THE KING’S BRIDE Chapter 9 – Bella writes

THE KING'S BRIDE Chapter 1 by Bella writes

THE KING’S BRIDE Chapter 9 – Bella writes

Mitchell POV💭

He kept on starring at me making the silence between us grow and also making me feel nervous

I shouldn’t have told him,I thought as I starred back at him

Suddenly he began to laugh, A sweet sexy laugh ,I was kind of sad when he stopped

“You must be kidding me right?” He said

“This is not me kidding you okay,It is the truth” I said

“You will really do anything to Stop this marriage between us right? Your really intelligent to have cooked up something like this ” He said suddenly looking very serious

“I didn’t coo…….”

“Just stop it Mitchell!!! Tell me you don’t want this marriage,Tell me you hate me and you don’t see yourself being my wife but don’t you utter this rubbish again” He said

“It isn’t rubbish Luis, Am not someone from your world,I come from a very different world” I said angrily

“And what stupid world would that be? A world of your imagination or could it be that your……” He couldn’t complete his sentence because he walked towards me and set his hand on my forehead

“Did the accident did this to you,Are you imagining things because you hit your head hard,I will have to get the doctor ” He said

“Don’t get me any doctor Luis,Am perfectly okay and am not imagining anything” I said and walked towards the door I used in coming into his world

“Remember that day Luis,You were with a girl when I walked in through this door, I had been helping out in cleaning a museum when I saw this book,Its been a legend in my world,its called the forbidden book and we were told never to open it but due to curiosity,I did and it brought me into your world,Luis it brought me here” I said trying to make him believe me

He walked towards me and took my good hand in his and began to take me outside

“Where are we going luis? I still have to find the book, I need to leave so that the real Mitchell can come back” I said but he kept on drawing me until we got back to the room I used

“Lay down a bit,I will call the doctor” He said

“Am not crazy Luis, Am saying the trut…..”

“Enough Mitchell! Go and sleep while I get the doctor” He said

“No I won’t? You might be used to ordering everyone because you are the king but you won’t order me, Where I come from we all have equal rights” I said

“My God,You really want to keep up with this?” He asked

“Luis listen to me, Am saying the truth,Think about it,Ever since I came into your world,I haven’t behaved like the real Mitchell,I told you how much I disliked you while she would have told you how much she loves you”

“I called you names which am sure that the real Mitchell will never call you”

“I refused marrying you when the real Mitchell will be jumping for joy because you want to marry her, if she was here right now,She would be in your arms and am sure in your bed, Something I will never do not even if you are God himself” I said

“Get some rest” He said and began heading out

“Luis! Luis!” I kept on calling but he didn’t answer,I would have opened the door but he closed it from outside

“Under no circumstances must you let her leave this room” I heard him say to the guards who responded with a firm yes sir.

He wouldn’t believe me and now have been locked up


I got to my room and shut the door, What rubbish is she spluttering

“Am not from this world,Am not the real Mitchell, Am not someone from your world,I come from a different world” remembering her words made me angry

She might not want to marry me but she didn’t have to crook up some stupid lies

Or it could be the truth?

“No it can’t be the truth,There certainly can’t be any other world apart from ours” I said to myself

But remembering her face and the way she behaved,She sounded genuine or maybe she is going crazy

She had hit her head during the accident and maybe that is why she is acting this way.

I better call the doctor, I don’t think this is normal at all……..


I let the doctor check up on me only for him to realise that am perfectly okay

As soon as the doctor left,I went straight to him

“See! Am perfectly okay and am saying the truth” I said

“Let’s just stop this Mitchell,Your okay but still you utter this nonsense, There is no other world apart from ours, So just stop cause I won’t believe you” He said walking towards the door

Feeling so angry,I went after him and pushed him away and then I ran straight for the study closing it behind me

“Open this door Mitchell!” He yelled hitting the door but I wasn’t listening

The sooner I find this book,the better for me

I have to leave here before they open that door

Using my one good arm,I began to go through the book shelves.

I heard one of the guards scurrying off to get a spare key

“Where can you be” I muttered to myself as I kept on looking at each shelves

Just then the door opened and Luis walked in,Closing the door on the guards who stood hovering outside

“Your really going nuts?” He said

“No am not okay,I must find that damn book and I will find it” I said as I kept on searching

He walked toward me and pulled me roughly

“Enough is enough,You’ve had your fun while it last,so let’s head back to your room” He said

“No I w…….” I stopped in mid sentence when I look up and found it right in the middle of a book

“There it is” I said pushing off his hands and going to get the little ladder to take the book

As soon as I got down,I showed it to him

“This is the book,My only ticket home” I said and before he could reply, I opened the book and as usual

The wind blew in opening the window and blowing off things that are weightless and then it stopped

I stared at the door and saw it was open with lights shining out from it

“See,I wasn’t lying after all” I said and he kept on starring at the door in shock.


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