Who Love Me Most – Season 2 Episode 24

Who Love Me Most

It was the next day evening, chidi was seen at his compound near the swimming pool,Mr and Mrs uche came in the morning as they promised the previous day,after a lot of talking chidi promised to call Amara,which he did after they left,he told amara everything that happened, amare didn’t buy the idea of her coming back but she gave it another thought when chidi told her Sandra will be very grateful if she witness her delivering which is just two weeks from now,amare promise to think about it,chidi will have her answer the next day.

Chidi has been thinking about a lot of things if only he knows what next to do,he knows whatever makes amara step her foot in nigeria again he has to get ready for another war,his phone began to ring that brought him back to reality, he look at the caller it was Emman.
Emman :chidi what’s up

Chidi:not bad,just trying to know how to handle
the little problem i have now

Emmanh….maxwell and amara parents came back again

Chidi:yes they did this morning but maxwell didn’t come with them

Emman :so what was the conclusion

Chidi:none for now
Emman:chidi come on,why don’t you just allow amara come and sort things out with her parents, no matter what they are till her family and you know she is carring maxwell chidi,yes I know what maxwell did was wrong but you can’t denied him of his right,you can marry amara but you can never be the father of her child,try to think about it.

Chidi:am not trying to deprived him of his child
am only protecting amara.

Emman:for how long will this fight last,now that your mother is behind you,you can fit all this,hold a meeting with them so that all this will end and you can get married to amara.

Chidi :that’s a good idea but when it comes to maxwell, believe me he will want it to fall in his favour and that’s not what will happen

Emman :don’t think about that for now,just do it first and then see the outcome.

Chidi :i will give it a try

Emman :but that will be after amara returns,
she have to be there,so please let her come.

Chidi:she will,i have already talk to her,she haven’t given me any reply for now but i
know she will listen to me.

Emman:good,now you are talking,i was kind of busy before you called but I will call you back when am done

Chidikey no problem talk later

They ended the call,chidi thought about what Emman said,it would work out well he thought.

Two days later amara was in nigeria, chidi
went to pick her up from the airport, they were so happy to see eachother again, they have missed eachother so much,after ward chidi took amara to her house, chidi did like the idea of her going back to that house but amara insisted reason best known to her and he didn’t bother to ask why because he felt amara know what she was doing,chidi pass the night at her place, they both have a wonderful night together watching movies, chatting over things,playing round the house,they both enjoyed themselves that night.

Morning came,chidi has to go home so he can get ready for work, Amara try to make him stay because she was sacred because of the bad dream she had in the night,but chidi told her he couldn’t because he has an important meeting to attend to that morning and he can’t afford to miss it,Amara gave up when she saw that she wouldn’t convince him,they both came out,the gate was open for him,chidi kissed amara and drove off,Amara went in,she try to settle her mind but she was till having the same feeling that feeling of danger, she prayed in her heart nothing bad should happen to anyone close to her,not up to five minutes of driving chidi then realise he has forgotten his phone at amara place, he quickly turned and head back to her house, on getting there he parked outside the gate,he knock at the gate and it was open for him,he reached down to the sitting room door,amare was in the kitchen when she heard the door bell ring ,she was scared,she slowly walk down to the sitting room,she wasn’t expecting anyone cause she hasn’t inform anyone of her arrival.

Chidi:baby open up its me

Amara felt relieved, she quickly open the door
Amara :you came back

Chidi entered

Chidi:i forgot my phone,

Chidi went inside the bedroom and found his phone at the head side of the bed,he came back to the sitting room where amara was waiting for him.

Amara :have you found it

Chidi:yes,need to run along now

Amara key i will see you off,

Chidi took amara hand and they both went outside,amare was surprise not to see chidi car.

Amara :where is your car

Chidi:i parked it outside the gate

Amara key

They went outside the gate to where chidi has parked the car,chidi opened the car door,they both huged themselves, they were till hugging when a car drove pass them,chidi quickly saw one of the boys bringing out a gun,amare back the car which means if they shoot it will get to amara first before him but that he won’t let happen,he quickly turned amara to his first position using his body to cover her the boy shoot at chidi driving pass them,the bullet landed on his back twice,

Amara :ah….ah….

she scream out low

Amara h my God

Chidi fall to the ground grieving in pain,that when when it occurs to amara that chidi was shoot, she reached down to chidi and held him crying.

Amara :chidi Chidi, somebody please help,no
chidi stay with me.

Chidi was trying his best not to close his eyes,but the pain was too much for him,just then chidi sighted the car revealing,he was in pain but he thought they were coming to kill amara.

Chidi: the…y a..re com…ing back

Pointing at the direction the car is,that was when amara saw who shoot chidi and truly
they were coming back to finish him off.

Chidi:yo…u ha…ve to…. go

Amara :no way am not leaving you here,let’s
get you to the hospital, you have to stay with me if you don’t want me dead

Chidi gave out a weak smile, amare tryed and carry chidi,chidi also help with the little strength he has,amare put him inside the car,she quickly did the same.

Amara :where is the car key

Chidi tryed to speak but just couldn’t, he was really loosing alot of blood, amare didn’t wait for him to speak she began to search for the key in his pocket and she found it,the boys car got to the car screen when amara is sitted as soon as amara saw them she started up the engine and took off,the boys drove after them,the boys were very angry

Boy 2: drive faster we need to finish him off

He was talking to the number three boys who
was driving, he immediately fire on

Boy 1:how could I have missed that shot,i was
actually aiding for his head before he twist

Boy 3 :not to worry we will get him

He was driving as fast as he can but till their car was no match for an SUV range Rover shot,
Amara in the other hand was scared and her hands was shaking at the wheel but she try to maintain balance, she needed to save chidi and nothing can stop that, she was driving really fast,she has never been on an high speed before that she fear she shouldn’t get them killed, she looked at chidi who was seriously bleeding badly, chidi turned to amara and smiled at her.

Chidi:i…love…. you….

Amara :please don’t say that now just hold on please.

She cried bitterly, she looked back and till found the boys car driving after them with full speed,
Amara :God please help us

She prayed to God because she really need a miracle not for herself but to save chidi life…..

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