When Mission Becomes Impossible


Me:sir si ssssir hmmm
1st Security: (slapped me and tried removing my mask,but i held his hand tight)remove this mask
Me: (see dis joel man o,he wan spoil show)
2nd Soldier:free am first,let them come and show us what they have in that bag they threw over the fence…they lead us into the school on gun point with the school securities following.now here is the plan *those soldiers are fake,infact they are our imported men from other universities,we still have some of them inside the school waiting for us to just distribut the guns to them.now those fake soldiers are to pretensously lead us inside the school to prevent the securities nonsense,that’s why they never asked us to remove our masks to reveal our face,then we would carry the bag and do the following things that would occure*
they lead us inside to where we had dropped our bags on gun point and instructed us to pick up the bags and open it.we picked up the bag,then some of our boys inside the school started rushing out from nowhere on their mask,quickly we opened our bags and began distributing it to them as they catch it while in the air,the fake soldiers(our men)had now turned from pointing the gun at us,to pointing it at the securities who were now on their kneels (see perfect plan).
13 BLACKERS stayed at the gate uping the securities under arrest for the main time and locking up the gate,preventing anybody or vehicles from coming in or going out then 20 of us well armed started walking to skipper’s department,i was to point him out when we get there(skipper is a final year student of law,so unfortunate his parents would start mourning him from today.oh what a wasted school fees right from his KG to his higher school.see guys cultism is bad,u must stay off it SAY NO TO CULTISM because at the last day u may have to pay with ur life,even if other enemy cults don’t kill u,ur own people(cult group)would run u down).

We entered his department.i guess he knew he was the one we were looking for because immediately he saw the masked us he jumped his class window,we chased him and began releasing fire,come and see innocent and guilty students running helter skatter for their lives.myself,matchety,viper and sugar B and two other guys chased skipper while the rest of our men ran after every suspected member of ELVIS CULT.he ran into the bush on campus and we kept chasing him.we cant give up the chase,do u know who he had killed,our butcher,the arkman himself,for what nau.
We kept chasing him till he was out of school and this time we were on the mere road running after skipper with guns.everyone were looking at us but who cares,no body knows it me nah my face was masked,infact our faces where masked except for skipper’s own.we chased him till he ran into his lodge and padlocked the gate.mehn who gate help,who gate serve,gate don baff? We jumped fence into his lodge compound and for sure i know his lodge(i be im friend before nah),we kicked his door opened and found him shivering
Viper:u don run finish? when u dey dance skelewu ontop azonto music fear no catch u,u no shiver,na now wehy skelewu don dey play for u to dance azonto u kom dey shiver abi
Matchety:chai rain don use dry season fall ontop ur head just because u use harmattan fetch water.
Sugar B:i dey feel today like madth,i too dey like judgement day because on dat day spoilt fruits dehy shiver
Viper: oyeeeh oo
Skipper:guys abeg,na me be only pikin for my family abeg,make una spare me abeg
Me:hmmm skipper,why u fall hand wen u knw say u be only seed
SugarB:chai only pikin.wait make i yarn u eh,na only pikin them death dey sweet pass,e be like honey wehy dem never mix with anything.oya waka make we dehy go.
Skipper:abeg,abeg,i fit give una anything una want and i go waka leave this town quick quick abeg.
Viper:hahaha,sitdown here make pant dehy wear u nah,nna waka b4 i go begin kill u from here…
We moved skipper outside and trekked right back to school were enough death were lying.many ELVIS were down already
Me:hope no innocent student was killed?
Gentle:no,nah ELVIS we go for
Me:better.we own the school and no one mess with us and go free..many hands joined in beating skipper,stripped him Unclad before he was tied to a car that drove off while the rest of us followed up in different cars.oh,i watched skipper die a slow and painful death,an only son for that matter.too bad.

Before the police and the rest mumu forces showed up we were done with skipper’s remain lying by the road and now am sure its Cloud’s turn because FORGIVENESS IS A SIN SO HE CANT BE FORGIVEN!!!


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Agborie Vivian lroro
Agborie Vivian lroro
5 years ago

Cultism kills faster than deadly disease.

Enny pat
Enny pat
5 years ago

What a world…. So bad