he didn’t raise up his head.
Irene felt sad he didn’t look at her lovingly like he always do,she was convinced he’s probably angry at her and Damien.
She didn’t say a word,she only continued staring, hoping he would look up at her and say something or even kiss her,she isn’t gonna refuse this time .
He sat there calmly, busy with his laptop.
He regarded her from beneath his lashes and smiled to himself.
It was hard to stop staring at him.
He was putting on a simple T-shirt that revealed his powerful muscles that bunched and flexed as he typed fast.
The blue shorts he wore didn’t do a good job in hiding his long legs either, he has a great body and she almost drooled staring at him.
Of course this isn’t the first time she’ll be staring but he looks more appealing to her right now.
She can’t believe she finds him more appealing when he’s pissed.
There’s this s£xiness to his pissed state.
The way he arched his brow almost made her imagine naughty things.
Her gaze left his body and moved to his face.
His long curly hair was parted at his forehead,his narrow straight nose was perfect and his thin lips…Ohh..God.

are you doing this to me Harold?

She kept staring at him, imagining naughty things.
She almost forgot the latest incidence as her mind went back to when they had s£x at Mrs Perse’s motel.
She’s so ashamed of herself to be thinking of that now.

“Your eyes might pop out of the socket from staring” Harold finally said and looked at her with his soft golden eyes.
She pouted…”Are you pissed at Damien and I? I’m sorry”
Harold sighed softly and dropped his laptop beside her sewing machine.
He drew her closer to him together with the single chair she was sitting on.
He stared into her eyes and he was lost for a moment,he almost kissed her but restrained himself.
She looked like a scared little thing he suddenly felt the urge to protect her.
Her circled his arm around her waist.
He can’t just explain what her eyes does to him.
“Stop looking like that…it’s killing me. I might just rape you” He said jokingly and she smiled.

He caught a strand of her silky hair and tucked it gently behind her ear.
“And I’m not pissed at Damien but you. Damien did nothing wrong,you started it all”
“How?” Irene wondered loudly.
“I’m pissed at you cause you gave Allysia the chance to talk to you rudely right from the start, you made her feel it’s normal to talk to you anyhow she likes, i keep mute most times cause i wanted you to stand up for yourself,i wanted you to shut her up,i wanted you to yell back at her, i wanted you to break free from her chain but you never for once reprimanded her,you watch her yell at you all the time without saying a word, you might be respecting her for being Nola’s daughter but there are limits to those things. ” Harold said and Irene stared at him without saying a word.

She now understands why he’s so pissed .
He’s pissed at her dumbness.
Maybe it’s finally time to break free from Allysia’s chain and teach her some lessons.

“I was happy Damien came, i was more happy he met Allysia yelling at you. I knew there was no way he would allow that and he proved me right” Harold smiled.
“Allysia is my younger sister and i still feel sad till date that i had allowed my mum raise her,my mum played a huge role in what Allysia became today,she spoilt her. She didn’t get to spoil me so i guess Allysia received it all but then i won’t blame my mum totally, Allysia is now old enough to know what’s right and wrong, she’s old enough to change her spoilt behavior,she’s rude and she knows it but she has refused to change despite the countless long sessions i’ve had with her. I’m going to have to send her to Africa to help with the outbreak going on there if she refuses to change” Harold said.
“No! Please, she’s still so young for that and besides, helping with the outbreak is voluntary,you can’t force her to go there” Irene said.

“I know but I’m gonna threaten her with that to see if she’s really gonna turn a new leaf and you need to stop being lenient with her, she needs our help to become a better person” Harold said and Irene nodded.
“I’m gonna talk to Mrs Nola too and my mum. I won’t allow her take her back to Paris. Allysia will be here with us permanently and she’ll only get to go to Paris during holidays” Harold said and he looked like he meant it.

“How’s your mum gonna take it?” Irene asked.
“I don’t care, she spoilt her enough already and I’m ready to step in now” Harold said and Irene smiled.
He’s willing to make Allysia a better person,he didn’t even care if she isn’t his blood,he loves her regardless.
He’s a selfless charming man,he’s always willing to go out of his way for others,he never gets tired of helping people and he’s so hardworking regardless of the amount of wealth he has required,he has a good heart.
Someone like him is rare to come across and she’s so glad to have him in her life.
Not only that,he’s in love with her as she is with him and their love seems to be increasing at the passing of each moment.
His arms was still circled around her waist and she blushed as he stared at her.
“I guess it’s your turn for your eyes to pop out” She said and he grinned.
“I bet Damien must have unnerved you” Harold smiled.
“Yeah” Irene agreed.
She’s worried about him though,she has seen blood seep out of his nose and she really hope he’ll be fine.
“You’re worried about him right?” Harold asked and she nodded.
“He’ll be fine,he’s as strong as i am” Harold showed off his muscles and Irene laughed.

She touched his muscles and her hand could barely cover it firmly.
“Geez!” She sighed.
“You must be working out real well” She added.
“Not really” Harold shrugged.
“I must look like an ant compared to you” She sighed and rolled her eyes.
Harold laughed…”I love it that way, it makes me feel the urge to protect you”

“Woah” Irene blushed.
“I think I’m gonna be breaking a rule now” Harold said and didn’t give Irene to ask what rule it is before placing his lips on hers.
It lingered for a moment,she didn’t push him away and she was too stunned to return the kiss.
“I’m sorry, couldn’t resist” Harold muttered against her lips and deepened the kiss.
He had wanted to be gentle but his hormones got the better part of him.

Irene kissed him back as fiercely as he did and they both bursted into laughter when they stopped to catch their breath.


Damien’s nose already stopped bleeding before Doc Fern walked into his room.
He had washed his face and pulled off his T-shirt to clean and stop the blood from his nose.
“Hi Doc Fern” He said.
“Damien,how are you? I can see you are not fine though. Let’s get you treated first” Doc Fern said,he had come with a young nurse who stared at Damien’s chest in lust.
He was pissed to have offended Irene but he didn’t feel a bit remorse about what had happened between him and Allysia.

“Your cuts are little, compared to that of Allysia,her jaw is bruised and broken glasses had bruised her palm and foot,it’s pretty serious, she’ll have to limp for a couple of days” Doc Fern said and Damien felt sorry for her.
He hadn’t mean to hit her back but he had been so furious,he can’t seem to control himself when it comes to Irene.
He knew he was responsible for the bruise on her jaw but definitely not the one on her palm and foot.
He still felt sorry for her though..

Doc Fern didn’t waste time in attending to his wounds,he gave him some meds after that and left him to rest.
Allysia was asleep by then and her room has been cleaned.
Damien laid on his bed and stared at the ceiling.
He hadn’t thought any of this would happen.
He hadn’t even expected anything close to it , he was still surprised Allysia was the one Ivory always told him about.

Marlene had called and he felt bad he hadn’t returned her call,she badly wants to speak to Irene and he’s not sure Irene is in the right mood to do that now.
He walked out of his room shirtless and headed to Irene’s workshop.
Heads turned as he walked past bodyguards and female workers.
Their jaw literally dropped in wonderment as they stared at him.
He seems not to notice the stir he was causing as he kept walking.

He walked into Irene’s workshop and Harold smiled on seeing him.
“Irene,I’m sorry” Damien said and Irene got to her feet.
“No, You did nothing wrong” She said and pulled him into a tight hug.
“Thanks for standing up for me” She kissed his cheeks.

“But you shouldn’t be rude to an older person next time” Irene said.
“I didn’t mean to but i was just so pissed she couldn’t reprimand her daughter, i saw her when i walked in,she was looking less concerned and even continued eating when Allysia was yelling at you” Damien said,still upset about Nola’s behavior.

Irene touched the little plaster on his forehead and he winced in pain.
She felt like crying.

“Does it hurt?” She asked and he nodded.
“I’m so sorry Dam” She said, feeling so bad.
He had gotten hurt because of her.
“Don’t be, and i have something to tell you” Damien smiled.
“Really?” Irene asked eagerly.
“My husband is arriving tomorrow” Mrs Marshall rushed into Irene’s workshop, almost breathless.
Everyone turned to her.

“Is my dress ready?” She asked Irene anxiously.
She had expected Irene to say no, because tomorrow was actually the deadline she gave her.
So she had come to hasten her up cause her husband is coming tomorrow.
“Yes ma’am, it’s ready” Irene smiled.
“Wow” Mrs Marshall was impressed.

Damien wondered who she was.
“My mum” Harold said to Damien, seeing the confused look on his face..
“Ohh…Hello ma” Damien bowed in greeting while Irene went to get the dress.

Mrs Marshall studied him keenly for few moments.

“You’re just like Harold when he was younger” she said and patted his back and even the blind could see that she likes Damien.
“Yeah,he’s mini me” Harold said and they laughed.

Irene held out the beautiful dress in front of Mrs Marshall and not only her was stunned, Harold and Damien was too.

No one could explain how Mrs Marshall ended up hugging Irene.
Irene was shocked,so as Harold.


Zeemah Writes?

? Episode 62


No one could explain how Mrs Marshall ended up hugging Irene.
Irene was shocked,so as Harold.

“Thank you so much” Mrs Nola squealed like a kid.
“Ohh..my” Irene said, still shocked by the hug.
“This is so beautiful” Mrs Marshall admired the dress and studied it with keen interest.
She never thought Irene would have completed it and not only that,she made it look so neat and beautiful.
She was so impressed and Irene was glad she had impressed her.
“My sister is still the best fashion designer I’ve ever come across” Damien grinned.
“She just proved that to me too” Mrs Marshall smiled.
“You are so good at what you do Irene,I’m greatly impressed and you even finished it before the deadline,that’s a good quality of a business woman.”

“Thank you ma’am” Irene bowed.
Her face was full of smiles.
“I need to go order a matching pair of shoes. I won’t be surprised if Walker arrives tonight” Mrs Marshall sighed softly and walked out of the workshop after Irene helped her pack the dress.

“Woah!” Irene sighed in relief, dropping on the chair.
Harold laughed.
“I’m so glad she likes it and she hugged me?” Irene was still stunned.
As far as she could remember, Mrs Marshall never liked her.
Maybe she was just so impressed with the dress.
“She’s starting to like you Irene” Harold said thoughtfully.
He knew his Mum, she hadn’t hugged Irene because of the dress alone.
“I think so too and I’m so jealous of Damien, she liked him almost immediately” Irene said and Damien smiled.

“I’m cute and likeable” Damien boasted and Irene rolled her eyes .
“I hope you’ve not started causing trouble in Ivy Royals?” She asked.
“Not at all,I’ve been so cool that i even find it surprising. Lots of girls are eyeing me but I’ve not bedded any of them yet and that’s because i don’t feel the urge to anymore and yes…there’s one more thing” Damien grinned.

“What?” Irene asked curiously,she remembered he had wanted to tell her something before Mrs Marshall walked in earlier.

“I have a new friend” Damien announced.
“A guy?” Irene asked and was disappointed when Damien shook his head.
“Irene, not having a friend his gender doesn’t mean anything” Harold cleared.
“And i would choose Marlene over hundreds of male friends” Damien said.
Harold and Irene stared at him with interest.

‘Marlene?’ Harold thought.
The name sounded familiar to him.

“She must be one of your numerous girlfriends” Irene said and Harold nodded in agreement.
“Numerous?” Damien groaned. “I told you i’ve changed!”
“I can’t count the number of times you’ve said that Damien,i just hope you haven’t taken any girl to our new apartment” Irene widened her eyes.
“No! ” Damien said and Irene arched a brow in disbelief.
“Believe me Irene,you can ask Mum” He said.
“She always cover up for you” Irene said.
“Well.. yeah but sincerely i haven’t taken any girl there yet” Damien said.
“Yet? Are you planning to ?” Irene asked.

“No and even if i want to,it’s gonna be Marlene” Damien smiled.
“She’s your girlfriend!” Irene accused .
“She’s not!” Damien denied.
“I believe him, she’s not” Harold said and Irene rolled her eyes at the both of them.

“I like her though but she’s not my girlfriend yet” Damien said.
“Really? You’ve not had anything with her?” Irene asked and Damien nodded.
“Surprising” Irene sighed, she’s glad Damien is starting to turn a new leaf.
“Marlene is far decent from any girl I’ve come across, she doesn’t cling to me like magnet, she’s not so affected by my looks and if she is,she doesn’t show it, she’s fun to be with and she’s so generous with her things…” Damien said and Irene listened to him as he continued.

This is the first time he would talk about a girl this way.
She can clearly see the girl means a lot to him.
“She’s so beautiful and calm,funny,sweet, intelligent, humble to the core and she always make me happy” Damien said and Irene and Harold was starting to picture Marlene in their mind.
They both smiled.
Irene is glad he finally has a friend. And with the way he speaks highly of her, she knows Marlene is a great person.
She’s the first girl Damien has ever spoken highly of.

“People mock me at school for not being up to their standard but she never joined them and she didn’t even mind being my friend despite how most of the students avoided me. The girls chat with me though but that’s because of my looks. Marlene is always mocked too for not having a last name,they do call her father an infamous safecracker”
“That’s mean” Irene frowned.
“She doesn’t have a last name?” Harold asked, knowing people in the Royal families usually hide their last names in order to keep identity.
“Yeah, I’m going to ask her about it someday” Damien said.

“You said her name is Marlene right?” Harold asked and Damien nodded.
Harold was thoughtful for a while knowing the name sounds familiar.
She’s Princess Marlene of King City, he saw her when Prince Alexandre Louis invited him for dinner in the Royal Palace months ago.

She had sat with them in the dining table including her mother, brother ans some of her father’s assistants,she’s the apple of her father’s eyes,he really cherished her and truly she was calm just like Damien said.
After she had greeted him,she didn’t say a word till the dinner was over, she was so quiet not as loud as her brother.
He’s so sure she’s the one Damien is talking about cause only the royal families hide their last names.
Damien is so lucky to have her as a friend and from the looks of things, their friendship is gonna grow into something more serious soon.
She must be really humble, to have made Damien her friend even after knowing he’s not well to do.

He even remembered Marlene had styled her hair just the way Irene style hers.

He really feel sorry for those calling her father an infamous safecracker.

“Do you know her?” Damien asked Harold and he quickly shook his head.
Marlene is gonna reveal her identity to him herself, whenever she feels is right, he isn’t gonna intrude.
“I don’t know her,i was just thinking of some business plans” Harold smiled.

“Ohh…and Irene,she styles the same style just as you do” Damien continued.
“Really?” Irene asked.
Harold smiled…
“Yes” Damien smiled.
“Wow, i want to meet her” Irene said gleefully.
She was acting the way Marlene had acted when he told her about Irene.
Damien wondered if there’s some sort of bond pulling them to eachother.
Damien hadn’t even told Irene that Marlene is dying to speak to her.

“She badly wants to meet you too, she has always yearned for a big sister and i told her you won’t mind being hers”
“Oh…my” Irene was overjoyed.
“Hey, you haven’t even met her yet” Damien said .
“I want a younger sister also! I’m gonna help kick off the asses of those calling her father an infamous safecracker.” Irene said and they laughed.

“I told her I’ll be coming to you today and she said to put you on the phone,she wants to speak with you” Damien said.
“Really?” Irene was stunned and Harold was too.

“Call her immediately” Irene said and Damien eagerly did so.

If Irene had known Marlene was a princess,it would have been concluded that that’s the reason she’s acting this way but she has no knowledge of her at all,yet she’s charmed by Marlene.
Marlene sat on her bed, eating the slices of fruits she was served.
She has been checking her phone, waiting for Damien’s call,she had even called him,he hadn’t picked nor had he returned the call.

Could it be that Irene does not want to speak to her.
Not when she had been so excited about having a big sister.
Bes strutted into her room and proceeded to greet her by licking her face but she stopped him.
“Bes,I’m not in a good mood right now” she said unhappily and told Claire to take the fruits away.

She was about sulking under her blanket when her phone rang,she picked it up immediately and she was filled with joy when she saw it was Damien.
She sat up on the bed and received the call.

?Damien,I’ve…” She was saying.

?Hi Marlene, it’s Irene” Marlene heard and it took all her might not to scream in joy.


“Don’t you think they’re siblings that got separated from childhood?” Damien said jokingly to Harold.
“I think so too” Harold said, faking a suspecting brow. Damien laughed.

Irene and Marlene had been talking on the phone for minutes.
Laughing,like they’ve known each other for ages.

“We should leave them to enjoy their new found ‘sistership’ have you and Allysia ever spoken to each other in class?” Harold asked.
“Not really but i don’t think she likes me,she views me as other students do and not only that,i think she also sees me as a competition” Damien smiled.
“Ohh .. I knew it was gonna happen” Harold said.
“Why didn’t anyone tell me about Allysia? and it seems no one told her about me also” Damien said.
“Yeah, we felt there was no need, besides Allysia was rude to Irene so i don’t think Irene would have liked you to know about her” Harold said.
“Ohh…I wonder how she’s feeling now. Doc Fern said she’s pretty hurt” Damien said and Harold sighed.
“She’s so stubborn, She must be sleeping now, i’ll go check on her when she’s awake” He said.
“I need to apologise for hurting her also” Damien said.
He has been feeling bad about it.
Harold nodded, though he doubted if Allysia would allow him into her room.
“Mum said to give Ivory a sweater, it’s in my room” Damien said.
“Ohh…” Harold smiled. “Say thank you to her for me and tell her i need one too”
“Okay Mr Harold” Damien smiled,he’s glad Harold’s now so comfortable with his Mum.
Irene finally returned to Damien and Harold after the long call session ended.
She was grinning as she handed damien’s phone back to him.
“She’s a sweetheart ” Irene said, elated.
“I need to go check on Ivory” She said and quickly headed for the door.
“Won’t you tell me what you both talked about?” Damien shouted after her.
“You don’t have to know” Irene shouted back.
“Please” Damien shouted.
“Okay..we talked about your black ass” Irene said and Harold laughed.

“I think Marlene is gonna take Irene from me soon” Damien panicked and Harold laughed harder.


Damien returned home late in the night and he wished his Mum would be asleep so she won’t have to see his plastered forehead and broken nose but she was fully awake, waiting for him in the living room.
She screamed and rushed to him as he walked in.

“What happened?” She asked, deeply worried and scared.
“Mum,I’m fine” Damien sighed as she led him to the couch.
She made him sit and quickly went to get Ice cubes.
“Mum, i got treated already” Damien said.
“It’ll help to further relieve the pain” She said.
“No, it’s gonna hurt. I feel cold already and i just want to sleep” Damien said.
“I demand to know what happened,who hurt you?” Mrs Neave asked and Damien knew he couldn’t escape it.
He groaned as he started his explanation…


Allysia didn’t allow anyone into her room.
She had locked herself in and only went downstairs for dinner.
Everyone was at the dining table already, waiting for her.

Her jaw was plastered, her palm also and she limped.
“Oh..my..” Nola kissed her as she sat down.
“Are you fine?” She asked and Allysia nodded.
She wouldn’t have come downstairs if she wasn’t starving.

She hated Damien so much now.
She had tore the apology letter he told a maid to give to her.

Mrs Marshall examined her bruises worriedly, muttering sorry.
“How are you feeling now Ally?” Harold asked.
“I’m fine!” She almost snapped.
“What happened to Allysia?” Ivory asked worriedly.
“Home accident…i guess” Harold said.
“I’m so sorry about that Allysia” Ivory said and Allysia nodded, she has started eating. She wanted to eat fast and get back to her room.

Irene ate quietly,she had wanted to ask how Allysia was feeling but she decided it was better not to.
And if looks could kill,she would have been dead by now with the way Allysia glared at her.
She’s glad she had made Damien apologize to Mrs Nola before he left and Mrs Nola seems to be over it,she had patted his back and waved him bye.
“Your father is an asshole,i can’t believe he tricked me into believing he’s coming home tomorrow” Mrs Marshall said, crossed and Harold laughed.
Mr Marshall had tricked her,he was coming home on Tuesday…
“I’m gonna kick his ass once he arrives in Tuesday” She said.
“Kiss you mean” Harold teased and got stoned with fries by Mrs Marshall.


Allysia remained in her room the next day, her mum brought her breakfast and lunch.
She was still so pissed,she felt like killing someone.. Damien of course.
She stood up and stood in front of her mirror which had been replaced by Harold.
She examined her plastered jaw.
“Damn! I still can’t believe that motherfvcker will make me have a scar on my jaw! My face was so perfect!” She groaned in great annoyance.
A knock sounded on her door.

“I don’t want to see anyo…” She was saying.
“It’s Alex” She heard and wondered what he wants.
He’s Harold’s personal bodyguard and they have never really had a serious conversation.

She opened the door, thinking Harold must have sent him to her.

“Hi” He said almost breathlessly, looking over his shoulders like he doesn’t want anyone to see him here.
“What do you want?” Allysia asked.
“Please let me come in, i have something to tell you” Alex said,still looking over his shoulders.
Allysia was about slamming the door on his face.
“It’s about Damien, Irene,their mum. Every freaking thing about them” Alex said and Allysia stared at him for a while before opening her door widely.
She allowed him in and quickly closed the door.
“I knew my brother is the one sponsoring his education,his sister nor his Mum could have afford Ivy Royals,they are wretched and everyone knows that” Allysia said after Alex told her Mr Harold is the one sponsoring Damien in Ivy Royals.

“And you can just tell the whole school,your brother is the one sponsoring Damien” Alex suggested.
“Ofcourse I’m going to do just that, I’m going to embarrass him so much that he’ll regret ever calling me an opportunist” Allysia smiled, she’s glad she finally has something to use against Damien .

“There’s another thing also” Alex said.
“What?” Allysia asked.
“Remember you promised not to mention to Mr Harold that i came to you. Please do not let Mr Harold know of this.” Alex said.
“I won’t,trust me” Allysia said.
“Damien and Irene’s Mum had liver problem and her legs were not functioning, she was on wheelchair for years. I think Irene talked Mr Harold into it cause he paid the surgery bills and every other expenses that came along with it and it was a whole lot of money,he also rented a new apartment for them and furnished it immensely” Alex said.
“What!” Allysia screamed as she got to her feet.

“They are the real opportunists here Allysia, you can use those things i told you against them. I felt sorry for you when that opportunist called you an opportunist cause i know you’re not, you’re Mr Harold’s younger sister. You need to do something Ally…” Alex was saying but Allysia already flee out of the room.

He laughed hard “This is gonna be fun”
He quickly got to his feet and walked out of Allysia’s room. He needed to go see what drama she’ll perform.

Irene descended the stairs, She just left Ivory’s room,she was headed to the living room to join Harold when she heard Allysia screamed.
She limped towards her and Irene wondered what was going on.
“You and your brother are the real opportunists here!! You made my brother pay for your mum’s surgery bills and also made him rent an apartment for you,you took advantage of his weak spot for y…”
“Shut up!!!” Irene shouted at her for the first time.

Harold and Mrs Marshall who were seated in the living room,rushed towards the stairs and Mrs Nola also left what she was doing in the kitchen to see what’s going on.
Allysia looked shocked,she hadn’t expected Irene to shut her up.
“I never for once used Harold’s weak spot for me as an advantage, he’s here. You can ask him that. And about the surgery bills,I’m working so hard to pay him back, he never rented an apartment for me, i rented it myself,with my money! Allysia you’re just a little rude girl who needs serious counselling,I’m done tolerating your insensitive behavior and if you get on my nerves one more time, i’ll have to teach you some lessons and trust me my lessons are not as calm as i am,you definitely won’t like to taste my venom. Be warned Allysia. ” Irene said angrily.

She walked out of the scene and Alex was disappointed from where he was watching.



I love that confidence from Irene, she placed her on the right place

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Rufai Ayotomiwa
Rufai Ayotomiwa
3 years ago

Please don’t keep us waiting too much before posting d next episode
Welldone ????

3 years ago

It is getting more interesting, kudos to you Azeemah

3 years ago

Wow .
I really love this story…

I can’t wait to see how Alex would be punished for all his sins

3 years ago

The story is getting really interesting….
Please post more episodes already

3 years ago

Am loving this thanks Azeemah

Ngbale Kpan
Ngbale Kpan
3 years ago

The story has just began

Jidda mj
Jidda mj
3 years ago

This ally girl ehn whats her problem. She truly is an opportunist very good irene for putting her where she belongs…nonsense girl, her mother isnt helping matters too with all her calmness, her daughter can be this rude and she sees everything she does without cautioning her

Last edited 3 years ago by Jidda mj
3 years ago

Oh my goodness…I love this last part. Irene you are doing well. Alex your cup is getting Fuller.

3 years ago

Irene fine.

3 years ago

Nice one Irene

Zuliyat Adebayo
Zuliyat Adebayo
2 years ago

U better be careful allysia Alex will put u in trouble