Who Love Me Most – Season 2 Episode 27

Who Love Me Most

Amara was discharged,after a week chidi was also discharge but was till on medication, Mr and Mrs uche tried and apologies to amara but amara refused to have anything to do with them,she was till angry with them because she blame them for everything she has went through even chidi tried to interfer but nothing happened her mind was made up,it was just two days after amara was discharge that Sandra gave birth to a baby boy,sandra and emman was fill with joy,chidi later celebrate with them as soon as he was also discharge, mrs ada Marcus meet up with chidi and amara apologising for what ever maxwell and she has done to them,and beg them to see maxwell because he was requesting for them,amara forgave her but refused to see maxwell, chidi felt pity for maxwell in as much that he hated him he till feel amara should grant his wish ,he pleased with amara to go and see maxwell, amare agreed after enough pleading from chidi,chidi wasn’t feeling that strong but he till followed amara even when amara told him not to because the doctor advice him not to stress himself too much but he till insisted.

They both arrived at the police station and was directed to a small room where they sat and wait for maxwell, not up to five minutes they sat down maxwell was brought in by a police man,amare was fill with anger when she saw maxwell, maxwell on the other hand was happy to see her,the police remove the handcuffs from his hand and he sat down,the police left afterward.

Maxwell :hi amara

Amara stood up and gave him a slap

Amara :how dare you call my name after all what you did to me.

She wanted to slap him again but chidi quickly got up and prevented her from doing so,immediately she began to cry.

Amara :you monster, i hate you with so much
passion, i pray you die here.

Maxwell couldn’t hold back the tear in his eyes he let it out,he knew the hatred she felt for him,he went on his knees at once.

Maxwell :Amara please forgive me for all i have done,it was because I was jealous that’s why I did all what I did,please forgive me,i didn’t mean any of this to happen.

Amara :really, so I meant it to happen, maxwell how could you,tell me.

Maxwell :please i know i can never heal the pain i have caused you and i have accepted my mistakes and am pleading with you to have mercy on me,i know you have a kind heart and a good one,please Chidi forgive me for my troubles.

Chidi gave a deep breath

Maxwell :i was so blinded with darkness but now I realise my mistake, my sorry cannot change what I have done but your forgiveness will bring my soul at rest,i don’t know what fate holds for me when am finally get my sentence, i might die there but if i die i want to die in peace, please find a place in your heart to forgive me.

Amara :we were good friends, you were so
sweet and nice,each time I remember how good you were to me it hurts me,you used me maxwell.

Chidi sat down,he was touched by maxwell words,

Maxwell :am sorry Amara, i never meant to do all of those things,please i promise I will never hurt you again, please.

This was one of the hardest decision she was about to make,she was so confused, is maxwell for real,she looked into his eyes and saw the sincerity in his eyes,she looked at chidi who gave her a smile she knew what it meant.

Amara :i forgive you.

Maxwell was feel with relieved, he was happy inside of him.

Maxwell :thank you very much, thank you,chidi.

Chidi :i have nothing against you,the only
problem i had with you was because of amara, now that she has forgiven you i have no problem with you but the important thing now is for you not to hurt her again.

Maxwell :never again will that repeat itself, you guys don’t know what you have done for me,thank you.

Amara went to meet him,took his hand and help him to his feet then embrace him.

Maxwell :am sorry

Amara :it’s okey,

After that she returned to her sit while maxwell sat down,there were smiles on their faces,Amara and chidi later left after they had all chatted and made up with eachother, maxwell was now happy with himself,now he look forward to the day he will appear in court.

Amara was now staying in the Jonathan’s mansion, she has been accepted into the family and was loved by mrs Jonathan, they were always seen together around the house and Mrs Jonathan has introduced her to most of her friends as her daughter inlaw, chidi was happy that all the trouble from his mother has ended,dora has left nigeria even before chidi and amara incident happened but she never fails to call to check up on them.

Amara was in her room when chidi opened the day and went in,mrs Jonathan refused them to stay in one room that it was wrong because they wasn’t couples yet.chidi walk to her smiling which she smiled back.

Chidi:hello sweet

He kissed her

Chidi:my parents want to see you.

Amara :where are they.

Chidi:down stair.

Amara key

She wasn’t surprised because this wasn’t the first time they were requesting for her present, she got up and followed chidi,they got to the sitting room and she was surprise to see her parents sitted with mr and Mrs Jonathan ,as soon as mrs uche saw her she stood up.

Amara :mama,papa,what are you doing here.

Mr Jonathan :they came to meet us apologising
and begging to see you,i couldn’t refuse they,
i mean they are till your parents no matter

what,let the past be the past.

Mr uche :Amara my daughter, we know we
misjudged everything that has happened to you but we are very sorry for everything, we were so wrong to put our interest first before your feelings, please forgive us.

Mrs uche was already crying

Mrs uche :my daughter, i know i have failed in
my part as a mother,and you are angry with us but please forgive us,please.

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