A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 38 – 39 by Azeemah Salami

A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 1 by Azeemah Salami

A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 38 by Azeemah Salami


Harold and Irene rushed into Doc Fern’s hospital and was led into his office by the two nurses.
“Where are they?” Harold asked,not seeing the specialists they came them for.
“They are cleaning up, they’ll be out soon” one of the nurses said before walking out.

“Nola was right when she said we don’t know what might have gone wrong with them” Harold said.
“Yeah” Irene nodded, still startled by the fact that the specialists were kidnapped.

“Hii” They heard,and turned to see two ladies walking out of Doc Fern’s personal restroom.
Irene never thought the specialists would be ladies and they look so beautiful,she rarely see Indians.
“I’m Sunil”
“I’m Shreedah” The ladies stretched out the hands and Harold and Irene gladly took it.

“We’re so sorry about what happened to you both” Irene said and Harold nodded in affirmative.
“Ohh..my. Aren’t you Harold Marshall?” The lady called Sunil asked and Harold nodded.
“Can i hug you?” Sunil asked expectantly.
“Yeah” Harold smiled and Sunil pulled him into a hug.

Shreedah smiled and took a seat.
She was tired from the stress and all,they never thought they’d have this experience on their first day in San Francisco.
They had been looking so forward to the surgeries not until they were waylaid and kidnapped. Her ears still hurt from the slaps she had received.

“I like you so much, you’re one of the few billionaires that assists people in every way they can ,if i had known it was your mother we were coming to perform surgery on,i would have fought those kidnappers with all my strength” Sunil said and Harold laughed.
Their English was obviously different from theirs, theirs sounded funny to the ears.

“So…how did it all.. happened?” Irene asked curiously.
“We were just few minutes away from this hospital when a car crossed ours and took over the wheels,we were blindfolded throughout the journey and even when we got to wherever they took us to,we only heard voices without even seeing anyone” Shreedah said.
“Wow!” Harold exclaimed.
“Shreedah was slapped severally cause she refused to cooperate” Sunil said.
“Ohh..my no wonder her cheeks looks so red. Sorry Shreedah” Irene said.
“Sorry Shreedah” Harold said.
“Thank you” Shreedah said.


should involve the cops” Harold said.
“No!” They both exclaimed, startling Harold and Irene.
“Why? We should involve the cops” Irene said.
“They threatened to come after us if we do. They know i have a child and they threatened to kill her if we ever go to the cops.” Shreedah blinked rapidly.
“Ohhh” Irene and Harold sighed.
” Moreover,they didn’t hurt us.” Sunil said,still being clingy to Harold and Irene doesn’t know why it upsets her so much.

you probably know the reason you both were kidnapped or could it be mistaken identity?” Harold asked.
“I don’t think so…i remembered what they said when Shreedah said we have a life to save” Sunil said.
“What did they say?” Irene asked curiously.
“They said…we were kidnapped because of the life we want to save…” Shreedah answered.
“What!!” Harold and Irene exclaimed.
“And she’ll be confirmed dead before we’re released.” Sunil said and Irene felt sick to the stomach.
“I guess they released us after knowing the woman had been flown to India” Shreedah said.

mum, they were after my mum” Irene said shockingly..
“Ohh..she’s your mum?” Sunil said,kind of disappointed.
“Yeah” Harold said and turned to Irene.
“W.. why?” Irene frowned.
“Why would anyone want my mum dead?” She added.
“Wow..” Sunil sighed.
“Just chill, we’ll get back to it. Let’s get Sunil and Shreedah to the hotel,so they can rest and leave by tomorrow morning” Harold said.
“Okay” Irene said, deeply worried.

“I.. don’t think we’ll be safe at the hotel. Your house would be better” Sunil smiled,hand brushing her long silky hair.
“No, i don’t really allow people in my house. You’ll be fine at the hotel. It’s my hotel actually and you’ll have bodyguards surrounding the whole place” Harold said.
“Ohh… that’s fine then” Sunil said, slightly embarrassed and Irene would have laughed if not because of the situation.

“We’re so sorry about everything. You guys wouldn’t have gotten into this mess if we hadn’t asked you to come over…” Harold said.
“No, that’s our job. To save lives, you’re not to blame for it” Sunil said.
“Can we move to the hotel please, my body…is aching and I’ll really like to eat” Shreedah said.
“Of course, i messaged the chauffeur already,he would be here soon” Harold said.

‘its getting dark’ Irene thought after peering out of the window..

‘will Damien be fine?’ she thought worriedly.
He must be feeling so lonely,she wish she can just go be with him till their mum is back but she can’t leave her work,she know Harold will definitely allow her go but she can’t take advantage of that, it’s not so fair.
Damien would be fine…
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Harold asked Irene, moving beside her..
“Nothing…” She let out a small smile.
“C’mon, i can tell you’re very worried about something and i understand cause there’s so much going on at the moment but just know and believe everything will be fine okay?” Harold assured and Irene nodded.
“Thank you” She said.

so, don’t you think we should take legal actions,it’s so obvious those kidnappers wanted your mum dead! I’m pretty sure that’s what you’re so bothered about” Harold said.
“No, i was thinking about Damien actually. And yeah, knowing there is someone out there who wants my mum dead is enough to worry about but right now I’m just so worried about mum’s health more than anything.” Irene said.

“Of course,you should be. We all are. But don’t you think we should involve the cops now so they won’t come after her when she’s fully well”
“Involving the cops will worsen the situation Harold, I’ll make sure i get a new apartment for mum and Damien if she survives”
“Irene, getting a new apartment for her doesn’t stop the bad guys from coming after her” Harold said.
“I know but she needs to survive first and we have to consider Shreedah’s daughter” Irene said.

Harold’s phone beeped and he stared at the screen.

“The chauffeur is here” He said to Sunil and Shreedah who were discussing.
“Ohh.. okay” they both picked their bags.

They all walked out of Doc Fern’s office.

“Irene, getting a new apartment for her doesn’t stop the bad guys from coming after her” Harold’s words rang in her ears as the walked.
Why does she feel it’s because of her they want her mum dead and why is her mind pointing at Ethan Weston ?

She blew out a breath and watched Harold talked to the chauffeur, Sunil and Shreedah had gotten into the car already with two bodyguards with them.
Irene was irritated with how Sunil kept touching Harold..
What a clingy thing!
Harold waved them bye and watched the car drive off before joining Irene.
He let out a breath…
Irene opened the limo door and got in, Harold got in after her and ordered his driver to start driving.
“You upset about something?” Harold asked, noticing the frown on her face.
“Uh?..nothing” She said.

‘Dont freaking tell me this is jealousy Irene!’ her mind scolded her.

“We’ve been waiting for ages” Ivory complained as Harold and Irene walked into the dining room.
She and Nola have been waiting for them before having their dinner.

“We’re sorry” Irene smiled.
“For ages? Take it easy with the exaggeration V” Harold said and they laughed.
“You both should go wash your hands first before joining us here” ivory said.
“Of course we will” Harold said.
“How’s your mum Irene?” Nola asked.
“The surgery’s still ongoing,we haven’t heard anything yet” Irene said.
“I’m going to pray to God to make her survive because she made me a sweater i love so much” Ivory said and Irene smiled.
“You don’t have to read me bedtime stories tonight,you must be so tired from the stress you’ve gone through today” She added.
“Wow…” Irene laughed.
“Thanks ivory” She said.

“Go wash your hands let’s eat please” Nola said.
“Oh..my World best chef is starving seriously” Harold joked and they all laughed.


“Good night Ivory” Irene pecked her cheek.
“Goodnight Irene” Ivory said sleepily.
Irene gently left the room and walked towards the stairs.
Harold had told her to come to the living once she’s done with ivory.
She descended the stairs slowly.
Her gaze met with Alex’s who was standing by the end of the stairs.
She wasn’t in the mood to return his glare,she just walked on.
She got to the living room and instead of meeting Harold,she met Damien.

“What!” She exclaimed, walking to him.
“What’s wrong? What are you doing here?” She asked.
“I sent a driver to go pick him” Harold said walking into the living.
Irene turned.
“Cause starting from now, he’ll be staying here till your mum’s return”

“Yeah” Damien grinned.


Episode 39?


“Cause starting from now, he’ll be staying here till your mum’s return”

“Yeah” Damien grinned.

“I know you’re so worried about him being alone in the house, it’s not safe” Harold said.
“Yeah, thank you…thank you so much” Irene said.
She feels so relieved, now she won’t have to worry anymore about Damien cause she’ll be seeing him everyday!
She glanced at her brother who was grinning happily and she smiled too.

“Thank you Mr Harold, I’m so grateful” Damien said.
“It’s fine, boy! Have you had dinner?” Harold asked.
“Okay, Marie will show you to your room” Harold said and it was then Damien and Irene noticed Marie was in the living room.

“We can share my room” Irene said.
“No, i already made them prepare his room,there are enough rooms here” Harold said.
“Ohh..okay” Irene said.
“Do not cause any trouble here and just shower and go to bed immediately you get to your room. We’ll talk tomorrow” Irene said to Damien as he followed Marie.
“Okay sis” He winked and playfully dragged her cheeks.
She smiled and watched him leave.

“Geez! His luggage made it seem like he’ll be spending years here” Irene said and Harold laughed.
“Thank you so much” She said to him again.
“Arrrgh” He groaned…”Enough of that Irene”
“No, allow me thank you. That’s the only way that shows how grateful i am”
“Okay fine…I’m going to the library,care to join me?” Harold asked.
“I don’t mind, i won’t be able to get any sleep if i should return to my room now” Irene said.


“No” Harold said when Irene picked a novel to read.
They just finished litting the fireplace.
“What?” Irene asked.
“Let’s not read, let’s just discuss” He said.
“Ohh…fine then” Irene dropped the novel.
They both sat in front of the fireplace, no one spoke up.

“Hey! Aren’t you the one supposed to speak up. You wanted to discuss!” Irene said inwardly.
“I’m sure Nola would have told you not to enter the room beside the pool” Harold broke the silence.
“Ohh..yes! She did when she was showing me around the house and i wondered what was in there”
“Nothing is in there,it’s just a normal room that belonged to Helena,who was my godmother…care to listen to some stories?” Harold asked.
“Of course” Irene said eagerly.
“Okay…i loved Helena so much. She topped the list of people who helped me become successful,her words and advises groomed me into the man i am today. She told me not to depend on my parents wealth but work hard for mine, ‘Hustle like you’re poorest man on Earth’ She always told me,our bond was unbreakable and a lot of people do mistake her for my mother”
“Wow” Irene smiled.

“You should know my parents are billionaires and they were ready to spoil me but Helena prevented that. She was nola’s close friend and they do stay in the kitchen together. I should tell you this,the reason Nola never want to leave the kitchen is because that’s where most of her memories with Helena are. It’s been years now but none of us have gotten over her death”
“I’m so sorry about that” Irene said sadly.
“She died of food poisoning,she was poisoned right in this house and till date, the culprit have not been apprehended. Detectives tried all they could but they couldn’t fish out the person, investigations went on for years until they finally washed their hands off the case.
She died on the same day my daughter arrived the world. She didn’t get to see Ivory whom she had prepared so much to meet” Harold said.
Irene took his palm in hers, seeing how hard he was restraining his tears.
She wanted to cry too.
She didn’t say anything and allowed him go on.
“I was more sad than happy but the belief that Helena came back to me through Ivory consoled me a bit. ‘Bring her up like i brought you up” She had told me,like she knew she wasn’t going to be there .
She was poisoned in the night and she had struggled till morning just so she could see me for the last time.
By the time we found her, it was late and she died as soon as she was wheeled into the hospital. My world shattered at that moment” Harold finally let out his tears.
Irene felt her throat tighten, she know she’s gonna start crying any moment from now knowing how it feels to lose someone so dear and close to you.

“And do you know my worst regret?” Harold asked.
“What?” Irene asked, blinking hard to stop her tears.
“Few minutes before her death..she gave me the necklace she cherished most in the world,her grandmother had given it to her mother,her mother had given it to her and it was to be passed that way but she gave it to me even when she had a daughter and i fvcking misplaced it! I was so careless!” Harold said, and Irene wiped his tears with her palm.
She rubbed his back and had to resist the urge of hugging him tightly.
She badly want to, she had never seen him this way and she felt the need to protect and console him.

” -Harold, do wear this whenever you go into my room,that way you’ll feel my presence- She had told me and Indeed,after her death,i do feel her presence whenever i wear the necklace, i cherished it so much until one night, i got drunk,i rarely get drunk. I wonder how it happened. Then the next morning,I’m sure it was stolen cause i had searched every nooks and crannies in this house but couldn’t find it ”

“Who was with you when you got drunk?” Irene asked.
“Carrle” Harold said.
“She and Helena never got along and she had denied taking the necklace and it was after she got married to Ethan that she told me to my face that she took it. ”
“What! What did you do?” Irene asked.
“Nothing, i couldn’t do anything cause there was not enough evidence to back it up. Helena warned me about her, she warned me not to trust Carrle but i never listened, if only i had known” Harold said.
“Damn!” Irene shook her head slowly.

“And knowing the only thing that kind of connected me to Helena was gone, knowing i was so careless with what Helena cherished most made me so angry and i ordered everyone to stay away from her room.
I do feel bad when i go into her room without her necklace,i realised i do not feel her presence anymore without the necklace so i stopped going into her room.
If there’s anything i ever wish for,it’s for me to get the necklace back. I miss Helena so much” Harold smiled sadly.

Irene sighed ” What a sad story, Now i understand the reason no one is allowed into that room”
“Yeah,i wonder what Helena would think of you if she had met you” Harold said and Irene smiled.
“I’m planning on visiting her room soon,will you come with me?” Harold asked.
“Of course,just tell me whenever you want to” Irene said.

“Okay, i feel so embarrassed to have cried in front of you” Harold said.
“Com’on, I’m glad you trusted me enough to tell me this, thank you”
“I feel relieved, i feel free letting out what has been bottled inside me for years”
“Come here” Irene stretched opened her arms for a hug and Harold happily hugged her.


“Good morning Ivory” Irene said walking into ivory’s room through the adjoining door,she just finished bathing and dressing up.
She wondered where ivory was when she couldn’t find her on the bed and the shower wasn’t running either…
She might be pooping.

She opened ivory’s wardrobe and started selecting her school wears.
She had gone to see Damien already,he was getting ready for school and he was so excited when Harold told him he’ll be getting dropped in school every morning and he’ll be picked up too.

The door opened and she thought it was Harold that walked in,but it was Ivory. She entered the room grinning.
“I thought you were in the bathroom and when i didn’t heard the shower running,i decided you were pooping” Irene said.
“Pooping? No” Ivory rolled her eyes.
“You don’t poop?” Irene teased.
“I do but…arrrgh,stop this poop talk already. It’s embarrassing” ivory said and Irene laughed.
“So where did you go to?” She asked.
“Dad took me to see Damien”
“Yes” Ivory grinned.
“I’m so glad he’ll be with us for a while,he said he’ll be helping me with my homework especially arithmetics” Ivory giggled and Irene smiled.

“Well…let’s get you ready for school”

“Aren’t you guys eating?” Harold asked when he noticed Irene and Damien were not sitting with them for breakfast.
“We’ll eat in…the kitchen” Irene said.
“Yeah” Damien said.
“What? Why?” Harold asked.
“Huh.. Irene said it’s your private dining room” Damien said.
“Irene com’on!” Harold said.
“I..we won’t like us to overcrowd the dining room” Irene said.
“Overcrowd? You’re just two!” Nola said.
“Truly,this is my private dining room but i don’t mind Damien eating with us, have your seats and let’s eat” Harold said.
“Thank you” Irene and Damien said and Harold groaned.


? Irene, i totally forgot Carrle will be coming to check on Ivory today. Please wherever she wants to take Ivory to,make sure you go with her okay?

? Okay Harold.

?Dress her up nicely, Carrle can be so… nevermind. Just take care.

? Alright, bye.


“Carrle is here, i need to go. You should continue with the dress” Irene said to Damien who nodded.
He’s back from school and they were both in her workshop, talking and working.
Damien had been so happy so see the workshop,he loved it and wouldn’t stop talking about how good Harold is.
“Okay Irene, don’t be long” Damien said,he was enjoying his time here and…he had seen several maids eye him.

This is gonna be fun..

“Are you crazy? What do you mean you’re coming with us?” Carrle asked, irritated with Irene’s sight.
“I’m her nanny and i was ordered to do so by my employer” Irene said.
“Not in my car!” Carrle said.
“That’s fine,I’ll go in another car” Irene said and if looks could kill,she would have died by Carrle’s glares.
“Mum, i want Irene to come with us please” Ivory said.

Carrle had changed ivory’s dress to a more beautiful pink gown and glittery white shoes,her hair was packed in pigtails with pink hair band.
Ivory looked so uncomfortable and Irene was almost forced to tell Carrle.
“Baby girl, we’ll be going to an ice cream parlor!” Carrle said to Ivory who didn’t seem excited.

“Well…the car you’ll be coming with should be trailing behind ours.” Carrle scoffed at Irene.
“And is this how you’ll be dressed, you’ll be coming with me dressed that way?” Carrle asked, pretending to almost throw up.
The bodyguards and maids with her laughed.

“How do you want me to get dressed?” Irene questioned, refusing to be intimidated.
“Get into a ball gown with feathers because we’re going to an ice cream shop? You should better hurry, you’re allowed to spend just few hours with her” Irene said and it took all Carrle’s might not to slap her in the face.


“Here baby girl,have your ice cream” Carrle said to Ivory stretching a vanilla ice cream to her, Irene sighed inwardly, knowing ivory doesn’t take vanilla flavor.
The Ice cream parlor is a big and expensive one and Carrle’s entrance had caused stirs.
Carrle is a public figure.
“I can’t take this” Ivory said.
“Why?” Carrle asked.
“I don’t want this” Ivory said.
“She doesn’t take any other flavor asides strawberry” Irene said.
“Will you shut up! And do never interfere in our business!” Carrle said, slamming the vanilla ice cream on Irene’s face.

There were loud gasp and the next thing Irene heard was camera clicks.



Carrle is really crazy!??


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3 years ago

Hmmn, that’s not good

3 years ago

Irene please open up to Harold so the issues will get resolved quickly. We don’t want another tragedy please
Beautiful story!

3 years ago

Irene you better tell Harold your suspicions on time. Carle is overstepping her boundaries

3 years ago


Erakpoweri Blessing
Erakpoweri Blessing
3 years ago

Irene should beat carrle up,she doesn’t even know her wat her daughter likes

3 years ago

Carrle is really so crazy….o wonder what Irene is going to do?

3 years ago

Nice one

3 years ago

Nice one

Chibest Ella
2 years ago

Nice one
Keep it up