WIFE: honey let’s play a game?

WIFE: honey let's play a game?

WIFE: honey let’s play a game?
HUSBAND: ok, what is the game all about
WIFE: if I mention a country, you will run to the left side of the room nd touch the wall
And if I mention a bird you will run to the
Right side of the room and touch the wall,if you run to the wrong direction,you will give me all your salary for the month.
HUSBAND: ok and if you fail, I will have your salary too right?
WIFE: (smile) yes darling
HUSBAND: ok(stood up and was ready to run to any direction)
WIFE: are u ready.?
HUSBAND: yes ready

WIFE: Turkey

It has been 4 hours now the husband is still standing at the spot wondering if she meant the country or the bird.

MORAL LESSON: after God, fear women!!!

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