THE ORDEALS OF NNEOMA Episode 6 – Ayogu Oluchi Eze

THE ORDEALS OF NNEOMA Episode 1 - Ayogu Oluchi Eze


Episode 6


In the evening, Nneoma’s father came back from his shop and called Stella to come to his room.

“So how did it go,” Nneoma’s father asked.

“How did what go?” Stella said looking confused.

“Didn’t you follow these kids to school today?”

“Ooh, I almost forgot, I did.”

“So what did they say?”

“Nothing much, they thanked us for supporting our children when they were studying for the exam.”

“That’s good, thanks for representing us.”

“You are welcome.”

“Please get my food, I’m famished,” he said as he unbuttoned his shirt.

Stella left for the kitchen as her husband entered the bathroom to freshen up.

In no time, Stella brought the food. When he came out from the bathroom, he devoured the food like a lion to its prey.

Nneoma’s father didn’t care to ask Nneoma again about the parents’ invitation that she told him about.

Then the following day, the school dean summoned Nneoma and the other students who succeeded in the exam to his office.

When they came, he told them to bring their passports, birth certificates and their national identification cards while coming to school the following day.

“Yes sir,” they agreed.

“You can go back to your classrooms.”

“Okay sir,” they chorused and went back to their classes.

Later that day, Nneoma informed her father and he gave her all the documents she needed.

The students went back to the dean’s office and submitted the documents as they were instructed the previous day.

So a few days later, at school, one of the teachers took Nneoma and other students to the immigration office for capturing.

A week later, the teacher took them back to the immigration office and they were issued their International passport booklets.

When they got back to school, the teacher warned them earnestly about the booklets.

“These booklets in your hands are the main thing you will need for this travel. I would have kept them but I want you all to take them home and show them to your parents. Bring them back tomorrow so I can keep them for you till they are needed. So handle with care.”

“Ok ma,” the students chorused.

The students then went back to their classes with the booklets.

Nneoma opened her school bag, hid the international passport in an inner bag of her bag and covered it with some books before zipping it.

Nneoma had learnt over the years not to involve her stepmother in serious matters. She knows she doesn’t love her.

In the evening when her father came back, she took the passport from her bag and showed it to her father.

“Jesus igweeeee!!! So this is becoming a reality! To God be the glory. You are the first person to own an international passport in this family. Congratulations my child,” Nneoma’s father shouted in excitement.

Stella heard her husband’s voice and ran to the room to know what the excitement was all about. Dera followed her.

“Stella is this not wonderful? Nneoma is a rare gem,” showing the passport booklet to Stella.

“What is this?”

“It is an International Passport for travelling to obodo oyibo.”

“Seriously, wow! Thank God oo. Let me see it.”

She then collected it and skimmed through it in admiration.

“I’m happy for you Nneoma, congratulations,” Stella said and gave the passport back to her husband.

Dera was just looking at everyone without saying a word or feeling excited.

“I was entering some inventories for our work when I heard your voice. Let me go and finish it up.”


Stella then left for the living room and Dera followed her.


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