When Mission Becomes Impossible


Quickly i hop into the car,drove it close.with the help of observer and co we got my unconcious father into the car and i speed off with observer to the nearest hospital where my dad was immediately admitted.i sat impatiently waiting for the doctor to finish the operation,my dad had been shot on his left shoulder and he had lost a lot of blood.i pissed around the hospital walking to and fro of nowhere in particular
Observer:easy mehn ur dad is gonna be okay,he is a strong man(no comment from me)sky u are a man so stop acting like a woman
Me: (shouted out of anger)enough(demostrated with my left hand)
Observer: (stands up and walk toward me)believe me,standing here or walking around here wont help issues.i believe u know who did this but what surprises me is the fact that u are wasting time to do what u are good at.if u need my help just tell me,am always willing to help and u know that…i just kept him quiet and kept my to and fro movement then the doctor surfaced from nowhere
Me: (rushed to him)how is he is my father alive
Doctor: (started that their mumu mumu doctor character)hmmm(shakes head)
Observer:mr man talk nau nah which kind head festive come be dis
Me: doctor is my dad dead?
Doctor:u see we are trying our best to save ur father,those bullets are almost close to his heart and he lost lots of blood already
Observer: doctor u see all the english wehy u just blow now i no get wetin u dey actually mean so just tell us wether the man go die or survive
Doctor:am sorry his chances of survival is 40/60(starts walking away)
Me: doctor please try your possible best to save my dad please(out of sight).observer do u say u would help me(i spoke in anger)
Observer:yes i would
Me:then show me chief Soso’s abord
Observer:u mean he has a hand in this?
Me:are u showing me or not?
Observer:why not,i would…then i trued and began walking out of the hospital,he followed me immediately.i got in the car and he joined me then i drove off
Observer:where are we heading to now?
Me:the station
Observer:u want to go and give report,that would be a fuckup sky
Me: (march brake)
Observer: (almost falling off the seat)jesus
Me:would u just keep shut and watch me drive?
Observer:whatever do what u feel like am not saying anything to u again
Me: (starts the car) better that way!


we got to the station,i got down and walked into the station with observer following behind like a little child following his mother,i saw the man i punched earlier and immediatly he stoodup and ran into one of the office there but whats my business with him,i just walked to the officer in the counter
Me: (authoritatively)where is my phone in ur possession?
Officer:wait sir make i help u bring am,i help u keep am well(hurriedly checked his drawer and brought it out)take sir
Me:what of my bag?
Officer: oh no vex,see am here(he handed it to me)…i collected it and turned to leave then i came face to face with the IPO
IPO: (looked at me with an evil eyes)
Me: (still angry)get of my way let me see the leaving
IPO: dont worry,i would nail u soon
Me:try it and u would give ur testimoney in hell
IPO:we shall see
Me:if i were to be u i would start fasting and prayers because ur words don’t come through and like i told u before “i dont need ur crown to be crowned king”…he looked at me gravely,i break through him and walk off and observer followed me.i got into my car and waited for him to enter
Observer:where are we heading to next?
Me:to end it all and get Soso down
Observer:hmmm,then let me drive…i stared at him for sometime the got down,he got down too and we switched then he drove off.


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5 years ago

Daniel i pray nothing happens to ur father

5 years ago
