A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 56 – 57 by Azeemah Salami

A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 1 by Azeemah Salami

A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 56 by Azeemah Salami


“Carrle,cut me out of this” Tanya said to Carrle over the phone.
“Why are you speaking this way? Don’t you hate her? You said to inform you when we have a new plan. Why all this?” Carrle asked.
“I’m out of this Carrle, Harold came to my store to warn me not to try to hurt Irene or I’ll pay for it!” Tanya sighed.
“What!” Carrle exclaimed.
“Yeah and you know how Harold is right? He is your ex husband and you always told me he keeps to his words, if anything should go wrong with that lady, he’ll hold me responsible for it and i might not get out of jail,that’s gonna taint my business,i don’t want a bad publicity. I’ll advise you to stop whatever plans you have for her or you’ll have to face Harold’s wrath,he seemed so in love with that lady”

“Wh..wow. this is crazy” Carrle loosened her ponytail, not wanting to believe what she just heard.
“He seemed to be in love with her? That’s the reason I’m gonna hurt her! I don’t fvcking care about what Harold’s gonna do, at least i would have hurt her before he makes a move” Carrle said wickedly.
“Carrle, Harold has the right to love anyone after all this years. He was alone for six years Carrle. Six! He deserves this. You’re married and he seems fine with it,why don’t you just leave him alone,even if you stop him from loving this lady which i know will be impossible,he won’t come back to you, so why are you doing all these?”

“Because i still love him!”
“Then you should never have left him!”
“And i did, I’m ready to amend things now”
“I’m afraid it’s too late, Harold is head over heels with that lady. Didn’t you even see how he was all over her at that dinner party? Give up already Carrle. This is a lost battle”

“It is not a lost battle for me and you should better join us before she have all your customers to herself”
“Do not involve me Carrle, I’m out. ” Tanya said with a note of finality in her voice.
“Ethan is gonna protect us if anything happens ”
Carrle laughed ” There’s no way Ethan can protect you from Harold, have you forgotten how he fought for the custody of his daughter? You should know once Harold is determined, nothing is going to stop him from doing what he wants. You know Harold better than i do Carrle and you still wanna go ahead with this plan of yours?”


to get him back of course,I’ll do anything to get him back!”
“I personally think you should desist from it, you and Ethan had so many plans for the lady right from the beginning and none worked out…”
“This one is gonna work out!” Carrle interrupted.
“Good luck Carrle. ” Tanya disconnected the call.

“fvck! ” Carrle paced the room angrily.
She felt like…she felt like ruining something.
She was so pissed that her hands shook.
She grabbed the mirror facing her dressing chair and smashed it on the floor with a scream.

going on brother? Why does she have bodyguards of her own?” Allysia asked over dinner.
“You didn’t notice all this while?” Harold gulped water.
“Dad said it’s to strengthen our security” Ivory said, throwing fries into her mouth.
“Well…yeah” Harold agreed.
“To strengthen security? And she has four bodyguards to herself alone! A nanny has four bodyguards to herself alone?” Allysia said and Irene winced in her chair.
Allysia sighed, starting to get really irritated with all the new happenings in Harold’s house.

“There’s more reason for it than just strengthening security, I’m gonna tell you about it later” Harold said.
“There’s no reason for a nanny to have four bodyguards” Allysia dropped her spoon.
“Stop talking about the job ‘nanny’ like its the filthiest job on Earth. It’s a decent job with a decent earning” Harold chided.

“Whatever” Ally rolled her eyes.
“That was rude” Nola said.
“I’m sorry brother” Allysia said.
“I was never rude to my brother until you came along!!” Allysia yelled at Irene who was looking like a lost sheep.
“Allysia!” Harold warned.
“I’m done eating!” She said, pushing her food away.
She walked away after giving Irene a heated glare.

“Why did you piss her off?” Mrs Marshall asked facing Harold but indirectly referring to Irene.
She has been silent all the while cause she was still fuming about eating on the same table with a nanny.
It’s a blow to her ego.
“I did not piss her off mum! She was rude!” Harold said.
“I wasn’t talking to you” Mrs Marshall said and faced Irene who pressed her lips together.
“Why did you piss her off? She rarely gets pissed when you weren’t here? Are you a demon?” Mrs Marshall asked Irene.

leave Irene out of this” Harold said.
“Of course” Mrs Marshall smiled with just one corner of her mouth lifted.
“Nola, have a maid bring me my dinner.” Mrs Marshall stood up.
“Irene,I’m not being mean but I’m not used to eating on the same table with a lowlife ” Mrs Marshall said, walking away briskly.

“Grandma, what’s a lowlife?” Ivory asked running after Mrs Marshall before Harold could stop her.
Nola quickly ordered a maid to take Mrs Marshall’s meal to her.

“I’m so sorry about that Irene” Harold said, disappointed at his Mum.
He’s just so glad she wasn’t the one who raised him.

“It’s fine” Irene smiled, surprising Harold and Nola.
“That was the first time your Mum actually called my name” She laughed.
“Are you okay?” Nola asked.
“I’m fine” Irene nodded, trying hard not to make her tears fall.

She’s a low life obviously.
Then why is she being so sad about being called one.

Harold could see she was hurt beneath her smile.
He almost wished his mum and Allysia hadn’t come.

“Do you think i should continue eating at the dining?, I’ll be fine eating in the kitchen” Irene said.
“NO” Harold disagreed.
“I don’t want to be the reason Mrs Marshall won’t eat at the dining anymore”
“She will, she’s just pissed tonight”
“No,she’s truly not comfortable with eating with me,she’s not used to it truly,maybe i keep wanting to make her puke” Irene smiled sadly.
“Com’on , don’t say that Irene, you know i don’t like it when one think low of oneself, I’m fine with you eating with me,that’s all that matters” Harold said.
“Allysia and Mrs Marshall are both affected by what ivory’s past nannies have done, they are not always this way. They are one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet” Nola said and Harold laughed.
“No, they are not nice. Truly, they might be affected by what Ivory’s past nannies have done but those ladies are not nice,they are partners in crime,i don’t just know why i love them so much” Harold groaned and Nola and Irene smiled.

“I shouldn’t be surprised by Mrs Marshall’s behavior,she’s a billionaire for God’s sake and she always dines with well to do people,she shouldn’t be blamed for finding my presence here annoying,that’s typical of wealthy women,she sees me at other part of the house and never complain,she’s not just used to having people like me eat with her. I perfectly understand her. But Allysia, i don’t know why she’s treating me that way, if she doesn’t care about my feelings,she should at least consider the fact that I’m far older than her” Irene said, blinking back tears.

“I’m so sorry about that” Nola rubbed her shoulder.
“Just give her time Irene, she’s gonna get used to you and stop being mean” Harold said.

“It’s fine” Irene said.

“She must have met Damien” Harold said, trying to change the topic.
Irene’s face lit up at the mention of her brother’s name.
“She came home today, very pissed” Nola said.
” I guess competition has started” Harold laughed.
“Competition?” Nola asked.
“Yeah, i guess you don’t know how intelligent Damien is” Harold said.
“I do but you know Allysia is intelligent as well” Nola said.
“Yeah” Harold agreed.

“Don’t you think we should tell her about Damien? So they’ll work hand in hand in class” Nola smiled.
“No!” Irene said inwardly,not wanting that girl around her brother.
“No,i think we should leave them for now” Harold said.
“You think so?” Nola asked.

“Will you come with me to my workshop tonight? I have so many work to do” Irene whispered to Harold.
“Yes!” He grinned.
“I hope both of you don’t spend the night there again” Nola said and they laughed.


Allysia stood in front of her mirror as she applied make up,she put on her school wears after that and let down her hair.
She brushed it and moved it to one part of her shoulder.
“Perfect” she grinned.

She indeed looked stunning as she walked down the stairs with her backpack.
She met everyone having breakfast, her godmother wasn’t there though.
“Good morning everyone” She said making her presence known.
Nola smiled seeing how pretty her daughter looked.
“How was your night?” Harold asked.

“Normal” she pecked him and went to kiss her mum too.
“V rules, how was your night?” Allysia smiled as she kissed Ivory.
She calls Ivory that because Ivory loves giving rules,she owns her own rule booklet and always like to live by her rules.

“Great” Ivory smiled.
There’s something familiar about the way Irene packs her hair… Allysia thought.
It seems she has seen the style somewhere…
It’s a beautiful style though..

Allysia gulped out of Harold’s coffee and took his last toast, he groaned and she laughed.
“Bye” She waved, eating the toast as she walked away.
She doesn’t sit to eat breakfast at home,she loves being early to school.
She got outside and the door of her SUV was opened by one of her bodyguards.
She got into her car and two bodyguards got in after her.
The driver turned on the ignition and started driving.
She brought out her phone,still eating the toast.
“Hey wait!” She said before the driver drives out of the gate.
“Go get me a bottle of water inside before we leave” She said to one of her bodyguards and he quickly carried out her order.

“Your highness…”
“Don’t call me that here!” Marlene quickly shut her bodyguard.
“I’m sorry princess Marlene” he quickly apologized.
“Arrrgh! Don’t call me princess either! Anyone can hear you. Please” Marlene said.
“Okay, i just wanted to ask if i should help you with your backpack to your class” Bix, one of her personal bodyguards asked.

“Bix, you can only do all that when I’m in the palace,not here please” She picked her backpack.
“Okay pri..” Bix quickly zipped his mouth and Marlene laughed.
“Bye” she waved at him as she walked into the school.
She’s so ashamed she’s looking so forward to seeing Damien,they just started talking yesterday and she can’t wait to see him today and talk to him.
And she even brought double of her lunch,she’s gonna give Damien one so they can both stay in the class and talk during lunch break.

She felt someone’s hand at the back of her neck and quickly turned,startled.
She sighed in relief and almost blushed when she saw it was Damien.
“Hey” She said.
“I hope i didn’t startle you?” Damien asked.
“Not really”
“How are you?” He asked with a smile as they both walked to their class.
“I’m great, i can see you are as well”
“Yeah…and i think you look like a princess in some fairytale. You’ve got a calm and beautiful face” Damien said…
“Huh?” Marlene widened her eyes.


Zeemah Writes?

? Episode 57


“Yeah…and i think you look like a princess in some fairytale. You’ve got a calm and beautiful face” Damien said…
“Huh?” Marlene widened her eyes.
“I’m sorry if you aren’t okay with that” Damien said.
“No, i am.. absolutely” Marlene sighed softly.

When she heard ‘princess’ she thought Damien knew her identity already.
The last thing she wants is for anyone to know her identity.
She’s not ready for it yet.

“Are you okay?” Damien asked, afraid he must have triggered something in her.
“I’m fine, my mind just wandered off” Marlene smiled and he nodded.
He’s always happy to see her smile and he didn’t even know when he started grinning.
“Did i said something funny?” Marlene asked.
“Uh?..ohh, no. I can just be stupid at times” Damien said and she laughed,they were stepping into the class just then and the whole class stared at them.
They dropped their backpacks and walked towards their seats, ignoring the gazes and murmur, they were used to it anyway, the class is always mocking them.
Danielle and Anna said hi to Damien as he walked past their seats,he returned their greetings and he was surprised to see a girl wave at him.
He do see her face in the class but he doesn’t even know her name,he stole a quick glance at her desk and saw that she was Paris.
He waved back at her with a smile and Paris nearly gripped Jane’s hand out of excitement.
“What’s wrong with you? You should better back off like Allysia said” Jane advised.
“No! I won’t let Allysia control me anymore” Paris said,with a voice that told Jane she’s damn serious.
“All because of a guy? A poor guy?” Jane asked.
“I don’t mind, I’m gonna make him rich, I’m gonna get a car for him and take him on trips” Paris said dreamily and Jane stared at her with her mouth wide opened.

Paris dad was an assemblyman who used to be a judge, he’s famous and incredibly wealthy.
He’s among the top ten wealthiest in San Francisco.
Harold Marshall is the first and he’s Allysia’s brother,that earned Allysia more respect.

“Paris back off, Allysia wants him too” Jane said cautiously.
“Let the best girl win” Paris said with a determined look.
“What!” Jane said in surprise, Paris has never been this outspoken.
She was always hiding behind Allysia, doing whatever she wants but she changed suddenly just because of a guy!
Well..he’s not just a guy, a very handsome one at that.
She would have gone for him too if he wasn’t so poor.

“Did you see how he smiled at me.. ohh” Paris closed her eyes as she held her chest.
Jane smiled.

She isn’t prepared for the storm that’s about to brew between her two friends.
She wish Paris can just let go of Damien for Allysia and at the same time,she wants Paris to stand up for what she wants too.
Arrrgh…she’s so confused.

Damien and Marlene settled in their seats.
“I think you’ll have to explain something to me on the arithmetic homework we were given yesterday. I couldn’t complete mine cause i did not even understand it ” Marlene said to Damien.
“Ohh… should we start now?” Damien asked.
“No, during lunch break” Marlene said and Damien nodded.

He had bought a bag of potato chips and water so he could stay with Marlene during lunch break.

“He should just look at me for once!!!” Allysia screamed inwardly.
Damien had seem not to notice her since he walked into the class and that’s so painful cause she had gone extra mile to make herself look more pretty today.

She suddenly banged her desk and everyone turned to look at her.

“You piece of shits! Take your eyes off me” She cursed inwardly and was glad what she did made her gain Damien’s attention.
He stared at her for a while wondering if she’s okay.

“Are you okay babe?” Chandler rushed to her seat and she groaned.


Irene laughed at Tom’s joke,the rest of the bodyguards joined in the laughter.
They were all in her workshop and she was packing the dresses she made.
She’s done with this set of order and she’s gonna accept the next set once she delivers this.
The bodyguards helped her seal it while she packed it.
They’ve become great friends and they always enjoy their time together.
They talk about lots of things,their childhood,their parents, partners, work. There’s never a dull moment with them.
Joel, Cory, Jim and then Tom, Irene actually forced them to stop being so uptight and rigid, they’re enjoying it now .
“What! What’s going on here?” They heard and they all turned to the door..
Mrs Marshall stood there looking lost, she was strolling in her son’s garden when she heard voices and she was so shocked to see that the flower room has been transformed.
She has not been to the garden since she arrived.
And she knows quite well that this is Harold’s private garden,no employee is allowed in here.
The bodyguards bowed in greetings.

“Don’t give me that look! Explain what this is about?” Mrs Marshall asked.
“T..th..This is my workshop” Irene said slowly, staring at her feet.
“You’re joking right?” Mrs Marshall laughed even though what Irene said was clearly true.
There’s a sewing machine, mannequin, threads, scissors, clothes materials…
“What gave you the audacity to use this place as your workshop?” Mrs Marshall asked angrily.
“Harold.. Mr Harold…” Irene said.
“Oh..my..God!” Mrs Marshall said before walking away. She’s going to call Harold.

She deeply regret to have allowed Helena raise Harold.

?Ivy Royals high school?

“Do you want to eat before before we start arithmetics?” Damien asked.
It’s lunch break already and students are starting to move out of the class.
“I’m gonna start the arithmetics first and … i brought meal for you too” Marlene said.
“Huh?” Damien asked, surprised.
“I.. Arr… thank you but you shouldn’t have done that” Damien said.
“Why? You’re not gonna eat it?” Marlene asked and when he didn’t answer,she knew he wasn’t gonna eat it.
“I thought we were friends” Marlene said,hurt.

By now,no student was remaining in the class except them.
“Yeah,we are friends” Damien said.
“And you’re going to let the meal i brought for you go to waste?” Marlene asked.
“I’m going to eat it” Damien said,not wanting to hurt her feelings.
He was touched she could be that generous.
She smiled and her smile hit him like it always does .
“But…don’t bring meal for me everytime ,it’s gonna make me feel uncomfortable” Damien said and Marlene nodded.
“So, let’s start…which part don’t you understand?” Damien asked and Marlene switched on her laptop.
“I got the first part right but it got confusing from this part” Marlene pointed to it.


“Woah…never knew it was that simple” Marlene stretched as Damien finished explaining to her.
She tried it after he explained to her and she got it right.

“Yeah it is” Damien said. Teaching her was fun,they laughed multiple times.

“I’ll go get our meal” Marlene got to her feet.
“I’ll get it, it’s in your backpack right?” Damien asked.
“Yeah,let’s go get it together. I’ll get the water”


They started eating and it was like they were having a mini feast,there were more than three meals to choose from,the meals were delicious and richly looked,there was even deserts..
Damien suspected Marlene isn’t as poor as they portrayed her to be.
“We better finish this quickly before someone comes in and think we’re having a mini feast” Damien said and Marlene laughed..
He smiled.
“Geez! I don’t laugh this way Damien. You’re funny” Marlene said, smiling.
“I’m not, you just find the things i say funny” Damien said.
“Because they are, Charles and Bes are the only ones that make me laugh this way” She said.

“Charles is my brother and Bes is my dog” Marlene said, seeing the confused look on Damien’s face.
“Ohh…you have a dog, that’s great”
“Yeah” Marlene nodded, feeling she just let her mouth run again.
She hope she isn’t gonna reveal her identity one day.

They ate the rest of their meal in silence and Damien thanked her after they were done.
They cleared the desk and went back to their seats.
“Are you with your phone?” Marlene asked and Damien shook his head.
“You wanna use it?”
“I want to see your sister’s pictures”
Damien smiled “really?”
Marlene nodded.
“I’m gonna bring it tomorrow then” Damien said.

Lunch break was over and students started returning to the class.
The first two to walk in looked at them suspiciously and Marlene and Damien laughed.

“Hey Mum” Damien smiled as he walked into the living room.
Mrs Neave was knitting and watching TV.
There was a bowl of steaming pizza rolls beside her.
She looked great in a simple chiffon-sleeved dress with white flip flops, her hair was packed in a bun and her face glowed.
She has transformed after her surgeries, she’s more happy and relaxed now.
She loved their new house also..
She smiled on seeing Damien….”How was school?”
“Great Mum” Damien threw one pizza roll in his mouth and it was so hot that his mouth danced.
Mrs Neave laughed.

“Ahhh!” Damien sighed when he finally finished chewing the roll..
He dropped his backpack and sat beside his stepmum.
“You sure love boring shows” He said trying to change the channel, Mrs Neave slapped his hand painfully.
“Ouch! You’re so mean” He groaned.
“I’m gonna hit your mouth next” Mrs Neave threatened and Damien shifted far away.

She laughed…” How’s Irene?”
Damien sees her everyday cause she’s always in the car with Ivory whenever they come to pick him.
“I don’t think she’s fine,her face doesn’t look happy and i asked her,she said she’s okay” Damien said.
“Really?” Mrs Neave asked worriedly.
“Get my phone from my room,let’s give her a call”
“Okay Mum”


“Ally, you won’t believe this” Mrs Marshall walked into Allysia’s room,who was sullen that Damien hadn’t seem to notice her today.
She was back from school,changed into her house wears.

“What?” Allysia sat up on the bed.
“Ivory’s nanny has a workshop in Harold’s garden!”
“What!” Allysia exclaimed.
“Yeah,the flower room was transformed into a workshop for her!”
“She must have forced brother to do it” Allysia got on her feet and slipped her feet into her slippers.

“I think she enchanted brother” Allysia said.
“Yes, he now does things he normally won’t do”
“You’re right Ally! He never allows any employee in the dining room but he allowed her! even after i complained” Mrs Marshall said.
“She shouldn’t be in this house anymore” Allysia said, walking out of her room.

Mrs Marshall followed her.




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10 months ago

Ally also came from poor family