THE KING’S BRIDE Chapter 8 – Bella writes
I woke up when I felt something beside me moved
What could be moving beside me,I only sleep alone,Never have I have a company, So why does this strange body keep on moving beside me
What could it be,I thought and opened my eyes slowly
On seeing Luis sleeping face I gasped gently
When had he come to my bed? When had he slept beside me? I thought and just then I remembered all what happened when he came to see me last night
I hope nothing happened between us,I thought as I checked my body and when I saw my clothes still on me,I felt relieved
I tried getting up but he pulled me back suddenly
I layed in his arms,breathing in gently and feeling a bit giddy,Because i was so close to him
“Let’s just be like this for a while” He whispered
“But I have to get…….”
“No Mitchell,For this few moment that we will be together,Let’s stay like this” He said hugging me close
For the first time in my life,I blushed,Never have I felt this way,Not even with the boys I dated back in my world
Not one of them have made me feel this way before,Feeling shy and nervous a bit,I found that I enjoyed being in his arms
He pushed me a bit to stare down at my face
“Its so hard for me not to touch you Mitchell,At least taking a kiss won’t harm anyone right?” He said and before I could stop him
He kissed me,At first I layed passive in his arms,Not wanting to respond back but he coaxed a response out of me.
I found myself holding unto his shirt,Kissing him back and I like the kiss very much,So very much
I thought still kissing him and just then the door barge open and Mitchell mom walked in
“Oh am sorry Your majesty,I thought no one was here ” She Apologised
I used that opportunity to move away from Luis
He also got up and did back his shirt “its okay, Since you heard about her waking up,You would want to see her,After all you have been pacing about that door for the past three days” He said as he walked towards the door
“Take care of her,She is too fragile at the moment” He said and gave me a smile before he left the room
I starred at Mitchell mom,Expecting some sort of outburst from her but instead she walked towards me and hug me
“Why did you run away? You gave us all a fright? When your father and I heard that Youve been hit,I felt so scared” She said with tears in her eyes
I felt so touched by how she behaved,Am sure that if something bad had happened to me in my world, My dad and step mom won’t even care
And now,Here is this lady,Caring for me “or for the real Mitchell”
My conscience taunted me making me realise that I wasn’t the real Mitchell
“Am sorry,I didn’t mean to scare you” I said
“You ran away so you wouldn’t marry the king right? ” She asked and I had no option than to tell her yes
Better than telling her that it was because am not her daughter
“But you love him,What changed?” She asked
“I just don’t love him the way I loved him before,I don’t see myself getting married to him,I want all this to end” I said
Once the king and his marriage plans are out of the way,I will focus on getting myself out of this place
“Mom please, stop this wedding,Stop it all,I don’t want to marry anyone” I said and faked a few tears at it
“Fine,I will talk to the king,Am not promising you anything Mitchell,I will only talk to him and whatever he says will be the final say” She said and I hugged her close
“Thanks” I said gently.
I stood in my study touching my lips,I could still feel her lips on mine
Its been a while since I kissed her but it feels like am just doing it now
When I saw the car hit her,I felt like I lost something very important to me
And while she was being treated here in the house,I found myself going crazy silently, Wishing and hoping that nothing bad happens to her
And when I saw her this morning,I knew that I couldn’t let her go
I had stupidly hurt her feelings and made a mockery of her love for me in the past and that is the reason why she ran away
But not enough, I will prove to her that am now ready to have her in my life,I thought and just then there was a knock on the door and one of the maid walked in announcing the arrival of Mitchell mother.
With a flick of my finger,She retreated and soon Mitchell mom came in,bowing gently
“What’s wrong? Is Mitchell hurt again?” I asked and she nodded negatively
“Well that’s good then” I said
“Well I did come to talk to you Your Majesty” She said
“Oh really? Am all hears” I said
“Mitchell is feeling a bit depressed, She doesn’t want to get married and I feel that we are forcing her into something she doesn’t Want”She said
Just remembering the way she kissed me back then made me knew that she enjoyed the kiss too
So why the hell doesn’t she want to get married to me
Just knowing that Mitchell doesn’t want me the way I want her drives me nut
Have she really gotten over me for good, I thought feeling so angry
” What happen between me and Mitchell is none of your business, She is my bride to be and whether she wants to or not, She will marry me and if she still can’t see that yet,I better go to her and make myself clear on that matter”I said and stormed off intent on telling her that nothing will take me away from her.
I got to the room given to her only not to find her there
“Where is my bride?” I asked starring at the guards who were stationed at the front of her door to keep watch on her
“Your majesty,She is inside,We left her there” One of them said
“Well she isn’t there, Now I will only give you three minutes to gather the other men around and bring me my wife or else I will make sure your lives end before sunset” I said and immediately they ran off
I also went on search of her myself but nothing
They kept on searching for her while I became impatient and restless
“Have anyone checked my study ye” I asked suddenly
“No your Majesty, Your study is a no go area, So we didn’t go there” one of the guards said
Feeling sure that she might be there, I went in search of her myself
I walked into my study and I found her among the books searching for something
She had managed to put her hair up and was using her good arm to search for it
“What the hell are you doing here?” I yelled at her and on hearing my voice,She stood shocked at first but turned immediately to stare at me
“Did you know that the whole palace have gone upside down just because we are all looking for you” I yelled at her
“Am sorry but I felt bored,So I came here to get a book” She said looking so gorgeous as ever
“If your bored you could have told me,I know a lot of things we could do together that wouldn’t get you bored at all” I said and began to walk towards her
“And what sort of thing do you have in mind” She said moving back a little
“Well a lot of things But am sure you will like this one very much” I said feeling naughty a bit
“Luis, I don’t want to do anything with you,I would like it if you just leave and I keep on searching for my…………..”
“Shhhhhhhhhh……….” I said as cornered her to the wall
“I heard that you don’t want to Marry me” I said using my fingers to trace her lips
“I don’t want to get married Luis,I ………”
“Don’t say more, All I want to do now is to kiss your lips” I said
“Luis don’t you da…………” She couldn’t finish her word because I kissed her and though at first she fought with me but I managed to get her to kiss me back
And oh she really did kiss well,I thought as I pulled her closer
She pulled free and starred up at me “This has to stop before it gets worse” She said looking serious
“Nothing will get worse, You will be my wife and that’s final”
“That’s where the problem is ,I can’t be your wife because am not her okay” She said suddenly and I stared at her
“What are you saying?”
“Am not your Mitchell okay,Am not from this world, Am nothing to you Luis,I opened that door and I got here,I got into this world where you are the king and am your bride to be” She said looking so serious about it
“So your saying your from a different world?” I asked
“Yes, I am okay,And the sooner I leave so you can have your real Mitchell with you, the better” She said meaning Every word………..
To be continued…