I’m not being rude or trying to insult him but Samuel is the most naïve person I have ever met. It’s charming that he’s a very considerate human being, he’s helpful and nice too. But the naive part of him is just making me see him as this gullible person. Well it’s his nature, some people are just Born nice.

Too nice. Or maybe too naïve…

I watched him work on his assignment in silence, I didn’t even care to do mine because I have plenty of time and I’m going to do that at home.

Realizing we’d be going separate ways after this class, I stood up and grab my bag, I should leave in advance.

“Where are you going?” Samuel suddenly asked.

“Back to the hostel”. I replied.

“Oh okay…” he replied.

“Okay then, see you in the next class” I said and left the whole classroom to him.

I walked out of the building feeling like I was about to pass out, the building stairs was to die for. I was completely out of breath and accidently swallowed my own saliva causing me cough


I heard a voice, I wanted to look up but my cough was worsening.

” Bridget are you okay?” the voice asked.

Apparently I’m not.

“Hope you don’t mind, here take this” the voice said and I managed to look up, I saw Kingsley… Handing me a bottled water.

I snitched it from him and threw the lid away and slowly gulp down the water. My throat finally cleared and I breathed out a sigh of relief

“Thank you” I breathed out.

“You’re welcome, don’t harm yourself okay.” he said.

“I wasn’t trying to harm myself, this staircase did a really good job in the first place” I stated.

“You’ll get used to it.” Kingsley smiled.

“Yeah thanks” I nodded.

“So are you heading to class?” he asked.

“Actually going back to the hostel, my class just ended” I said.

“Mine too, want to walk together.?” he flashed a smile.


“Samuel’s still in class though, I heard you both stay together, you can wait for him instead.” I tried to sound polite.

“Oh Samuel knows his way back, you’re the green horn here, just so you don’t miss your home” Kingsley stated

“Uh… I think I know my way around here… And also I have a map with me just so you know” I stated.

Kingsley gave me a skpectical look.

“Okay then, can we just walk back together?”

“Sure.” I stated.

We both walked to my hostel without even saying much, cause anytime he starts a conversation it just dies down immediately he starts it. Maybe I’m just not in the mood to keep it going.

I was tired and hungry.

He should have said he want to walk me home not saying he want to walk with me.

Cause immediately we got to the building where I stay, he stopped walking.

“Okay now that you’re home, I’ll take my leave now” he said.

“Well thank you” I added.

“It’s not nothing” he smiled and gave a small wave before walking away.

I got inside my room to see tochi fast asleep on her bed. My next class starts by 11:30pm, so I just have an hour to eat, rest and get my butt ready.

I got to eat but I never got to rest cause time was waiting for anybody.

In frustration I grabbed my books for my class and head to class, thanks to Samuel’s map, I got to know where my next class is.

Surprisingly when I got to the class it was already filling up with students and I spotted Samuel at the front seat, I smiled to myself seeing how he was setting his glasses on his face and arranging his books no neatly. I wanted to go seat beside him but a girl suddenly sat beside him grinning her life out.

I shrugged and sat down beside the window at the back of the class.

The lecturer starts to teach and Samuel was right, it was hard to hear what he was saying. I tried my best to focus and well I did.

I didn’t get the full teaching at that period cause I was spacing out a lot, I didn’t know why I spaced out though. I had nothing on my mind yet I did.

The class ended and I know the lecturer talked about next week and a project coming up or something.

Isn’t too early for projects?

As I packed my books, my eyes dart to Samuel and he and the girl sitting together seemed to be having one hell of a conversation, the girl laughing and sticking her tongue out like some…. Goat.


Samuel stopped talking to the girl and starts looking around, like he was looking for someone.

I made sure my gaze never left him, and when his head turned to my direction, his spotted me and he let’s out a small smile and waved.

I looked away and stopped grabbing my bag.

He suddenly grabbed his bag and ran up to me.

“Hi, I almost thought you wouldn’t make it to class.” he said a little out of breath.

“Why wouldn’t I?” I asked glancing at the girl who was killing me with her glares. Yes the same girl who sat with Samuel.

“My map, it’s not detailed. Did it help?” Samuel asked.

“If it didn’t I wouldn’t be here right now.” I retorted…

“Yeah” samuel laughed nervously. “How am so stupid for asking that”.

“It’s okay. Anyways your girlfriend looks like she’s about to kill me and I’ll be going back to my hostel now. I’m super tired.” I stated.

“My girlfriend?” Samuel repeated his face blank and his eyes widen.

I slowly and stylishly pointed to yeh girl he was sitting with earlier.

Samuel glanced at her and turned to me “Funny, Daniella is just a friend of mine”.

“Are you sure? Cause I don’t like the way she was staring at me” I added.

“Yes I’m sure. She’s just a friend I knew her two weeks ago through Kingsley I guess” Samuel said.

I glanced at the Daniella and she was really striking me up with those eyes of her.

“Okay Samuel, pretend you’re looking for someone and slowly glance at her to see her glaring at me” I instructed and Samuel giving me a confused look.

Samuel Slowly turned and caught Daniella giving me death glares.

He suddenly turned back to me.

“I’m sorry” he apologized.

“You shouldn’t be” I scoffed.

“She’s giving you those eyes because of me, so I should apologise for it at least” Samuel stated.

How cute.

“Are you sure she doesn’t have a crush on you or anything, cause I don’t like being in the middle of anything, so does she?” I asked tilting my head.

“uhh” Samuel looked sideways “I don’t know”.

“You wouldn’t” I muttered.

“Anyways I’ll be off then till tomorrow” I stated.

“I’m actually… I’m actually going to your hostel too”. Samuel rushed his words.

“Really?” I raised my brows at him

“I have to help Success with her assignment I promised earlier.” Samuel expound.

Oh yeah the girl from this morning.

“Okay then, we can go together.” I shrugged.


As Samuel and I walked back to the hostel that wasn’t far from campus we both remained quiet and just enjoyed the walk.

Well I wouldn’t say enjoy so I had to break the silence, but then I couldn’t come up with anything so I remained quiet.

It’s not like we’re strangers, I met him yesterday and well, I’ll just say we’re half strangers I don’t really know much about him but I can tell that he’s super nice.

I got to my hostel and I just said bye to him as he made his way to success room. Wow.

How am I so boring.

I walked into my room and slammed the door. Tochi was on the bed with her phone and her friend Cynthia was with her.

I want to live alone.

“You’re back” Tochi smiled as I dropped my bag close to my bed.

“Yes!” I stated.

“So I cooked and Uhm some sweet potatoes and some fried eggs and… and I left some for you too!” Tochi stated.


She’s trying to get on my good side.

Well that’s sweet. I don’t think I have any good side in me.

But still… It’s food we’re talking about here. I don’t play with foods.

“Well thanks” I said to her.

“You’re welcome” she smiled and turned to her friend.

I pulled my skinny jeans off my body and breathed out a sigh of relief. I changed into something more comfortable and didn’t waste time digging into those sweet potatoes and eggs.

“So are you going?” I heard Cynthia said.

“of course I am, who would want to miss a party like that?” Tochi added.

“Asin” Cynthia added. “But John will be there, are you sure you’ll be okay?”

“who is John, that fool?” Tochi added rolling her eyes.

I watch about the two girls from my bed as they talked about boys and stuff before switching back to the party they were talking about earlier.

They both noticed I’ve been staring and Tochi turned to me.

“Bridget, so… There’s still party happening on Friday and…

“I’m not going!” I shook my head cutting her off.

“Wow you didn’t let me finish” Tochi laughed bitterly. “can I ask why.?” she asked.

Don’t get me wrong I’m a party maniac, I love parties, but going to parties with people around your age and you don’t know anyone. Well I do attend parties with a lot of strangers but still I go to parties to meet people who I want to do business with. It’s like I need a drive to attend parties. Like a purpose. I don’t know. It’s just complicated. I’m complicated.

“Parties are not my thing” I said to Tochi.

“Well it’s the first parties where freshmen like us get to attend, and it’s on a Friday night, the day after tomorrow seriously you don’t want to miss it” Cynthia chimed in.

“uh… I’ll think about it” I stated.

“You’ll think about it or it’s a no?” Tochi frowned.

“Why do you want me to come so bad.?” I muttered.

“One because you’re pretty and well you look like an eye striker”..

Why is she sounding like she wants to show me off at the party.

“And two, the whole hostel is going to be quiet because everyone is attending, so you’ll be the only one alone” Tochi explained.

And I’ll have the room to myself if she goes to the party, who cares if the hostel is empty.

“Well still in thinking about” I stated….

“Okay just give me your feedback tomorrow or anytime but before the party” Tochi added and I nodded.

Duh it’s clearly a ‘No’

I have a class by 4pm and I still have enough time to rest. Yay.

We all heard a knock on the door and well since my bed was closer to the door, I had to get it. Not like I know anyone who would look for me and come knocking at the door.

I opened the door and surprisingly Samuel came into view.

“Samuel” I called.

“HI” he smiled.

“What are you doing…

I paused because I remembered what exactly what he was doing here. Helping a girl named success.

“So how was the assignment?” I asked.

“it was a little tough but I did it anyways”. He replied.

“Oh okay, that’s great… So….?

I didn’t know what to say

“Oh, I was leaving and I decided to come say hi or goodbye before leaving.” Samuel expound.

“It’s definitely a hi, cause we’ll probably see each other by 4pm again” I stated.

“Well it’s great, okay then good bye” Samuel said and looked away before walking away.

I closed the door and almost tripped and fall because of Cynthia and Tochi”s stare.

“That was Sammy?” Cynthia asked.

I nodded.

“Since when did you too become so close that he had to come and say ‘hi’ I barely talked to him even though I know him” Tochi smiled.

“Well I’ll be right back” Cynthia said and walked out of the room.

I shrugged and got back on my bed to continue with my food.

She has to know.

“You’re a pretty great cook” I said to Tochi

“Thank you” she smiled.



I woke up thanks to the sound of my ear blasting alarm tone, I had set up hours ago before falling asleep.

I changed into my skinny jeans and a black top, I slipped my legs into my sandals and grabbed my bag.

Tochi and Cynthia weren’t in the room anymore. All they ever talked while I was still light asleep was about the Friday party. Ugh.

I walked out of the hostel and made it to class with my books in my hand. We’ve gotten to com104 already and I don’t computer science is not an easy course.

I got to class and this time I made sure I sat in front row of the class, back sitters are well. They’re really trying. How do they cope in this large class.

Surprised that Samuel wasn’t in class I laughed to myself when I saw his books arranged neatly on the desk in front of an empty chair. Of course he’s always early. How ‘Samuel’ of him.

I looked around to see if u would see him around the class and I found him walking inside the class. A boy stopped him at the door and they both starts to talk.

They were really far away and you could hardly hear a thing, and besides the noises coming from other students in the class.

Samuel and the boy seemed to be in good terms as Samuel’s face lit up and his smile is beautiful to be honest… With myself.

“He’s fine right?” I heard someone say beside me and I turned to see a girl. Very dark skinned, her lips plumped and filled her eyes were as bright and glossy as ever.

“What?” I gave her a shrug.

“You’ve been looking at Sammy for the past ten seconds.” she smiled.

Who is this one again.

Ugh goodness.

“And you’ve been looking at me looking at Samuel for the past ten seconds?” I asked and she laughed.

“Anyways my name is Aisha” she smiled.

“I didn’t ask for your name.” I said In a way she wouldn’t think I’m being rude.

“I know, I was just being friendly.” she stated.

“Okay, I’m Bridget” I stated.

“But honestly Sammy’s really good looking, I mean he’s just a freshman like us but yet, I see some seniors looking at him with lewd eyes.!” Aisha stated, her eyes clearly fixated on Samuel’s direction.

“And I see you look at him with lewd eyes too” I stated and she laughed.

“And you do too!” she retorted.

“Think whatever you want.” I shrugged.

“Anyways it’s true that I like Sammy, I mean who doesn’t, he’s smart, very friendly, he’s crazy rich. And well don’t forget the good looking side of him. But despite having all that qualities, I find him really enclosed and tight and a introvert type of guy, doesn’t really fit into the social status ” aisha explained.

“I’m sorry why are you telling me all this?” I squeezed my face at her.

How did a parrot gets let out of its cage easily.

“I don’t know, I just thought it’d be something you’d like to hear and besides I’m just trying to warn you about Cynthia, that fly always hanging around him, do you know Cynthia?” she asked.

“I’m sorry, I don’t, can you please just leave me alone… Please… Thank you” I stated.

I’m finding this conversation offensive and juvenile.

She rolled her eyes and walked away angrily.

The lecturer walked inside and Samuel walked to his seat which was beside mine.

“HI” he smiled.

“HI” I said my attention on my books.

Samuel brought out his glasses and put them on.

How this never gets old.


Class was over by 6pm and Samuel and I walked out of the class together.

“So you heard this morning that we’ll be having a project next week right?” Samuel asked as we slowly made our way down the stairs.

“Yes kind of, I was at the back didn’t get every information, but yes of course i checked the scheme and we should be having a project we’re in com104 already” I stated.

“You checked the schemes too?”

“Who doesn’t.” I shook my head.

“Yeah right, and we’ll be having a project on database and we’ll be in groups, and the lecturer said we get to decide on our group mates, so I was wondering if you’d like to be in my group?” Samuel asked.

“You have a group already” I turned to him.

“Yes about five people met me this afternoon saying they’d like to be in the same group as me, but I picked just two people and saved a spot for you” Samuel smiled.

How considerate.

And of course why wouldn’t people want to be in Samuel’s group when he’s as smart as this.

As we stepped out of the building, I turned to him.

“You realise people just want to be in your team because you’re smart”. I tell him.

“Yes I know” he replied.

“They want to have a smart person to rely the project work on.” I added…

“Yes I know that too” he replied.

“They want to use you.” I stated.

“I know” he replied.

“And you don’t care?” I almost yelled.

“I don’t really see it as something bad or… It’s okay” he nodded.

Seriously this guy…

“So will you be in my group?” he asked.

“sure, and I’ll make sure I use you no matter what?” I joked and he laughed.

“Go ahead then.” he shrugged.

“I’m joking, I hate relying on others, you’ll Recieve nothing in return, just rely on yourself, that’s the best” I stated.

We both remained quiet again. I hate being quiet so I decided to start with a stupid one.

“Did you hear of the Friday night party or something?” I asked.

Why did I even…

“Oh that” Samuel sighed.

Oh well he knows about that. I’m shocked.

“You know about it too?” I asked.

“Kingsley won’t shut up about it” Samuel smiled.

“And Tochi too” i sighed to myself.

“And it seems like the whole world is attending it” I scoffed.

“Yes, including me” Samuel stated.


“Really?” I gave him a bizzare look.

“Okay don’t laugh, it’s actually my first party I’ll be attending. And I’m being forced, I don’t like parties, or should I say crowd. I hate crowded interactions.” he blurted out.

Now that’s how an introvert speaks. And the way I see Samuel. He’s actually an introvert who’s wanting to be an extrovert but still not being able too.

“Oh I understand, I do attend parties a lot though” I shrugged.

“So you’re attending this one right?” Samuel’s face was completely lit up.

“Uh.. No!” I scorned.

“Why?” he asked.

“No reason. Just a No” I shrugged.

“And you don’t want to attend too right, you said you’re being forced. Forced by who?” I asked.

He laughed. “Kingsley.”

“Then just say no” I stated.

“I did but then he said if i will attend, that I can ask him for anything or any favors and seriously this is an opportunity to politely ask him to stop playing those music” Samuel expoud.

I stopped walking.

“No, it doesn’t have to be opportunity for you to tell him what you have every right to, to ask him to stop playing or do what you don’t like. You have to learn how to say no” I shook my head.

“No” he stated. “There I said it” he laughed.

“It’s not funny, seriously, just tell him, and then say no to the party it’s as easy as that” I said and we both start to walk again.

“It might sound easy for you though, but turning someone down makes me feel so guilty and I start to hate myself for that, trust me that feeling is the worse”

I shook my head. Samuel is going to make me cry.

“look according to Leo Tolstoy One must be cunning and wicked in this world.” I stated.

“Huh?” Samuel turned to me. “you want me to become wicked? I don’t understand!”

“I’m not saying you should be wicked but we’re in a wicked world, be your nice self but don’t just show all that niceness at once, you’ll be trampled on. You might probably think I’m giving you a bad advice and stuff but seriously you don’t want to be a deer in a lion’s den” I expound and he smiled.

“I understand what you mean.”

“You’re giving me an advice on being wicked but, you don’t seem wicked or rude yourself” Samuel said.

“That’s because I don’t have a reason to be, it’s actually being pocketed and you need to use it on whoever deserves it, are you getting my point?” I looked at him.

“I am” he nodded.

“Good… So everyone has their good and bads and that’s what I’m trying to say and I’m saying you should let out the–

“Sammy!” we both heard Samuel’s name behind us and turned together.

“And Bridget.” Kingsley smiled immediately we turned.

“HI…” I said politely.

“Weird how I always see you two together” Kingsley smiled.

“It’s not weird we have the same time table” Samuel stated.

“So can I join you guys?” Kingsley asked.

He has a habit of asking if he’s allowed to do what’s he’s already doing.

“Sure” Samuel replied.

The three of us walked together with me at the middle and we were just quiet.

We were quiet all the way and I noticed the boys weren’t planning on going their way but were actually going my way.

“Isn’t this your way home?” I asked the boys pointing to an opposite direction.

“Well I’m meeting someone close to your hostel” Kingsley replied.

“What about you Samuel?” I asked.

“I’m walking you home.” he replied.

Wow. Surely is one honest person too.

“Well thanks” I replied.

We finally said got to the hostel and suddenly I wished Tochi would have prepared something beforehand again. I was starving.

“Well thank you” I said to both of the boys.

“It’s nothing!” Kingsley said. “I should hit the road now, still have a little but long way to go”.

“Kingsley before you go Samuel has something to tell you!” I quickly said.

I don’t know why I’m doing this, maybe it’s just bothering me too much.

“I do?” Samuel looked at me surprised.

“Yes you do” I have him a look.

Kingsley looked back and forth at me and Samuel probably confused. Samuel’s confused too.

I sighed and let the juice out of the bag.

“Samuel says he hate when you invite too many friends over and when you play ear blasting music that it doesn’t give him enough room or time to study, last time he did his assignment in class…” I expound clenching the books in my hand…

Samuel looked at me. His pupil completely blowed.

Kingsley looked at samuel and then looked back at me.

“Okay I’m not surprised this is coming from you and not from Sammy instead he doesn’t let anyone know what he’s feeling, and fine if you have any problems with me me just say it and don’t worry I’ll stop playing the ear blasting music and invite no one.” Kingsley gave Samuel a look.

“I’m not saying you shouldn’t invite anyone over… They shouldn’t be too much..” Samuel said.

“Okay” Kingsley shrugged. “and next time just tell me what you don’t like and don’t make a girl do it instead” kingsley said and gave a mocking smile.

“I understand” Samuel sighed.

Kingsley gave me one last dimpled smile before walking away.

Samuel gave out a sigh. “You didn’t have to do that you know”.

“Yes I did” I replied.

“I was just going to tell him after the party and that would have been less rude.” Samuel replied.

“No this way wasn’t rude either and Kingsley clearly understood the situation, everyone knows you’re an introvert and don’t worry at least you’re free to study at home now and you don’t even have to attend the party” I explained and a smile crept up Samuel’s face.

“Thank you” he suddenly said.

I smiled.

“You’re welcome.”

“Anyways I’ll see you tomorrow” I said and with one last wave I walked inside the building and accidently bumped into Cynthia, or she bumped into me.

“Sorry” she quickly apologized.

“It’s okay” I stated

And walked passed her to my room.


T. B. C

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