A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 50 – 51 by Azeemah Salami

A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 1 by Azeemah Salami

A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 50 by Azeemah Salami


“Good night Harold” Irene cut him short and got to her feet.
“I hope you have a good night rest” She said before walking out of the library with her eyes laced with tears.

?Two days later?

“Wow!” Damien jumped around the living room of their new apartment.
He was amazed with the work of the house decorator,he smiled happily as he checked out their new furnitures one after the other.
The ceilings were at least ten feet high in the living room and the dining room,the fan was circling lazily on the ceiling, moving little air but the living room was relatively cool.
There’s a fireplace too.

The apartment has three rooms and Damien couldn’t wait to check his out.
He was so satisfied with the work of the lady. that he already started picturing himself all over the house.
Irene walked in with her luggage and was wowed too.
Although,the decorator had sent the picture to her but the pictures that was sent to her did no justice to this beautiful apartment.
Everything is exactly the way she wanted it.
Cool and adorable.

“I should go check out my room” Damien said grabbing the cardboard box containing his books.
He really wish there’ll be a shelf in his room.
If there isn’t, then that’s the only thing he’ll miss about his old room.

“Your room is the one in the middle, mum’s on the left and mine on the right” Irene said.
“Okay sis” Damien grinned, walking towards a passage.
“I’ll check out the kitchen” Irene said after him.
“Okay” Damien shouted as he located his room.
He pushed the door open and gently walked in.

“Woah” He beamed.

His bedroom was decorated in shiny brown satin with curtains to match the bedspread and furniture.
He dropped his cardboard box on the bed and perceived the fragrance of exotic flowers, he walked to the window and saw the view of a garden…

“Wow!” He screamed in excitement.
He never knew there was a garden in this house.
He’s so excited about it but he doesn’t know if the garden belongs to one of their neighbors and they probably won’t allow anyone in there.
The caretaker hadn’t mentioned they could use the garden, it must belong to someone who doesn’t like sharing it..
Well..he’s glad he can be seeing it from his window anytime he wants.


turned around to continue checking out his room.
Simple and fascinating to look at.
The colour’s cool and calm plus the room is quite cozy.
“Yes!” He shouted excitedly when he sighted a shelf.
He quickly started arranging his books in there.
“Damien,let’s go get other things” Irene said outside his door.
She was satisfied with how the kitchen looked too.
“Have you checked your room?” Damien asked.
“Not yet, we need to go offload the van,the driver is waiting.
“Ohh… okay” Damien said.

love my room! Damn!” He said excitedly to Irene as they walked out of the door.
“I’m glad you do” Irene smiled.
“Thanks for the shelf, thanks for everything ” Damien said.
“I know you’ll definitely need a shelf for your books and i thought of bringing in your old one but you’ve been using it for years and it’s starting to creak even though you never complained”
“What are you going to do with our old furnitures?” Damien asked as they packed inside.
The driver helped them this time too.
“I’m going to sell them” Irene said.
“Ohh..that’s fine then” Damien said.
“And… don’t in any way disclose our new home address to anyone okay?”
“Okay sis” Damien said and they walked outside to pack more luggage.

house is finally set, i can’t wait for mum to see it” Damien smiled as they ate dinner.

They got back to Harold’s house in the night,tired.
It was a whole lot of work than they had thought but they were glad everything is set.

“You’re sounding so happy like you badly want to leave here and won’t miss me when you leave ” Ivory said sadly to Damien.
Damien’s eyes turn somber immediately,he hadn’t even thought of that. All he had being excited about was his new home.
Damn! He’s freaking gonna miss ivory and this house.

“Ivory, i am going to miss you so much, I’m just so happy because i now have a new home which is lovelier and better than the old one, come here V” Damien drew her close and she bursted into tears, hugging him tightly.
Damien looked helpless and all he could do was gently rub her back.
Harold sighed,he had stopped eating.
He thought Irene was the only one who’s in Ivory’s good book,he never thought Damien is now involved too.

“What are we gonna do?” Irene asked Harold worriedly.
“And she mustn’t cry to sleep or she’ll fall sick” Harold said unhappily, pushing his food away.
“Then we need to do something to make her happy before she sleeps” Irene said.

Harold sighed, watching his crying daughter.

“You both will be going to school in the same car and be dropped in your houses when school is over, you’ll get to be seeing Damien everyday that way. Eric will be picking Damien at his house and you both will be going to school together okay?”
“Okay Dad” Ivory sniffed and Damien cleaned her tears with tissue.
What Harold said seemed to have consoled her cause she was now smiling and eating her food.
“That means we’ll have to change your car to a bigger one” Harold said.
“Yes Dad, color purple” Ivory said with a mouthful of apple pie.

“Of course,i wouldn’t have gotten any other color ” Harold said.
He had been initially planning to get Damien a car and a driver that’ll be picking him up to school and dropping him at home but Ivory changed his plan.

“And we’ll get to do your arithmetic homework in the car” Damien smiled to Ivory who nodded.

Irene walked out of Ivory’s room after putting her to sleep.
She should also go to her room through the adjourning door but she’s feeling so thirsty after reading ivory four bedtime stories.
She needs to get a glass cup of water from the kitchen before she goes to bed.
Two bodyguards walked behind her, Max and the other bodyguard was on shift.
“Hey!” She heard behind her and turned.
She already knew it was Harold.
She stopped going to the library at night from the day she made things clear to him and it’s now like they’re avoiding each other.

“What’s up? Where to?” Harold asked.
“To get water” Irene said.
“Why aren’t you asleep yet?” She added.
“I guess I’m used to staying up late in the library” Harold said.
“That’s where you’re headed?” Irene asked.
“No, i came out of my room after i heard Ivory’s door open”
“Ohh” Irene said.
“Goodnight” She added as she started walking away.
His eyes does magic to her body and she doesn’t want to keep staring at him.
They’re not good together or rather,she’s not the perfect lady for him.
She was aware he followed her down to the kitchen.
The bodyguards stood by the door of the kitchen while Irene poured water into a glass cup. Harold stood staring at her and she sighed uncomfortably.
Her cheeks were starting to heat up and she was forced to ask him what he wants.
“I want you to hang out with me tomorrow” He said.
“Hang out? You won’t be going to work?”
“Ohh” She gulped down her water.
“So, why me?”
“I don’t know” Harold shrugged. He missed her and he wanted to spend some time with her alone, she has been avoiding him and it’s starting to kill him slowly.
“Please, don’t refuse. I understand we can’t be in a romantic relationship but are you against friendship too?” Harold asked.
“So…will you go out with me?” Harold asked with pleading eyes.
“Yes” Irene smiled inwardly.

She really wants to be alone with him too, she missed him so much.


Harold parked the car and they both got out.
They are both on their outing without no bodyguard and of course Harold was using his shades and face cap.

She was putting on a sheepskin coat in a cream and brown color and good looking black boots with jeans and sweater.
Harold had told her to dress warm.
She wondered where he was taking her.
He stretched out his hand and she hesitated before placing hers in it.
She was stunned to discover they were walking into an airport.
They walked up to his plane,it was huge.
She stared at the plane before facing him.
“W..wha.. wher..” She stammered.
“Chill” Harold laughed.
“Where are you taking me?” Irene asked.
“I thought we’d go to Vermont for the day, there are some beautiful walks, pretty inns where we can have lunch, we’ll be back this afternoon” Harold said.
“Ohh,i hope it’s not sooo expensive?” Irene asked.
“Com’on” Harold said.
“Okay” Irene finally smiled…

She’s so excited.

She still looked stunned as she walked up the stairway to Harold’s plane where a purser and a stewardess waited to welcome them.
The captain and copilot had clearance for take off and said they’d be leaving in few minutes,as they sat down in the big comfortable seats.

A few minutes later, they took off and the stewardess served them breakfast.

The breakfast was delicious, they both had scrambled eggs, blueberry muffins, cappuccino. Harold had black coffee instead of cappuccino though.
They both chatted on the brief flight and they landed in Vermont two hours later at an airstrip near a tiny village.
“Wow!” Irene exclaimed with a smile.
The leaves were orange and red and yellow.

The pilot had rented a car for them that was waiting when they landed so they could drive around alone.

They got into the car and Harold started driving to where only him knows.
Irene was obviously excited as she squealed like a kid.
Harold felt so happy he made her smile.

He parked the car at edge of a forest,and there was a small lake with swans on it.
Irene smiled as they both got out.
It was chilly, autumn had already come to Vermont, it wasn’t as cold yet in San Francisco.
“Let’s sit” Harold said, spreading a little mat he had gotten from the car.


“Woah” Allysia smiled as she stepped out of the plane with Mrs Marshall.

They were back in San Francisco!


Zeemah Writes?

? Episode 51


Harold and Irene laughed at his joke, while they wandered into a bookstore in Vermont.
They had left the swan lake after spending some time and now they were just walking when they sighted the bookstore.
It really struck her how the people are so friendly.
The salespeople were pleasant and anxious to help them.
They left the bookstore two hours later and Harold led her to a hotel.

“We’re going to have lunch in a hotel room because..” Harold was saying.
“Because you don’t like eating with your sunshades on and if you should put it off in a restaurant, you’ll be figured out and it’ll be all over the news in a second” Irene completed his words for him with a smile.
“Thanks for understanding” Harold laughed.

They got to the hotel, booked a room and ordered lunch.

They checked in to their room, it was a beautiful little room with a fireplace and flowered chintz.
There was a large bed with white bedspread and a single chair and table.
A round mirror was facing a dressing chair.

The room looks tidy and small with a pretty nice smell too.

Irene sighed as she laid on the bed on her back.
Harold was seated on the couch, straightening out his long legs.
He removed his sunshade and sighed.
“Our outing has been enjoyable so far” Irene smiled, turning to face Harold.
“I’m glad you found it enjoyable, i just needed to do something to make you stop ignoring me” Harold said.
“Ohh” Irene said remorsefully as she pulled off her boots.
“Im trying so hard not to soil your reputation” She added as she stretched out her legs too.
“You care about what the world will say than your own feelings?” Harold asked with a little frown and the knock on the door saved Irene from answering.

Harold who had completely forgotten he’s no longer on his sunshades went to answer the door.
“Ohh.. thank you” he said opening the door for the hotel worker to bring in their lunch.
He heard her gasp and then gazed at her.
“H.. arold Marshall?” The lady nearly screamed.
“Damn!” Irene exclaimed as she quickly climbed out of the bed.
She got to the door and saw how helpless Harold looked.
Irene collected the lunch from the lady before she could pour it away out of excitement.
“Look, can you please keep mute about this? I don’t want anyone knowing I’m here” Harold said and the lady nodded, smiling broadly.
Harold fetched some dollar bills from his pocket and handed it to her.
“Oh..my.. God!” The lady exclaimed as she took it.
“Thank you” She smiled.
“I don’t want anyone knowing I’m here please” Harold said.
“I promise i won’t tell anyone” She said.
Irene could see she’s Anna from her name tag.

“Can i touch you please?” Anna asked Harold who nodded.

“Oh…my! Can i just die now” Anna said dramatically after touching Harold.
Harold and Irene glanced at each other and laughed.
“I should go now, before the manager starts screaming”
“Ohh” Harold said,glad she’s leaving. His stomach is rumbling and he can’t wait to dig into his lunch.
“Yeah he’s a mad dog” Anna huffed.
“Uh…uh” Irene and Harold said in unison.
Anna waved at them happily before turning to walk away .

They sighed as they closed the door.

“Do you think she can keep her mouth shut about me being here?” Harold asked as they sat to eat their lunch.
“She looks like someone who stands by her words, i just hope her excitement won’t make her spill the beans” Irene said.

“Woah..this is a whole lot” Irene said, opening the varieties of meals.
“We’re gonna go sailing after lunch”
“Wow…can’t wait” Irene said eagerly.
“You up for it?” Harold asked.
“Of course” She smiled.

“I’m so enjoying this” Harold said,with a mouthful.
“Me too” Irene said.

The turkey wasn’t dry,the stuffing was perfect,there was cranberry jelly,an assortment of vegetables, mashed potatoes and pecan and apple pie for dessert with whipped cream.

⛵ ⛵
They left the hotel almost immediately they finished their lunch and was glad they didn’t come across Anna again.
The boatman was waiting at the lake, standing near a beautiful old wooden classic sailboat.
He bowed in greetings to Harold and Irene and they responded.
Irene looked excited and couldn’t wait to climb aboard.
The boatman took the tarps off and they all climbed aboard.
He showed them the cabin belowdecks if they got too cold.

“Woah!” Irene shouted excitedly as they pulled away from the dock in the cold air.
They spent the next three hours sailing around the lake.
They were both ecstatic,they had fun and took pictures.
Irene wouldn’t stop shouting in excitement and Harold laughed whenever she did so.
They were both sorry to end the great sail after three hours.
They thanked the boatman and Harold handed him a generous tip before they walked back to the car.
“I had so much fun, thank you” Irene grinned as Harold started driving back to the airport.
“Im glad you had fun” Harold smiled.

“Aren’t we going back to the airport?” Irene asked as Harold took a different turn.
“No, we’re going shopping!!” Harold said, stunning Irene once more.
“We don’t have to” Irene said.
“Well..we have to” Harold smiled.
“Nola is gonna take care of her” Harold winked .
“And you’re gonna offend me by not picking anything” Harold added and Irene sighed.
“They’ve got nice things here,trust me” He said.


They headed to the airport after shopping.
Irene had picked a great jacket with three pairs of shoes, not wanting to offend Harold.


Irene smiled as she checked the pictures they took while sailing.
They were on flight to San Francisco already and she and Harold was sitting side by side in his plane, sipping wine.
Harold looked like he’s engrossed in the magazine he was holding,but he had been stealing glances at Irene all along.
He enjoys watching her smile.
“Ivory’s birthday is tomorrow” Irene said, facing Harold. Her cheeks grew hot when she caught him staring at her.
“Yeah” Harold said.
“And she really wants Allysia to be there” Irene said.
“I won’t be surprised if Allysia and my mum appears tomorrow”
“Ohh” Irene smiled, hoping Ivory will like the purple dress she had sewn for her. Her mum wanted her to give ivory a white sweater too and Damien had bought purple shoes for her.

Damien won’t be there to give her tomorrow cause he’ll be going to their new house once he’s back from school today so she’s gonna help him present his gift to ivory.
He might come around tomorrow though.

“I’m glad tomorrow is a Saturday, i want to take my princess to so many beautiful places,I’m gonna buy her lots of things and restock her wardrobe with new ballet dresses, I’ll transform her ballet room into a more advanced one and I’ll do everything she wants for her, tomorrow” Harold smiled.
Irene was touched deeply by how much he loves his daughter.
The light in his eyes when he said those things was just so adorable.
The joy of being a parent…

It was dark when they returned to the house.
Irene was all smiles, she really enjoyed her day.
“Thank you, i really enjoyed my day” She said to Harold.
“I’m glad you did” Harold said and she surprisingly gave him a tight hug.
He hugged her back, smiling.

She didn’t mind the workers standing around as she stood on her toes and pecked him on both cheeks.
Harold was stunned,he would never have thought Irene would kiss him in front of his workers,she was always careful not to even call him by his name in front of his workers and now she had kissed him!
It felt so good.
“Goodnight and thank you” She said shyly as she retreated to get room with her shopping bags.


Allysia and Mrs Marshall booked in to Harold’s hotel, they wanted to surprise Ivory tomorrow,which was her birthday and they warned the manager not to say a word to Harold that they were here.

They went to bed after eating dinner and Allysia slept after talking to George,her boyfriend.


Marlene stood at her bedroom window, looking down at the hillside in the pouring rain,she was watching her dog soaking w€t and digging excitedly in the mud.
She smiled as he wagged his tail and looked up at her,he returned to digging again.

His name was Bes, a name Marlene had given him the moment her father gave it to her, six years ago on her tenth birthday.
Bes was her only best friend and companion.
He keeps her company and prevents her from getting bored to death.
She led an isolated life and always had.

Marlene laughed as she watched Bes chased a rabbit that eluded him and swiftly disappeared.
He barked and splashed happily through the mud again, he was having a great time as Marlene was, watching him.
She laughed again, thinking no one would believe that this muddy brown dog was actually white.

A knock on her door made her turn.
“Come in” Marlene said, adjusting her tiara.

The door opened and a maid walked in.

“I’m sorry to interrupt you,your highness. Dinner is ready” The maid bowed.
“Okay Claire, I’ll be down in a minute” Marlene said.



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3 years ago

Marlene is a princess?
Wow! Amazing
Well done author

Eze Stephen
Eze Stephen
3 years ago

Weldon ??????

3 years ago

I think Damien will be falling inlove soon ?

3 years ago

So love this story

3 years ago

Interesting, when is the next episode coming please