THE TECHNICAL VIRGIN Episode 17 – Precious Obialor



“Yeeey!, Mogbe!! Sade!!” The church
mummy screamed on hearing Sade shared her secret escapade with Kolade. She
turned to look at the church pastor whose
head was already lowered in
“Ah! Sade!” The church mummy screamed again,
“How could you do such a thing?” She
asked, lacking words and Sade wept bitterly.
“That day I collapsed in his house, we were actually arguing over it. We were
mapping out plans for our traditional
marriage, and he started making advances
at me again, so I pushed him away and he
got angry. But I insisted I won’t continue in the dirty act again. We were still
arguing over it when I fainted” Sade continued with her story.
“Mummy…daddy I’m sorry for
disappointing you” she said and buried her face in her hands crying while Kehinde sat quietly, watching them.
The Pastor brought out his phone and
dialed a number,
“Hello brother Kolade” he said and responded to Kola’s greetings at the
other end.
“I want to see you in the house right
away, in the next 15 minutes please” he said trying hard to maintain his
comportment. He dropped his phone and
stole a look at Sade, tapping his feet on the floor before speaking to Kehinde.
“So what has their romance story to do with the pregnancy?” He asked Kehinde
because the part of Kola releasing semen
on Sade was yet to be discussed.
“Well sir, I studied Gynecology in the university and I’m presently practicing my
profession as a Gynecologist.” He said and
looked at the Pastor who was nodding his
head with interest, then continued.
“From my discussion with sister Sade, she
last saw her period on the 11th of last
month and their last romance happened
on the 23rd of that same month, ” he
started to explain and the Pastor looked
intently at him trying to understand
where he was driving at.
” On that 23rd in which they had their last
romance, Sade was supposed to be in her
ovulation. And according to her, Kola was
lying on her and struggling to pull off her
gown, and she noticed that her pants and
clothe were wet with Kolade’s semens.”
He continued with his explanation and
watched the Pastor frowned in confusion.
“Okay?” the Pastor said indicating that he should explain how that can make Sade pregnant.
“Sir, a sperm cell can swim through any
see through cloth or pant and if it finds
it’s way into the woman’s reproductive
organ, pregnancy can easily be achieved if
she is ovulating” he explained and the church mummy gave another loud
“Ah! Sade! Why did you go this far?” She asked rhetorically almost crying.
“Sade, you didn’t want to eat the meat,
but you shared the meat with your teeth and you ended up tasting the juice from the meat. Sade, you ate the meat” the
church mummy said as tears trickle down
her cheeks.
“The meat!” Sade shouted as she
remembered her dream.
“Yes, I actually shared the meat with my
teeth trying to settle the misunderstanding and I was later accused of eating the
meat.. I was disgraced..” She stood up
staring into space and Kehinde rushed to her.
“I guess she is already stressed up and
needs to rest” Kehinde suggested looking at the Pastor and his wife, and the door opened to usher in Kolade who was
surprised to find Kehinde holding Sade in
the presence of the Pastor and his wife.
“Ek`ale daddy ..mummy” he swallowed
hard and greeted but they didn’t respond,
rather the Pastor directed him to sit down.
“I actually tasted the meat in that dream,
I swallowed the water that dripped out of
the meat, though I didn’t chew the meat.. I didn’t know it was going to bring me disgrace, I didn’t know” She
continued and they feared she was going mad.
The church mummy took hold of her and
sat her down as she kept muttering words
while the Pastor interrogated Kolade.
“When was the last time Sade visited your house apart from yesterday?” The
Pastor asked looking into his eyes with
meanness and Kola’s heart began to beat
“Uhm… That was.., I think it was last month” he said and the Pastor threw
another question at him immediately.
“What’s the date of that day?” He asked
still looking at him and observing his

asiness as he looked around from
Kehinde to the angry looking
church mummy who was holding the
insane liked Sade.
“It’s either 22nd or 23rd thereabout” he
said calculatingly. “Yeah, it’s on 23rd” he said.
” what happened in your room that fateful day?” The Pastor queried, not giving him
breathing space.
“Nothing sir” he answered quickly and
stole a look at Sade who was still looking
into the space.
“Are you saying that no kissing and romancing took place between you and Sade?” The Pastor asked losing his
temper and Kolade became quiet and
lowered his head.
“Mr man answer me right now, I don’t have a spare time to waste in silence!”
The Pastor blew hot at him.
“Well… That was before, we’ve stopped
the act a long time ago..” Kolade
murmured grudgingly in response and
avoided the Pastor’s eyes.
“Did you do it that day? I want a straight
answer of either ‘yes’ or ‘No’.” the Pastor
said looking more mean and silence
permeated the parlor.
“If I lose my temper, you will sleep in the
cell this night” the Pastor threatened and
fear gripped Kola’s heart.
“…yes sir” Kola stammered in
shame and the church mummy gave another loud disappointing scream while
the shocked Pastor looked intently at
Kola whose head was still lowered and
didn’t know whether to pounce on Kolade and give him the beating of his life or
order him out of his house.
“Well, you got Sade pregnant with your stupid secret sin” the Pastor said and Kola
raised his head in shock.
” That’s not possible, I didn’t sleep with
Sade.” He objected and stood up to face
” They both cooked up a story to dump
the pregnancy on me and I won’t accept
it!” He shouted at the top of his voice.
“When you finish barking, you will
understand better” the Pastor told
“The relationship was difficult but I wanted it to work out by all means. I went to the extent of giving him my body to make it work. I was supposed to give up the difficult meat but I was too soft hearted trying to share my body between
him and the Holy Spirit. Now I
understand better… ” Sade kept muttering and they couldn’t understand
what she was saying.
“I will get a drip from the nearest
pharmacy right away and inject her to sleep, she is losing her mind” Kehinde said, picked up his car keys and dashed out of the parlor. The Pastor instructed
the church mummy to take Sade to the
guest room where the drip would be fixed
on her….
To be continued

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