Who Love Me Most – Season 2 Episode 9

Who Love Me Most

Amara entered the sitting room and saw her mother in the sitting room, as soon as mrs uche saw amara she was so happy she ran to her and gave her a warm embrace,amare knew she has been worried.

Mrs uche :Amara, Amara
Amara :yes mama
Mrs uche :is this really you
Amara :mama it’s me
Amara was trying to force out a smile
Mrs uche :amara why will you do this to me,why did you left without telling anybody, you broke my heart,is that fair
Amara felt so sorry for her mum,she hate seeing her in distress,Amara put her arms round her,
Amara :mama am so sorry okey,i just needed to be alone for sometime, i never meant to hurt you this way
Mrs uche :you wanted to be alone but hope you didn’t go to meet that boy chidi
Amara was surprise, well she couldn’t have thought as much,maxwell would have cooked up a story.
Amara :no oh,i have been with a friend of mind and it not a boy,i have been out of town, why will you say things like that
Mrs uche :then why was your phone switch off
Amara :mama,like I say earlier, i needed to be alone, but am back now
Mrs uche :but you didn’t do the right thing at all,we were all worried about you,we even involved the police
Amara : police, i am barely gone for just three days and the police is already involved what will you involved if i was gone for a whole year
Mrs uche :this is not something you should joke with,
Amara :mama am just coming back now and i am very tired because am coming from a far distance, i really need to rest,i want to go to me room
Amara try to cheer her up
Amara :it okey ne,i am back and i promise I won’t leave like that again.
Mrs uche : promise oh,i don’t want you to do it again.

Amara succeeded in convincing her parents and tryed to make everything look normal,she even had to call maxwell to inform him of her arrival because that’s what her father wanted,after her supper she call chidi they didn’t talk much as chidi warn her not to call him at home you know what they say wells has earned, as soon as she ended the call with chidi she called Sandra, she was told that Sandra was at the hospital in benin but yet to return,she hasn’t have time to talk to her as emma could tell her she wasn’t allowed to receive calls,she just decided to call again to check on her,to her greatest surprise Sandra picked the call.

Amara :Sandra are you okey,how are you,i was told you are in the hospital what happened

Sandra :relax,yes I have been in the hospital just some pregnancy problem but am okey now
Amara :thanks God ,i was so worried about you,so hope the baby is fine
Sandra :yes everything is fine,i was about calling you later this evening,emma told me you everything that happened to you but wouldn’t tell in fill details, so babe what happened.
Amara :it a long story
Sandra :you should know am all ears
Amara lower her tone
Amara:that night do you know that Maxwell tryed to Molest me
Sandra screamed out
Sandra :what are you serious
Amara :if not for God,i could have been telling a different story, i manage to run out of the house oh,i called you but your husband pick and God bless him for me.
Sandra :yeah he told me he called chidi,
Amara :chidi came to my rescue, i have been at his place since three days now,just coming back from his place this afternoon.
Sandra :hmmmmmm, and hope everything went well
Amara :yeah,he is till nice to me no matter what I did to him,chidi is turely a nice person
Sandra:thank God you have now seen it that maxwell is a devil.
Amara :Sandra there is something I want to ask you i don’t know if I can
Sandra :you know you can ask me,what is it
Amara :that day maxwell was shut,was emma your husband with chidi
Sandra was surprise at the question
Sandra :since the past five years now you haven’t asked me this question until now why
Amara :please i just need to know
Sandra :yes,he was there, he witness everything and thanks to chidi he didn’t try to implicate him even when they were looking for a witness,chidi told you everything right
Amara :yes
Sandra :amara listen to me,what ever chidi told you is the truth,he was innocent of the crime placed on him,maybe maxwell shut himself to gain pity from you,maxwell has been using you,even before the incident i was told maxwell came to chidi house offering to pay him off so he can leave you alone but he turned the whole thing around, chidi was blame because he only try to defend himself if not chidi could have been dead by now
Amara :and i was sure a fool,i didn’t even gave him a chance to explain,maxwell i will never forgive him ,
Sandra :this is not the time to start talking and do nothing, you have to run away from maxwell, he will destroy your life
Amara :i know,i and chidi are working things out and i pray it push through
Sandra :just be careful okey,maxwell is dangerous
Amara :thanks dear for everything, for not letting go of me
Sandra :come on,what are friends for,you will soon be fine i can feel it
Amara :so when are you coming back
Sandra :maybe next week,emma mother won’t let me go she thinks am not in a good condition to leave her sight
Amara :that’s mother in law for you oh
They both laughed
Sandra:but emma will be coming back tomorrow he needs to resume work
Amara key please say hi to him oh
Sandra f course i will
Amara :you should try and rest now okey i will call back to check on you again
Sandra key bye
Amara :take care
Amara dropped the call, she was now convinced that maxwell framed chidi up and he was the evil all this while, she just pray to be out of this mess in no time,days passed and amara played cool with everything,but the communication between her and maxwell was not the same,she try to avoid him at all cost,chidi and amara always communicates with eachother other,Amara was trying to play it low cause she won’t want maxwell to fine out of her plans,Mr and Mrs Jonathan finally came back home,the driver went to pick then at the airport,they drove into the compound and came down from the car but it seems they wasn’t the only one that came back with them.

Let’s see who would that be in the next episode

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