A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 42 – 43 by Azeemah Salami

A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 1 by Azeemah Salami

A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 42 by Azeemah Salami

“I can’t…sleep, let’s go into the library”
“Come in” Harold said.
“Huh?..i mean the lib..” She was saying before Harold shut her up with a sizzling kiss.
Her eyes widened in surprise and her heart was already beating fast against her chest, almost knocking it off.
She could feel her face heat up and she tried so much not to return the kiss but she couldn’t hold herself anymore.
She melted in his arms as she kissed him back and at that moment, all that existed to them was pure love.
Irene gave herself in completely loosing control over her mind.
A kiss has never made her feel this way.

The kiss went on and on until they both had to stop to catch their breath.
Irene sighed,not able to look up, she felt so shy that she wished she had magic,she would have just disappeared to her room cause she can’t even look Harold in the face right now and she’s so sure her cheeks must have lost it’s colour.
They both didn’t say anything to each other for a while.

Harold smiled and licked his lips, noticing how shy Irene was.
“Isn’t your neck hurting” He said, raising her head with his palms.
He made her look into his eyes and then smiled.
“You look beautiful and I’d do anything to kiss you over and over again” He said.
Irene’s stomach curled as he brought his lips closer again.
And she couldn’t even stop him!
She didn’t see herself stopping him.
She wanted it to!

“Come in” He whispered to her ear.


She walked into his room and smiled.
This is not the first time she’ll be here but everytime she comes here,she’s always impressed with how nice the place looks…
“Your room always looks so neat and beautiful everyday” Irene said.
Harold closed the door behind them.
“Thank you” he said.
“You look so cute when blushing, i almost kissed you again” Harold said.
“Can we not talk about the ‘kiss’ ” Irene said, her cheeks starting to heat up again.
She sat her butt on the bed, inwardly scolding herself over the kiss.
“Fine” Harold said beside her.
“So, you weren’t able to sleep?” He asked.
“Yeah, i just kept tossing in bed. Maybe because I’m overjoyed about my mum’s health” Irene smiled.
“Ohh,so you wanted us to go into the library”
“Yeah and…” She paused.
“What?” Harold asked.


know it must have taken a lot of courage for you to…profess your love to me and I’m sorry for delaying an answer cause i know you deserve one,i just want to put things in place first, I’m so glad you find me attractive or rather im surprised you do…”
“Surprised? Why?”
“I never thought you’d find someone like me attractive”
“Someone like you?”
“I mean…a nanny” Irene said.

“And being a nanny means you’re not attractive? Do not think that way Irene,you’re actually the most beautiful nanny I’ve ever met, you’re the only lady..I’ve ever had feelings for since Carrle left, love is not based on one’s occupation,it’s based on oneself” Harold said.
“You’re right” Irene smiled.
“Do you want a drink?” Harold asked walking to the freezer.”
“I don’t mind” Irene said.

Harold handed a glass cup of chilled orange juice to her.
“Thank you”
“Come” He took her hand and led her to the verandah.

“Wow, what a view” Irene said.
“Yeah,it’s a beautiful night” Harold smiled.
“I’ve never been here, you’re so lucky with this great view” Irene sipped her juice.
“And why did you poured juice for me but poured wine for yourself” She pouted.
“I don’t want you getting tipsy it might influence whatever you wanna say and you know you get tipsy easily”
“Ohh,how did you got to know so much about me?”
“By studying you of course, and you’re so easy to read”
“Really?” Irene frowned.
“Yeah but i guess I’m the only one that find you so easy to read ” Harold said.
“I guess so too, you’re so different,far different from the people I’ve met, being with you always make me feel like I’m in a different world” Irene said.
“Wow… really?” Harold chuckled.

They both rested their hands on the rails and stared at the sky with different thoughts running through their minds .

“Do you want to see Helena’s room?” Harold suddenly asked.


“Wow!” Irene exclaimed as she walked into Helena’s room with Harold.
They had to brush off cobwebs as they stepped in further.
“For how long have you avoided this room?” Irene asked.
“For…years now” Harold said, feeling so bad.
That guilty feeling is back.
“You shouldn’t have come in here without her necklace” Harold’s mind hunt him.

“You should have at least make the cleaners clean the room everyday” Irene said.
The room looks so dusty.. dust covered every furniture and cobwebs hanging at every corner of the room, there was a a stale smell in the air.
“You know what? We need to clean up this room first” Irene said.


both set to work after getting cleaning tools.
“I think you should clear the cobwebs while i tend to the dust” Irene said to Harold.
“Ohh…okay” He said.
After so much efforts,they finally made the room look better,the dusts and cobwebs gone, everything looking so okay now and Irene could see how beautiful the room is.

“I’ll make the maids tend to the bathroom tomorrow” Harold said.

“Ohh…okay. Helena had a great taste,her room looks so cool and beautiful” Irene commented,her eyes darting all over the place.
She sighted a picture frame on the wall and moved closer to it.
She wiped it clean with the napkin and stared at the woman in the picture.
She looks pretty in curly golden hair and sharp blue eyes,fine nose and modest lips which held a beautiful smile.
“Is this Helena?” Irene asked Harold and he nodded without looking at the picture.
“And that’s…the necklace on her neck” Harold said.
Irene’s eyes moved to her neck immediately and she stared at the tiny necklace with held s crystal pendant…

Why does it look so familiar?
Like she has seen it… somewhere?

“Harold are you okay?” She asked, noticing how uneasy he felt.
“I need to go outside” he said.
“Okay” Irene said and watched him leave, she can understand how he feel right now,she so much wish she can help him get the necklace from Carrle.

Irene sighed and sat on the chair,the picture frame still in her hand.
She was still staring at it when she heard a sound, she raised up her head slowly and saw the bathroom door creaking open.
She sat still in fear, her heart almost jumping out of her chest.
She couldn’t explain how she screamed and flew to the door, tossing the picture frame away..


? Episode 43


She sat still in fear, her heart almost jumping out of her chest.
She couldn’t explain how she screamed and flew to the door, tossing the picture frame away..
She opened the door and rushed outside, startling Harold who was in deep thought.
“What?” He asked.
“T.. the the bathroom door suddenly opened itself and it made a scary sound” Irene said, breathing heavily.
“Chill…were you seated when the door started opening?” Harold asked.
“Yeah, I was”
“Ohh…on the dressing chair right?”
“Well..i don’t know how that happens but whenever Helena sits on her dressing chair,her bathroom door automatically opens.
“Wow! That’s…that’s creepy” Irene said.
“Yeah it is” Harold said.
“Let’s leave here” Irene said,still scared.
What got into her?
How could she go into a dead person room in the middle of the night and even sit on the chair!
She know herself to be scared at every slightest thing but the courage she had when entering Helena’s room still amazes her.

Harold took her hand and they both walked back into the house.
As they passed the living room, Irene saw a dark image..someone’s shadow.
She stopped walking.
“What?” Harold asked.
“There’s someone in the living room” She said slowly.
“By this time of the night?” Harold raised his brow, turning and walking back towards the living room.
Irene didn’t move, she was still so scared about the Helena thing..
“Alex,what are you doing here?” She heard Harold ask and she turned and walked to join Harold.
Alex’s face reeled of shock when he saw Irene with Harold and he just stared at them,not knowing what to say.
“What are you doing here by this time of the night?” Harold repeated.
“I..im just watching out for the whole house” Alex said and Irene could tell he was telling lies.
“By this time of the night?” Harold asked.
“Yeah,by this time of the night?” Irene asked too.
“My job is to protect the house and that’s what I’m doing” Alex said.
“Since when have you started doing this?” Harold asked, touched by Alex diligence.
“For so long Mr Harold” Alex said, intentionally looking pitiful.
“Damn!” Irene cursed inwardly….
“Alex, i must commend your efforts,you’ve been such a good bodyguard to this house, you’re the most hardworking of all. Good job Alex” Harold said.

“Sh**! Is Harold going to believe this brat?!” Irene fumed.
“Thank you Mr Harold” Alex smiled, mocking Irene in the process.
“Motherfvcker!” Irene cursed under her breath.
“In as much as you want to protect the house, i don’t want you to keep missing your sleep, sleeping goes a long way in one’s health okay?”
“Okay Mr Harold” Alex said.
“Go to bed now” Harold said and Alex nodded.

“Such a diligent man” Harold said after Alex left.
“Why do you trust him so much?” Irene asked.
“He proved himself worthy of my trust”
“I personally don’t think he should be trusted” Irene said.
“Really? Why?” Harold asked as they climbed the stairs.
“He seems creepy and i do have a bad feeling about him every time!”
“Ohh wow! I guess that’s because you haven’t gotten to know him so well.. Alex is a great person” Harold said and Irene shrugged.

She wish she had evidence to back up her intuitions.

“Good night Harold” Irene said, stopping in the middle of the stairs.
“You aren’t going to your room?” He asked.
“Yeah, I’m not feeling a bit sleepy yet so i thought it’d be great if i go continue with my sewing”
“Ohh…I’m not also feeling a bit sleepy yet” Harold smiled.
“So… you’ll be coming with me?” Irene asked.
“Yeah!” Harold said.
“Great! Let’s go” Irene grinned.


“This is so much fun” Harold said as he helped Irene cut out cloth pieces while she sew.
She’s amazed he could cut so well,she just taught him once and he grabbed it.
“Yeah, sewing is so much fun”
“I’ll like to do this more often” Harold grinned.
“Well…new orders will be coming in tomorrow” Irene said.
“Yeah, I’m almost done with this, i don’t accept orders when I’m not done with a set. I’m glad Dam is here to help me”
“Dam is gonna help you in the day while i help you in the night” Harold winked and Irene felt her world spin.
“Does that mean I’ll start coming here in the night too” Irene said .
“Thats if you have so much to do.. just call on me whenever you’re coming here in the night” Harold said.
“Ohh.. okay” Irene said.

Spending time with Harold gives her great joy and makes her forget her worries.
She so much like seeing his handsome face every time,she really count herself lucky to be around Harold.
So many people are dieing for this opportunity.

“These dresses are so beautiful” Harold said admiring the dresses Irene placed on the table.
“Thank you, I’m just gonna pack them and deliver them tomorrow,then I’ll go get materials for the new orders”
“I think i should get you a car of your own” Harold said.
“What! No, I’m okay with Ivory’s car”
“You sure?” Harold asked.
“Of course”
” You can take a different car in the garage though, any car of your choice and don’t you think you’ll be needing a driver? I’ll assign Alex to be your driver”

“What! Not in this world” Irene scoffed.
Harold laughed “I was only joking, did you dislike him that much?”
“I don’t, i just…there’s this bad aura surrounding him, i just don’t know” Irene said and Harold sighed.
“I think I’m gonna have to keep a close watch on him then cause you’ve never said this to me about any worker” Harold said thoughtfully.
“You should, please” Irene said, getting up to pick her tape measure.
“You should have told me to pick it for you” Harold said.
“I can’t order my boss around” Irene said.
“Ohh…but i don’t mind” Harold said.
“I don’t know why you treat me differently from other workers” Irene said.
“Cause i like you…so much” Harold said and she felt her face heating up.

Damn you face!
You keep embarrassing me every time.

“There’s this dress I’ll be releasing soon…”
“Really?” Harold’s eyes lit up,he’s so glad Irene is serious and focused about the whole thing, she’s a real business woman.
“Yes but I’m not done with the drawing yet,I’m gonna make sure it’s eye catching and irresistible, im glad people are getting to know Daire fashions and i think it’s time to prove that skills are not based on the size of one’s workshop ” Irene said confidently.
“Wow! You’ve proved that to me already and now it’s time for the world to see your unbeatable skills,you sew so well and I’m afraid you’re gonna steal so many customers from the top fashion stores in San Francisco” Harold laughed.
“Well…” Irene said and her mind trailed back to Tanya.
The woman had threatened her even before she started getting orders.

“How much do you know about Tanya fashion store?” Irene asked Harold.
“Tanya? Well..i know her wears to be so costly,even at that,her fashion store is the the top in San Francisco,if i should judge, you’re far better than her in terms of sewing. And also,she’s Carrle’s best friend”
“Carrle’s best friend?” Irene asked.
“Yeah, is anything wrong?” Harold asked.

“Well..” Irene swallowed hard.
She should tell Harold about it.

“Tanya threatened me at..at the dinner party i accompanied you to.”
“What! Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Harold asked.
“I think it’s just a threat cause she came to me after seeing people get my contact, she’s just scared i might overtake her in the business and that’s completely normal”
“Yeah it is but i think she went extra mile with the threat. I’ll go to her store tomorrow and just give her a warning”
“No! Please don’t, i feel we should let her be..she hasn’t come to me the second time,it was just once so it’s better to overlook it”
“If she comes to you the second time, promise me you’re gonna tell me”
“I promise” Irene smiled.
“You’re still gonna receive more threat from others too” Harold said.
“Really?” Irene raised a brow.
“Yeah but we’ll put them in their place one after the other” Harold smiled.
“So many people are starting to follow my page and I’m starting to receive lots of messages,orders and enquiries. I think i need a manager” Irene said dramatically and they both laughed.

“Shuu…the whole house is asleep” Harold said and they lowered their voices.


“Ouch!” Irene said from her sleep, she was asleep but she felt a sharp pain in her arm.
She was forced to open her eyes and her eyes went straight to her arm.
She blinked and saw it was a needle.
She pushed the needle away and rubbed her arm.
She wonder how needles got into her room.
“Huh!” She gasped when realisation dawned on her.

“What!” She exclaimed loudly, glancing around.
They had slept off in her workshop and worst of all…

It’s 10am.

“OMG! Harold” Irene shook him..
He was deeply asleep,sprawled on the chair.
“Harold” Irene called again as she got to her feet.
She shook him and he finally moved, opening his eyes little by little.
“Please wake up. It’s 10am!” Irene said.
“Huh?” His eyes sprung open.
“What!” He exclaimed glancing at the wall clock.
“Ivory!” Irene said before running out of the workshop.
Harold got up and ran after her…


“She left for school already?” Irene asked Nola.
“Really?” Harold asked behind her and Nola nodded.
“Of course, she left for school long ago with Damien. Can’t you both see it’s 10am already” Nola said.
“Who got her ready for school?” Irene asked.
“Damien did when he found out both of you were asleep in the workshop, he got Ivory ready for school and they ate breakfast and left” Nola said and Irene sighed.

“I’m glad he did. Did Ivory got to see me before she left?” Harold asked.
“Yeah, she came to peck you” Nola smiled.
“Ohh…i know she wouldn’t leave without seeing me” Harold smiled.
“How could we sleep off in the workshop” Irene laughed and Harold joined her.

“You should go get dressed for work” Irene told Harold.


“Madam Tanya. Harold Marshall is here” Tanya’s secretary told her.
“What!” Tanya smiled knowing it’s a honour for Harold to be in her store.
He has never shopped in her store and she has been looking forward to the day he will and now he’s here!

“I hope everything is perfectly arranged? I hope the store is well kept. Order everyone shopping to leave till Harold Marshall is done” Tanya said.
“Okay ma’am” Diane left to carry out Tanya’s order.

To be continued….


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3 years ago

Awnnn…. interesting

3 years ago

Irene is still holding back

Erakpoweri Blessing
Erakpoweri Blessing
3 years ago

When I thought I was going to see a love scene between Harold and Irene…..pls Alex should be monitored

3 years ago

It’s getting interesting

3 years ago

Can’t wait for alex nd maria to be bosted

3 years ago

Thank God she’s opening up about threat

Solly G
Solly G
2 years ago

Hmmm 🤔 you better get ready to receive it back to back