Rejected At Birth Episode 1 – Thessycute Ekene

Rejected At Birth Episode 1 - Thessycute Ekene

Rejected At Birth

Episode One

Your wife just gave birth to two beautiful children, a boy and a girl.

That was the doctor talking to Dad, smiling and completely exposing his nice set of teeth.

According to Dad, he was sitting outside the hospital room, saying to Mom.

He had been waiting for good news because Mom had been in labour for two days without eating anything.

He jumped up with excitement when he was asked to open the door and go in to see his wife and kids.

Even though their wedding was planned in two weeks, the family decided to have a small wedding after she gives birth.

Despite his family not approving of him marrying a girl without a father and Mom being raised by a single mother, he made this decision.

They believed that nothing good would come out of her.

He opened the door and was greeted with his soon-to-be wife’s smile and two nurses holding the babies, giving them a little spānk on the back to make them cry.

They say a healthy baby cries when spānked in the hospital.

My twin sister let out a scream at first, but then she stopped crying.

The nurses sadly informed us that my twin sister and I are unable to speak.

But the girl cried before, mom asked while crying, but the nurse couldn’t explain anything.

She said, “It doesn’t count. They might speak in the future, but since they’re not crying now, I think they are both dūmb.”

Mom asked her to place my twin sister in the bed next to me and kept saying that her children are not dūmb, with tears streaming down her face.

My mother didn’t give birth to me as a dūmb and I reject such spirit from my children, she used her hands to touch our foreheads.

Dad yelled at mom in the hospital, saying he can’t have children who can’t speak.

She was lying there, almost lifeless after giving birth to two kids, a boy and a girl and spending two days just to push us out.

Dad’s family has never really liked mom.

He was fōrced to marry her because she was pregnant and he needed to claim his children.

“You need to make them cry, carry them up,” she said, pointing her fingers in our direction, signaling the nurse to lift us.

“Hīt them again, hīt them on their backs!” my mom screamed at the top of her lungs.

She couldn’t risk being labeled a single mother by society.

The same thing happened to her own mother when her father abandoned her at birth, and she never had a father figure in her life.

Dad, already worried, paced back and forth in the hospital, making noise with his shoes that irritated the nurse.

“Excuse me, sir,” she interrupted, “you can wait outside for now.

She needs to recover; she has lost a lot of blood.” Dad wasn’t helping; he added to mom’s pain in that moment.

He raised his voice at mom again, calling her Anna. “You need to do something about these dūmb children.

I’m not ready to be a father to two kids who can’t speak.

Confess whatever sins you’ve committed because I’ll have no choice but to leave you with these two thīngs you call children.”

The nurse interrupted again, saying, “Sir, you’re not helping her at all.

Every child is a gift from God, and just because they haven’t spoken yet doesn’t mean they never will.

Give them time, sir. Meanwhile, please stay outside.” She pointed at the door.

Dad stood there for a while, contemplating what to say to her. Finally, he made up his mind. “I won’t be a part of this, and I can’t be a father to these two thīngs you call children.

Either you get rid of them and we adopt a child without disābilities, or I’ll leave you and marry someone who won’t give me children with disābilitiės.”

He said aloud as he tried to step out, hoping Mom would agree to that.

But she managed to get up from the bed and sit on the edge.

She said, “I can’t get rīd of my children just because they can not speak.

I know the pain I’m feeling because of them, and I can’t do that to them.”

She shrugged her shoulders and felt a shārp pāin in her stomach area, then she lay back in bed.

“It’s fine then. You’ll go and find someone else to father them. Good luck with that, Anna.”

Those were his last words as he stepped out of the hospital without saying anything else to Mom, and that was also the last time we heard from him.

Mom couldn’t take it. She was fīghting for her life.

She had developed high blōod pressure from too much thinking while she was pregnant.

This affected her at the hospital, and she slowly closed her eyes and became unconscious.

The nurses had to call for an emergency, and the doctor rushed in to administer medicine to revive her.

“Her condition is criticāl, and she might not make it.”

Those were the exact words of the doctor.

“Who will she leave her two children for?” the nurse asked. “The father of the children won’t even come back to claim them,” the other one responded.

She looked a bit sad. I was lying with my sister, observing everything that was going on.

I don’t know why I was able to hear everything. I felt like I wasn’t an ordinary child.

Maybe I had been born before. There was my mom, and it seemed like she had fainted.

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