When Mission Becomes Impossible


We watched the girl ran out of the house while observer ran after her,everyone was looking at everyone and everything went dead as nothing.o wait a minute,only one thing would had made daddy react in such a manner,that must be the daughter of late chief soso,yea now i understand,observer can actually be married to an enemies son but the enemy is dead nau,i must talk to daddy about it for him to have a change of mind,dad really over reacted chai,i never see this man vex like this before o.as i stood up to leave i had step mother’s voice
Step Mum: dan who is the girl?
Me: (see me see question o,na me and ur pikin dey friend am!)never seen her before
Step Mum:then why is my husband so walked up
Me: (wic kind wahala be dis na,go ask ur husband abeg fah)how on earth would i know if ur husband doesnt tell us
Step Mum:there is something u and ur father aint telling us
Me:abeg abeg hold it there,what’s the suppose meaning of that? If there is anyone hidding anything it should be u and ur husband because its a shame that u cant question ur husband in situations like this.
Step Mum: (hits her hand on the table as she stands up)enough of ur insults,how do u expect me to question my husband?
Me: oh its daniel that should be questioned abi? Shebi nah daniel too know book nah kom like to write jamb every year bah! If u cant play ur motherly role to ur son and cant question ur husband when the need arrives then why are you his wife? (demostrate with my hand)pls dont use these as an excuse to attack me,nonsense…i stormed out of the dinning room,the children watched this seemly movie with a confused emotions,o boi hunger no catch anyboby again be dat o,chai this was why i prefer it to be done at dinner,shebi i for just sleep forget everything.i got into my room and badged the door,i sat down on my bed,chai how foolish is observer for him to bring in a girl he had known nothing about but sha there are probabilities that the girl in question is a big liar,fine girls can lie,so i heard but havent witnessed any,hope my nancy wont be like that because my love wnt be blind to that extend.
I lied on my back and kept thinking
Josey:big bro,what is happening?
Me: (sat up right)what is happening as how…i must had been so lost in thought and didnt notice her coming in.
Josey: dad’s reaction and urs
Me:how did i react?
Josey:big bro u were rude for the first time.
Me:were u blind when that woman tackled me like i was a suspect?
Josey:i know but u should had just work away instead of exchanging words with her
Me: (thought for some seconds)come seat with me dear come(she sat close to me)am sorry ok,i was angry but i would go apologise to mum now
Josey:thanks big bro(my door flung open)
Step Mum:hope i can come in?
Me:yea why not
Step Mum: (walks in) dani love am sorry i let out the blames on u,pls forgive
Me:no mum,i should be saying the sorry not u,i was careless with words
Step Mum:its ok
Josey:hey nice,now can we all march into daddy’s room and question his actions?
Me:mehn u are a genius,lets go
Step Mum:yea lets go….we all marched to dad’s room,we knocked and opened without waiting from a reply,the we met him pissting about in his room looking so worried,then we began to question and brug him to tell us his reasons for rejecting the girl as a daughter inlaw
Dad: ok fine,i rejected her because she isnt good enough for my son
Me:how dad?
Dad:those days when i was a widower,she was one of the girls that i slept around with and paid off,she is a harlot
All:jesus!!!! (my step mum looked at me with a wide open mouth,then we had someone clapping,we all turned to see it was no one else but observer)
Observer:bravo,superman for girls
Me:hey watch ur tongue and dont u dare insult my father or
Observer: or what? So u planned it with ur so called father,dont worry i would be introducing a new bride tomorrow since u and ur father had succeeded
Me:come u dis boy u darft? U want to marry a girl ur step father had bleeped,not once,not twice but countless times….then he threw his hand to slap me but i get hold of his fist in the air
Me:guy u forget who i be? Sky the Ever One Man Squad Galadima abi u wan enter my book of death?
Step Mum:stop this now,isaac are u mad,look what u want for a wife,a harlot
Observer:mum even u? (let go of his fist forcefully) count war ahead!!!…he stormed out of the room.

Dad: daniel don’t threaten ur elder brother
with death again and i dont want to ever see
u fighting him

Me: ok dad

Step Mum:i dont get what has gotten into

Me:ma na love,its so obvious he is in for that
girl already

Step Mum:then she better be out of him

Me:i need to go think well,am worried already

Josey:me too…i storm out to my room and
josey followed behind

Josey:is there nothing we can do to help
bigger bro marry the girl?
Josey:why nothing? What if she changes,as in
what if she has repeated,can she be given a
Me:if she like make she repeat or repaint it
still doesnt change the fact that dad smashed
her before and dont u think that dad would
keep viewing her with that old eyes!
Josey:its true o but that girl is really
beautiful,i wonder why she gave or she is
giving out her body for money
Me:the love of money is the begining of a new

Josey:that’s nonsense

Me:thank God u know because the day u try
such would be the day u would go ahead of
me to gree God

Josey:hmmm,is it true u killed before and was
once a cultist?

Me: iffah slap u eh but sha its true and i tell u
it almost destoryed my life,is just by his grace
so if u like go join u hear

Josey: God forbid


Josey:but wait o,who do u think bigger bro
want to introduce tomorrow

Me:hmmm that’s true o but i think it same

Josey:no,i dont think so,it might be someone

Me:someone else like?

Josey: oooh com’on big bro,later u wld say
am a kid but am almost telling u everything

Me: (playfully)iffah nod u eh.tok jawe

Josey:someone else like someone related to
u,someone close to ur heart


Josey:maybe ur ex-lover or…

Me:josey come off it ok because i dont have
an ex(i interrupted her)

Josey:then it should be nancy

Me:hahaha,nancy? It cant be nancy,where
would he see her

Josey:he said he wld hurt u,forgotten? Or do u
think nancy would never be found? And beside
bigger bro has better chances of finding her
before u

Me:jesus!! O my God,i never thought toward
that side

Josey:so what do we do?

Me:emm,urrhm nothing yet,till tomorrow if it
happens….silence stoke the room.

The next day things when on well till
evening,observer had not returned since he left the house yesterday,it was 9pm sharp when the seating room door cracked opened,we all were in the seating listening to the even
news,quickly i looked and behold it was
observer holding the waist of my beautiful
angel nancy,i stood on my feet immediately as
he loudly annouced to the family from the
door where they both stood

Observer:behold the woman of my dreams

Nancy: (let out a smile)good evening everyone

Dad:wow what a beauty,i give my
support,come close my daughter

Step Mum:what an angel so u gat my support
Josey and Co:welcome aunty

Me: (shouted)neverrr,its not
possible…..everyone turned to me as i put up
that lion look

Dad: daniel,what?

Me:this is the nancy i had been talking about
and looking for all this while,the same girl
that saved me in court

Step Mum:isaac is that true?

Josey:i knew it

Dad:wait a minute,so its her?

Nancy: (looking confused)i dont understand
what is going on here

Observer:buhahaha,sweetie u wont understand because they all are confused,buhahaha

Josey:bigger bro why are u doing this
Observer:are u insane? I found her first and
purposed to her first so what’s the crime

Me:but u dont love her,u just doing this to
hurt me but u knw what it wont work because
its either i die or u die

Dad:enough of this all of u.and u young
lady,am sorry u cant marry my son isaac

Observer:am not ur son and u dont like me
one bit so dont pretend and for ur information
i dont need ur blessing to get married to her
Josey:i never knew you were such a
beast….he rushed to slap her and i quickly
blocked him and pushed him so hard,he fell
down hitting his head on the ties and gave up
the ghost immediately.gbaguan yawa don gas
as fear gripe me and his mum burst out with
tears,nancy’s hands on her chest with her
mouth wide open as fresh blood pour out from
observer’s head.


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5 years ago

Why is all dis happening to Daniel now? O GOD

5 years ago


Enny Pat
Enny Pat
5 years ago

Wahala de oooooo.. God HV mercy

5 years ago

Wahala Don gas oh
Oh Boi see mess

5 years ago

OMG!?? Just because of a woman…