MAD IN LOVE EPISODE 4 – 5 By Tisa Phiri

MAD IN LOVE episode 1 by Tisa Phiri


Written By Tisa Phiri

Benjamin! Hey!” I patted his hand. We had arrived at my house at half past 21, for some reason I was taking my time driving back home.

Benjamin shifted slightly in the seat. ” come on inside” I spoke calmly pulling his hand up. He stared at me his eyes weak. I could bet the effect of the sedutive was still working. Pulling him up, he slowly stood and I pushed the door behind him not letting go of his hand.

The first thing I did after leaving him seated in my couch was to cook some Nshima for him. I warned the left over chicken and vegetables from the refrigerator as well.

As I placed the food in front of him, his facial expression changed. He smiled and muttered something, he wanted to start eating without washing his hands but l held his it..

” From now on, you wash your hands before eating” I instructed like l was telling a small child.

I watched him in silence as he ate, with him taking his time. I couldn’t help smile at his gentleness in eating. He chewed softly and steadily without making a slight mess of the plates he was eating from.

After what seemed like forever, he finished the 6 lamps that had put for him. ” Come on now, you need to wash your hands” I smiled holding his hands in a basin.

” Who are you? ” he whispered his face close to mine as I was bending pouring water from a jar to his hands.

I smiled at his soft voice. What marvelled me more was the fact that he spoke to me in English.

” My name is Jennifer!” I exclaimed happily. ” Am your friend Benjamin and I promise to take good care of you. I just feel something is great about you and that you can be more than who you have become” I said sadly rubbing his hands as I washed them.

” I will see how we both can find a way to get you better even if I have no idea what way for now” l added taking time to say the words and he kept his eyes on me like I was crazy.

I was almost opening my mouth to say something, when he bursted out laughing. Startling, I sat up and placed the jag aside now staring at him for a while. For a moment I thought he was teasing me or something, but then I realised his condition and I sat back sadly.

I felt some tears rush in my eyes and I let them drop freely. ” What was I thinking?” I asked myself sniffing.

” How am I going to live with this man in my house? He’s a total stranger and the worst thing is he is a mad man” I whispered to myself not minding him as he kept chuckling and smiling at nothing in particular.

” Well, Jennifer deal with It!” My inner voice screamed at me. ” I told you this was a crazy idea but here you are now. You wanted a mad man so this is it” the voice went on making me shed tears as l kept my eyes at the smiling Benjamin.

” I want water!” He shouted loudly. ” Yeah, of course” I shrugged wiping the tears and pouring him some water.

He shook his head and pointed at the container.” Mmmn I see, a container it is” I let a laugh.

He gulped the water rapidly and in an instant half of the water bottle was gone. He placed it down slowly and sat back rubbing his fingers.

I turned on the TV in front of us and he kept looking at the screen but it was clear he wasn’t seeing nor understanding a thing. If he was, I couldn’t be certain.

I was taken by the movie, coming to America and didn’t realise he had dozed off. I patted his leg gently to ask him to go to bed and I was shocked when he sat up abruptly pushing away my hand. His facial expression changed into that of an angry man. But he said no words.

For a moment I shook with fear. I started imaging what would happen if he strangled me to death. I would have no one to blame but myself.

I let him lay back down and I slowly switched off the TV and the lamp, after placing a thin blanket on him.

I watched him in the dark for a couple of minutes. ” I pray God will help us both. I am not sure who is mad between the two of us. But am not going back. I started this and am gonna see it to the end” I talked to myself and stood straight up walking to my room.

I made sure I locked the door, so stupid huh, now I was worried of what he might do to me in the night which I didn’t think of before going on a mad errand to go and kidnap a mad man.

The following morning I woke up so early and found him still fast asleep.

I took the chance and gave him another sedutive. Stripped him off his clothes and with all the energy in my body, pulled his sleepy form to the bath tab.

I sat in the tab and opened some warm water, using the sprinkler tap I washed his head and went down his back and chest.

I smiled swallowing hard when my eyes set on his manhood.” All my!” I let a small scream and like to shock me more I saw it raise up and some urine pushed out of him, turning it into a perfect shape.

Instead of feeling disgusted, I placed my thighs tight together calming my woman down. Feeling guilty when his weak eyes looked up my silly face.

” Concentrate!” I scolded myself as I went back to scrubbing his body. Still marvelled at his smooth light skin. Now that the dirty was coming out, I could bet his skin was glowing under the water as it flowed down his body.

I had no reservations, I had made it a mission to clean him up so I went for the scissors and started cutting his hair, which was always hidden in a sock and covers. After which I shaved his arm pits and private parts.

By the time I was done shaving him, he looked different I felt proud of my work. I washed him once again and pulled him up making sure all the hair was washed out.

Now he stood straight his naked body like that of a man in a soap advert. He muttered some words as I rubbed lotion on his body.

” I need to get you men’s lotion and washing liquid” I spoke loudly. After pulling my big Tshirt on him and my track bottom which only reached his middle leg I made him sit down in the couch and took a few photos of him like I did before I bathed him. I had to take some photos just in case one day, I would need to show them to him. Not that I was looking for any praise or something. I just needed the evidence I had taken him from somewhere impossible.

After I was done saving him his favourite dish, I sat down feeling tired. I looked at the wall clock and it showed a few minutes past 10 am.

I left him eating and took a bath myself, settling for a jumper and pamps.

I shook my head when l walked out just to find, Benjamin sleeping on the couch his hands still covered in cramps. ” Well, I hope we will one day work on washing hands” I murmered to myself as I washed his hands.

The ringing of my phone brought me up and I quickly picked it.

” Hey girly!” Responded Kegan immediately I picked the call.

” Yes man! What’s up?” I sighed placing the dishes in the sink.

” What time are you coming?” He asked

” Coming?” I inquired surprised.

” Yes coming, don’t tell me you have forgotten today is my birthday and am having a party this evening! ” He shouted obviously disappointed I had forgotten.

” I was just kidding silly, how can l forget ” I lied thrusting my finger in my hair.

” Am coming definitely” l added looking down at Benjamin and thinking of how I was going to be doing it. Leaving him alone in the house didn’t seem a good idea and now that I thought of it. It was like I was going to be my own prisoner.

My movements would be affected. The thought of taking him to Chainama came, but then what was I going to tell them?. I hardly knew him and the fact that I just kidnapped him worsened the situation.

” Oh my God! ” I sighed sitting down after cutting Kegan’s call. I had to find a solution to that problem.

” Yes!” I exclaimed recalling I had an old friend working at Chainama hospital . I had to give it a short even if we were not in good terms, she was my only hope of helping my Benjamin.

I looked at the watch once again, ” if I can go now, then pass through Manda Hill to get Kegan a gift, then I would make it back in time to prepare for the party” I talked to myself and started acting by walking to my room and grabbing my hand bag.

I walked to the door and stopped recalling I had to make sure Benjamin was okey when he works up.

I gave him another dose of sedutive, which I knew would take almost 3 hours to ware off. I placed the Nshima I left in the pot on the table besides him and walked out ensuring the door was locked.

” What a surprise!” Exclaimed Hellen upon seeing me.

” Yeah I know right? It’s been years my dear, how are You?” I acted up trying to pretend she was a good friend of mine.

” How is the man you grabbed from me?” She asked sarcastically. The main reason we were not in good pages. The girl couldn’t get over the fact that Daniel choose me over her years back. We were friends from high school but after Daniel flirt a bit with her he settled for me and she was mad.

” Well, you were saved the heart ach my friend, Daniel is a jerk I shouldn’t have agreed to his proposal years ago” I shrugged trying to act cool with her sarcasm.

She laughed loudly making me loose my patience, but I needed her so I played a fool.

” Anyway, so what made you recall I still exist?” She made a face taking in my attire. I knew Hellen always hated my curves and my ability to blend some clothe colours, which was a challenge for her even after getting herself a rich husband, who showered her with cash. My simplicity, and uniqueness couldn’t match up her expensive but unmatched choices.

” Well, I missed you and I realise it has been long, besides why fight over that Daniel when we both have moved on right?” I giggled looking at her across the shining table between us. Thanks to her Doctor husband, she got herself a position of nurse in charge and she was practically boasting with her domination in that office.

” spit it out Jen, I know you” she smiled mockingly.

” Okey, you caught me.” I smiled sheepishly.

” I need your help and am willing to pay you.”

” Mmnmmm now it happens I am in need of money” she responded making a face of disgust.

” Oh no don’t get me wrong my dear. The thing is am desperate. My friend is not well. They are saying he’s developing a mental problem.”

” So ?” She cut me before I could finish my explanation.

” Bring him to the hospital and some doctors will diagnose him” she went on.

” That’s the problem. I can’t ” I sighed sadly.

His family has refused to let him out of the house, so I can’t help him and am here to ask if you can help me with the medication for mental patients to give to him. I can be taking the drugs to him every day and am sure he can be fine” I explained trying to sound as genuine as possible.

” No am sorry, it doesn’t work like that, the doctors need to see him and then administer some medication for him. They all don’t get the same medicine. So please if you want to help that your boyfriend, then lower your ego and bring him to the right place ” she answered with a bit of harshness and I felt my temper raise.

” Please!,”l begged but she shook her head.

” Am sorry Jen and now if you don’t mind am leaving to go and check on the patients” she stood up.

” You b*th! I cursed inside looking at her poorly done extension. I felt like taking my anger out on her but I needed to stay calm.

” Well thank you for nothing!” I answered as we walked out.

Without answering she walked away leaving her office door slightly open. I pretended to be walking away and when I looked both directions , I ran back to her office and pushed the door slowly entering.

Straight away I went to the small cabinet with some drug packs. My hands trembling as I grabbed a hand full placing the medicines in my hand bag.

I got 3 of every type not knowing which one l would need. Satisfied I had enough I ran out and peeped on both sides of the veranda before walking out and composing myself.

” Am sorry God, I had to” I whispered as I walked to the car park to get my car.

Passing through Manda Hill, I got Kegan a gift and went on a quick shoping for Benjamin’s clothes and lotion.

I got back home 2 hours later, and found him still sleeping making some soft sounds.

I sat down and went on googling the names of the drugs I had and their use. I had to get to work on his healing and there was no way I was going to rest till I achieved that.

“If it meant going to steal from Hellen, so be it” I shrugged as I waited for the results to load.


After searching and studying through the drugs, I finally settled for Antidepressants

, the Buspar which I learnt was a unique drug and that it was non habit forming. It was used for treating generalised anxiety disorder. I also picked, some antipsychotics for psychotic disorder adding some valium too as I needed him sleeping most of the day as I went for work.

Even when it was quite discouraging, when I read that, there was no cure for mental illness, I hopped for the better. If I could get Benjamin stable for a while as I try to figure out the solution to his problem, that would help things a lot.

” Happy birthday buddy!” I hugged Kegan, when I got to the party later that evening.

” What happened?” You are never late for anything ” he asked holding my shoulders.

” I was held up man, but not to worry am here now, right? ” I smiled looking beyond his shoulder to take in the group of guys and girls taking some wine and soft drinks as the loud music played from the stereo.

Kegan’s small yard was clouded. I chatted with some work mates who were also invited and after some long hour which surprisingly bore me, I started looking for Kegan to say bye to him. The party was almost over and I decided to go back home. After all, I had a patient to take care of.

I looked around the yard and the living room but there was no sign of him.

” Where could he be?” I asked his boyfriend who shook his head.

” I don’t know. I bet he must be inside ” he pointed out and I walked inside again this time going direct to his bedroom. Kegan rented a one bedroomed semi detached flat.

” Oh Jesus!” I shouted seeing Kegan making out with a blonde girl. He smiled at me and raised his left hand as he kept doing his thing.

” Give me 5 minutes!” He shouted in his drunken voice and I shook my head closing back the door.

” Tell Kegan I have headed out. I need to do something ASAP” I whispered to his friend and took off. I had no time to wait for him to finish doing a girl he probably met minutes past at his party.

That was Kegan’s weakness, he never let a beautiful girl pass him and that made me get over my hidden admiration towards him. I had initially admired his handsome features the first day we met 2 years back at work. But now, l was content with just us being good friends and since I knew him too well, it never crossed my mind to have anything more with him. Even when he mostly used me to dump his girlfriends making us pose like a couple.

I recalled how he foolishly made me kiss him at a mall, after seeing a girl that was so much into him and he was fade up of her.

” What was that?” I pushed him away and he laughed out.

” You will see that girl will never step a foot close to me again!” He shrugged and licked on the corn ice cream we were eating.

I reached home some minutes later, just to find the living room dark and quiet. I felt sad I left the lights off, now Benjamin had to stay in the dark for the time I was away.

Turning the switch on, I almost screamed out seeing him standing in the corner staring at nothing in particular. It was like he was afraid.

” Oh Benjamin! am so sorry I forgot to turn on the bulb” I told him trying to hold his hand.

He shifted his face to me and looked down my hand holding him. ” lt’s so dark!” He shivered his scared eyes looking whiter than normal.

” lt’s okey, am here now” I sighed pulling him to the couch.

I realised as days went by, that the drugs were working as he kept calm, he never moved from wherever I left him everytime I went for work.

I always made sure I left food which I had come to learn he loved Chicken more than any relish. He would not touch anything else I would save him but Nshima and sometimes oranges.

He always looked pleased seeing me back I could almost feel his crazy smiles meant well.

A week had passed and I could bet he looked better each day, he was always clean and with the clothes I had gotten for him, he looked good. One wouldn’t tell if they came to find him seated and quiet.

I always took photos of him and would watch them whenever at work. I had decided to make my spare bedroom his own and so I always left him locked there with his meals saved. I knew he would get some sleep during the the time l was away and I took him out to sit with me in the sitting room after knocking off.

One day, I came back and found him looking out the window. ” Hey Benjamin!” I called out putting my hand bag on his bed, he turned to look at me and I saw his lips curve in a smile.

” How are you feeling?” I asked standing next to him.

He shook his head, ” sad” he responded softly his deep sweet voice so calm.

” Oh, that’s bad” I told with genuine concern.

” But why? Are you hungry? ” I asked him. He shook his head but said nothing. I had come to learn that he spoke less. It was mostly one or two words. And sometimes he would murmer some words to himself and smile too.

I stood closer to him and placed my head in his chest, ” I know, it must be hard being locked up, but what can I do? I can’t let you outside” I whispered rubbing my hand at his chest on top his stripped Gray t-shirt he had on.

Tears fall off my eyes at the thought of how he was probably suffering being in his condition, worst still if he was feeling nothing at all, that would mean he was more like a dead person and it hurt me a lot.

I was sobbing silently still leaning on him and he surprisingly, raised my head wiping the tears from my eyes. I cried the more seeing how he was becoming sensitive to my emotions.

” You can feel me?” I smiled between tears. He didn’t respond but his eyes looked deeply into mine and for a moment I felt he was telling me, ‘ all shall be well.’

” I don’t know what to do Benjamimn, I can’t tell anyone about you, my family and friends would probably crucify me for what l have done. I have practically refused any visits to my home because I can’t risk people seeing you here” I spoke almost to myself as he kept staring at me.

” But I feel in here” l held his hand to my heart. ” What I feel here, gives me hope Benjamin and I know one day I will prove to the world that love is beyond any reason or boundaries” I sniffed in and wiped the tears from my cheek .

He smiled again, but this time, it was his usual silly smiles.

” Come here now” I pulled his hand and walked him to the living room. I sat closer to him taking in the K350 Rasai perfume I got for him, I loved his scent.

I smiled when he leaned his head on me even when he didn’t do it right. I moved back a bit and made him place his head on my laps.

“What would I do without your smart mouth?Drawing me in, and you kicking me out.

You’ve got my head spinning, no kidding, I can’t pin you down

What’s going on in that beautiful mind. I’m on your magical mystery ride

And I’m so dizzy, don’t know what hit me, but I’ll be alright. My head’s under water. But I’m breathing fine. You’re crazy and I’m out of my mind

‘Cause all of me

Loves all of you

Love your curves and all your edges

All your perfect imperfections

Give your all to me

I’ll give my all to you

You’re my end and my beginning

Even when I lose I’m winning

‘Cause I give you all of me

And you give me all of you, oh oh!”

Came the soft sounds of John Lengend’s ‘All of Me’ song from the home theatre as I rubbed his soft face gently closing my eyes. It felt like home being so close to him.

He kept his eyes at the screen of the TV which had no sound as I turned it off so that the only sound in the room was from the song playing.

I let the song play on repeat for hours and I slowly dozed off. By the time I woke up, it was close to 20 pm. Surprised Benjamin was still laying on my laps as he played with his fingers.

” You hungry mnmmm ?” I asked him. He nodded his head,

” Nshima” he opened his mouth and I sat up lifting him to sit on his own.

” I know, I dozed off and am sorry supper is late.” I sighed, standing on my bare feet as I had pushed my shoes off.

To be continued…

©Tisa Phiri

All Rights Reserved.

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Abu Aisha Morenikeji
Abu Aisha Morenikeji
5 years ago

What a lover girl❤❤❤