THE ORDEALS OF NNEOMA Episode 5 – Ayogu Oluchi Eze

THE ORDEALS OF NNEOMA Episode 1 - Ayogu Oluchi Eze


Episode 5


Nneoma was so excited.

She can’t wait to get home so that she can break the good news to her father.

Later on, the school was dismissed and everyone left for their houses.

Nneoma and Dera didn’t talk to each other while going home. They both knew their reasons.

Immediately they got home, they both greeted their mother who was seated on a bench outside. Nneoma left for the room but Dera stayed back wearing a long face.

Her mother knew that she wasn’t happy about something.

“What is the problem?”

“I thought you said that Nneoma would not succeed in that exam.”

“Which exam please?”

“The scholarship exam.”

“Is the result out!?”

“Yes, and Nneoma succeeded.”

“And she couldn’t even tell me.”

Both of them stood silent looking enraged for a little while before Dera left for their room.

In the evening, Nneoma’s father came back and Nneoma told him the good news. Her father carried her up and danced in excitement.

He immediately left the house for a nearby joint where he bought grilled meat and drink for the whole house.

“This is one of its kind in this family. It calls for celebration,” Nneoma’s father said as he returned with a wrap of meat and drinks.

“When last did this man buy this type of thing for us? Because of this little br@t, he is buying meat and drink for everyone, no problem,” Stella thought.

They all ate and drank that night and went to bed.

So the following day, Nneoma’s father was about to leave the house. He then called Stella and told her to follow Nneoma to school as requested by the school authority.

“You know I don’t have time. When I come back from the shop, you will tell me what you people were told.”

“Okay, I’ll do that.”

He then left for his shop.

Stella followed the girls to school that morning.

After the morning assembly, she cheerfully took Nneoma by the hand and left for the principal’s office.

Nneoma was surprised at her change in behaviour, that was the first time she ever held her hand. It felt strange to her but she played along.

When they got to the principal’s office, they met other students with their parents waiting in the corridor.

A few minutes later, the principal came and welcomed them into his office.

“Once again, congratulations. Your children did wonderfully well in the scholarship exam. I thank you for all your support towards them. I called you all here to explain to you the benefits attached to the scholarship because they are not just leaving the country to go and study.”

The principal then listed all the other juicy benefits of that scholarship.

The parents were amazed and thanked the school authority for such an opportunity.

“So from next week, we will start getting them ready for the journey. Thank you all for your cooperation.”

When the principal concluded, the parents thanked him for his good work.

The students went to their classrooms as their parents left.

“All these benefits for this girl. So like this now, Nneoma will leave this country and go to Obodo Oyibo. Hmmm. And my child will still be here with me, it will not happen,” Stella thought as she angrily left the school premises.

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