MUSIC IN THE RAIN Episode 23 – 24 Amah’s Heart

MUSIC IN THE RAIN Episode 1 - Amah's Heart

MUSIC IN THE RAIN Episode 23 Amah’s Heart

There was a knock on the door, Alice rushed to check who was knocking. She exclaim happily at the person.
“Hello Tom…is good to see you
“Alice, is good to see you too. How are you?
“I’m good…please come in. I’m so sorry about Mrs Craig. Betty told me back in Denmark and is so unfortunate that we couldn’t attend her funeral to give her the last respect she deserves…my sincere condolence…

“Thank you Alice!
Tom walked in with Alice. He was surprise to see many people in Eunice’s sitting room. Faces that looks unfamiliar. It was indeed a full house for Eunice and he was about to turn and leave when Eunice came out with a baby in her arms. Betty also came out from another room.
“Look who we have here. Tom Craig….
Eunice said happily while holding Dan. She introduce Tom to the house and mentioned about the loss of his Grandma too and there was a sympathetic sorry chorused from everyone.
Betty who do not know how to approach Tom, she said hello to him from where she stood. Tom looked at her and responded back.
Tom noticed that Betty added some weight and looks a little different, she also chop down her long hair and appears more beautiful than before. Eunice had mentioned to him when she came to help him to arrange his Grandma’s things. She had said that Betty left Brook because of she was pregnant and couldn’t stand the stigma, so she decided to leave to Denmark. She gave birth to a boy, Rick’s son who rejected her and the baby even before the child was born.
Tom had felt hurt and wish he can even get hold of that jerk and break his nose for making Betty to go through all she went through.

Betty had rejected him for Rick and it was so unfortunate for her that Rick also disappointed her at the end.
Tom had tried to digest all the information that Eunice gave him and felt so saddened that Betty rejected him for some good for nothing rich guy who threw her out when she needed him the most. As he stood staring at Betty in the noisy room, his heart melt again for her and he quickly tries to get hold of his emotions. Betty had hurt him twice he doesn’t want to give his heart out the third time, is better things are left the way they are despite
there was no denying he still felt something strong for Betty, who his Grandma had always referred to as Violet, which was his late mother’s name.

He saw Eunice with a cute baby and knew that will be Betty’s child. He sat and was occupied in his thought when a pretty little girl of about six years tapped him
“Hello, my name is Tasha, that’s my big brother over there, Cole. He’s eight while I’m almost six years. There is my little nephew in granny’s arms, he is just ten months old baby but he can stand on his own without help, take a step and also knows how to play some games too. My Granny likes holding him all the time. I got two big sisters. Betty and Alice. What is your name?

Tom smile and said “Tom is my name and I’m please to meet you Tasha. You have a large family here…
Tasha seeing a gist partner sat down properly beside Tom and start her chatter. “Yes, a very big family. We are eight in number here and if Betty gives birth to another baby we will be nine and if my mom give birth to a baby we will be ten. That’s really a big family. How about you…how many are you in your own family?
Cole, Tasha’s brother came to sit beside Tom, listening to his sister and Tom. Tom rough his hair with his hand and he straightened and laugh before relaxing back.
Tom breathed down before saying. “Is just me. All my family members have gone to heaven except me but I’m not going to heaven yet. I will love to have a large, loving family before going to join my other family residing in heaven…l’m the only one in my own family for now.

Cole smiling face turned sad and he said
“You must be very lonely and bored. Why not join our family. Is super fun in here. We get to play lots of game and Dad promise to take us on a tour round Brook. You can join us too…
Tom smile and nodded with thanks to the kids.
Alice brought Tea and snacks to Tom who was so grateful. He enjoys Eunice homemade cookies and she had never fails to feed him anytime he stops by.
It was time for the real food and just when everyone was moving to the dining for dinner there was another knock on the door.
Alice and Tasha race to the door as Betty shouted behind them excitedly.
“Is Ben and Camdy, open up quick… They came just at the right time for dinner..
Alice opened and it was not just Camdy and Ben who she hugged warmly, there was another man with them.
They all came in and Betty left the dining to hug Camdy and Ben, she greeted the man with them. He was taller, slim, wore an eye glass and looks smart as if all he does is to exercise for a perfect shape. He looked at her and swallowed hard.

Florence quickly walked down to where the man stood and shouted with an alarming voice
The man turned at the sound of his name and looked at Florence. He said calmly
Florence moved closer to ascertain if t was truly him, the whole house became silent.
“What are you doing here?
Alan stammered. He looked over at Betty who wore a questioning look and back to Florence. He became uncomfortable. Eunice stepped in to save the moment.
“Please, please let us all go to the dining. Ben and Camdy came in just in time for dinner. Please everybody join us at the dining. Explanation can wait till after food.
Alan objected, he turned and started walking away but Ben and Eunice stopped him and urged him towards the dining.
Camdy greeted everyone seated on the table including Tom. Who respond while trying to understand what is really happening and wondering if he should leave but he knew Eunice will not let him go. She had practically adopted him as a son and treats him as one.
Tasha whispered something to Cole.

“Are they all part of Granny’s family too? She said with a whisper into Cole’s ear while referring to Camdy, Ben and Alan that joined them at the dining.
“No, I don’t think so. They are just family friends. Cole whispered back to her.
Their father asked them to remain quiet and stop talking. Adam saw his wife’s mood changed and she became uncomfortable with the man in their means. He was confused on who the man was but remain watchful as Eunice and Alice began to pass the food round.
Betty wasn’t comfortable either, she looked up from her plate to Tom and they locked eyes before she quickly look away. Alan did not touch his food. He kindly requested for only water, after taking a glass of water he cleared his voice. Making everyone to look at his side.
Alan saw that Betty had so much of Florence in her. She looks like her mother and without been told he knew that she was his daughter. But he saw her look at him with a straight face before looking back at the young man sitting across her table.
Ben saw his father’s discomfort. He knew his Dad was searching for the right word to use to express himself and to sincerely apologies for his past mistakes but was afraid that he will not be forgiven. Florence may not want to ever forgive him and same with his daughter. Ben stood and spoke out halting everyone and drawing attention to himself and also making his father to feel at ease.
“Please, permit me to introduce my Dad, Alan Fag…. Ben started and Betty looked at the man with a lot going through her mind, the man looked back at her and she quickly looked away again.
Ben continued

“…my Dad is not perfect, he had made lots of mistakes in life which he regrets deeply. He is a great father to me and my kid brother, Mat. He thought us to be truthful, care, love and humility. Despite having everything at our disposal, My Dad plead with us not to make the same mistake he made in his youth days and I have followed his teaching till this day. I want to say a big thank you to Eunice for this wonderful reunion. I’m surprise to see everyone all gathered here and it feels so welcoming to belong to this awesome family, this is a perfect time to say this, when I met Florence in Denmark, she came to apologies to Betty and Alice for been away in their lives for so many years, she make mention of Alan Fag and that got my attention and at the end I realized that me and Betty are related. I came back to Brook and asked my dad and without denying he told me the exact thing and ever since then he had been wanting to come and ask to be forgiven. He wronged almost everyone in this room.

Betty went through so much in life which I witness mostly and she had always wanted a father figure in her life but there was none to call one and is all my Dad’s fault and he is deeply sorry for putting Florence and Betty through so much pain and Eunice too who single handed raise Betty and Alice as her own. I’m speaking on my Dad’s behalf because I can feel his discomfort. He doesn’t even know where to begin his speech in all this and deep down I know he is very sorry to everyone that his careless lifestyle affected. To Florence who was out rightly rejected by the man she loved, he turned her away when she got pregnant for him. Please forgive my father. To Eunice who had no choice but to take care of her pregnant daughter until she give birth to a baby girl, Betty. Who I have known and relate so well with even without knowing she’s my, kind, strong beautiful step sister. Having said this I will like my dad to say the rest…thank you for lending me a listening ears.

Ben sat down and Alan stood, he cleared his throat again and began talking. Emotions choked at his throat. Betty couldn’t control her own raging emotions. After twenty two years of her lonely life a mother and then a father finally showed up, it was too much of a realization to bear.
She ran out of the room crying.
Florence wanted to go after her but Camdy volunteer to do so and Eunice asked her to go ahead. She went to Betty and after sometime they both returned back to the dining and listened to Alan. He sincerely apologized to Florence, the mother of his only daughter. Adam was holding one of his wife’s hand to claim ownership just in case Alan want to make advances at her or make Florence to remember what their love life use to be like. So he held onto his wife’s hand and squeeze it gently, reminding her that he was with her.
Alan went ahead to speak, swallowing hard and trying not to give way to the tears clouding his eyes, he apologies to Betty too and to everyone affected through his careless life. He wanted to be in a good relationship with his daughter if she will let him into her life.
At the end of the apologies he excused himself and step outside, he got into his car and sat with his head on the steering. Everyone went back eating silently and Betty was not really in a perfect mood to decide what she really want with all the realization that she finally met her father after twenty two years of her life.
Betty later went back to her room with her baby and remained there and nobody disturbed her. After dinner everybody left.

Eunice later came to meet Betty in her room and spoke with her for long, they both talked just like before.
After two days Alan returned back alone to Eunice house and took Betty and his grandson to visit his big mansion.
He drove her to Eastern Brook. Ben and his younger brother were home to welcome her.
Alan asked her if she will love to move into the mansion or she wanted her own house. Betty told him that she will decide on what she want but not right away.
Alan had time to speak with his daughter alone and what she had always wanted to do was music. He source for the best music school and registered Betty, he got her a beautiful, classy car and introduced her to everyone around him as his daughter.
Betty later drove back to Northern Brook, she took Alice, and everyone in the house for a tour in her father’s estate. Her grandma, Alice, Tasha and
Cole. Alan also gave Betty a well furnished apartment.
He personally took Alice to the school where she took exams for her College education. She later got enrolled and started college. Alan paid off her bills and made sure everything that Alice needed was made available.
He became both a father to Betty and to her sister, Alice who couldn’t get enough of her new classy life.
Florence and her family later returned back to Denmark. Eunice asked Betty to leave Dan with her so that she can concentrate in her music career and Betty left her a year old boy with Eunice.
One day she was upstairs with Camdy who came around. They decided to go for the evening ride. She hanged her musical head piece around her ear while going downstairs. Betty heard Ben talking and laughing with a familiar voice.
She came down and saw Rick.

Rick was shock to see Betty, Ben never mentioned that Betty, who was Camdy’s bosom friend was upstairs in his father’s big mansion. She looks exceptionally different and even more beautiful.
Betty acted as if Rick was invisible. She turned to Ben and said
“Hey Ben, we are going off for an evening ride, don’t miss us too much.
Betty said looking at Ben directly and ignoring his visitor. Ben nodded with a smile and said
“Dad said he wanted you and Mat to go with him to his yearly inauguration tomorrow. Has he inform you already?
Ben asked standing to go and meet his sister.

“Yeah…he did. Still thinking of what to wear. I complained of that and he said he will get me a dress on his way back today. I’m looking forward to the kind of dinner dress he said he will get for me. Dad actually have eyes for nice things and I can’t wait to get hold of my gown. I will stop and pick up Mat from the basketball cot. He called me to pick him up…we will be back soon.
Ben hugged and pecked his sister, he turned to Camdy and kissed her before they left.
When he returned back to his Seat, Rick was filled with question because he doesn’t know what was going on. He had try to make Betty look up at him during her conversation with Ben but she never did.
Immediately she went outside Rick ran to the window and watch Betty get into a porch car with her friend. He watch her start the car and drove off.
Rick was deeply disturbed and turned to Ben with a questioning look. Ben
was smiling from ear to ear which confuses him the more.
Betty had been looking for an opportunity to talk to Tom but ever since they met at her Grandma’s place for dinner she had not seen him again, she had been too busy with her new classy life.
Betty decided to drive down to his place one day. He wasn’t home. On her way out she was startled with his deep voice. Betty turned back and saw him standing under a shade and watching her. She breathed down before going to meet him.

Her phone suddenly started ringing, she checked the number and recognized it. Rick was calling her. Two text messages came into her phone.
Rick sent her a message that he was in Northern Brook close to her Grandma’s house, he really wanted to see her. Betty ignored. Rick kept calling as Betty walked to where Tom was standing.

MUSIC IN THE RAIN Episode 24 Amah’s Heart

Betty ignored Rick’s call, she switched off her phone and walked up to Tom
She said hello to him and Tom replied and sat on a chair. Betty sat beside him and they were silent.
Betty had a lot of things to say but did not know how to start her conversation.
“Why are you here…?
Tom break the silent while staring at his palm.
Betty turned to him but he wasn’t looking at her, his face was pale. She breathed deeply before moving closer to Tom.
Tom was still wondering why she was moving so close to him, Betty looked up at him and kissed him on the lips before straightening.
Tom was shocked and did not say anything as he stare at her. He cleared his throat and said.
“You shouldn’t do that Betty. This is emotional blackmail and I’m not in for it.’ have gotten enough lesson and trying to be a man in my world.’ don’t know why you came here but is definitely not to do what you just did…
Betty sniffs and said.

“Tom, I wish you can try to forgive me for all the wrongs I did to you. I’m sorry Tom. I’m sorry for the loss of your Grandma, sorry for the way I left you for Rick, sorry for hurting you. Tom I’m deeply sorry for everything. Please forgive me. It took me time to do this because I was afraid you may never want to have anything to do with me. But I boldly swallowed my pride to come down here. I wish you can open up and let me again…l promise this time it will be different. I don’t have anything with Rick or with any man. Rick rejected me and cast me out when I got pregnant and ever since I have learnt a big lesson and regret every of my actions in the past. Tom, what do you want me to do for you to let go of the past? I want us…what we use to have in the past. I want the love we once shared back then which was genuine and sweet…
Tom stood up from his sit and said.

“And when Rick shows up, when the father of your son comes back to you I will become a history. Betty, you hurt me twice where I was busy trusting and loving you. I will not let that happen the third time. I won’t. I’m good aright? I’m fine. I’m even thinking of leaving Brook for some time. I have moved on with my life…l guess you have also. You got your both parents now. Your life has taking a good turn and I’m happy for you. I wish you the very best but I will like to keep my distance. You never regard or loved me when you had nothing, you were struggling with your music career and all I did was to be there for you. It took me time to get over you and forge ahead, it took me time to heal from the hurt and I do not want to look back at my past. Betty, You never loved me back then when you were still struggling to become a voice, how am I sure you will love me now that you have everything and is obvious that your music career is on the go.

You got good voice, you are great dancer, you are beautiful, you can sing so well and I know is just a matter of time your musical dream will become a reality and you will be the next celebrity star in Brook and beyond. I believe so much in you and I wish you nothing but the best but I don’t want to be close. I don’t want to get my hands soiled or my heart crushed. I’m trading safe…very safe this time. I will always be your biggest fan wherever I am. If your musical cd comes out, I will be one of the first to purchase it and I will listen to it over and over again because I believe so much in you Betty but not to the extent of giving my heart to you the third time. And that is the way I want things to be please.
Tears crowded Betty eyes as she listen to Tom speak. Tom was indeed her biggest support and was always there for her. Why she didn’t see it before now?
She began to think within herself.
“How did i make such mistake of not seeing the good man in him? Why did I fall for somebody like Rick? I was so much into Rick and nothing else matters except Rick Williams. I hurt people who were close to me and never listened to my grandma’s warning. Even my sister, Alice was out for months to search for our mother in Denmark where she later got a job just because she ran out of cash and in all of Alice tour I never cared if she was dead or alive. What if something bad had happened to her while in Denmark, I wouldn’t have been able to forgive myself because I vow to protect her with my life. I abandoned everything that ever matters to me for a man that swept me off my feet and I was caught in the web of love with Rick who hurt me twice same way I hurt Tom. I wish Tom can let go of the past hurt and give me another chance. I’m wiser and smarter unlike before. I will never hurt Tom if only he will love me again like he used to. I love Tom so much now than I had ever did in the past.

She stood and went to him but Tom was not in the mood to listen to anything she had to say. Betty nodded sadly and started walking away.
Tom bite his lips with a frown on his face. He sat down and held his head as Betty walked out. He was not going to allow his heart to be dribbled by Betty.
He loves her but can’t play with his emotions again. He was afraid that Betty may still be in contact with Rick and who happens to be the father of her child. There will always be a connection and he can’t contend with him because he was in a far better position than he was.
The following day Eunice called Tom to stop over for tea but Tom who wanted to keep a distance from Betty’s family declined and told her that he was busy with work and won’t be able to come over for tea.

Eunice did not give up.
On the fourth day, after church service she called him again, inviting him over. She knew he won’t be able to give excuse about working on Sunday.
Tom later drove down to Eunice house and saw Betty’s son with Eunice.
The tea was just as usual and even more cookies to take home from Eunice, Who also told him about how Betty came crying to her. Eunice spoke to Tom deeply and Tom express his fears and the reasons why he did not want to give another chance.
Betty’s grandma listened calmly to Tom as he open up on his fears. She gave him something to think over and assured him that Betty was a changed person and was ready to prove that to him if only he will let her.
Tom had time to play with Dan, Betty’s son who was already running round
the house. He played some puzzle games and watch cartoon network with

the child who was happy to have a play mate.
Tom couldn’t get enough of the cute boy and stayed with him until he was ready for his bedtime stories. He promised to come back another day to spend more time with him.
Eunice was happy at the way Tom laugh and played around with Dan, not minding if he was not in a perfect terms with the child’s mother. He left his differences aside and became a child again for Dan’s sake.

Camdy was already rounding up with her nursing school and also planning for her wedding with Ben who couldn’t wait to officially make her his wife.
Betty try to forget every of her disappointment and sadness with Tom who rejected her. She dive more into music. Spending every time in her studio. She kept her distance from Rick and kept ignoring him whenever he comes to the house with the preteens to see Ben.
Betty kept busy with writing her own songs, rehearsing her dance moves which she left off after getting pregnant. She was enjoying what she love doing and whenever she was in the house she was always busy with the piano and even practice with Mat, her second step brother.

She creates time to drive down to Northern Brook to see Eunice and Dan.
She speak over the phone with Alice her sister. And sometimes speak with her mother and her family. Florence kept in touch and wanted to be updated with everything happening around her two daughters and everyone else.
Adam, Florence husband did not bully his wife again after finding out she had a large loving family. Fie was even afraid to say any hurtful word to her. Adam changed totally and treated his wife with love and his children with tender care as a father should.

Alice schooled around Denmark, one of the best college there. She sometime visit her mother, spend time playing and answering Tasha and Cole’s questions. Alice also visit Mr Phil her former boss and everyone she knew in Denmark.
She concentrated in her study and her aim was to become a great barrister in future. She was really grateful to Alan who made sure she doesn’t lack anything.
She was not ready for relationship yet despite having close male friends who wanted her. she guard her heart diligently and try not to be so close to her male friends in other not to fall in love with any one and then lose focus in achieving her goals.
Betty couldn’t forget Tom as much as she tries to. That evening as she sat outside, close to the swimming pool. She wrote down her thought in her worn out journal given to her by Eunice. She was expressing how she felt and wish things will be different.
Whenever her heart is heavy all she did was to listen to music or write down songs.
She was there writing when Ben drove in with Rick who was driving behind him.
She did not notice when her brother walked up to her because she had ear piece on.
Betty was startled by a touch, she looked up from her book and saw Ben, smiling down on her. Betty returned the smile and he bent down and pecked her cheek before sitting beside her at the pool.
Betty looked back and saw Rick at a distance side of the pool.

Ben started talking to her quietly
“He said you have been avoiding him and refuse to speak to him. He broke up with Magi. Magi was in another relationship and when he found out it was already late. Is been months since they broke up. Rick also said that he had called and send several apology messages to you but you ignored all. Betty, Rick is really sorry. He asked me to come and plead on his behalf. I didn’t want to do that before but he kept pestering me and will not give up until I come to you. Rick says he doesn’t deserve you but wish you can just give him a listening ear to plead in person. By the way, his father loosed the election again, there is a new mayor that will be sworn in soon but is definitely not Williams but that is not a problem to Rick even though it should really bother him greatly that his father loosed. All he wants is to talk to you. He wish to talk with you Betty. Will you let him…?

Ben said looking at the sister with a pleading look. Betty shakes her head sadly and said.
“You are never a fan of Williams, c’mon Ben…you and Dad never wanted him to win so why are you feeling pity for the man? I guess you are advocating for Rick because he is your friend. You were there and witness everything that happened years ago at the pool. What if I die that night? I guess you will never come to know that we are related or even be here pleading on his behalf. His girlfriend lift him so how is that my problem? Rick is so heartless. What if he was still with Magi, what if I wasn’t the wealthy Alan’s daughter? What if I was still some ordinary girl from Northern Brook who works two shift to maintain a living and pursue a musical career? Will Rick still be interested in making amend or coming up with this sorry story of his. C’mon Ben, don’t do this because it isn’t cool…
Ben took her hand into his.

“I’m sorry…so sorry if you feel hurt with what I’m doing presently. I’m not asking you to go back to Rick, no…l still don’t trust that dude to love my sister the way she deserve. He might have changed and become a nice guy but that’s not the point, all I asked is to hear him out. Talk it over with him…clear him and let him know your stand. There’s no room in your heart for him anymore, let him know that. You can listen to him without replying a word to him. Rick played with your emotion and life and I will not want you to fall into a wrong hands neither will Dad who cherish you so much watch that happen. Rick is my friend, I care about him but I love my sister. I love you Betty and I will not watch harm come to you ever again…not when I’m alive. Please listen to whatever he have to say…alright?
Betty nodded and Ben called Rick to come over and he quickly did.

He stammered few words pitiful words, asking if Betty can forgive him. After his long apology which Betty never said anything all through his speech. He left, feeling so sad and wondering how he could win Betty’s love again.
Betty drove down to Brook one evening and met Tom in the house. He was playing with Dan. Betty felt so happy watching him and her son.
Immediately Tom saw Betty, he wanted to leave but Betty stopped him. He hugged Tom and begged him to give love another chance.
Tom’s emotion was racing as Betty held him. He loosened up and walked to his car. Betty followed him to his car. She sat in the car with him reminding him of how he was gentle, loving and very caring to her before.
Tom later told Betty that he has forgiven and had let go of the past.

“Then come to Eastern Brook tomorrow. I will like to introduce you to my Dad. I will love to host you in the mansion. If truly you have let the past go then honor my invitation. Let me officially introduce you to my other family…please…Tom?
Tom try to argue his way out but Betty was determined and he finally agreed to come.
Betty hugged him before stepping down from the car.
She drove Eunice and her son that weekend to Eastern Brook so that they can have some fun. She drove them to her father’s mansion and Alan was around to welcome Betty’s grandmother and his grandson. Ben and Mat took turns in playing around the house with Dan.
The following day, Alan wanted to take everyone on boat cruising and Betty was waiting for Tom to arrive so that they can all go together. She called Tom and he said he was on his way driving down. Immediately after the Call with Tom, Betty saw Rick driving in.

She did not pay attention to him.
She remained at the pool side after informing his father’s security that her guest was coming to see her. While waiting forTom, she try to compose a song which she wrote down in her journal.
Her grandma was inside enjoying herself with one of her television series. Ben was out on a date with Camdy they will join them later for the boat cruise while Mat was catching fun with Dan. Alan was in his study, buried in one of his books as usual while waiting for everyone to be ready for the cruise.
Rick knew that Ben was not around and he did not come to see his friend but his sister.

He walked up to Betty with a bouquet of red roses in his hand for Betty. He started his usual talk while sitting very close to Betty.
She couldn’t concentrate again in what she was doing. she listened to Rick’s love language which was getting into her head while looking straight at nothing.

Rick was still holding the bouquet of roses in his hand and talking to Betty when Tom came in with a pack of Betty’s favorite chocolate. He wanted to call Betty to inform her that he was around when he saw her with Rick.
He moved closer without Betty seeing him just to be sure that the man that was sitting very close to Betty with a bunch of rose in his hand was Rick.
He clinched his fist at the sight of Rick and Betty sitting very close to each other.


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