WIFE MATERIAL Episode 22 – Ayogu Oluchi Eze

WIFE MATERIAL Episode 1 - Ayogu Oluchi Eze


Episode 22

Later that day, Amara waited for her husband to come home. She wasn’t ready to call him because she was still showing she was enraged by her husband’s actions.

Around 10 pm, she then decided to call him. She picked up her phone and started calling him but his phone was switched off.

“This is unlike him. What is happening? He left the house without even informing me where he was going, though I was upset. Oh God let nothing happen to my husband. Maybe he’s even with Sandra and I’m here bothering myself.”

She then went to bed and slept off.

In the early hours of the morning, Amara got up and didn’t find her husband beside her. She became nervous.

She started trying his number again but it was still switched off.

She was worried and couldn’t sleep till dawn.

“This is getting out of hand. Where could he be? Did he go to his family? No, let me not go there yet because if he’s not there, they will get to know the issue we are having. I know he won’t want them to hear such news. I’ll go and check his office.”

She then had her bathe and also bathed her child. They both took breakfast and left.

Some minutes later Amara and her child got to the office premises.

She exchanged greetings with some of the workers and then left for her husband’s office.

She was shocked to see that the place was locked. She quickly went to the secretary’s workspace.

“Jane your boss isn’t here yet?”

“Yes, ma.”

“When did he leave the office yesterday?”

“Ma he didn’t come to work yesterday.”

“What?! My husband wasn’t here yesterday?”

“Yes, ma.”

Amara’s heart started skipping.

She stood there forlorn for some seconds before leaving the place.

Later on, she was in the taxi with her child going back home and was lost in thought.

“This is becoming serious. Where could he be? Hope he’s safe. Did I do anything wrong by showing him the video? Was he afraid that I’d not forgive him for what he did? Please come back I’ve forgiven you. God, please bring him back to me. If he doesn’t come back till evening, I’ll go and report to his family.”

They got home some minutes later. By then her baby was already sleeping. She put him to bed and went on her knees praying to God to bring her husband back home.

Meanwhile, Paul and Ikenna were wearing only shorts and seated on the floor inside the male cell, their faces bru.ised and swollen. Two other inmates were also in the cell.

Ikenna was looking sad and disappointed. He then turned to Paul.

“Please tell them I’m innocent, why are you doing this to me? I thought we were friends.”

Paul kept mute.

As they were talking, an officer came and opened the cell gate.

He entered and asked Paul and Ikenna to follow him.

They stood up and followed him. The officer then locked the gate behind them.

He led them to a room where other officers were. Sandra was already there waiting for them. She had a few red patches on her face and arm. She wasn’t tor.tured like others because of her condition.

The three of them sat on a long bench in the room.

One of the officers who was called DPO put up a call for a few minutes and informed the receiver that the cu.lprits were with them.

In a moment, a sophisticated lady in luxury Jalabia with matching hijab came in with some escorts. From her looks, you can tell she’s a high-class citizen and well-connected.

She exchanged greetings with the officers and then faced Ikenna and his friends.

“So you are the ones that kil.led my husband. You all will wrought in jail for making me a widow. What did he do to you?” she said and started wailing.

“Please ma, I’m not among them. I don’t even know who you are talking about,” Ikenna pleaded.

“Shut up dia!” one officer shouted rudely.

One of the officers who had been watching Ikenna went to the DPO and talked to him in a low tone.

“Please sir, this man has been saying this since yesterday. I suspect he’s innocent. Let’s bring the assas.sin and confirm from him whether what he’s saying is true.”

“Okay, but if the assa.ssin says otherwise, this man will receive double the punishment he had.”

“Agreed sir.”

“Go and bring the man here.”

“Okay sir,” the officer said and quickly left the room.

In no time, he came back with a shirtless young man. He was wearing only shorts with bru.ises all over his body.

His ble.eding lower limb was tied with his shirt. He stood before the DPO.

“Who among these people sent you to kill Alhaji?”

He then pointed at Sandra and Paul.

“This is Alhaji’s wife. Tell her what you told me last night.”

“Okay. Paul called me to come to his office, that he had a job for me. The day I went, I saw this lady there and I heard them discussing that she didn’t want to marry Alhaji because he was the true father of her child. She said that Alhaji would scatter her plans of putting it on another man and to stop that from happening, Alhaji needed to go down. So she gave me his pictures and also his flight time, that was how I was able to trace him and shoot him.”

“Wayyo Allah! Pregnant for my husband who was based in Dubai! I’m finished, and you even went ahead to kill him,” she shouted as she went and held Sandra by her neck and tried to strangle her.

The officer rushed and removed her hands from Sandra’s neck.

Sandra started coughing.

“Madam take it easy please,” one of the officers said.

As all these were happening, Ikenna was agape watching all of them, tears rolling down his cheek.

“So you are one of those girls travelling to Dubai to go and see my husband. He came back for his son’s matriculation only for you to end his life. You will suffer for this, I promise you,” she threatened amidst tears.

DPO then asked his officers to release Ikenna.

Ikenna was then led out of the room by one of the officers.

Later on, the officer took him to their reception and took some records. He then gave Ikenna his clothes and his phone.

Ikenna put on his clothes and left the police station.


I am Ayogu Oluchi Eze

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Ilyas Yetunde
Ilyas Yetunde
11 months ago

Sandra is such a desperate lady. Ikenna must have learnt his lessons.