I walked passed Cynthia and made it through the hallway and to my room.

She must have come to pay Tochi a visit.

I walked inside the room and found Tochi on her bed reading and eating.

“You’re back” she smiled.

“Yes” I said adding stress on the ‘s’ and dropping my bag on my bed.

“Okay so I prepared dinner and Dec…

I smiled.

Now that’s what I wanted to hear.

Well if Tochi is trying to get on my good side, she just keep cooking. She’ll win me over in no time.

I hate a whole meal that evening and felt like I was going to burst.

I decided to work on my assignment since yesterday and as I attempted to it, I was done in no time and decided to study more on database since it will be our project next week.

I fell asleep while studying and that was just it for the day.


I woke up the next day feeling… Well the same, not happy, not sad, not stressed and not energetic. I was just… Nothing.

I don’t know.

I got off the bed and went to take in a bath apparently today we have four classes, and thank God tomorrow is friday where we have just two classes.

We got a class by seven in the morning and I was like super late to class, I found my self running with the short Jean skirt that glued to my thighs like I’m never going to take it off.

I got to class and so sad I had to sit at the back, I spotted Samuel at the front seat and I sighed.

Very responsible.

Immediately class was over, I left like a plane.

I got home and decided to get more rest before the next class. I don’t know how I get pretty exhausted these days and it comes so easily.

I took the three classes that afternoon without actually meeting Samuel, well one, it’s because I was too tired and two, it was because I attended every class late and had to sit at the back and immediately class was over I left.

The last class for the day I felt like I was actually going to pass out. What is making me feel so tired, not just even tired but sleepy too. I got enough rest for today, or is it just my lazy side kicking In.

I was dozing in class and believe me when I say, this is the first time I’ll be dozing off during a class, both from my elementary school days to secondary school, I have never doze in class.

Well the lecturer was so faraway and his voice just seemed like a hypnotist trying to make his patient fall asleep by hypnotizing them with his voice.

I checked the time and it was already 5’pm on the dot. I was so eager to go home and rest.

Slowly my eyes start to close and no matter how I tried to push the sleep away, I found my head resting on the desk on top my curved arms.

And just like that, I fell alseep.

/. .\

\. . /

My eyes fluttered open and I turned to my side to see Samuel sitting beside me, his eyes occupied by his glasses and his books taking his attention.

I sat properly and sighed.

I looked around the class and saw that it was empty.

The has also gotten gloomy too I grabbed my phone and checked the time.

“6:06pm” I read out.

“So you’re finally awake” Samuel said taking of his glasses and putting them in it’s case.

“Yes, wait.? What happened?” I was confused, I know I fell asleep during last period and I know Samuel was sitting at the front.

“After class I found you fast asleep and you were in a kind of deep sleep, I didn’t want to wake you up and I couldn’t leave you alone in class so I stayed and waited till you wake up on your own.” Samuel explained.


“Th..thanks?” I gave a confused look.

So wait he ditched going home to rest just to stay here and watch me sleep.

“You could have woken me though, that way you would have gone home early and got some rest too. Now it’s already getting late and it will be dark soon” I sighed.

“It’s okay” he shrugged.

I stood up and grabbed my bag.

“It’s not, but thanks though, so can we go now?” I asked he nodded and stood up.

Samuel wanted to walk me home that evening but I told him to go home and told him he’s done enough for that day.

He is really… Really… Nice.


I walked into the my empty room and wondered where Tochi might be. Maybe she’s with Cynthia.

I sighed and got on my bed and got my second round of sleep.

The next morning, I was super relieved when I woke up, it’s Friday, we just have two classed today, one by 12pm and the other by 3pm. How sweet.

I spent my time reading, unlike Tochi who was smiling about with her phone in her hand.

Well she has friends who she talks to on the phone. I just have Mabel.

How miserable.

I laughed to myself and continued reading.

Tochi prepared breakfast for us that morning and I couldn’t be more glad, so while eating that morning I asked.

“Tochi. Let’s make a deal, how about I provide the money for food here everyday and you just cook, just name the price of the money and I’ll drop it, you just have to cook, what do you say?”

I’m a lazy cook, and Tochi is kind of loving the cooking thing and she is really good. So this deal sounds pretty clean for her to turn it down.

“deal” she smiled.

Well I see we’re finally getting along on one term.

That afternoon, I got ready for class, as I slipped on a Jean short, a stretchy body hugging blouse and some black pair of sandals, as I made it out of the room and out of the building, I saw Cynthia and Samuel both walking towards the building.

They both saw me and stopped walking.

Samuel smiled.

“Bridget.” Cynthia called with a smile.

She’s acting like we’re friends. Okay. Well…

“hi” I just said to her, with a small smile.

“You’re early” Samuel stated.

“Yes, I am” I replied.

I can’t sit at the back today.

“I actually came here for you so we could leave together” Samuel stated.

“I thought you said you wanted to help someone with an assignment.” Cynthia chimed in.

“the guy I was supposed to help said he has no free time today, so it’s till tomorrow, I just came here for Bridget” Samuel stated.


“Since when did you two become so close?” Cynthia scoffed.

“We’re not, we’re just classmates, and friends” Samuel replied.

“Well.. Okay” Cynthia shrugged. “I’m going to meet Tochi now” she added before going in and glancing at me a bit.

“How nice of you to come give me an escorts” I smirked.

“Well, I was actually killing two birds with one stone, Cynthia told me to walk with her here since our class won’t start soon and I also called our group members to come early so we can all introduce ourselves, but I didn’t have your phone number so I agreed to walk with Cynthia to come get you too so we could all meet In class early.” smauel explained.

Okay great.

“Can we get going?” I asked and he nodded.

We got to class with just seeing two people. A boy and a girl and the girl was pretty familiar… Wait… I think she’s the Aisha girl that came up to me babbling nonsense about Samuel.

“Sammy” the boy beside Aisha called and Samuel waved.

“So Bridget, these two people here Aisha and Paul are our group mate, Aisha, Paul, this is Bridget.” Samuel gave a short introduction.

“Nice to meet you Bridget” Paul said to me and gave a small hand shake.

“nice to meet you” I said.

“And nice to meet you again.” Aisha suddenly said…

“Yes nice to meet you again” I gave her a look.

“Again?” Samuel repeated and I nodded.

“Okay so now that we’ve met each other. We’re all concluding that Samuel’s our group leader right?” Paul asked.

How irk of him, suddenly choosing Samuel as the group leader. Or should I say the person they would like to dump the work on, instead of saying group leader.

“Why Samuel, why not you?” I suddenly asked.

He laughed. “Uh, because Samuel has all the qualities of being a group leader”.

“Are you sure? And what are these qualities?” I asked.

Paul seemed annoyed already by my question, but he just wore a smile.

“He is smart and…

Of course, the smart will always be the first word they mention, I recalled being always the group leader in my secondary school days and all the work will just be on me and it was just so annoying, and if they try to choose another group leader the teacher will protest saying I’m smart and I should help my group team. It was annoying.

“Not to be annoying, we’re all smart, cause if we are not, we won’t be here, at least we all wrote the exam, took the course we’re studying now by our own choice, we know what we’re doing, and when you know what you’re doing with something you chose on your own merit, it means you’re smart when it comes to that thing, so based on our project, I clearly object Samuel being our group leader. ” I expound.

“And if not Samuel being the leader, who then?” Paul asked almost giving me a glare.

“You, or Aisha or me!” I shrugged.

“You better count me out” Paul laughed.

“Me too” Aisha shrugged.

“Fine, then I’ll be group leader” I smiled.

There’s no way they’re going to even think of leaving the works on me. Samuel might have no problem with doing all the work. I might have had a problem with it back then in secondary school but not being able to voice it out. But no not anymore.

“Fine then go ahead and be the group leader, as long as the project is done” Paul shrugged.

“exactly, as long as we all work together to get the project get done in time.” I stated and Paul scoffed…

I glanced at Samuel and he kind of seemed lost in thought.

“So…” I said and his attention turned to me and so did the others.

“We will be meeting after class everyday and spent maybe thirty minutes on our project starting next week, what do you think?” I asked.

“it sounds refreshing.” Paul shrugged.

“It’s okay” aisha added.

Samuel nodded and I nodded too.

“So we’re all good with this, great, now we just have to come up with where will we be meeting up. But first, I need your phone numbers, so in case any of you try to ditch the meet up” I stated and Paul smiled.

“You’re kind of smart” Paul stated.

“I see you’re a ditcher” I scoffed, stretching my phone to him.

“With people like you being the group leader I don’t think I can show off my ditching skills” Paul shook his head taking my phone from me.

That’s why he wanted Samuel to be the group leader, so he can ditch the group members and still gets his full marks when the project is done. How does Samuel not know he’s being gullible.

“Glad you’re seeing me the way I want you to” I smiled.

I took my phone from Paul and gave it to Aisha and she put down her number and I lastly gave it to Samuel.

Samuel and I both sat down together during the class and the lecturer voice seemed like he just quarreled with a lion.

Class was over before I knew it and before I knew it, the next class started and ended already.

“So glad, tomorrow is Saturday” I breathed out as Samuel and I walked out of the building.

“Yes me too” Samuel smiled. “And thank you for being the group leader” he suddenly said.

I paused. “Why the thank you.?” I asked.

“I really didn’t want to be the group leader but I… I didn’t know how to turn them down” Samuel stated and I smiled.

“Repeat after me” I stated.

He looked at me, bewildered.

“No! I do not want to be the group’s leader” I said little by little.

Samuel chuckled. “No. I do not want to be the group’s leader” he repeated.

“There” I arched my brows at him. And he laughed.

How cute.

“You’re something else Bridget, but it’s not easy to say it, their reaction will make you feel guilty” Samuel stated and I clicked my tongue and shook my head.

We both started walking again and he asked.

“So what are you doing tonight?” I asked.

“Nothing, I’ll probably just spent my night sleeping” I shrugged.

Why is he asking.?

“You should come to the party” he offered.

“wait. You said you were not going to go again, since I already told Kingsley what you were having troubles with. Why are you still going?” I asked.

“when you have friends like Kingsley and Cynthia, it’s hard.” he shrugged.

And he couldn’t say no to them if they told him to come, if I would guess.

“So what do you say, are you coming?” Samuel asked.

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