Behind The Mask Episode 15 by Jones Kwesi Tagbor

Behind The Mask Episode 1 by Jones Kwesi Tagbor

Behind The Mask Episode 15

© Jones Kwesi Tagbor

*Enyonam’s pregnancy exposed. Miranda grasps pastor.*

I woke up again and asked Enyonam to join me pray for the pregnancy. “John you are disturbing my sleep. You can pray for yourself”, she said. “How do you expect me to pray for myself? Am I the one carrying the baby?”, I asked. She just positioned herself well on the bed and slept. I knelt before the bed and prayed.

In the morning during breakfast, I received a text from my bankers indicating the receipt of my monthly salary. I checked the part that stated my total balance. “But how come I have this small amount in my account? If I do receive Ghc2000.00 a month and without building or buying a car, all I have left in my account is Ghc3050.00 then what am I doing?”. I asked myself looking directly into the face of Enyonam. “Ah, but why are you looking into my face as if I spent the money for you? You’ve forgotten how you were dishing out money when your father was admitted at the hospital, even during your mother’s funeral. You were spending as if you were the only one your mother have birth to. When I was telling you to stop spending much, you felt I was the person preventing you from reaching out to your family”. Enyonam said. “You forgot to add the money you asked for money to reinvest into your business. From today we are going to control how we spend in this house. You are pregnant now and we need to prepare down for receiving my first son”, I said to her. “And how do you intend to control expenses? I don’t remember asking you for money either for food or my shopping. I suggest you learn how to avoid dashing money for, I don’t know if I should say, family matters or charity works”, she added.

I hurried with the breakfast and left for office. After sometime of working, I went to the bank to print out my bank statement. After going through I realised I issued cheques to people that I could not even remember. I also saw the cheque I gave to Enyomam’s lawyer and many more. After the bank, I passed through Xorsenyo’s place to see if I will meet him in the house. Fortunately, he was washing a Jeep when I got there.

Xorsenyo: And what is John doing in my house at this time? You should be at work by now. Or have I gone wrong again?

Me: My brother, you’ve never gone anywhere. Please am I permitted here?

Xorsenyo: Hmm. This earth does not belong to any of us for me to say I’m preventing you from standing here. I don’t have any problem with that.

Me: OK thank you. Please is Golder around?

Xorsenyo: Why ask of my lady? Is she the next culprit?

Me: Xorsenyo, Please I’ve come in peace. I was asking of Golder so that I see the two of you and tell both of you what I have. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

Xorsenyo: She has gone to school. She started with her second degree program at Legon so she left this morning.

Me: That’s very nice to hear. Congratulations for that. Please I’m here purposely to apologize to you for everything that I’ve done to you. I believe I went too far. You were my advisor and friend. Please I’m not sure my wife accused you from her own volition. The devil used her to cause a split between us. Please I’m very sorry. As I said, I’ve regretted all that went on.

Xorsenyo: John, would you have come to stand here this morning to say all this if I were to be imprisoned because of something that I had no idea of? Anyway, my God also suffered for sins He didn’t commit. What shows you people are now convinced I didn’t do what you accused me of? You should have come with your wife to show that you mean what you are saying.

Me: Sorry about that. I’m coming from the office to this place. My wife is in the house and besides, she is pregnant. You started this with us so I want you to be part of its continuity as well. I want you to come with Golder so we celebrate the pregnancy.

Xorsenyo: First of all congratulations for proving your man power. As I said, I don’t have anything against you and besides, the battle was for the Lord which He fought for me. I’ve heard all that you’ve said. I will discuss with Golder when she returns. When is the celebration?

Me: This weekend. Thank you for having such a soft heart to forgive me. God bless you. But bro, whose Jeep is this?

Xorsenyo: Oh this is for Golder. She took my 4×4 to class because hers is dirty so I’m just cleaning it before she gets back.

Me: Wow!! You mean you have two powerful cars? One for you and one for your lady? That’s good, man. You’ve done well. I guess you are having some building projects also ongoing.

Xorsenyo: Oh yeah. Your guess is right. It’s just that the contractors are delaying the work. It’s all by the grace of God and to the glory of God. That’s why I will never lose focus of my God. He is always ready to lift me when I’m down. He says the poor should say they are rich and the weak to say they are strong. John even though you go to church, I don’t see you to be a Christian. You’ve been blindfolded that’s why you could allow the devil have his way through you. You need to be born again and see the glory of God at work in your life.

I stood still looking at him when he was talking. I just had a mental view of my bank balance and saw the Jeep he was washing. My balance was no where close to buying any of his cars. My wife already had her car before coming into the marriage but I couldn’t even buy myself a taxi. I was always driving in company’s pool car. Poor me.

Me: Bro. I would like to get to the office now. Please remember to come with Golder this weekend.

Xorsenyo: Alright. I will resume next week. Have a nice day.

I looked at the registration number and the car was registered that year. My position was higher than his so how come he was progressing in life like that? I asked myself. I entered the company’s pool car and left. On my way, I pondered over all that he told me. “But how should I be born again? I’ve been born into the church, my family is known for their Christian faith so what does this man mean by saying I should be born again? Or he is just bragging to me because he has a car. Crap”.

Enyonam called me on phone to ask what I would take for supper that day. I told her she should just surprise me and I also have a good news for her when I get home. By the time I got home, she had prepared my favourite food. I wish I can tell you which food it was but that’s my secret.

*At the dinning table.*

Me: This food tastes very good. You always prepare what I really need at any time. You are so sweet.

Enyonam: (smiled) You always have something to say. By the way thank you. I’m your wife and I will always give you the best.

Me: Thank you.

Enyonam: But dear you promised to tell me the good news when you return. My ears are itching to hear the good news according to John

Me: Oh yeah. Xorsenyo has forgiven us. I went to his place this afternoon.

Enyonam: And how does that translate into a good news? We should be forgiving him not what you are saying. Were you the one that sent him to kill me?

Me: Dear I thought you will welcome this news with a good heart. Please let’s learn to put all that behind us. Yesterday is gone and we are in a new day. Guess what.

Enyonam: What!

Me: He registered two cars just this year and a big mansion for himself and Golder oo. I just jealous him.

Enyonam: And is that news if someone buys a car? You don’t know all these people add up to create holes in your account. Keep following him. Very soon your account will go into negatives. You’ve forgotten your pastor said some people are against your progress. A word to the wise is enough.

Me: But why should you be talking like this? If you care to know he will be coming with Golder to this place this weekend for reunion and celebration of our pregnancy.

Enyonam: Hmmm, you this man I can see you don’t stick to your words. I thought you said you were going to control expenses? Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

We finished with the food and went out to the movies that evening.

When Golder returned from school, Xorsenyo told her what transpired in her absence.

Golder: So did you agree to go for the celebration? There is a saying; once bitten, twice shy. Better still, it is only a fool whose testicles are stepped on twice. I won’t follow you to that house.

Xorsenyo: Dear I understand you but we should know that everything happens for a reason. I believe John and his wife have learnt their lessons. It’s prudent if we let go of the past and face tomorrow.

Golder: You think your enemies have stopped following you because you now have money. Poor you. This is when the battle gets tougher so you should equally look strong. Well, I will go with you if you insist.

Xorsenyo: Thank you. That’s why I always love you.

I gave out some money and Enyonam also added some. We used that to get ready for the celebration. We invited some few friends around and some church members. Our head pastor at Tema was the guest of honour.

That Saturday, we got ready to receive all our invited guests. Xorsenyo and Golder were fully represented. The pastor came to call the two families, that is Xorsenyo and Golder then me and Enyonam. He prayed and united the two families. It was a very nice moment. After that side of the program, we moved on with the celebration of the pregnancy. The program was in the evening. In the process of serving food to our invited guests, Enyonam decided to also join in serving the food. In an attempt to give a dessert to Xorsenyo, she stumbled in front of Xorsenyo and fell on her stomach. All we could see was blood draining in between her legs. It has become imminent that Xorsenyo pushed her or something. No one knows. Xorsenyo quickly carried her in his 4×4 and we rushed her to the hospital. Per medical examination, the doctor said he didn’t see any pregnancy or any sign of pregnancy so they don’t know how come she said she was pregnant. The doctor said their investigation rather proved that she was suffering from fibroid that was even an opportunity for them to operate on her to remove it. The whole thing was like a drama to me.

Me: But doctor, I’ve been feeling the baby move in her tummy so how come it’s not pregnancy?

Doctor: Yeah. At times fibroid behaves like pregnancy and if in case the woman is already pregnant, it could lead to a miscarriage. I’m sorry to say your wife is not pregnant. This is the scan result. You can look at it.

I looked through the scan result and was very surprised. At least that gave Xorsenyo some relief that he didn’t cause my wife to have a miscarriage. It was just the holy spirit around Xorsenyo that was activated. Enyonam infested the food she was going to give to Xorsenyo and because the God Xorsenyo serves was greater, saved him by exposing Enyonam. I consented for the surgery to remove the fibroid for her. All these prevented our meeting with my pastor back at home. My account was equally draining.

*The trail of the pastor back home.*

At church pastor made a general comment that members should avoid availing themselves for the devil to use. He said this when he was preaching about Sampson in the Bible. After service, Miranda went to see the pastor and said she has some personal issues to discuss with him. She was almost crying whiles saying it so the pastor needed to give her immediate attention. Everywhere was occupied with meetings here and there so Miranda suggested they go and sit in pastor’s car so that she can tell him her problem. Pastor by then didn’t know she was the one her wife has been talking about. When they were going to the car, Miranda made sure that the Osofomaame saw her moving with the pastor. Osofomaame’s heart nearly bumped out when she saw them. She secretly used her phone to take a snapshot of them moving. In the car, Miranda was telling pastor that her boyfriend who they’ve been together for almost five years started complaining that she was using church as excuses too much so she wanted to quit being a member of the church. She tried, by a conversation, to waste more of the pastor’s time. The elders were waiting for pastor to come so that they complete their meeting but he wasn’t coming so they sent one women’s leader who talks a lot to alert pastor about them. When Miranda saw the woman approaching the car, she forced the door opened and started shouting and crying.

Women leader: My dear what is the problem?

Miranda: Pastor is refusing to accept my pregnancy after he slept with me countless times.

Pastor: Jesus Christ!! Lady what did you just say? Was that what you brought to me for discussing?

The lady became aggressive which called the attention of everybody including the pastor’s wife.

Osofomaame: I said it but you denied. Now defend yourself here. This is the Miranda girl that reported you to me. You think you can always hide in the dark and do evil? I cease to be your wife from this very moment. Take her home and make her your wife.

Pastor stood with his mouth opened and eyes looking into the clouds. “No! I command an instant justice here in the name of Jesus!!! ” pastor said loudly with tears in his eyes.

…to be continued


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