THE TECHNICAL VIRGIN Episode 13 – 15 Precious Obialor



Episode 13 (unedited)

“Watch your tongue Kola” Kehinde attacked him back,
“If you were reasonable enough, your woman wouldn’t have given another man access into her life, even to the extent of getting her pregnant. Grow up young man” Kehinde blurted out in anger and both the Pastor and Kola were taken aback by his statement.
“Kola, at least you should respect my presence” the Pastor said in order to calm Kola and carry out his observation. He wanted to take Kehinde into the ward and watch how Sade and himself will react when they see each other. Kola angrily walked out and went home, and began to call everyone who knew Sade. He called his own parents who were very fond of Sade and informed them that the wedding would no longer hold because Sade was pregnant for another man and also called her own parents to tell them what their daughter did. He also deleted her contacts from his phone and tore all her pictures in his custody and removed everything that remind him of Sade.
When the pastor arrived the ward where Sade was, they found her exhausted with cry. Her eyes were red from crying and she shaped down in less than six hours and Kehinde’s heart went out for her.
He just stood at a spot looking at her, but she didn’t look his way. After a long while of thinking about the best way to approach her, he cleared his throat and drew close to the bed to face her.
“Sade, is it true?” He managed to say but Sade did not respond as her tongue got glued to her teeth in frustration.
“Are you going to open your mouth and answer me or you just want to sit down there without saying anything and allow people suspect and accuse me of what I don’t know?” Kehinde bursted out when he noticed the suspicious looks of the pastor, his wife and everyone in the ward.
“Okay! Let’s get this thing straight right here and now. Please answer my questions in the presence of everyone here ” he said trying to control his temper as he remembered the way Kola embarrassed him outside and accused him of being responsible for the pregnancy.
“Sade, have I ever asked you for sex either through my words or actions? Did I sleep with you?” He asked expecting her to either nod her head or speak up but Sade refused to answer as her tears flowed down freely.
He felt disappointed to hear that she’s pregnant and was much more angry with her for lying to him that she’s a virgin whereas she was not. But seeing her cry before him, he didn’t know what to feel like; he felt like apologising for making her cry more, but at the same time, he wished she could just open her mouth and clear the air of the accusations against him. He shifted back ward and scratched his head in frustration.
The pastor who had been observing him and Sade walked up to him and whispered something into his ears and he looked back at Sade before walking out of the ward.
“Sade you have to open your mouth and tell us the truth so that we can take actions where necessary. You can’t be pregnant without knowing a man” the pastor said, then continued.
“Were you rape?” The pastor asked placing his hands on her shoulder in a caring manner.
“No” she suddenly replied and they both felt relieved that she was finally ready to speak.
“You didn’t answer Kehinde’s questions Sade, is he responsible for the pregnancy? Don’t be afraid of whoever the person is, we are solidly behind you and will fight for you” they tried to motivate her to talk.
“Or did you mistakenly do it with Kola?” The church mummy chipped in the question that have been troubling her mind.
” Kehinde have never made sexual advances towards me. Forget what Kolade is saying, I don’t even know where he lives,the day I called to inform him that I wanted to visit his house and discuss something with him, he called me back and told me not to come and asked that we discuss the matter over the phone which we did. Kehinde added was more of motivator to me both spiritually and mentally… ” she was still talking and the restless church mummy interrupted her.
“What about Kola, did anything happen ?” She queried in a haste.
“Nothing happened.” She answered, then continued.
“Mummy, daddy” she called and they both chorused an answer.
“I didn’t sleep with any man, in fact, I still don’t believe am pregnant” she bursted out in anger when she saw that they didn’t believe her, climbed down the bed and removed the drip lines on her hand and announced that she was going home.
The pastor paid the hospital bill and they drove home together as the church mummy insisted that she must stay with them at the parsonage to prevent her from doing something stupid.
She was given a room at the pastor’s house and her roommate was sent for to bring some of the things she would be needing for the time being.
Left alone in a room, Sade sent an SMS to someone and in less than two minutes, her phone began to ring.
“We need to talk privately” she said quietly and they agreed to meet somewhere at a scheduled time,then she ended the call and covered her face with the blanket, ignoring the food kept for her on the table….

To be continued

Episode 14 (unedited)

Kehinde perused over the text message Sade sent to him the previous night and wondered what she wanted them to discuss in privacy after she refused to answer his questions before her pastor and his wife. He glanced through his wristwatch, got dressed and picked up his car keys and began to drive down to the junction where he would pick Sade up to the mountain where they agreed stay for their private meeting.
Sade told the church mummy she was going to the school, and insisted on going even when the church mummy asked her to call the school and informed them that she’s sick. She refused, went to the school and obtained a permission before going to the junction where Kehinde would pick her up. Before she arrived the junction, Kehinde was already there waiting for her. She arrived there covering her face with a long veil to hide her identity and entered the car immediately, greeted him and they drove to the mountain in silence. Kehinde searched for a quiet place and they both sat down while she avoided his eyes.
“You sent me a text that you want to discuss something with me. Can we talk about it now?” He asked calmly and he observed her keenly.
“Yes,” she said, “and thank you for honouring me even at this dishonourable period of my life” she continued still looking away from him.
“Brother Kehinde, I know I have disappointed you and…and.. I don’t even know what to say but am sorry. I didn’t want to answer your questions yesterday because everyone already believe you are responsible for the pregnancy and you are not” she said and kept quiet.
“So you have been sleeping with Kola?” Kehinde asked with displeasure in his eyes.
“No, I didn’t sleep with hi…” She was trying to explain but he cut her short.
“Then who is responsible?” he asked almost losing his temper.
“You told me you were a virgin, how come you are pregnant Sade?” He continued.
“I don’t know how it happened, am still a virgin. I didn’t have sex with any man!” She bursted into tears.
“You can’t continue to lie Sade, nobody would believe you. Even though I want to believe you but I can’t. No I can’t! There’s something you are not telling us!” Kehinde bursted out in anger ignoring her tears.
“The only virgin that got pregnant without knowing a man was virgin Mary who was privileged to carry the saviour of the world. Sister Sade, we aren’t expecting another saviour. You are pregnant because you had intercourse with a man. Who is the man?” He asked boiling inside.
” I don’t know. Brother kehinde please believe me, you are the only person that can help me right now. Please believe me,I’m not lying, am a ” she knelt down before him crying and he paused.
“Help you to do what? I hope you are not trying to ask me to accept responsibility for another man’s child?… If that’s what you are asking me to do, then you are joking…” He said in annoyance, but she interrupted him.
“No!… No.., that’s not what am saying” she cut in trying to explain.
” First,I need you to believe me that I didn’t sleep with any man because I didn’t” she said and breathed down heavily, then continued.
“Then secondly, I want you to stand in with me in prayers. I strongly believe that God will reveal the mystery behind this pregnancy to us. Please help me” she said helplessly and he bursted out in a provocative laughter.
” prayer? Where is that done?” He asked in disbelief.
” just tell me you are looking for an opportunity to implicate me, but I assure you that you won’t succeed.” He said and stood up to leave. But Sade rushed to him and held unto his legs crying.
“Don’t leave me please, my parents and everyone are already against me for a pregnancy I can’t explain how it came into being, Kola has abandoned me. I feel suicidal, please don’t leave me…” She begged still clinging to his legs as her tears wet his trouser. He was touched to the bone marrows, but still he didn’t know how to stay close to help or pray with a woman he is being accused of impregnating.
“Holy Spirit please help me to help her if she is indeed saying the truth” he whispered a short prayer, searched his mind for the next direction before instructing her to take her seat and he helped her to stand from her kneeling position.
“You have to stop crying because of your condition. I will try my best to believe you but you have to also help me to believe you” he said calmly.
“Sade, I have tasted the other side of life very well before I repented. I did so many unthinkable things which today am not proud to talk about. I slept with countless women both Christian girls and none Christians and had many of them aborted for me. I defiled many young virgins on campus and lured many girls from good Christian homes into formication with money and material things. Anything that has to do with man and woman I did them all before God arrested me in my final year in the university. So there’s nothing I’ve not seen or heard in this life.” He narrated looking at the surprised Sade who opened her mouth staring at him.
“Sade, a thought came to my mind right now and I believe the Holy Spirit is trying to give us a clue to the mystery behind this pregnancy” he said, looking straight into her eyes and he saw life returning back to her as she readjusted herself well on the seat and gave him her undivided attention.
“I want you to answer the questions I want to ask you now without any form of shyness or cover up. Don’t hide anything, tell me exactly what you know about it” he said and she nodded her head with readiness to do as he said.
“Number one question” he said and looked intently into her eyes,
“Have you ever visited a man’s house and you were alone with him in his room?” He asked still looking into her eyes as she tried to recollect…

To be continued

Episode 15 (unedited)

“No, I’ve never visited the opposite sex because my parents warned us against the dangers of staying in a room alone with the opposite sex. So, I adhered to their instructions from my teenage age till now.” She explained, then continued casually.
“But when Kola and I started courting, I began to visit his house once in a while because I trusted him. But, we didn’t sleep with each other” she said and kehinde nodded his head with interest.

“Does he offer you soft drinks by himself when ever you visit him?” He asked.
“Not really, except on few occasions. I served myself with whatever I wanted” she explained trying hard to understand what he was driving at.
“Alright, tell me,” Kehinde said remembering how he used to drug naive church girls with sleeping pills before having sex with them.
“Was there any day you visited him and slept off after drinking or eating anything? I mean, you just had a sip or two and suddenly started feeling sleepy…” He asked, looking into her eyes as he demonstrated with his hands. Sade tried to recall if such thing ever happened but couldn’t recall any of such incident.
“Uhm… No, I can’t remember anything like that. Kola cannot even be in the same room with me and leave me to sleep..” She explained and he cut in immediately as her word triggered up another thought within him.
“Really?” He asked rhetorically then continued,
“So what do both you do when ever you go visiting him?” He asked cunningly and waited for a response as he observed her uneasiness.
“What we do?” She asked searching her mind for an answer.

“We …sat down to plan for our wedding..” She said without confidence in herself.
“Sade tell me the truth” Kehinde cuts in noticing she was not saying the whole thing.
“Was romances involved in what two of you do when ever you visited him?” He asked and observed her fallen countenance, she suddenly became ashamed and lowered her head.
” Come’on… Speak up ! There’s nothing I’ve not seen or heard under the sun. Remember we had an agreement that you have to tell me everything without shyness or cover up. Are you ready to talk or I…” He asked and she interrupted him.
“Yes” she replied, trying to act bold and continued.
“When we started courting, Kola and I agreed to keep chaste till our wedding night and we abided by it, until about six months later that he started asking me to kiss him in the mouth. I refused and he got angry, stating that he was not asking me for sex but just a kiss to prove my love for him. I disagreed with him and maintained my stand that kissing someone you are not married to is also immorality, and Kola became bittered against me. The remaining months of the first year of our courtship, Kola was always acting cold towards me because I refused to kiss him. I couldn’t resist his constant demand for a kiss for long , so in the second year, I decided to please him since it wasn’t sex he was asking for..” She narrated without looking at Kehinde,she breathed down and continued.
” I started allowing him to kiss me deeply even when my conscience pricked me against it. Then, as if that was not enough, Kola started making advances to my body, touching my breasts and other sensitive body parts. I stopped him and even decided I wouldn’t be visiting his house again, but he got upset and began to see faults in everything I did.

“This thing you are doing is wrong o, I don’t want to lose my virginity” I complained bitterly but he didn’t hear me out.
” I’m not asking you for sex, I only want to feel my woman. Is that too much to ask? ” he barked at me one evening.
“Ewo Sade mi,(see my Sade) ” he called me sweetly, held my hands into his and said,
“You can be a technical virgin, it won’t change anything” Kola said persuasively.
“Technical virgin?” I asked and he nodded in the affirmative.
“What’s the difference?” I asked because that was my first time of hearing it.
“Nothing” he said with seriousness, trying to convince me,then continued.
“The only thing there is that, you and I will be deriving sexual pleasure from each other through smooching, caressing of sensitive body parts and the likes while waiting for our wedding night. You will still remain a virgin because, there would be no penetration of the sex organ” Kola explained but I found the idea irritating and refused.
“I can’t do that” I objected, ” immorality is still immorality regardless of the beautiful name you call it.” I said and stood up and left his house.
From that day, he changed totally and became very aggressive towards me and everything that has to do with me. Sometimes, I will tell him to come with me to the mountain for prayers, he will insist we do the prayers in his room. I was supposed to go to the mountain with him that day those rascals nearly raped me, but he asked me to come to his house first and I knew that there was no way I would go there and come out the same way, so I refused. Do you know that because i refused to go to his house Kola did not talk to me for weeks?” She asked rhetorically, then continued.
“One day, I came back from church and met my roommate and her friend who was a pastor’s daughter having a serious discussion about their relationships. Then I heard the pastor’s daughter saying that she was a technical virgin and didn’t want to lose her virginity, and that she only allowed her man to touch and kiss her. I was surprised when I heard her still referred to herself as a virgin even when she did those things. So I came to a conclusion that Kola was right, and that I can still be a virgin even when I allow Kola to touch my sensitive body parts.” She said and breathed down heavily.
“I started visiting his house again and allowed him do whatever he wanted with my body, but we didn’t have sex…”

To be continued

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