
Waking up the next morning, I found myself in Samuel’s arm and I smiled, despite recalling the not so good things that happened last night, Cynthia smashing her frigging bottle over my head out of jealousy, good thing my head’s pretty wrapped up and the wound isn’t deep.

I snuggled up in Samuel’s body and he woke up.


I was planning to sleep like this for another hour.

“You’re awake” Samuel smiled at me.

“Yeah” I added sitting up.

We both shared a smile and recalling our last night’s kiss, my heart melted.

“I have to go back to my hostel now” I stated.

“You could stay a little bit longer.” he shrugged.

“I could but, I can’t.” I shrugged.

“says who? It’s Sunday! Where I come from when you’re in a situation like this with your head injury, you do two things on Sunday, either you rest or go to church.” Samuel replied.

“What in world?,” I laughed. “Go to church? How is that an helpful option, it’s still about straining your body” I replied.

“Well I come from a very religious home, it’s kind of like the only option there, my mom and i don’t miss church at all.” Samuel shrugged.

“It’s Sunday, and why are you not in church right now?” I asked.

“Oh… Don’t get me wrong, though my mom would flip the tables if she heard I haven’t been attending to any church since my first day here, and the only church closer to campus is like a billion miles away from here. If I should attend just this Sunday I won’t be arriving until tomorrow” Samuel replied and I nodded.

Good for him.

I haven’t been to church since… Since forever.

“Well enough with the churches, I’m hungry” I grinned sweetly, that will get his pulse rising and it did rose cause he smiled back.

“Okay I’ll prepare something del” he said and left the room.


I went back to my hostel after recieving enough hospitality from my boyfriend. And with the bandage on my head I recieved more than hospitality from tochi too.

Surprisingly during nighttime, my phone starts to ring waking me up, I got up from my bed and my hand searched for my phone on my drawer in the dark room.


That’s a surprise.

I picked the phone and gave a light yawn before saying “Hello” into the phone.

“Bridget.” Mabel called.

“Yeah” I was sleepy as ever.

She said nothing and I glance at my phone thinking the call has been terminated but it was still ongoing, so I placed it back on my ear.

“Mabel? Hello? Are you still there?” I asked.

“I’m sorry” her apology came out of nowhere.

“Uh… I was speechless.

I know we had a big fight and all, and I never expected her to apologize, Mabel is really blunt and strong headed, if she says no, then no it is. I never expected an apology.

” I… I…

I seriously didn’t know what to say.

“I’m sorry” she added. “what I said that day , it was really childish and selfish of me, and after that day I have been thinking ruefully, I’m sorry” she said and I was surprised again hearing her sniff.

Is she crying.?

What really happened?

“Are you okay Mabel? Is there something wrong?” I asked! “Are you crying?”.

“I’m fine. How are you anyways.” she asked.

Confused I replied “I’m fine… I guess.”

“You guess? Did something happen?” she asked.

I was so confused. Why is she suddenly calling and asking how I am, if I can recall she clearly wants me out of her life since I don’t do the dirty jobs anymore,

“i…i just had a little injury, but I’m fine.” I finally replied to her question.

“Good” she sniffed. “Bridget we’ve been together for almost a year now and you are like a sister to me.”

A sister and you said all that…

“When you said you couldn’t continue your job and all, I was suppose to support you and stand by you but then I acted like fool, you literally have no one by your side and I just… I’m so sorry.” she sighed over the phone.

“Uh…” it’s okay. I stated batting my lashes.

“It’s okay?” I felt her smile.

“Yes it is” I replied.

“So am I forgiven?” she asked.

Confused I replied. “sure.”

My eyes were closing but I opened them back.

“So when the semester ends you’re coming home right?” she asked.


“Y-yes” I replied with my heart bubbling.

A place to call home.

“Good. I am so sorry once again Bridget, I have been a bad guardian and I haven’t been feeling too good ever since I said that to you and apologizing was the only way I could feel good again. Ugh… I feel like I can breathe again.” she sniffed over the phone.

“i-it’s okay” I stated.

“In case you need anyone to call, just call me, I don’t know what you might have been going through for the past days but just know that you can call me and talk to me about anything now, I’ll be here…” she replied.

I was glad. Is this really happening or am I dreaming…

“And Bridget, the path you’re deciding to take… It’s the best” she stated and I found myself noddding away some tears.

“Thank you… Mabel” I sniffed.

“What’s wrong? Don’t tell me you’re crying, since when did you become this emotional” she laughed.

“I was scared” I sniffed.

“Scared?” she repeated.

“I thought I had nowhere to call home anymore” I stated.

“I’m so sorry” her voice was low.

“It’s okay” I bit my bottom lip.

“So the last time we talked, you sounded like you have a boyfriend, I want you telling me all that when you come home okay!” Mabel stated.


“Sure” I sniffed.

We both hung up after a few chit chats and I felt this weight being released from my body, I laid down on my bed and start to think.

Why did she suddenly call and say all that?

I never believed in karma, but it came to me at that moment.

Or is it because I’ve been wounded for too long and the heavens is finally relieving it up.


Sunday passed like a Breeze and Monday came again.

The atmosphere around campus was hectic, exams was drawing near and placing a burden on everyone’s shoulder.

I recieved a lot of ‘are you okay?’ as I walked to class well thanks to Cynthia, the bandage on my head was really visible and I just gave them all a ‘I’m fine ” even people I didn’t know asked me and I just say the same thing to them.

“You should have skipped class today and rest” Samuel said seeing me in class.

“I should have, but nope. Exam’s close and I don’t want to fail any semester and we’re just freshmen we should do our best” I nudged him.

“Okay then” He smiled.

The door and the professor walked in. “WHAT THE HELL” I found myself screaming on the inside, we don’t have Mr. Vincent as our lecturer today, what is he doing here.

My body tensed up seeing him and my healing heart starts to bleed again, I forgot how to breathe and just stare at him greet the class and give reasons why he was in class instead of the main professor.

Samuel suddenly placed his palm on mine on the desk and I turned to look at him.

“Just breathe, it’s fine! He whispered in my ear.

Of course it’s fine. I turned to him and he tapped my palm.

So Samuel knows Mr. Vincent used to be one of my client, so I guess he understand why I’m stressed by his presence, he doesn’t even know about me sexual harassing me. Or does he? I hope Kingsley hasn’t tell him, I want to be the one to tell him myself.

The lecture on went on for three hours and Samuel was holding my hand the whole time and whenever he would turn to look at me, he would smile and give me the ‘it’s okay’ look.

Class ended and Samuel always taking his time to set his books inside his bags, was doing the same routine when Mr. Vincent walked up to us.

“Good day students” Mr. Vincent stated.

Samuel and I glanced at each other.

“Good day…” we both replied in unison.

Is a phony like him going to ask for direction again or what?

“So I need someone to help me out in my office, I have this boxes of book and need someone to assist me carrying it to the dean’s office.” Mr. Vincent stated looking at me.

“Why are you looking at her!” Samuel suddenly said making Mr. Vincent turn to him. “Excuse me?” Mr. Vincent asked his brows furrowed.

“You need some assistance in carrying a box of books and you’re looking at her when there’s a boy standing in front of you, boys makes the work faster, and she’s a girl, you can’t expect much from her when it comes to carrying boxes or things heavy” Samuel explained and Mr. Vincent laughed.

“Yes that’s true son. Yes you’re making a point” he laughed.

Samuel glanced at me and I slowly pick up his bag and handed it to him.

“I just realised the boxes are more than one and I’ll be needing the both of you. And don’t worry it’s not heavy” Mr. Vincent tried to smile.

“Sure… Let’s go then” Samuel said taking my hand.

I looked at him and he give me the ‘not to worry eyes’.

I caught Mr. Vincent’s eyes looking at our hands before he walked way.

Walking right behind Mr Vincent to his office Samuel leaned down at me.

“The fact that he called just the two of us with the amount of people in class. He’s up to something, but don’t worry it’s okay, I’m here” Samuel stated and I just nod. I haven’t said anything since he approached us. How tense am I?

We got to Mr Vincent’s office and he turned to us after dropping the book in his hand on his desk.

“So this is the box” he said pointing down to a thick cardboard box with books in it.

“But there’s only one, I thought you said there were more than one, that’s why you called us both.” Samuel seethe.

“i don’t know where the others are, maybe they’ve been taken away, anyways boy you can carry the box and Bridget will run another errand or me.” Mr. Vincent smiled.

I glanced at Samuel and he turned to me before walking up to the box.

“Bridget, I need you to help me deliver this documents to Mrs Yemi.” Mr. Vincent said opening a cabinet and rummaging through it looking for this ‘so called document’

Seeing Samuel hasn’t left the office, he turned to Samuel. “You’re still here? Those books aren’t going to deliver themselves you know” Mr. Vincent shrugged.

Samuel slowly picked his box while Mr. Vincent turned back to the cabinet.

Samuel walked up to me and slowly leaned down to my ear.

“Try to not move from here, this spot, even if he tells you to, if he tries anything funny don’t do anything and try to give in but not all” Samuel and kissed my cheek before walking out.


I was confused with what he just said. I only understood the part about not moving but then give in. What should I give in. I don’t understand

Samuel left the office closing the door behind him and seeing that Samuel has gone. Mr. Vincent turned to me.

“You sure have one protective boyfriend, and I thought you both broke up, what are you doing together?” Mr. Vincent asked.

I rolled my eyes.

“Sometimes I wonder how you’re not ashamed of the words you spit out” I scoffed.

“And why would I be ashamed.” Mr. Vincent smirked and walked up to me.

I wanted to move back but I stopped myself remembering when Samuel said not to, I don’t know why he said so but I just did as he said.

“I won’t rest Bridget… Not until I get what I want” he said leaning down to kiss me. Disgusted I turn my face away.

“Stop resisting” Mr. Vincent groaned angrily and grabbed my waist pulling me in his body. I pushed him angrily and I saw anger in his eyes.

“You b*itch!” he yelled and was about to hit me when Samuel stepped inside. “Now that’s enough!” Samuel said and he looked shocked.

“What are you doing here?” he asked Samuel, but Samuel ignored him and walked up to a drawer close to the door opposite where I was standing to grab his phone.

“Now that’s enough proof” he stated placing his phone into his pocket.

“W-what do you mean proof?” Mr. Vincent stuttered.

“Your days of sexual harrasing my girlfriend is over for you Vincent, and just now you wanted to hit her, good thing I got all that on camera, now the school board will have no time in terminating a twig like you, you’re just a substitute and yet you act all high and mighty” Samuel stated walking up to me and placing his hand on my shoulder.

“You’ve got it all wrong… Look let’s talk about this” Mr. Vincent laughed.

“It’s not funny! Talk about what? I got it all on camera, I was also standing by the door the whole time and the box is still there, you should deliver them yourself” Samuel scoffed and pulled me out of the office before I can comprehend what’s happening.

Samuel breathed out when we walked out of the building and pulled me in a hug.

He knew…

He knew all along that Mr. Vincent has been harrasing me, but he never questioned me or act like he knew.

“You knew…” I stated walking out of the hug. “You knew what Mr. Vincent was doing to me but you never said anything… Why?”

I was getting teary.

“Because Kingsley told me not to, and why didn’t you tell me?” Samuel sighed.

“I was taking my time to, I was scared you might get mad. I’m sorry” I stated.

He hugged me. “It’s okay… Everything is okay now.! There’s no way the school won’t terminate him”

“Thank you… Samuel” I sniffed.

“It’s okay” he added patting my back.

Whoever did I do any good to deserve someone like Samuel? Who.?

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