A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 21 – 23 by Azeemah Salami

A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 1 by Azeemah Salami

A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 21 by Azeemah Salami

“Here’s the man” He showed Irene.
“What!” Irene exclaimed in shock.
“What?” Harold asked, startled.
“Do you know him?” He asked, dropping his phone gently.
“I..i” Irene stammered.
She never knew the hate Ethan have for Harold is this much to the extent of hurting those around him.
She recognized that man as one of Ethan’s bodyguards the day she had went to see Madam Perse.
But she can’t tell Harold, can she?

“No, i don’t know him. I’m just so shocked a responsible looking man can be that callous” Irene lied.
She’s just so confused right now.

“Ohh..but he doesn’t look responsible to me. He looks cruel” Harold shrugged glancing at the picture all over again.
“Well..i hope the FBI agents promised to find him” Irene said.
“Of course, only that they didn’t get his face clearly enough to be scanned”
“Ouch!” Irene shook her head.
“But I’ll be having another meeting with them tomorrow, I’ll get back to you when you resume on Monday” Harold said.

“Okay, Mr Harold” Irene said.
“Why does that ‘Mr’ sound odd to my ears?” Harold raised a brow.
“Huh?” Irene asked.
“Yeah, you should stop adding ‘mr’ to it.”
“What? No, i can’t do that” Irene swallowed, wondering what Harold is up to.
“Why not?” He asked, smiling like it’s no big deal.
“Other workers call you…”
“You’re not other workers and it doesn’t sound right to my ears when you call me that. I don’t just know why but I’m not comfortable with it” Harold said.

“It’ll be disrespectful of me to call you…H..arold” Irene said.
“Good! That sounds better”
“I can’t call you that” Irene said.
“That’s what i want you to call me” Harold insisted.
“You’re talking like it’s no big deal” Irene said.
“It’s not” Harold said.
“Well..i don’t think I’ll ever get used to calling you that ” Irene said.
“You will,the way you got used to calling me Mr Harold” Harold said air quoting the Mr.
“I…i can’t, please Mr Harold..”
“C’mon! ” Harold interrupted her.

“This is gonna be hard” Irene said, wondering what other workers would think.
She won’t deny she loved how the name Harold flowed smoothly out of her mouth but she should consider her work state.
Calling her boss by his name isn’t right, what would people think?
Though she’s not someone who cares about what others think but…
“I’m your boss, i employed you. You should do what i want regardless of what others think” Harold said and Irene gave a deep sigh.
“Is it that difficult to do?” He asked.
“Yes” Irene said. “Who would believe nothing is going on…. between…us if i just start calling you by your name ”
Harold laughed “Don’t you want something to go on between us?”
“Huh?” Irene asked,her cheeks going red and her heart beating fast.
“Just joking” Harold said even though he really meant it.
“Ohh” Irene said deeply embarrassed.


was a joke and her whole body had responded to it.
She’s such a fool and a weak ass, she falls easily and her heart ends up getting broken all the time.
She had made up her mind and promised herself not to fall for anyone again after Harris broke her heart and she had kept to that promise until…
Until now.

wrong?” Harold asked.
“Uh? Nothing really” Irene said.
“So, do we now agree that you should call me by my name?” Harold asked.
“Yeah” She answered knowing how to go about it.
She’ll try not to even call his name in the presence of others but is that possible?
What if she wants to talk to him?
Would she refer to him as flower or grass?
“Ohh great!” Harold smiled. ” I wanna hear you call Harold now”
“Huh?” Irene asked.
“Didn’t we just agreed that you’ll call me by my name?”
“Ohh..yes H..Harold” She said.
“Wow. Again” Harold grinned.
“Harold” Irene called.
They both bursted out laughing..
“Shuu.. we’re gonna wake others” Irene said, still laughing.


“We should go to bed now” Harold said when he heard Irene yawn .
They were reading in the library in front of the already lit fireplace.
“Yeah” Irene said closing her novel.
They both stood up and put their novels in their respective places…

“You’re leaving tomorrow morning right?” Harold asked as they stepped out of the library.
“Yes” Irene said, closing the library door.
“My regards to your family, i might have gone to work before you leave tomorrow” Harold said.
“Why do you still work so hard even when you already have everything,if you don’t even work at all, you still have lots of money that’ll last you for a lifetime” Irene said and Harold smiled.

were walking to their room.

“You’re not the first person to tell me that but i think I’m used to work, i can’t do without working. It’s part of me already all thanks to.. Helena” Harold paused sadly.
“Helena?” Irene thought,she shrugged thinking it’s one of his ex’s.
” I can’t rely on the fact that i have enough money to last me for a lifetime and then stop working. It takes just seconds for things to change. Anything can happen.” Harold said.

“Thats true but how do you cope? You have so many companies. Don’t you have a personal assistant or something?” Irene asked.

They were close to her door.

“I had several PA’s in the past but they all ended up betraying me. I hate betrayals” Harold said with so much emotion that Irene glanced up to look at him.
He looked hurt, like he had been betrayed several times.
Her heart softened and she found herself holding his hands.
“I don’t know why I’m saying this but… I’ll never betray you” Irene said and Harold could see the sincerity in her eyes. His feelings for her doubled up and he had to resist himself from pulling her into a tight hug.
“Thank you” He said.

She nodded and slowly pulled her hands from his.

“Goodnight” She said opening her door.
“Harold” She added with a smile before closing the door.

He was full of smiles as he walked to his room.
He doesn’t know how he’s feeling,but he knows the feeling is definitely a good one and he doesn’t want it to stop.

“Irene!” Damien screamed happily as she walked into the living room..
She had deliberately decided not to knock.

She laughed as her brother pulled her into a tight hug.
He kissed her face over and over again while she just giggled.
She really missed him.

“Dam” She finally said, grinning.
“I missed you” Damien pouted, he only get to act like a baby whenever he’s around his sister or Mum.
“Me too” Irene smiled.
“I hope you haven’t been disturbing Mum” she asked dragging his cheeks playfully.
“No, i’ve been the best Damien so far. ” He boasted. “You can ask mum” He smiled.
“Where’s she? In her room?” Irene asked.
“Of course”
“I need to go check on her, i really miss her” Irene said pulling off her shoes, she dropped her handbag too.

“We have a lot to talk about” Damien said and Irene thought he was joking until she glanced up at him.
He looked serious!
He had actually told her he had something to tell her over the phone.

“Okay, go wait for me in my room, I’ll be quick with mum” she said.
“Okay sis” Damien said picking her bag and shoes.


“Why didn’t you told me about Ethan’s offer? Have we started hiding things from each other?” Damien asked.

They were sitting on her bed after Irene was fully settled.

“H..how did you found out?” Irene asked .
“You haven’t answered my question Irene” Damien said, he was so pissed Irene had hidden that from him but then he knew she can’t keep telling him everything going on in her life.

“Well…Ethan did made that offer but i felt there was no need to tell you since i didn’t agree to it” Irene said.
“Yeah, how did you found out? Madam Perse told you?” Irene asked.
“No, she didn’t. Ethan summoned me” Damien said.
“What!” Irene exclaimed, dropping the pack of cookies she was holding.
“Chill sis” Damien said, he picked the pack of cookies and placed it on her bedside table.

“What? How? When?” Irene asked.
“There you go with your questions. Now,sit let me explain it all” Damien said and it took a while before Irene sat back on the bed.

She knew Ethan was a dangerous man!
Why had he summoned her brother!


“What the hell!” Irene swore, getting to her feet once more.
Damien just finished narrating the ordeal to her and she could swear she was afraid.
Everything is starting to get clear to her.
They want her out of Harold’s life so he could be sad!
And they had probably scared her with that gunshot so she could leave.
What the hell!

“We need to report him to the police” Irene said and Damien laughed.
“Police? He have them all wrapped around his fingers” Damien said and Irene sighed.

She’s yet to tell him about the incidence, she doesn’t even want to.
Damien would want her to stop the job cause he’ll think her life is being threatened and if she leaves! Ethan’s plan will be accomplished.
“Why does he hate Harold Marshall that much?” Damien asked.
“I don’t know too, why does he want to hurt his fellow being” Irene said in wonderment.
“What do we do?” Damien asked.
“Do? Well..i think we should make sure i don’t leave Marshall’s building cause that’s obviously what they want”
“Exactly but what about the threat. I don’t want anyone hurting you” Damien said worriedly.
“C’mon, it’s just a mere threat. The security in Harold’s house is damn tight. Do not worry Dam, I’ll be fine okay?” Irene said and Damien nodded.

“So how was your stay in the Marshall’s building? I hope you weren’t treated badly?” Damien asked.
“No. My stay in that Mansion was great! I never expected everyone to treat me that nicely. I learnt not all billionaires are the same. The thing is i can’t wait to go back ” Irene said, smiling happily.
“I’m glad” Damien said.
“There are still more to tell but that’ll be later” Irene grinned.
“Can’t wait” Damien said.
“Guess what” Irene said.
“What?” Damien asked.
“Ivory and Harold asked of you and they told me to say hi”
“Wow!” Damien screamed.
“Harold Marshall knows about me?” He asked to be sure.
“Yes, he even asked me to say hi” Irene said.

“Yaaaaay!” Damien jumped on the bed excitedly.
“Stop jumping on my bed” Irene laughed..

A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 22 by Azeemah Salami

“Yaaaaay!” Damien jumped on the bed excitedly.
“Stop jumping on my bed” Irene laughed..

His excitement went on and on while Irene just sat eating her cookies and watching him.

She missed this house like, so much, especially her room.
Though she can’t compare it to her room at Harold’s but this still remains the best for her.
There’s no room that can ever make her feel comfortable like this one.

“Dam that’s enough” She said.
He was still jumping like a kid.
“Arrrhh!” She shook her head. “C’mon” she prompted and he stopped but he was still grinning hard.
She wondered where the love for Harold came from.

“Do you get to touch him?” Damien asked .
“Severally” Irene shrugged, memories from the library replaying in her head.
“Wow! You do touch Harold Marshall!”
“Dam! It’s no big deal. Mr Harold is a human too” Irene said.
“I know but, he allows you touch him?” Damien asked.
“Of course and do you know what?”
“What?” Dam asked.
“He doesn’t like it when one feel inferior around him, he hate it when you think you’re not worthy to be close to him. He’ll be the one to encourage you to move closer and relate with him like you would another person” Irene said.

“Woah! Like seriously?”
“Yes , i was surprised too. He’s so humble,treats his workers like families” Irene said.
“That’s so nice of him, it’s just so sad there are still some people who wants to hurt him?” Damien said.
“Isn’t that how life is? No matter how good you are,not everyone would like you” Irene said.
“That’s true but i think people who are bent on seeing the downfall of others should be referred to a psychiatrist” Damien said.
“Of course” Irene said.

“Damn! I almost forgot. Why did you add that nightwear to my luggage!” Irene frowned.
“Why not?” Damien asked.
“Well…you shouldn’t have added it”
“Nightwear is meant to be worn in the night when you’re about to got to bed and pulled off the next morning, no one would see you put it on”
“Well someone did and not just someone but ‘people’ ” Irene said.
“Yeah” Irene rolled her eyes.


you go walk about the house after putting on your nightwear?” Harold asked.
“No! But something happened… on a particular night” Irene said.
“What?” Damien asked anxiously.
“Chill guy, I’m gonna tell you. I need to finish this pack first” Irene said and Damien growled .


“Oh…my” Damien laughed out loud after Irene finished narrating the ‘ghost-knocking’ incidence to him.
“I knew you would mock me” Irene said.
“You get so scared easily, you didn’t even confirm if it was truly a ghost before screaming for help” Damien laughed and Irene kicked him.
He laughed more, holding his stomach.

shouldn’t have told him ” Irene sighed, rolling her eyes.

“Thanks for the cookies though” She smiled.
Damien had bought five packs of chocolate chip cookies for her.
He had been saving it up till she return.
“I know you would have been craving for it”
“Badly” Irene said, opening the fourth pack.
“You should keep some for later” Damien said.
“I should but I’m not going to” She said, obviously enjoying the cookies.
“I should have just given you two today and then three tomorrow”
“You should have but you didn’t” Irene shrugged.

sighed and shook his head.

“What?” Irene laughed.
“You’re so impossible” He breathed before laying on his back.
“Ohh…i almost forgot. I need to tell mum to make a sweater for Ivory” Irene said getting on her feet.
“Really? Have you guys gotten that close?” Damien asked.
“Well…yes” Irene smiled, missing Ivory already.
“Is the little girl spoilt?” Damien asked, he had always heard rich kids are spoilt, rude, proud,this and that .

“She’s not actually spoilt,nor rude. Fun to be with. Just a bit of a talkative though” Irene laughed.
“Yeah, you’ll really like her when you meet her” Irene said.
“Woah,then what’s with those rules of hers?” Dam asked.
“The thing is she doesn’t really keep to most of them, Ivory breaks her rules herself”
“Then why did she made them?”
“So her nannies can know their bounds”
“Does she break the rules with the past nannies too?”
“I don’t think so” Irene said, wearing her footwear.
“She must really like you then” Damien smiled.
“I guess” Irene said, walking to the door.

“Your phone is in your bag right?” Damien asked.
“Yes” Irene answered as she walked out of the door.


“Dad, let’s call irene” Ivory said, pulling Harold’s hands.
He sighed, he just freshened up after returning from work and she won’t even allow him rest..
“Ivo..” He was saying.
“Please Daddy” She interrupted him.
“She left just this morning” He said,though he won’t deny he miss her too.
“I know, just want to hear her voice” ivory pouted.
“She has not been with her family for days, give her time to warm up to them” Harold said while ivory frowned and sat on his bed.

kicked her legs in the air and Harold sighed.

“We’re gonna call her tomorrow” Harold said.
“Is that a promise?” Ivory asked.
“Yes, it is. Now will you stop sulking and get on daddy’s back” Harold smiled, knowing she can’t trade that for anything.
“Yaaaaay” she laughed jumping from the bed to his back.

“Nola” Harold called as he walked into the kitchen.
He was surprised not to find her there.
That’s unusual. Nola is always in the kitchen.
“Well…she might be in the restroom” He thought as he opened the fridge for a drink.

Ivory is taking her nap already and he’s just feeling so bored.
Irene would have entertained him.
“Irene again!” His mind scolded.


“She’ll be here soon” Carrle said.
“Alex will be here soon too” Ethan smiled.

They were seated in the massively furnished living room with bodyguards all over them like flies.
Carrle was busy with her phone, ordering expensive wears online.
“So cheap” She hissed, scrolling through a purple gown worth 450 dollars.
“The designer must be so poor” She laughed to herself, motioning her maid to pass her drink.
Ethan thought of the plan he devised. He can’t wait for it to be carried out. It’ll really wreck Harold.
Their spies hadn’t been here yesterday cause Alex had said the new nanny was suspicious of his movement.
She’ll definitely know something was going on if he suddenly leave the building so they had made the meeting today after the nanny had gone..

“Boss Ethan” A bodyguard called, walking into the living room.
He bowed as Ethan glanced up.
“What?” Ethan asked.
“Your guests are here” He said and Ethan sat upright.

Carrle dropped her phone and smiled. “Finally”

A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 23 by Azeemah Salami


“I went to the grocery store” Nola said after Harold asked her where she was.
“You should have sent one of the maids or better still tell me to order whatever you want to buy” Harold said.
“You know how much i like buying things myself. Is Ivory still asleep?” Nola asked.
“I guess. She hasn’t come down” Harold said, he was watching a movie in the living room, he already dismissed his bodyguards.

“I should start preparing dinner” Nola said, hurrying to the kitchen”
“Call one of the maids to help you”
“No, I’ll be fine by myself” Nola said.
“You’re not allowing these maids do their work, they just clean the house and rest” Harold complained.
“But cleaning the house is part of working too. I’ve been cooking for years without anyone assisting me”

“But you allowed Irene assist you without hesitation. Is it that you don’t like the maids or what?” Harold said.
“Ofcourse i like them, i don’t just trust any of them. Remember Helena was poisoned and we don’t know the culprit till now” Nola said sadly.
Harold sighed and dropped the remote control, wondering why she brought Helena into this.

“Yet you trust Irene so much” Harold said.
“You trust her too Harold” Nola said.
“Why do we trust her?” Harold asked rubbing the back of his neck.
“I don’t know too, maybe it’s because she obviously has a clean heart” Nola said.
“Of course, she’s worth the trust” Harold said, thinking of Irene yet again.

“I’ll be in the kitchen Harold” Nola said.

Harold rose to his feet and walked towards the stairs.

He’s going to have a nice time in the garden.
Boredom is killing him already…
Normally he works on his computer,sleeps or take a walk when he’s bored but he doesn’t feel like doing any of those now.

He just want to be alone and think.
He doesn’t even know what to think about but at least being in the garden would give him things to think about.
Looking at the trees and watching the butterflies fly are indeed beautiful.


“Beautiful!” Irene grinned as she walked into her mum’s room.
She left Damien in the kitchen to check on her and she was so glad she met her knitting Ivory’s sweater.
She had described Ivory’s size for her and her Mum had been so glad to start knitting it.

The knitting wool is purple and white.
Irene know ivory would love it.
Her favorite color is purple.

“C’mon, I’m not done with it yet” Mrs Neave said.
“I know but it’s good looking already, it’s gonna be great when you’re finally done with it”
“Of course , i was born with this talent” Mrs Neave boasted and Irene laughed.
“You’re the architect behind Damien’s boasting” Irene said.
“Of course my son inherited that from me” Mrs Neave laughed.

“Okay, dinner will be ready soon. You need to put this down”
“But it’s not ready yet” Mrs Neave shrugged.
“It will be ready soon”
” I’ll put it down once it’s ready” Mrs Neave said and Irene sighed.

She enjoys knitting alot.

“I knew you wouldn’t succvmb” Irene pressed her lips together…
“Then why did you suggest it to me” Mrs Neave said.
“Mum, you can continue tomorrow, just take a rest before dinner” Irene said.
“I’ll take all the rest i want after dinner but for now, i should focus on this. That family has been good to you as you said and i should make sure the little girl’s sweater comes out nice. It’s a way of appreciation” Mrs Neave said.
“Of course i know mum but you’ve been on this since…. afternoon, it’s evening already” Irene said.

“Rene, go attend to dinner. You know Damien would be on his phone and won’t even know when the meal starts burning”
“Oh..my, that’s true” Irene said, hurrying out of the room .
Mrs Neave smiled after her and continued knitting.

“Why are you eating so slowly? It’s not like the food is not delicious” Damien said, almost done with his own meal.
“That’s true, Irene what’s wrong?” Mrs Neave asked.
“Uh? Am i really eating slowly?” Irene asked.
“Of course sis” Damien said.
“I will eat normally then” Irene said.

She’s really missing Harold’s building.
She missed Ivory non stop talk during meal, the laughter they shared at the dining, the…
And she really missed how she secretly glance at Harold and sometimes catch him staring at her too.


“Is there another Harris in the picture?” Damien asked, serving himself another round of meal.
” Uh?” Irene asked.
“You keep smiling to yourself and just now you blushed” Damien said.
“Just shut up and eat” Irene said.
“If there’s another Harris in the picture, i won’t hesitate to punch him over and over again” Damien stated.
“There’s no other Harris in the picture okay?” Irene said.
“Ohh Kay” Damien shrugged.

“And, i almost forgot. I hope those tiny teens of yours didn’t step their feet into this house” Irene said.
“Well… they didn’t” Damien lied.
“Like you would have told the truth” Irene
“I’m telling the truth, you can ask Mum” Damien pushed out his lips.
“Like you don’t know she’ll cover you up. You both are just….arrrgh!” Irene rolled her eyes.

“Does that mean I’m not allowed to date. I’m seventeen!” Damien frowned.
“Ofcourse you’re allowed to date but not allowed to have tons of girls and keep making them cry” Irene said.
“They keep coming to me and… i don’t want to hurt their feelings by refusing them”
“Can’t you just choose the one you really like and let the rest of them go!” Irene said.
“Well…i don’t really like anyone of them for now”
“Yet you keep having s£x with them! That’s more like taking advantage of their feelings for you and Damien, you’ve not arrived at your legal age yet. What you’re doing is illegal!”
“I use protection” Damien defended.
“Whatever!” Irene shrugged.

“I’ll be sleeping in your room till you leave” Damien said.
“Are you pissed at me?”
“Okay I’m sorry!”

Mrs Neave watched their exchange, laughing.


?Hello” Harold’s baritone voice pierced into her ear and her heartbeat increased.
She had been so nervous when she saw his call and it had took seconds before she could answer it.
Is he calling cause he missed her already?
Her cheeks flushed at that thought and she couldn’t help but grin.
?H..hi” She said calmly.

?How have you been?

?Fine, thank you.

?Well…ivory wants to speak to you” Harold said and she felt disappointed.

He hadn’t called cause he missed her, he had,cause ivory wanted to speak to her.
What the hell is she thinking?
Why would he miss her?.
“You’re just his daughter’s nanny and nothing more!!” Her mind screamed at her.

Harold left Ivory to speak with Irene while he walked to the window, peering out.
Her voice had lit his bored heart.
He hadn’t only called her because ivory wanted to speak to her, he had wanted to hear her voice too.

He miss her presence in the library, dining room and all over the place.
Damn! She’s only gone for two days,you don’t even think of other nannies when they go for a week!

He sighed, watching how people moved about in the street.
Ivory was still on the phone with Irene and she was sounding so excited.
She doesn’t even sound this excited when she’s speaking with her mother.

Talk of the devil!

He saw Carrle’s car parked right in front of the building.
What the hell does she want! It’s not time to visit Ivory yet but he was surprised and almost shocked to see Alex step out of the car and not only Alex…




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Jidda mj
Jidda mj
3 years ago

This ethan i said it, his end would be very bad i dont know what they want from harold

Erakpoweri Blessing
Erakpoweri Blessing
3 years ago

I’m actually curious to know the other person working with Ethan, Irene should have opened up to Harold when he showed her tht pictures