The Real Suspect Episode 23-24 Guess Who?


The Real Suspect Episode 23

Inspector Richard walked into the complex that beautiful morning. The complex was quiet and calm. He met Abigail who carried a bucket of water and a mop
”Good Morning dear” Richard greeted
”arrh! Good Morning Inspector” Abigail reciprocated
”I need to talk with you” Richard requested
”Heii!! Oga, I no be killer, I no kill anybody” Abigail said with a sad face nearly crying
”You better come and sit down or I will take you to the Police Station” Richard said and Abigail sat diwn with him an a pavement
”Now, tell me all you know about this complex” Richard required
”Oga, I no go tell you lie, Madam Betty get case with almost everybody for this complex” Abigail said and Richard was shocked
”Tell me more about it” Richard requested
”Abeg, no talk say na me tell you ooh” Abigail pleaded
”No problem” Richard promised her and Abigail told him all that she knew
”Thank you for your time madam” Richard said to Abigail and left..
”Heii!! I don enter yawa ooh” Abigail exclaimed and ran inside
”Aboki welldone ooh” Delight greeted Musa the gate man
”Good Morning Madam” Musa reciprocated
”How you dey?” Delight asked
”I no dey fine at all since Madam Betty die” Musa said and say down
”Eiyaah!! No vex eeh.. On that day of the incident, who was the last person that entered this gate” Delight asked Musa and he hit his hand on his head
”Eerrhhm.. Madam, na Madam Natasha I open gate for the evening before the morning wey the thing happen” Musa replied
”And who is Natasha?” Delight asked
”She be occupant for here but she come relocate to Abuja because of her work” Musa replied and Delight’s mind recalled Natasha in Mr. Kole’s office
”Alright.. Thank you” Delight said and left..
Only a little light was seen as Natasha sat on the chair in front of a table, Delight and Richard stood in front of her with arms folded
”Now, Madam, I won’t like to be harsh with you. So just kindly co-operate with Us” Richard said and Natasha looked at him
”Where were you by 12:42 pm on Thursday, 16th of November 2017” Richard asked and Natasha ran back in time
”I was with Mr. Kole in a hotel room” Natasha said
”What transpired between both of you in the room” Delight asked further
”We were drinking and suddenly he began to touch me” Natasha said looking a bit ashamed
”Why are you refusing me Natasha?” Mr. Kole asked Natasha
”I followed you to this hotel room because of respect but I detest you touching me” Natasha said
”Hope you know that you and I are the only ones in this room” Mr. Kole said
”Don’t touch me again Sir” Natasha said to Mr. Kole harshly but Mr. Kole persisted. Natasha struggled her way out of the hotel room and ran out
”That was all that happened” Natasha said
”Are you sure??!!” Richard querried her
”Yes, I am.. I’m not a killer, I didn’t kill anybody” Natasha said with tears in her eyes
”Now Madam, dry your tears because we have just started” Delight said looking directly into the eyes of Natasha
”You were the person that found him dead in his office. How can you explain that?” Richard asked
”I came to work and entered to see him dead” Natasha said
”But you could have strangled him or do anything that led to his death” Delight barked at her
”No.. I didn’t!!” Natasha replied with more tears in her eyes
”I see” Richard said and walked closer to her
”You were said to be the last person to enter the complex before the death of your friend” Richard said
”Why did you kill her!!” Richard asked
”I didn’t kill her!!! I didn’t” Natasha said looking at both of them
”But the poison that killed her was from your wine and you knew she was coming to your apartment” Delight barked at her
”Yes, I am surprised myself that I drank from the same wine cup but nothing happened to me” Natasha said proving her innocence. Both Richard and Delight drew it that she was innocent but as Officers they never gave up
”Maybe you poisoned it and hid behind knowing she will drink it” Richard said harshly to her
”I can’t do such to my friend Officer.. I didn’t kill anyone!!” Natasha exclaimed holding her head
”You better keep it calm, this is a police station, not your house!” Richard barked at Natasha
”I didn’t kill anybody..” Natasha said with tears in her eyes and sweat drops all over her body
”Alright, you can go for now” Delight said and Natasha stood up to leave
”Don’t feel too relieved because you might be behind bars in few days” Richard said to Natasha who just looked at him and walked out..
”Inspector, I think this lady has nothing to do with the deaths” Delight said to Richard
”You can never tell, a criminal and a murderer are always looking innocent” Richard said
”Let’s not draw a conclusion until we finish out investigations.” Richard said to Delight and walked out..

The Real Suspect Episode 24

”Good day Madam” Richard greeted Mrs.
Kole who was dressed in an all white dress
showing that she is mourning her husband
”Good day Officer” Mrs. Kole replied
”I still don’t yet know why you brought me
here officer!” Mrs. Kole said with a bit harsh
”Why did I even follow you here??” She
asked herself
”Gosh, how the hell can you think I killed my
husband!” Mrs. Kole said raising her voice
”Calm down Madam” Delight said to Mrs.
”Don’t tell me to calm down” Mrs. Kole
opposed her speech
”Mind you this is the police station madam”
Richard said
”And what the hell about that??” Mrs. Kole
continued shouting
”I am not saying anything till I call my
lawyer” She concluded and kept quiet
”Madam, your lawyer won’t be of any use
here” Richard said
”Just tell us where you were on 16th of
November, 2017” Richard said
”Well, I was at home that day. I always stay
at home” Mrs. Kole replied
”And you didn’t know the whereabout of
your husband that day” Richard asked
”I don’t.. A day before that day, he told me
that he is travelling abroad for a meeting
and will stay 3 days. I am even surprised
that he died in Nigeria” Mrs. Kole said and
the Police officers were shocked..
Queency and Phina sat directly officer
Richard both with a sad face
”Now Ladies, you know this is about your
friend” Richard began
”Now Phina, you had a problem with Betty 2
weeks before her death, how can you
explain the fact that you didn’t kill her”
Richard said looking directly into the eyes of
”Officer, I might have a problem with her
but I am not a murderer” Phina said
”We had a little problem but I didn’t kill her”
Phina said
”How sure can I be?” Richard asked
”Really sure Officer” Phina said
”Now you Queency, you had a problem with
Betty during University level of which you
vowed to kill her later on, but you became
friends again” Richard said to Queency
”How did you know about that?” Queency
asked shocked
”Don’t take me like those cheap officers you
know. I dig into matters and bring out facts.
Now answer my question” Richard said
harshly to Queency
”Of course I did threaten her, but my words
were not strong. I never had it in mind to kill
anyone” Queency said opening her hands
”Alright ladies, you two are big and high
suspects in this case” Richard said
”What?? Phina, you better said what you did
to her ooh.. You better confess” Queency
said to Phina shedding tears
”How do you mean? I didn’t do it. You
vowed to kill her didn’t you” Phina said back
at Queency
”Settle your differences ladies” Richards
said and left as Phina and Queency
continued their arguement.
”We brought you here to avoid any public
embarrasments as you know, you are the
first person that saw the incident happened
in your apartment” Delight began sitting
opposite Clara
”Where did you go on the Night of 17th of
November, 2017?” Delight asked her and
Clara starred at her…



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