WIFE MATERIAL Episode 21 – Ayogu Oluchi Eze

WIFE MATERIAL Episode 1 - Ayogu Oluchi Eze


Episode 21

Amara and her husband couldn’t boast of sleeping for a good two hours. It was the longest night they ever had together.

Amara wasn’t comfortable sharing the bed like they normally do but she couldn’t leave the bed either. She went on tossing and turning till she slept off.

Ikenna on the other hand was filled with guilt. He had never seen his wife so uncomfortable. He spent most of his night time trying so hard to figure out what the problem was.

The following morning, Amara could no longer pretend that she was unhappy. She did the morning devotion alone and left for the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Their child was still sleeping then.

Ikenna wasn’t ready to leave for work that morning. He sat on the bed waiting for his wife to finish cooking.

When Amara had finished preparing the breakfast, she served the food in the dining and then left to go and call her husband.

She got to the bedroom and saw him still sitting on the bed with his pyjamas.

“Your food is ready,” she said nonchalantly and turned to leave.

“Please wait,” Ikenna pleaded.

Amara stopped.

“Please tell me what the problem is. Your attitude is ki.lling me. Please I’m begging you.”

Amara then went and brought her phone from where she kept it on the table. She then opened Sandra’s chat and handed the phone over to him.

He collected the phone and viewed the video. He quickly ended the video. He was silent, shocked and confused.

“What do you have to say about it? You are quiet now.”

Ikenna didn’t know what to say.

“This is how you are paying me back for being a good woman, after all the things I gave up for you. You should have told me you want me out of the house and I’ll gladly leave. Why send this type of dis.gusting video.”

“I.. I.. don’t know about this, I swear,” Ikenna stammered.

“You don’t know about what exactly, is the person in the video not you?”

“I’m sorry please, I mean I don’t know that she sent the video.”

“But you are the one in the video.”

Ikenna knelt and started begging her to forgive him.

“I don’t know what came over me. Please it’s the devil. I’ll never try it again I promise you.”

“And she is even pregnant for you.”

Ikenna didn’t say a word but was. ashamed of himself.

Amara turned and left the bedroom.

Ikenna gently got up and sat on the bed.

“Oh my God, what have I gotten myself into? A little pleasure is about to destroy my home. How could Sandra deceive me? How could I be so gullible to allow her to make such a video? How can I face my wife after now? Sandra won’t get away with this. I must see her.”

He then stood up and went to his wardrobe. He removed his pyjamas and wore another cloth without a morning shower. He then dashed out of his house.

Some minutes later, Ikenna got to Sandra’s house. He quickly alighted from his vehicle and went to her door and started knocking heavily.

“Who is that?” Sandra asked from within after waiting for a moment.


She then went and opened the door.

“Ike, you startled me. This place is no longer safe for me.”

Ikenna looked around and saw her travelling bag fully packed.

“I’ve gotten an apartment outside this town and I’m leaving. You will help me carry a few things to the place and you will also get to know the place. That’s where I’ll be staying for now.”

“All that is none of my business. How could you be so sen.seless?”

“What do you mean?” Sandra asked looking surprised.

“Why did you send that video to my wife?”

“Why are you being dramatic? You said you love me and I love you too. I noticed that you don’t know how to tell your wife to leave so I did the job for you. Just kick her out and we will live together as husband and wife.”

“What made you think you are better than my wife? What made you think I can leave my wife for you?”

“What else do you need, I’m all you want in a woman which you have always said and I’m even carrying your child.”

“I told you to keep it away from my wife and you went ahead and did the worst.”

“So I am good for fun and not for marriage. You see that your marriage, I’ll make sure I destroy it!”

“Let me see if you try.”

“Remember I’m carrying your child, no matter how far you run, you must come back to me.”

“Nonsense,” Ikenna said and angrily went and opened the door to leave.

He was shocked to see four men standing in front of the door. He looked again and then realised they were three p.olicemen and his friend, Paul who was in handcuffs.

“Mr man, you are under ar.rest. If you move I shoot you,” one of the officers ordered.

“Sir what is my off.ence?”

“Shut up there!” the officer shouted.

Immediately Sandra saw them, she ran into the bedroom but one of the officers ran after her and later brought her outside.

Ikenna and Sandra were ha.ndcuffed immediately. They were being pushed to the awaiting black hillux van alongside Paul.

Sandra and Paul were silent.

“But sir I have the right to ask questions,” Ikenna continued.

“You have the right to remain silent until we get to the station. As far as you are in this apartment you are a cu.lprit,” one of the officers r.udely interrupted.

Ikenna kept calm and followed them.

Three of them were made to sit at the back of the open van.

Two armed officers hanged on the sides to guide them from escaping.

The vehicle zoomed off with its siren blaring loudly into the atmosphere.


I am Ayogu Oluchi Eze

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Ilyas Yetunde
Ilyas Yetunde
11 months ago

I wonder what crime Paul and Sandra have committed.