36 DAYS WITH A MAD WOMAN – Sire Prince Jhay

36 DAYS WITH A MAD WOMAN - Sire Prince Jhay

36 DAYS WITH A MAD WOMAN – Sire Prince Jhay

One sunny day, Desmond saw a måd woman by the roadside beckoning to him to come and eat banana.

She kept beckoning and spreading her tōrn mat at the same time telling him to come and sit and eat banana with her.

Desmond stood still for a while, looked at her in disgūst, squêēzed his face, made a long hìss and started increasing his pace hurriedly

“Desmond!! STOP!!!, I said you should come over here, sit with me and eat banana, are yōu dêåf? Or aren’t you hūngry?” she yelled. Her face changed swiftly. she made a long, sãd, ūgly face and later changed it to a smile gradually while touching her big belly.

“What?, how did this måd woman got to know my name?, Does she know me from somewhere before?, I guess someone that knows me must have told her my name.” He found himself lost in thoughts asking series of rethorical questions in his mind.

“I know what you are thinking (laughs) No body told me your name, I knew your name myself” she said and laughed again showing her coloured teeth that is almost equìvålent to USA flag

“Ahhhh, how does she know what I was thinking?Jesus Christ.” He grïpped his body, muttered to himself out of cønfusion.

“Don’t be surprised, I know what you’re thinking, I know everything about you. You have gone thrōūgh a lot in this life, you took eba with palm oil this morning. You’re actually on your way to buy the ingredients to take that your ijebu garri for lunch as usual. Even as we speak, you don’t know what you are going to eat for dinner yet.

You’re even thinking on going to a friend’s house tommorow to beg for food , uhhhm..”

“Ahhhhhh, this woman is not just an ordinary måd përson oo, how …”

“Who are you referring to as måd person?” She cuts in quickly

“Sorry, not you. in short, you’re are a very good and nice person” he quickly responded

“You’ve been going thrøūgh a lot, facing different kinds of tråüma. Your friends bētrãyed you. You’re at a pēāk where you don’t know what to do and who to confide in. You just lõst your job not quite long, two weeks ago to be precise (laughs) ehhhm Mr Desmond gbadamosi Oluwatobi”….

“Een” Desmond didn’t know when he exclaimed with his mouth ãjar after hearing his full name from a typical strange måd wōmån. A drop of one of the hopeless saliva drooled down from his mouth and form a shape of amōebå on the ground

“Yes come stay with me here, let’s live together for 36 days. After 36 days, trust me, your story will change. You shall see breakthrough, success and prosperity. Blessings will be yours. Moreover, God will reveal something great that will shock you and your family but if you refuse to live in this my duplex with me, you’re on your own and will be on your own forever. Yes, just 36 days, we eat together, drink together, gist and play together,” she said, groaning a little, touching her belly once again.

“Oh, this woman is actually a pregnant woman.” He felt a sudden pìty for her

“Me living with you?” he made a sôur face, looked around and he discovered he had been talking with the måd wōman in an open place for a while

“36 days?” The question unexpectedly jumped out from Desmond’s mouth unconsciously.

“Yes, 36 days, and you’re starting from now. The ball is in your court, the choice is yours” The mãd wōman responded

Desmond stood for a while, thousands of thought about what he just heard from the maddd wōmån pondered his mind. He stared around clockwisely again but he later decided to sit with the måd wōman

“Ehhh en, that’s my friend. Now that we’re here together, sit on my my sofa, take banana and eat” the måd womån said to him

Desmond sat beside her feeling ashamed and extremely uncomfortable

“Now that you’ve decided to stay with me, let me entertain you a little”

The måd woman raised one side of her buttock and released a loud long fart

“It’s sweet. Isn’t it?, Now take water and top it with it, this is what I eat as lunch sometimes” she Laughed loudly

Desmond couldn’t get himself, the fart was so terrible that he still perceived it despite the fact that he blōcked his nose so hard with his fingers. The fart smells like rōttën party jollof.

“Now, let me show you something” she said checking out something in her bag

She brought out a photograph and showed Desmond.

“This is the man responsible for my pregnancy” she said

“What?” Desmond exclaimed shockingly, his eyes and mouth widened at who he saw in the photograph.

“Whatttt?” Desmond exclaimed shockingly, his eyes and mouth got widened at who he saw in the photograph

He wiped his face and re-checked the picture again, he was still surprised and confused seeing a very handsome, cute, rich and captivating man in the photograph

“Ohhh, (laugh hystorically) do you know him?” The mådd wøman asked.

“No i don’t, I was just wondering how handsome he is,” he responded and returned back the photograph to the the bag but still amazed

“Yes, he’s a very handsome man, we met each-other in Spain, got engaged in Brazil, married in Portugal and he impregnated me in Nigeria here, infact this is where we do the sēx” she pointed at a mango tree beside them and burst into another round of laughter again.

They kept discussing till night fell. They wander around a bit to look for what to eat. They found remnants. The mådd wøman ate them but Desmond refused to.

Desmond couldn’t sleep, he was engrossed in deep thoughts. The thought of the photograph flashed his mind. The thought of how possible he could survive in the next 36 days and nights with a pregnant mãdd wōman pondered his mind

“What if this mad wōman is just pranking me, ? No she can’t, Someone seeing visions can’t do that” the thought crossed his mind

Desmond couldn’t sleep even at the darkest time of the night.

The loud, disgusting snores oozing out from the mãdd wõman’s nose was so tērriblê that even pìgs will be shocked and would definitely run for their life when they hear them.

Desmond turned to her only to find out that her both eyes were opened. She was still awake

“This woman is not even sleeping, how come she’s snoring like this, ahhhh God, this snore alone can kîll me” he muttered

Desmond enventually slept off but the mådd woman didn’t.

The following morning, Desmond woke up, the ray of light beamed directly into his eyes. The light initially got him a blur view. he rubbed his face roughly, stretched his body, his view got a bit clearer. He glanced at the wōman and found out that the mãdd woman was bitterly sobbing and silently groaning in pain rubbing her belly.

He looked around, it was still the same dirty, filthy environment. Everywhere seems so dìsgūsting to him immediately.

He studied the mådd woman for a while and noticed how terribly it had always been for all lūnåtics. No brushing of teeth, no bath, no house chores, no work. Nothing, just wandering around doing abnormal things. The wōrst part to him was that this particular mådd woman was pregnant

“I think am giving up, I can’t stay here any longer, it’s better I diē in pōverty than staying here for 36 days or whatever she called it” he had the disturbing thought.

“you know what?” Desmond directed the question to the mådd wōman with a sôur expression on his face not showing concern about the pain the she was passing through.

“I know you’re thinking of giving up right? You’re tired of staying here with me” the mãdd wōman retorted. tears slid down her cheek

Desmond was surprised and a little bit emotional as he saw the woman shedding tears already.

” You’re left with 35 days, it’s better yôu sūffêr here for 35 days than to live the rest of your life in pō.vērty, påìn and agō.ny”

Desmond moved his head to a side slowly and heaved a deep breath.

“I’m also left with 35 days to deliver my unborn baby, you’re here to help me throughout the process. I can’t can’t bear the pain alone. But after am successful with the delivery, then everything will be fine between us” the mådd woman said still sobbing, sniffing and rubbing her belly

Desmond sighed and tears slid out his right eye

“There are some hidden truth you’re yet know, but it’s not yet time. Everything will revealed itself on your last day here” the mådd woman said and immediately started her lunātic display

Something signaled to Desmond immediately that message was just passed to him through the mådd wōman. She wasn’t the one saying those words. All the thought and plans of backing out faded away immediately.

“So have you eaten anything today ?” The måd wōman asked, she stood up and shoot out and directed her buttock towards Desmond mouth and released a thunderous fart. “Kaiii, what is the meaning of this now?” Desmond provoked

“That’s your breakfast nahh, take water and step it down” the mådd wōman retorted laughing loud at him

Few hours later, Desmond friends and some of his relatives had heard about his whereabout. All of a sūddēn Desmond Saw them coming toward him hurriedly. They were appearing really pissed.


Story continues..

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Alagoa Boye
Alagoa Boye
2 years ago

All the way from Facebook. Where’s the complete story?!

2 years ago
Reply to  Alagoa Boye

You are welcome 🤗 You will have to click on the next post above this comment