A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 40 – 41 by Azeemah Salami

A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 1 by Azeemah Salami

A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 40 by Azeemah Salami


There were loud gasp and the next thing Irene heard was camera clicks.


“Mum! What have you done!” Ivory screamed.
“Wow!” Irene sighed, she quickly wiped the ice cream off her face,the coldness was painful.
“Irene,I’m so sorry” ivory cried.
Cameras were still on them and Irene tried hard not to cry, the embarrassment was so hard to take.

She stood up slowly and stared at the fuming Carrle.
“Next time, you don’t interfere in our conversation. You’re just a nanny! You’re not worthy to look me in the face not to talk of interfering in my conversation. Hey everyone,this is the CEO of Daire fashions and look how she’s dressed..in rags!” Carrle laughed loud together with her bodyguards.
“Mum! Stop already!” ivory yelled.
“Bye baby girl,see you some other day. Glad to know your favorite flavor is strawberry” Carrle smiled.
“Poor bitch!” Carrle said to Irene’s face before walking away with her bodyguards.
Irene stood still, staring on.
“I’m so sorry Irene” Ivory rubbed her hand.
“Will you all drop those freaking phones!?” Tom yelled walking into the ice cream parlor.
He had followed Irene here together with Eric.
Everyone dropped their phones, satisfied they had taken enough pictures and videos.
He led Irene out of the shop, wishing he had been in the parlor with them, Carrle wouldn’t have pulled that stunt.
Now it’s all over the internet, he had seen it before coming into the shop, something that happened just few minutes ago!
He felt so sorry for Irene for the bad publicity Carrle had given her.
“I’m so sorry about that Irene” Eric said when they got into the car.
“It’s fine” Irene smiled sadly.
“Here” Tom passed her handkerchief.
She took it and bursted into tears, Ivory started crying too and Tom and Eric sighed.

He had actually given her the handkerchief to clean the ice cream on her hair.

“That was so bad of Carrle” Eric fumed as he turned on the ignition.

“It’s fine Irene” Tom consoled her.
“Com’on,stop crying” Irene said to Ivory in tears.
“I won’t stop if you don’t” Ivory sniffed.
Irene wiped her tears “Look, I’ve stopped”
Ivory’s tears came to a halt and she wiped off the ice cream on Irene’s hair..


hair and face sure needs thorough wash” Irene smiled and Ivory nodded.
“I won’t allow her see me anymore” Ivory said.
“What?” Irene asked.
“I won’t allow my mum see me anymore, i will stop going out with her” Ivory said.
“No ivory, she’s your mum and she doesn’t see you every time,you shouldn’t do that”
“I will!” Ivory said.
“She’s so mean” ivory said.
“No! That’s disrespectful,do not say that to your mum okay.” Irene scolded.
“Okay Irene but i won’t allow her see me anymore and won’t go out with her again”

/> “Do not try to change my mind” ivory cut her short.
“Ivory,she’s your m…”
“Rule number 15! Do not try to make me change my mind once i insist on something” Ivory said and Irene smiled.

been long Ivory read out a rule to her.


Carrle Weston in Dream ice cream parlor!

Carrle Weston emptied ice cream on daughter’s nanny!

”Poor bitch!” Carrle blasts daughter’s nanny!

The CEO of Daire fashions is a nanny!

Trouble between Carrle Weston and daughter’s nanny!

Ivory, billionaire Harold Marshall’s daughter defends nanny against mother!

disagreements in the Marshall’s family.

Carrle slaps daughter’s nanny!

Ivory Marshall’s nanny leaves ice cream parlor in embarrassment!

CEO of Daire fashions dressed in what Carrle Weston referred to as rags!!!

“What!!!” Harold exclaimed.
His secretary had just showed him the ongoing trend.
“Oh…my God!” He picked his blazer.
“You’re going?” His secretary asked him.
“Of course, Carrle is going to pay for this” Harold said angrily wondering how irene must be feeling now.
“Damn!” He swore.


“Tom, please don’t let him out,stop him” Irene said to Tom who blocked Damien way.
They’ve gotten home and Damien already got wind of the news,he was so angry and he’s ready to go confront Carrle.
“How dare she do that to you!” Damien raked his hands through his hair angrily.
“Noooo!” He screamed. “I will fvcking kill her!”
“Damien!” Irene yelled at him.
“Get inside your room now!” She ordered.
“I mean now!” She repeated herself when Damien didn’t move.
Ivory moved back a bit, surprised to see Damien this angry.

“Damien please” Irene took his hand in hers.
“How could you allow someone do that to you. Irene, you’re all over the social media, people are mocking you, your picture is everywhere! I fvcking know where the bitch live, remember her husband once abducted me. Just let me go… fight for you please.” Damien said.
“Damien, no! I’m okay. I’m completely fine,let’s just let it go, please”
“Ahhh!” Damien bit his lower lip..
“Com’on bro” Irene smiled, hugging him.
“Geez,you’re getting taller” She teased him and that made him smile.

kissed her forehead.

“Anyone that hurts you should get ready to face me…” Damien said and Marie and Alex cringed from where they were watching.
“I’m just letting this go because i do no want to hurt your feelings” Damien said and Irene nodded.
“Come,let’s go wash your hair” he took Irene’s hand and they both walked in.

The workers left one after the other astonished by the drama..


“Irene, I’m so sorry” Harold said walking into her room.
“I’ll make Carrle pay for this, i promise. She’s gonna get arrested!”
“No!” Irene stood up from her dressing chair, she was blow drying her hair when Harold walked in.
Damien sat on her bed with her phone in hand.

“I’m fine, you don’t have to do that Harold” Irene said.
“She freaking embarrassed you, she’ll pay for it” Harold insisted.
“I’m fine with whatever she did to me,i don’t want anyone to take any action please” Irene said.
“Mr Harold,just let it go. She won’t allow anyone do anything” Damien said.
“Ahhh!” Harold sighed.
“I’m sorry about this Irene, if you hadn’t been working for me,you wouldn’t have been embarrassed that way”
“It’s okay” Irene said.
“You should go change and freshen up, you look kinda funny ” Irene laughed and Harold smiled.

“I can’t believe people are starting to order for the dress Carrle called rags” Irene smiled, walking into the living room.

“Doc Fern just called” She heard Harold said and glanced at him.
His facial expression changed her mood immediately.
“What happened?” She asked.
“There’s a problem” He said.


? Episode 41


“Doc Fern just called” She heard Harold said and glanced at him.
His facial expression changed her mood immediately.
“What happened?” She asked.
“There’s a problem” He said.

“What?” Irene asked calmly but she was loosing her mind already.
“Your mum survived the liver surgery!!!” Harold announced happily and Irene screamed, hitting Harold all over his chest.
“You’re such a d!ck!” She laughed and the bodyguards raised their brows.
“Huh!” She exclaimed realising what she just said.
“I’m so sorry,i didn’t mean to say that” irene quickly apologized.
“Com’on” Harold laughed.
“I’m a d!ck” He agreed.
“You’re not” Irene said.
“I liked it when you called me that,you don’t have to apologise for it. Look at how cute you are,with your hands on my chest” Harold grinned and Irene’s cheek grew hot and pink.
She slowly removed her hands from his chest, swallowing hard.

“Well…” She said.
“My mum’s liver surgery was successful” She screamed happily, jumping and shaking the bodyguards one after the other.
Harold laughed hard.
“Damien” She shouted happily, rushing out of the living room.
She climbed the stairs hurriedly,almost tripping in the process but she didn’t seem to care.

“Dam” She called, running into his room.
“Ow! You should always knock” Damien said covering his butt from her sight.
“Wow” Irene laughed, holding his dressing chair.
“Like you always knock before coming into my room” She said with a pout.
“Well…i don’t but I’m a guy,you shouldn’t barge in on me,I’m a matured guy” Damien rolled his eyes .
“Ohh… Mr matured,I’m happy to announce to you that Mum survived her liver surgeryyyy” Irene announced in smiles.
“Yes!” Damien said happily, wrapping his towel properly around his waist before hugging Irene.
They jumped all over the room, shouting happily.
Harold heard them shouting from the living room and smiled to himself.

“Mr Harold, aren’t they disturbing the whole house” Alex said to Harold.
“No, let them be” Harold smiled.
“Okay” Alex said through gritted teeth.

“I’m so happy!” Damien said.
They’ve stopped screaming,they were now sitting on the bed.
“I’m so happy too. Do you know Harold is such a d!ck” Irene said.
“Huh? Your boss?” Damien asked.
“Oh..my, can you believe i actually called him that in the presence of other employees”
“Geez!” Damien chuckled.
“Yeah and he agreed he’s a d!ck”
“What?” Damien laughed.

“Yeah,i was on my way to tell him people have started ordering for the cloth Carrle referred to as rags! When he told me Doc Fern just called me and there’s a problem, only for him to announce that the surgery was successful”
“Wow” Damien laughed.
“But are you serious? People are starting to order for the dress that was called rags?”
“Yes dam! I’ve started getting orders for it. ” Irene smiled happily.
“The dress is beautiful, Carrle is just blinded by hate and envy! She even helped you advertise your product” Damien laughed.
“Yeah, what a foolish lady. I had my reasons when i said no one should take action against her, she’s not worth it,she’s generally known as a bad bitch so why should we bother ourselves?” Irene said.
“Ohh… yeah! This is the Irene i know” Damien said and Irene laughed.

“And moreover,i was more bothered by mum’s health than fighting her” Irene said.
“I hope you’ve accepted the orders, accept as many as you can. I’m here to help you” Damien said.
“Not yet, but I’m gonna accept them as soon as I’ve completed the ones in my workshop”

“I’m so grateful to Mr Harold, he’s a life changer” Damien said.
“Yes Dam, I’ll forever be grateful to him”
“If there’s any way to repay him,we surely will” Damien said.

And isn’t she so ready to accept Harold’s proposal?
She freaking love him, anyone would think she wants to date him because of the help he rendered to her family but hell no! She fvcking loved Harold from the beginning but she had failed to admit it and just when she admitted it, Harold professed his feelings to her!
Isn’t that so great.
She hadn’t had time to think about it cause of her mum’s predicament but now that her mum is okay,thoughts are now welcome!
“Hey!” Damien snapped his finger in front of her face after noticing how deep in thought she is.
“Hey bro” She smiled.
“Welcome back from whatever journey you embarked on” He teased and she laughed.
“With blushes creeping into your cheeks. Who are you thinking about?” He asked.
“Someone of course but I’m not gonna tell you anything yet,till i decide”
“Hmm, I’m fine with that. So good to see you blush, it’s been a long time” Damien said.
“Yeah..it’s been a long time you saw me blush” Irene said, knowing she blushes almost every time she’s with Harold.
“So, when is mum returning to San Francisco?” Damien asked.
“Dunderhead there’s still one more surgery to go” Irene said.
“Ohh…her leg’s?”
“I pray it comes out successful too ” Damien.
“Amen, I’m just so glad the most important surgery is successful, mum won’t have to writhe in pain anymore” Irene said and Damien nodded.

He adjusted his towel and Irene glared at him.
“What the fvck are you keeping out of my sight? I do bath you, remember” She groaned.
“That was then, not anymore” Damien grinned, getting to his feet.
And before he could say Jack, Irene pulled his towel away.

“Ahhhhhhhhh” He screamed before running into the bathroom.
Irene’s laugh filled his room…


“Let’s toast to the successful surgery of Mrs Neave” Harold said and they all raised their glasses of wine except Ivory who raised a cone of strawberry ice cream.
They just finished having dinner and Harold wanted them to toast to the success of the surgery before they all go to bed.
“I’m so happy my prayers worked” Ivory smiled, enjoying her ice cream.
Damien sipped his wine beaming like a jolly panda, he has never had a wine so expensive as this.
Irene watched him,glad the wine wasn’t alcoholic.

“Ivory,she’s gonna have her legs surgery too, pray huh?” Damien said.
“Okay dam, i will” Ivory smiled.
“Dad, i had the highest score in arithmetics” ivory said.
“Yes Dad, Damien explained an easy method to me and i even had to explain it to my arithmetics teacher, then she made everyone start using it too, we all loved it” Ivory said.
“Wow!” Harold smiled, glancing towards Damien who just smiled.
Ivory told him already.
“Thanks Damien” Harold said.
“For?” Damien asked,still not letting go of the wine.
“For teaching Ivory an easier method”
“That’s the least i can do Mr Harold,it can’t even be compared to what you’ve done for us. Thank you so much” Damien said.
“There you go again” Harold said.

“Irene, I’m ready to go to bed” Ivory yawned slightly.
“Ohh…baby girl” Irene got to her feet and dropped her glass cup of wine.
“Good night everyone” Ivory waved.
“Good night”
“Good night princess” Harold pecked her cheeks.
“Night Dad” Ivory said.

Irene took her hand and they both headed to her room.

“Damien,make sure you go to bed soon okay”
“Okay sis”..


“I don’t freaking know why everything isn’t working out, I’m just so tired of planning planning planning and at the end,the plan doesn’t work out!” Carrle complained bitterly after Alex had called them that Irene’s mum surgery was successful and the whole house is thrown into a celebration mood.
Ethan said they had to make another plan.
“Chill Carrle,we just have to be more strategic this time, i believe this new plan will work out” Ethan assured.
“That’s what you say everytime, just look…i can’t believe people are starting to like those rags that bastard put on. It’s just like i worked in her favour and I’m freaking annoyed about it..arrrgh!” Carrle groaned.

“Who the hell is calling me…” She said picking her phone, staring at the screen,she gasped.

“Harold” She whispered to Ethan who raised a brow.
“What could he want..oh..my! Is he starting to find me attractive again?” Carrle grinned.
She quickly received the call and placed in on her ear.

?Do never! try what you did today again” Harold shouted.
He just finished changing into his pajamas and knew he had to call Carrle to warn her not to do such to Irene again.

?What did i freaking do?” Carrle barked.

?Slamming an ice cream on someone’s face is so inhumane of you, just because she told you the flavor your daughter preferred.

? So you called to tell me that huh? You called to tell me a nanny is right to interfere in our conversation huh?

?Why do you make the job ‘nanny’ look like a filthy thing to do. Anyways,i didn’t call to batter words with you. I called to warn you. I love Irene and if you dare try to hurt her again,I’ll make you pay for it! ” Harold warned sternly before disconnecting the call.

“What!” Carrle exclaimed…


Harold dropped his phone on the table and sighed.
He heard a small knock on his door and wondered who that was.
Ivory has obviously gone to bed.
He walked to the door and pulled it open. He was surprised to see Irene standing there clad in that nightgown that’d make any man loose his mind.
Her skin looked so creamy and smooth and some strands of her w€t hair clung to her forehead, her soft looking lips were parted slightly and her incredible eyes stared into his, giving his heart jitters.
He swallowed hard trying not to get carried away with how delicious Irene looked.
She looked like a night fairy.
So naturally beautiful.
Ability to seduce without even moving.

“I can’t…sleep, let’s go into the library”
“Come in” Harold said.
“Huh?..i mean the lib..” She was saying before Harold shut her up with a sizzling kiss.



Guess what happened next???

We need at least ten comments on every episode to keep this story updated regularly, stop reading without making comments.

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3 years ago

Thank God for the successful surgery!!
Meanwhile, those bad guys, nemesis will catch up with them soon.

Mr Harold has been patient o

3 years ago

I wonder what Irene is still waiting for….

Last edited 3 years ago by Nse
3 years ago

Thank God for the successful surgery
I pray they catch this Alex and Marrie Before they spoil things for them in that house ooo

3 years ago

I love this… Thanks for the update

3 years ago

Yay…… Love is in the air….. I hope those bad eggs in the house are caught soon and red handed

3 years ago

Harold should stop trusting Alex now

Ngbale Kpan
Ngbale Kpan
3 years ago

Irene should pls show harlord some love let him feel she loves him

Erakpoweri Blessing
Erakpoweri Blessing
3 years ago

Thank God the surgery was successful so happy for Irene…. carrle ur plans will continue to fail

3 years ago

Sounds interesting

3 years ago

Please opradre, I can’t find episodes 38 and 39 here.

3 years ago

Scroll up to where you will see tags and click on a night with him

3 years ago
Reply to  OpraDre

There’s no episode 38-39

3 years ago
Reply to  Elyn

You should have just read my comment and follow what it says

3 years ago

Yeah, that’s true..can’t find it too. Is not among the episodes.

Jidda mj
Jidda mj
3 years ago

Oh my i missed alot thank God am back to enjoy this wonderful story…its abt to go down between these two oooh

3 years ago

Its interesting

2 years ago

O my God! I want a bby already!!!🤭

2 years ago

So interesting!!