LIFE AFTER THE WEDDING (BELINA 2) Episodes 17 and 18

life after wedding

Richard and I ran into the house laughing and pursuing each other like two teenagers. He was pursuing and I was running. I stopped immediately I entered the sitting room and he almost ran me over but held me for support, due my condition. If it had been just a month ago, he would have run me over and we would have fallen on the deep rug, him beneath and me on top of him. He held on to me as we tried hard to control our laughter.

The dinner date had been so romantic and awesome. It was a candle light dinner in the open veranda of a beautifully decorated eatery. The smell of the flowers flowed into my nostrils as the cool breeze made me feel totally awesome. The music was just right and I could not fault anything at all, the place was simply divine. My loss of appetite vanished immediately I perceived the aroma of the delicacy in placed in front of me. It was a french dish and the taste teased my taste buds as I savored it in my mouth. We talked, laughed and talked more as we ate, forgetting our table manners. The event on the past week was not mentioned at all, it was as though he did not want to remember it at all. It was good because I also did not want something so sore to affect our dinner. He came back from BRH obviously after reading my message but I still felt there was something else that propelled his leaving.

The laughter vanished and we became silent. I held on to Richard’s hand, trying to remove the heels I had on. The comfortable feel of the rug greeted my feet making me relax fully, though I was still standing. The penetrating gaze from Richard was making me very uneasy as I looked everywhere but his eyes. After browsing virtually everything in the sitting room, my gaze finally landed on his. The deep desire I saw there did not surprise me, it only made my heartbeat race faster than usual – that is what I get for putting on an extremely seductive cloth.

“You have the habit of making me very nervous, don’t you?” I said sarcastically, trying to lighten up the mood.

He smiled, making me feel more uneasy. “I am just repaying the favour. You had the prologue, I have the epilogue” he whispered.

I shuddered visibly as he inched closer, so close that our bodies touched and his breath was felt on my skin. My knees were weak and on the verge of giving way as I stared into his desire clouded eyes with equal desire. His soft manly perfume teased my nostrils.

He placed his hands on my sides, moving them downwards to come to a halt on my hips slowly. He breathing became ragged and his voice husky. “Why did you put on this dress? You should know that no good would come from you seducing me, you might just get more than you seek”

I breathed, trying very hard unsuccessfully to draw a descent breath. “I don’t know what you are talking about” I feigned innocence.

He wanted to laugh but the laughter came out more like a groan. The evidence of his desire made my breath vanish totally as my leg brushed against his hardness. He groaned, pulling me to him roughly. He bit the arc between my neck and my shoulder softly causing me to moan softly. He kissed my eyes, nose but stopped just a breath away from my mouth. I raised my head, standing on tip-toes but he maintained the slim distance, making me go crazy with need.

“You want me to kiss you? Ask for it.” He said; his mouth just an inch away. I was stupefied. I did not want to give him the victory but his torment was making it increasingly difficult to keep a straight head.

“Please” I whispered hoarsely.

He smiled slightly. “Please what?” he asked.

I groaned. “Kiss me damn you” I yelled frustrated slamming my fist softly against his chest. He did not wait a second longer. He covered my mouth in a fierce hungry kiss which I returned in like manner. It was like the first time; every time is like the first time but more so now. All the material barriers were removed as we basked in love, right there in the sitting room.



Ronke stood up from the bed, trying to dress up. The idiotic pig had used her and used her over again to his satisfaction. Can she blame him? She had made herself available. She looked over her shoulders at the snoring pot-bellied man and had the instant urge to throw up. She wanted to kick him in the butt and yell for him to give her her money so she could leave but she wanted to be dressed when she wakes him. She could not allow this despicable man to stare at her nakedness like he owns her. She decided a little shower would be great; to wash away the hands of the filthy man before it sticks to her body. Confident that the chief would not be roused from his sleep, she arranged her clothes on the bed and made for the bathroom.

She had her hand on the door handle as she was closing the bathroom door when her eyes fell on the brief case under the bed. She closed the door, dismissing the briefcase for a mere documents box and slipped into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. As the water hit her body, she shuddered and relaxed. The box still tugged at her brain though. She put off the shower and dried her body hurriedly in order to satisfy her curiosity. She would shower later, she thought, sneaking out of the bathroom carefully in order not to rouse the sleeping man.

She pulled put the briefcase and tip-toed back into the bathroom. Sitting on the toilet seat, she tried to pry the locks open. She tried everything she could ever think of but the box just would not give way. She groaned softly. She remembered that he had once told her the password to unlock his phone and she turned the locks. ‘2552’. The box gave way and she heaved a huge sigh but the sigh immediately turned to a quick gasp when her eyes caught a glimpse of what laid in the box. She pulled up the cover slowly and her eyes widened. Saliva was threatening to escape her mouth and a tiny ounze dropped before she could think of closing her mouth. Staring at her was a box full of pounds sterling bundles. She could not even imagine how much the money would be. She closed the box in a hurry, dropped it carefully on the floor, peeped to be sure the chief was still asleep, then tip-toed out of the bathroom. She gathered her clothes, went back into the bathroom, and wore everything in a record-breaking speed limit; the bath she had planned to have did not even cross her mind. She picked up the box and left the bathroom, picked up her shoes and slipped the briefcase into her extra-large handbag – thank God for big ladies’ bag. Shoes in hand, she got out. Wore the shoe in a hurry and hurried out.

‘Oyinade can go to hell as far as I am concerned. This money is the koko’ she thought, flagging down a bike outside the hotel, with plans to elope on her head.



Oyinade had cornflakes in her mouth as she watched a Yoruba movie in African magic. She watched as funke akindele entered the house of an herbalist and a thought occurred to her. Maybe she would have to visit one herself, she thought. The pressure she had been feeling had been lifted immediately she made the phone call. It is just a day to the two weeks deadline and she was feeling perfectly at ease. She laughed at the hilarious display on the TV and focused her attention on the movie.

The ringing of her phone diverted her attention and she picked it with her eyes still glued to the TV. One glance at the caller’s ID made her loose total interest in the movie. Tikes had promised to call yesterday in order to get descriptions but he hadn’t called.

“Hello”… “I have one”… “Alright, I would send both to you now”…

She rose to her feet, heading towards the kitchen. She dropped her empty plate in the zinc and rinsed her hands with the water from the zinc tap. After drying her hands with a towel, she went back to the sitting room, picked up her phone and started pressing her phone. After typing for about a minute, she paused and stopped to inspect what she had typed before sending it. When she got the delivery report, she dropped the phone with a smile. No matter what happened, nothing could be traced to her because she had ensured that her ID was hidden, everytime she either called or sent a message. She relaxed fully, resuming her movie.



Ronke spent nothing more than ten minutes in her house. She had spent five minutes taking out anything that had her name on it, her pictures, her files, international passports, ID cards and so on. All her clothes were left where they were. She removed the briefcase and stuffed all her findings in her bag. The other five was spent confirming that she had indeed picked everything. Carrying everything, she left the house in a hurry. She flagged down a bike and mentioned an address. Without negotiating, she climbed the bike, looking as calm as possible in order not to rouse any suspicion. When she got there, she paid the bike man, asking him to keep the change. The hail of the bike man followed her as she walked away.

She took out her phone as she walked and dialed a number. ‘Hey Jim, whats up nw… I need a favour ooo… I want to put my house in another person’s name, can you do that for me as soon as possible?… ahn ahn… no ooo I need it in an hour nooowww… don’t worry, I would settle you, you trust me now… Ok… I am coming over” she smiled victoriously.

After thinking for about a minute, she dialed another number. “Ajokybaby” she said immediately she phone was picked. She laughed heartily at the response. “Bawo ni?… don’t mind that one jare… Everyone dey do hin own runs now… na so… as to the real matter, how would you like to live in my house?…” she laughed at the response. She had expected it. She went ahead to explain everything she had planned on saying, enjoying the excited squeals she was receiving.



I knelt down beside my bed, talking to my Father. The discussions I always have with my father in prayer are always as if I am talking to a physical being. It helps me to see God, not just as my God and creator, but also as my father. I noticed the difference it makes: when you pray the normal routine-like prayer, you tend to forget that God is actually your father and you pray amiss. The true meaning and relevance of ‘The Lord’s prayer’ which starts with ‘Our Father who art in Heaven’ had become more real to me when I decided to turn every prayer into a conversation with God. It gives you the feel that God is listening to what you are saying as a father listens to his child and it makes prayer more exciting and appealing.

After about thirty minutes, I stood up. Richard had already gone to the hospital. We already had our family prayer before he left but since I have been signed to stay put at home, I decided a lengthy prayer would be wonderful. I have not stopped thanking God for the miracle happening in my tommy and I would continue to thank Him for as long as I have the strength to.

I showered and combed my hair tenderly after massaging enough oil and cream into it. I was fully dressed and was standing right in front of the mirror, checking myself out and combing my hair to perfection. I still could not figure out why I had to stay at home. I miss my office terribly. I am not yet heavy for crying out loud. Yesternight had been so wonderful, simply mind-blowing. I had even forgotten to ask about the hospital, about Kelvin, his assistant – the little whore and many others. I was just contented having my love with me. The hospital has not been discussed at all since last week, it was as if he was avoiding the subject, like something would upsetting him if he as much as talked about it. I wanted to bridge the topic yesterday but something stopped me – it was the desire to have my husband to myself without any work related talk.

My phone beeped and I smiled when I stared at the screen.

“Hey Pric…” I laughed at the long sermon Prisca was ranting due to my not calling her for three days. “I am sorry ma… No, don’t. I am coming over… Cmon now, what is wrong with everyone these days? I am pregnant not crippled… my being pregnant does not stop me from moving now… stay right there, I am coming over and that is that.” I dropped the phone. Now, everyone wants to take Richard’s stance? I would not allow that. I laughed as I remembered the words Prisca had said, trying to convince me to stay at home. The baby is in my tummy for God’s sake, not on my legs. I shook my head with a smile and picked up my purse, phone and car keys.

Episode 18

Richard sat in his office, feeling very excited. He had enjoyed every bit of last night. The dinner out was awesome but the conclusive part of the day had been simply mind-blowing. Belina had been so tired and sleepy this morning, understandably so, that he had made breakfast for her in bed. They had prayed together and he had prepared for work.

Richard was expecting Doctor Felix, in order to receive reports of how the hospital was after his departure. He was considering the prospect of making him his assistant now that Oyinade was gone. He responded to the knock he received and Doctor Felix waltzed in, in his usual manner.

Richard gestured a seat and listened as the doctor gave a detailed account of the welfare of the hospital.

“… the patient in ward 9 by name Mr Kelvin is now out of coma” he said after some minutes.

Richard’s interest was pricked. “Wow… when did that happen?” he asked, sitting up.

“About 5:23 yesterday sir” he responded, and then took his eyes away from the book, looking at Richard.

“Sir, do you know the man personally?” he asked, although he already knew the answer to that; Richard’s behaviour when the patient was to be treated showed it. He did not expect their relationship to be a pleasant one, though.

“Yeah. Yeah, I do” Richard said, letting out no emotion.

“Obviously… The patient was restless when he found out that he was being admitted in BRH and more so when he was told that you attended to him” Doctor Felix said. “He became so violent that we had to sedate him. He tried to escape around 3am this morning but we caught up with him and since then had someone to monitor his room”

Richard became worried and his face portrayed this but he knew that only one thing can make someone that restless – guilt. He stood up. “I am going to see him now, you may go”.



I arrived Prisca’s boutique and was greeted by all the smiling workers. They all looked beautiful as usual, in beautiful clothes and nice braids. I looked around, admiring all the beautiful clothes surrounding me.

“Sweetheart” I was jerked from my window-shopping when I heard Prisca’s voice.

“You make me feel as though you wanna buy everything here”. She said, coming over with a smile. She faced one of her workers and gasped. “Did she drop a mouth-watering cheque?”


Everyone laughed hard, including me. I walked up to her and gave her a cool hug.

Prisca and I proceeded into her office where I was served a very cool drink. I looked round at the beauty of the office. The office has changed since the last time I came which was about a month ago.

“So, how is my nephew doing?” she asked immediately we sat.

I scoffed. “What makes you think I am bearing a boy?”

“My instincts tell me Richard is much more stronger than you are” she replied with a grin.

“you would be surprised” I replied cheekily.

“have you gone for scan?”

I shook my head, sipping my drink. “No. Richard is too over-pampering, he won’t allow me lift a finger. If he knew I stepped out of the house, he would explode” I sighed visibly.

Prisca laughed. “can you blame him? It is his first child we are talking about here”

I scoffed. “was it this terrible when you had Pat?” I asked synically.

“it can’t be this way forever dear. Tony was also this over-protective at first”

I smiled. “I can’t say I don’t enjoy the pampering at times.”

She laughed. “corrupt soul. Anyways, I think he is just trying to make up for the serious incidents of last week. That oyinade girl is a witch”

I hissed. “don’t mind that harlot. I have not had her time”

Prisca shook her head. “thank God Richard fired her before she did any more damage”

I opened my mouth. He hadn’t told me that. Prisca took one look at my stupefied face and deduced what I was thinking.

“he did not tell you?”

I shook my head. “not a single word”.

“I shouldn’t have then” Prisca said, obviously saddened that I had to hear it from her. I pestered her but she refused to say any other thing. I resigned. Richard obviously has some explaining to do.



Ajoke popped open a bottle of champagne to the cheer of her friends. She could not believe her half sister could be so generous as to transfer her beautiful house to her. They were just like twins even though Ronke is about five years older than her. It hadn’t taken her three hours to pack her luggage from her friend’s room. She had been squatting with her friend for about six months and the despicable girl never failed to remind her of that fact. She had asked to stay with Ronke but Ronke had told her that she used her house for her ‘business’ and it would be a real inconvenience having her there. She had sent money to her but she decided to endure the insults of her friend in order to use the money for the Ipad she had desired. When she got that call, she had packed all her belongings in a flash. Met with her sister, collected the documents of the house and stormed the house like a real house owner would.

Not even ten minutes after her arrival, she had received a rather unexpected guest – a man, accompanied by two police men. Instantly, she knew that the cocktail that Ronke had told her was just a cover-up. There was no one interested in marrying her. Ronke had told her that a man was interested in her and asked her to live with him and that that was the reason why she decided to give her her house. she had accepted the story that was due to her exceeding joy of having a house in her name. staring at the police men and the raging man, she presented an innocent and confused face. Now that she has a house in her name, she would not give it up so easily.

“Yes, what can i do for you” she said, closing the door behind her and stepping out. the fat man scrutinized her.

“She is not the one” he said to the police men. “Eh you, where is the owner of this house? i believe she must be your sister”

Ajoke glared at him like he had lost his mind. “Mr man, i don’t know what has got into you ooo, this is my house” she adjusted her shirt and squared her shoulders.

“Woman, you better cooperate with us” one of the police men said.

Ajoke turned her smiling face at the young policemen. “Listen to me guys, i am the owner of this beautiful house, thanks to handsome guys like you. You can come and check my documents” she said blinking while the old man was foaming. The men were wooed by her gestures. they followed her inside checked all the documents and confirmed it did not have the name mentioned by man, not even the surname. the requested for her national ID card and she fished it out. The old man just looked like he was dreaming.

The ever accommodating Joke brought out a bottle of champagne and invited them to join. What do you expect? the policemen obliged.

“Is this what i brought you here to do?” the chief yelled.

The policemen glared at him. “Shut up your mouth old man. Wetin you expect make we do? We suppose arrest you sef. You no know the person wey you dey find. Na God catch you. Old man like you go dey pursue small babes wey we suppose dey hammer” one of the policemen ranted, sipping his wine.

The chief, obviously frustrated stormed out cursing.

The policemen had left minutes later, apologizing for the inconvenience and Joke called her friends for proper house-washing celebration. This house has become hers and she would not let it go for anything in the world. Over her dead body.



Chief Rammon got to his house dejected. He could not believe his bad luck. He had woken up to an empty room with his briefcase nowhere to be found. The money is not even his own. Fifty Million Pounds. So much bad luck for wanting to cool his blood. He swallowed as his wife ranted and ranted about his useless life. He did not even yell back like he used to before, only walked into his bedroom like a robot, locked the door and fell on the bed in tears.

He had hurried to Ronke’s house< hoping to still find her there but he met a locked gate. He had assigned someone who was close by to inform him immediately there is any slight movement and had received a message after four hours. Before that time, he had called and called but it did not go through.

He placed the pillow on his head. His life is ruined.



Tikes arrived Ajide Close in a vehicle with two of his guys around 9pm. Oyin had told him that the girl is a very sharp and cunning girl. He had boasted of the fact that she could not do anything but he decided not to take chances. He would do a clean job.

He checked for number 44, noting the colour of the house. He checked the picture again and made a mental picture.

He got to the gate and pressed the bell. A figure came out and he immediately identified the lady as the one he had seen in the picture.
She opened the gate and he smiled.
“Hello” he said and pulled the trigger.

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