A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 28 – 29 by Azeemah Salami

A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 1 by Azeemah Salami

A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 28 by Azeemah Salami


And just when their lips were about to touch, she felt something sharp pierce her by the side.

Harold noticed her movement suddenly stopped and he could hear her groan even through the music.

“What’s wrong?” He panicked looking into her dull eyes.
“I..i ” She swallowed hard and started breathing fast.
“Irene” Harold jerked her.

He was glad no one seems to notice what was going on.

“I’m fine” Irene said.
“Should we go home?” He asked and she shook her head.
Her eyes were still looking so dull, like she’s in pains.
“What happened?” Harold asked worriedly.
He held her tightly,afraid she might fall.
“I..i think someone hit me by the side” Irene lied. Someone hadn’t hit her, she had been to
pierced with a very sharp object and now she could feel she was bleeding from the side.
She thanked her stars she was putting on a red gown.
She couldn’t let Harold know or he would make them leave the party immediately.

“Let go sit” Harold said and she quickly nodded.
She was starting to feel weak and she held her side tightly as Harold gently led her to their seat.
She wondered if someone had deliberately pierced her side.

Had it been a mistake? Or probably one of the pins on the ladies cloth had struck her by the side.
The piercing had just felt like it was a needle piercing but it affected her badly.

“Can i get water?” She asked Harold, trying to make her voice steady.
Harold grabbed a glass cup from the tray and poured some water for her.
She gulped it down her throat and the pains relieved her a bit..
She asked for more and Harold gladly poured more for her.

“Are you sure you’re fine? We can go home if you’re not feeling so well” Harold said.
“No, I’m fine” Irene smiled.
She felt relieved after gulping the water.
She touched her side and almost winced in pain.
It’s hurting badly.
“You can return to the dancefloor, any lady would gladly dance with you” Irene said.
She can’t deny him of enjoyment just because she was feeling down.
“No, I’m fine here with you” Harold said.
“No, you came to this party to have fun, i can’t kill that fun just because I’m not feeling too well. Just go enjoy yourself” Irene said.
“I’m fine here with you Irene” Harold said.
“No, it’s making me feel guilty for depriving you of your fun”
“I don’t…” Harold was saying.
“You want me to feel guilty?” Irene interrupted him.
“No” Harold said.
“Then go dance, please” Irene insisted.
“And i even wanna visit the restroom” Irene added.
She needed to was off the blood by her side.


actually don’t feel like dancing anymore, it doesn’t mean I’m not having fun. I am, merely looking at those on the dancefloor” Harold said and Irene sighed.
“Don’t feel guilty okay?” He said and she nodded.
“So, where’s the way to the restroom.” Irene wondered looking around.
“I’ll come with you” Harold said.
“Huh?” Irene asked.
“I mean I’ll show you the way” Harold said.
“Ohh… okay” She said and they both stood up.

been there before?” Irene asked as Harold knowingly led the way.
“Yeah, I’ve been here for several businesss meetings” Harold said.
“Ohh…” Irene said,glad Harold was walking ahead of her.
She got the chance to peep at her side and she could see how soaked her dress was.

“Wow” she mumbled to herself.

“Thank you” She said to Harold when he showed her the restroom.
She walked in and shut the door after her.
Her next move was looking at her reflection in the mirror.
She glanced at her side and shook her head.
She never thought she’ll leave this party with a wound.
She slowly pulled her gown and finally had a clear look at her side.
The wound is so tiny, and it looks deep..

Definitely it hadn’t been an accident!
If it was, it would have just been a scratch but this is so deep which clearly shows that someone had indeed pierced a sharp object in her side.
Could it have been Ethan’s bodyguards?
No, she saw no bodyguard with him.
Could it have been Ethan himself.

And what was she about to do with Harold before the incidence?

What the hell is going on with her?


Irene walked out of the restroom after she was done, she glanced around for Harold but couldn’t find him.
She saw a lady resting on the wall beside the restroom,she was surprised cause she hadn’t even noticed the lady who was standing so close to her.
Her dinner gown was black with silver glitters all over it, her make up looks pretry heavy just like the other ladies in the party.
Their gazes locked and Irene could tell she looks familiar.

she standing here alone?
Well…she might be waiting for someone.
Irene turned to walk away when the lady spoke up.

“Hey!” She said and Irene turned back to her.
“What?” Irene asked.
“I’m Tanya, the owner of the biggest fashion store in the city” The lady said proudly.
“Ohh…” Irene smiled, no wonder her face looked familiar. She had seen her on countless fashion magazines.
Only the rich patronizes her cause her wears are damn expensive.
Irene do hope to have a fashion store as big as Tanya’s one day but she’ll make sure the less privileged can afford her wears.

“W..what can i do for you?” Irene asked.
“I made most of the dresses the ladies are putting on right now”
“So?” Irene asked.
“How dare you come into this party to show off your cheap wear!” Tanya said furiously.
“Excuse me!” Irene said.
“What are you saying? I should have come to the party n@ked?” She asked Tanya.
“That isn’t what i mean! If you dare attract my customers with this cheap wear of yours, i swear down I’m gonna ruin you. Getting pierced by the side is just a warning” Tanya seethe.

Irene looked shocked as she watched Tanya walk away.

“Oh..no” She mumbled after some seconds.
She was trying to get the words into her head when Harold appeared.

“Are you okay?” He asked and she nodded, still in shock though.
“Ohh..you must have been waiting for me, i also visited the restroom” Harold said.
“Ohh.. okay” Irene said slowly.
“Are you okay?” Harold asked again.
“Sure” Irene said.


They were on their way home by two am.
Irene relaxed in the limo with Harold beside her.
“Thanks for coming with me” Harold said.
“My pleasure” Irene smiled
“I hope you had fun?” Harold asked.
“Yeah, so much fun” Irene said.

She couldn’t tell Harold she was threatened .
And he didn’t even know about the wound by her side.
It’s hurting terribly, she’ll need to visit the hospital tomorrow.

“Your dress is so beautiful, you’re one of the best fashion designer i know. Why didn’t you showcase this gift of yours? You would have made huge amounts of money,most Ladies love beautiful things” Harold said.
“Well… since my father’s death, i didn’t even make any move to continue sewing and designing clothes and i sold the only machine we had. I don’t even know how to go about the ladies i gave my contact to” Irene sighed.

Remembering Tanya’s words brought a ache to her heart.
“We’ll know how to go about it okay, don’t bother about that” Harold said, having his plan already.

There was silence afterwards and they both stole glances at each other.

“I’m sorry, couldn’t resist anymore” Harold said and the next second, his lips were touching Irene’s.

A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 29 by Azeemah Salami


They got home waved each other bye as they walked into their rooms.
Irene sighed as she dropped her purse on her dressing table..
She sat on the chair and started pulling her shoes, smiling all to herself as she remembered the kiss moment.
Her heart had almost stopped cause it was just so sudden, she hadn’t expected it.
If it had been when they were on the dancing floor,it wouldn’t have shocked her like it did in the car.

Never had a kiss been so electrifying.
If any other person had kissed her, she would have pulled away but she didn’t even found herself pulling away from Harold.
She had leaned in more.

But why has he kissed her?
Because he couldn’t resist like he said?
Or was he drunk?
Even if he was, she wasn’t and she could have stopped him.

This is so unlike her, kissing her boss! He had kissed her though but how could she cheaply return the kiss.
Damn it.
She must be drunk too…yeah.

They were both drunk.

She yawned as she rose to her feet.
She fell into bed as soon as she finished cleaning her face and changing into her nightwear .


“Good morning ivory” Irene said walking into Ivory’s room.
“Good morning Irene” Ivory said.
She just finished bathing and was drying her body with a towel while waiting for Irene to come join her.
She didn’t know of the party they attended yesternight.

“How was your night?” Irene asked her as she brought out ivory’s body cream.
“It was just fine, thank you” Ivory said.
“Did Alex got attacked?” Ivory suddenly asked.
“Huh? What made you think so?” Irene asked, helping her into her underwear.
“His face looks bruised up and i noticed he’s hiding it beneath his face cap. He doesn’t want my dad to know?”
“Ohh…well, he got into a fight with Tom” Irene whispered.
“Wow!” Ivory exclaimed.
“You must promise not to tell Har.. Mr Harold, you know the punishment for fighting right? and im sure you don’t want neither Alex nor Tom to leave anytime soon” Irene said and Ivory nodded.
“Fighting isn’t a good thing” ivory said.
“Of course it isn’t.” Irene said.

By now Irene was done making ivory put on her uniform.
She was wearing her shoes when Harold walked in.
“Daddy!” Ivory smiled as he bent to hug her.
“Good morning princess” he kissed her forehead.

Irene was surprised he wasn’t dressed for work.
He was still in his nightwear.
She swallowed hard remembering the kiss.
She watched him giggle with Ivory and wonder how she was going to face him.

“You aren’t going to work today” Ivory said.
“Yes” Harold said, rising to his feet.
He couldn’t meet Irene’s eyes cause he knew what he did was wrong.
He had kissed her without her permission. She should have just slapped his stupid ass off and pushed him away.

Was he drunk?
Never for once had he tried to kiss his any of his daughter’s nanny.
He just couldn’t resist Irene yesternight.

“Will you ride with me to school then?” Ivory asked.
“You want me to?” Harold asked.
“Yes dad, it’s been long” ivory pouted.
“Okay i will” Harold said.
“I love you Dad” Ivory said in excitement.
“But, we’ll be going in my limousine” Harold said.
“The purple one” Ivory stated and Harold nodded.

“Good morning Mr Harold” Irene said after finally summoning courage.
“Good morning Irene, how was your night?” Harold asked, finally looking at her .
The gazes locked for seconds and they both quickly looked away.
“It was great, thanks” Irene said as she made to pick Ivory’s comb.
“I should go get changed, you guys should be ready by the time I’m done” Harold said before walking out of the door.


“Dad, you’ll be driving all by yourself?” Ivory asked as
Harold collected his car key from his driver.
“Yeah, y’all should stay back. I’ll be dropping ivory in school myself ” Harold said.
“Are you sure you’ll be fine Mr Harold?” Tom asked.
“Of course” Harold smiled.
“Get in Ivory and… Irene too”
“Huh?” Irene asked.
“What?” Harold asked.
“You..you said everyone should stay back” Irene said, the thought of being alone in the car with him after dropping Ivory made her heart beat faster.

After the kiss last night,she does not think she’ll want to be alone with Harold again.
She doesn’t trust her feelings.
“I want you to go with us” Ivory said.
“Ohh.. okay” Irene said, getting into the backseat beside Ivory.


“I’m so sorry about last night” Harold apologised to Irene as they headed back home.
“I.. it’s fine” Irene said.
“I never meant to” Harold said.
“You were probably drunk” Irene said.
“No, i wasn’t, i guess…i just couldn’t resist” Harold said and Irene cleared her throat, blushing hard.
“Ivory seemed so excited about you dropping her in school” Irene said, obviously changing topic, she wasn’t comfortable with the ‘kiss talk’

“Yeah, i rarely drop my daughter in school and when i decide to,she goes all excited,she loves being in the car with me” Harold smiled.
He loves Ivory so much.
“Ohh…so,you decided not to go to work today. Why??” Irene asked.
“I needed to rest and also apologise to you” Harold said.
“Ohh” Irene drawled.
“Remember those ladies at the party?” She asked.
“Yeah,the ones i made you give your contact to” Harold said.
“Exactly!” Irene sighed.
“I guess they’ve filled your phone with messages” Harold laughed.
“Tons of them” Irene said.
“Don’t be surprised to find yourself trending after last night, so many other ladies that were not even in the party will want you to make the dress for them,so as I’m speaking now. Your contact is being shared worldwide” Harold said.
“What! Oh..my” Irene exclaimed.

“Yeah,so you should make that a business contact and get a more private one” Harold said.
“But i don’t even have a machine!!” Irene nearly screamed.
She’s so frustrated by the whole thing.
“We’ll sort that out when we get home. I’m sorry if that’s making you so upset, i shouldn’t have made you give them your contact” Harold said.
“No, it’s fine” Irene said.
“You sure?” Harold asked.
“Of course” Irene said.


“Really?” Irene asked.

She sat in the kitchen with Nola who just told her almost all the workers were peeping last night when she and Harold left for the party.

“You were looking so stunning alongside Mr Harold too”
“You were peeping too?” Irene asked.
“Of course” Nola laughed.
“Wow” Irene laughed too.
“Don’t be surprised most of the female workers will be giving you a kinda new look” Nola said.
“Well i don’t care” Irene rolled her eyes.
“That’s the spirit girl!” Nola said and they both laughed.


?Hey sis” Damien called into the phone.

?Dam, what’s up?” Irene asked, walking out of the kitchen.

She was helping Nola to make lunch when Damien’s call came in.

?I’m fine and confused as hell” Damien said.

?Why?” Irene asked.

?Are you the lady beside Harold Marshall last night?” Damien asked.

?Yeah, Mum told you right?” Irene smiled.

?No! Sis, you’re trending. Your picture is everywhere!

?What!” Irene exclaimed.




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Erakpoweri Blessing
Erakpoweri Blessing
3 years ago

Irene has turned to celebrity and I don’t know why Irene likes keeping secrets from Harold, imagine she was stab and she kept quiet wat if it was something more serious

Jidda mj
Jidda mj
3 years ago

Irene shouldnt keep things from harold she shd tell him everything she is playing with fire with those billionaires and she needs harold by her side

Last edited 3 years ago by Jidda mj
3 years ago

Nice story, but so tens right now knowing Irene’s life still in danger

Lilian Gold
Lilian Gold
3 years ago

Irene is trending…..

Eze Stephen
Eze Stephen
3 years ago
