WOUNDED Final Episode 30 By RUTHIE LEE

WOUNDED Final Episode 30 By RUTHIE LEE

WOUNDED Final Episode 30 By RUTHIE LEE


“Now this is what happiness feels like” Kingsley said grinning from ear to ear to Samuel and I.

“As long as it doesn’t involve school activities, it’s happiness to you” Samuel smirked.

“you know me too well Sammy boy” Kingsley grinned.

“Our exams are over and the weather is sunny and nice and, this is everything!” Kingsley added dramatically sniffing the air.

“Get a hold of yourself.” I slapped his chest and he laughed.

“You’re just glad the semester is over.” I added.

“And he’s also glad because today he’ll be meeting Abigail for the first time.”

“That girl he’s been texting because of me.!!” I asked laughing.

So few days back, while studying at Samuel’s place, Kingsley wouldn’t let us be, he wasn’t studying and he wouldn’t let us study, so when he left leaving his phone on Facebook I decided to get revenge and I texted a random girl on Facebook pretending to be Kingsley and when Kingsley came back, he wasn’t happy with what I had done,

but surprisingly days later he was actually hitting it off with this girl and she told him she was going to our university and then they both planned to meet at the last day of the exams, though the course she was taking her exams were already done since days ago but they planned to meet today, and Kingsley seems to like her a lot.

“yep it’s the girl, Kingsley’s been chatting with her nonstop every night and sometimes you hear loud and scary giggles coming from his room, I don’t if it’s from him or Abigail during a phone call” Samuel stated and I laughed.

“I can’t believe I actually brought two people together.” I grinned.

“Stop saying it like you’re a god, I did all the work here, if I hadn’t been so charming she wouldn’t have fallen for me.” Kingsley stated boastfully.

“But you like her too, and if I hadn’t said hi to her in the first place you wouldn’t have fallen for her, so you should be thanking me” I seethe.

“As if” Kingsley scoffed and glance down at his phone.

“Anyways, I have to go I need me some Abigail in my life right now” Kingsley stated and winked at me and then clicked his tongue at Samuel before walking away.

“I’ve never seen him this confident before.” Samuel laughed.

“Or should I say proud?” I added and Samuel nodded. “Yeah that’s Kingsley for you!”

Samuel and I each went to our hostel after saying a brief goodbye, the semester has ended and everyone had to go home, some had already left for home and some will be leaving in a week time although Mabel and I are on good terms right now, I still didn’t want to go home, cause I feel like I’ve fully adapted here and then there’s Samuel.

I walked inside my room to meet Tochi on her bed and then Cynthia beside her, come to think of it, I haven’t really seen her since the day she crashed that bottle on my head.

We made eye contact and she looked away immediately. I mean we clearly don’t speak to each other, but if she’ll just come out and say sorry for what she did to my head, the that’d be okay, cause I just took off my bandage three days ago. My head’s fully healed now.

I dropped my books on my bed and sat on my bed too breathing out a sigh.

I’m definitely going to miss campus if I go home.

I glanced at Tochi and her friend on her bed and Tochi glanced back at me, she turned to Cynthia and they both exchange a weird look before Tochi walked out of the room.

Is this what I’m thinking…

Cynthia stood up and starts to walk to the door, her head down. I watched her every move and she kind of noticed my eyes on her.

She stopped by the door and Turned to me.

I raised my brows at her and she suddenly got tense.

“Uhm…Uhm..” she started.

“Bridget” I added.

“yes I know you’re Bridget.” she snapped.

“I was just trying to help since it looked like you’ll be saying Uhm Uhm for a while” I mocked sitting up.

She sighed. “look… I’m sorry” she stated.

“It’s been three weeks now” I tell her, “Since you almost burst my head.”

She shut her eyes and opened them back up immediately.

“I’m sorry! I…i was drunk” she stated…

“You were, but you didn’t admit it when I said so that night, and you let your jealousy get the best of you” I added.

She said nothing and just stare at the floor.

“To be honest, Cynthia, if it weren’t for you I wouldn’t have met Samuel I am really grateful, cause as you and everyone knows that I like Samuel a lot, but then again we could have friends but the universe never agreed on that, so your apology has been accepted, even if you didn’t apologize,

it was already accepted, I get where you’re coming from, I mean I wouldn’t hesitate to smash a bottle over your head if Samuel never plan to look at my side. But then letting envy get the best of you is just stupid, I’m not saying we should be friends by all this, but we can just be two girls who know each other but at the same time don’t like each other and we shouldn’t get into anyone’s business or cause any more troubles or damages.” I expound and Cynthia nodded.

“I understand” she stated.

She said thank you, but it was low as ever but I still manage to hear it, Cynthia walked out of my room and few minutes later Tochi came in, Ohh, so it was a setup!

Tochi continued packing her bags, she was leaving campus tonight, and well I want to say I’ll miss her but I’d be lying, not like I hate her or anything, but at least for a week before I’ll leave, I get to enjoy the whole room just to myself.

Being a nice roommate hours later when Tochi was ready to leave I escorted her to the bus stop and we talked on our way, when her bus came I waved goodbye to her and my words were. “See you next semester” before leaving the premises.

I went back to my almost empty hostel and as I opened the door to my room, seeing Samuel inside shocked me.

“How did you get inside?” I asked

“The door was open. Which is very dangerous.” Samuel stated.

“I didn’t go to far, so I didn’t have to lock it” I shrugged.

“Even if you just need to stare at a cloud, lock the door” Samuel reprimanded.

“Yeah, I get mum…” I mocked and he flinched when I called him mum.

I laughed at his expression as I sat on the bed.

“So Tochi’s gone!” Samuel stated sitting beside me and then laying on the bed with his back on the bed but his feet still touching the floor.

“yep!” I replied. “so wait did you come here knowing she’ll be leaving today?” I asked.

“No… Actually, I was just minding my business at home when Kingsley came in with a girl, turns out to be Abigail and I didn’t want to me a third wheel and I decided to come here.” Samuel stated.

“So if Abigail hadn’t show up, you wouldn’t have bothered to come see me?” I asked.

“What? No!” Samuel sat up.

“I was planning to come see you before… Before… She showed up” Samuel stuttered.

“Really?” I raised my brows at him.

He kissed me immediately.

I pushed him back.

“Don’t use kisses to shut me up or change the subject” I scoffed.

“But… I was going to come see you” he replied.

“I know, I was just pulling your legs” I laughed.

“You don’t know how to tell a joke” he sighed.

“I do baby… I do” I said pulling his face closer to mine, but he froze.

“Baby?” he repeated.

“What?” I stare at him. “Did that sound weird?” I asked.

“so weird!” he replied.

I laughed, “well couples have that sweet name they call each other!”

“Well Samuel and Bridget are perfectly fine, it’s not like sweet names makes the relationship longer or anything” Samuel shrugged.

“It does baby!” I said and his face went pale.

I burst out laughing, I laughed so hard that I tilt my head back to contain the laugh.

“That wasn’t funny” Samuel shook his head.

“But your expression was” I added.

“Why do you enjoy teasing me” Samuel sighed.

“Because it’s fun and funny baby” I added. He shut his eyes and I laughed. “Why does calling you baby makes you freak out” I slapped his stomach with the back of my hand and it was like I hit a rock.

“ouch” I mumbled.

“Because it’s weird please don’t call me that” he quickly replied.

“What’s under that shirt of yours, do you workout or something.” I asked trying to lift his shirt up but he held my hand.

“What are you doing?” He asked.

“Trying to see what’s under this shirt, my hand hit something and it was hard” I said.

“It’s just my stomach.” he laughed

“It’s not, there’s definitely a rock under there” I teased pulling his shirt up but he pulled them back immediately.

“What is wrong with you?” I laughed. “why are you acting like I’m about to rape you?” I asked tugging his shirt.

“It’s not that…” he let’s go of my hand.

I let go of his shirt.

“Then what is” I smirked leaning close to me.

“It’s just that, when you do something like this, it’s get my pulse elevated than usual and I can’t control how it also triggers my adrenaline” Samuel stated.

“I find it funny when you’re honest” I smiled. “But so what you’re saying is that, when I do stuff like this, it excites you?” I asked.

“Y-yeah” he nodded.

“Next time, when trying to explain yourself use the basic English don’t try to be Einstein, English sometimes ruin the moment.” I said.

He smiled. “Why do you always lecture me”.

“because you know so little” I replied. “You know this is your first relationship and I’m just trying to help you get smarter, incase we get separated one day, so you will know how to not ruin the moment with a girl.”

“We’re never breaking up” Samuel stated.

“How are so sure?” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Because we share a mutual feeling and at the same scale.” he replied.

I bit my bottom lip, “Did I also tell you that your honesty excites me too!”

I leaned closer to him and seeing my motion, he leaned closer to me too and we both kissed.

After ten seconds on each other’s lips, I straddled him and pushed him back on bed causing him to fall back.

Samuel and I kiss almost every day but every one of them feels new and different and exciting.

Samuel’s hand circled around my waist and I paused.

“What’s wrong?” he asked taking his hands off my waist.

I put his hand back “Nothing… I was just out of breath” I giggled.

“Good, I thought I did something!” he breathed out.

I rested my head on his chest. “you did nothing, and don’t hesitate to do anything okay!”

“To do what?” he asked his face getting flustered.

“When we kiss, stop holding back. And just… Just touch me wherever you feel like okay!” I reprimanded and he laughed shutting his eyes.

“Stop making me feel like a child.” he laughed

“I’m not, I’m just saying,” I stated walking out of his body.

“Okay then next time.” he shrugged.

“God I’m hungry” I groaned.

“When are you never hungry” Samuel scoffed sitting up.

“When I’m full” I grinned

“Now that Tochi’s gone I wonder who’s going to be my new chef before I leave campus” I sighed and turned to Samuel.

“Don’t look at me” Samuel stated.

“Be my new chef, and let me pay you” I grinned.

“Well I can agree on that, but I don’t want money.” Samuel stated sitting up.

“You don’t? What do you want then?” i asked.

“Instead of going home, come with me to a resort” he stated.

“wait, like a vacation?” I asked.

“Well yeah, my aunt runs a resort here in Lagos, and she’ll be thrilled seeing me there and with… You.” Samuel slowly said.

“Well okay… Consider it done. I didn’t really feel like going home cause it’d just be me and Mabel, Samuel won’t be there and a resort sounds like a great idea.

“Okay, then I’ll be your chef until the very end, and I can also tutor you on how to cook” Samuel said standing up.

“And who said I can’t cook?” I rolled my eyes. “I am my own chef, it’s just that I lose my appetite after preparing my own food, cause it feels like the smell had already made me full.”

“Oh okay, then I’ll just be your chef” Samuel stated

“Now go heat something up chef Sam” I said playfully and he gave a salute and let’s out a “aye aye captain.”

We both fell out laughing realising how stupid we were just now.

Samuel left the room with me staring at the ceiling, who would have thought I was going to meet Samuel this way.

Mabel and I are on good terms, next semester there will be nothing like Mr. Vincent because he even left the university before Samuel got the video to the school board. Everything’s just falling into place, I even became a cupid finding a girl for Kingsley, its funny but it’s nice, and I ask for nothing more but a healthy relationship with Samuel . I hope we can grow more and love each other the more and that’s all I ever ask for. I used to think my life was complete but no Samuel made it complete, and all I ever needed was a little love to make it complete and I wouldn’t ask for more.





PLEASE no matter what, encourage the writer RUTHIE LEE with comments (She is BLESSED)…

Please Don’t be Ungrateful ? Don’t Leave Without A Comment , One Love ❤.

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1 year ago

I love this book
It kept me busy
Kudos to the author

1 year ago


1 year ago

Another masterpiece from Ruthie Lee 🤌❤️

Ilyas Yetunde
Ilyas Yetunde
6 months ago

What a good ending.