THE KING’S BRIDE Chapter 22 – Bella writes

THE KING'S BRIDE Chapter 1 by Bella writes

THE KING’S BRIDE Chapter 22 – Bella writes


I woke up due to the sun that was coming in through the window.

I yawned and stretched a bit and I turned to find Mitchell beside me,Sleeping like an angel

The memories of last night came flooding back to my head and I smiled gently.

Ever since the accident,Have always have terrible Nightmare but that changed today and it’s all because Mitchell was beside me.

She had been there for me,Had made me light at the end of the tunnel, I wonder what I will do without her.

I stared at her and gently I bent to kiss her lips.

I smiled when I saw her stir,I kissed her on the lips again and she stirred before opening her eyes

At first she didn’t know where she was and she tired to recollect what happened and when she finally did,She stared at me and got up immediately

“Oh my God,I shouldn’t have slept here,Am sorry Luis but I was so tired that I slept off,Hope I didn’t snore and disturb you?” she said and I had to smile because she looked so cute and innocent looking like that.

Maybe that is why I like her in the first place,I thought

“Tell me Luis, I didn’t disturb you right?”She asked unsure

“You did Mitchell,All through the night I couldn’t sleep and it’s all due to your snoring and you moving around on the bed”

“I almost got blind because you kept tossing and tossing that you hit me right in the eye” I lied

“Oh Am so sorry ,I should have left as soon as you fell asleep,Am so sorry”I pleaded

“It’s okay ,I should start getting used to it right!”

“Getting used to what?”I asked

“To us sleeping on the same bed”I said and saw her eyes widened

“But why will we be sleeping on the same bed?”I asked

“Because it is what is right! Now come here”I said stretching my hand towards her

“Are you perhaps doing this because of what I did last Night,You don’t have to…….oh my God”She yelled when I pulled her on the bed with me lying on top of her

“But I do want to worry Mitchell, why are you behaving this way? Every thing you told me last night! Was it all a lie?”I asked

“It ……it wasn’t”She said,Shy to stare at me

“So do you want to distance your self again?”I asked

“Am not trying to distance myself Luis,This…..this is my first time feeling this way for a guy and you are the first,I don’t know how to react to this kind of situation,So instead of facing it,I would rather hide”She said starring at me

I bent and kissed her lips,She stared up at me in surprise

“You shouldn’t hide,You should face it cause what you feel for me is love and I love you too Mitchell,I love you so much that it would kill me if I lose you”I said

“Wow! Hearing such words from you,I feel so touched Luis,Thanks for loving me Luis”She said touching my face

I kissed her and she pulled me to her,Returning my kiss as much as I kissed her

“If I don’t stop right now,I might have my way with you”I said and she blushed fiercely

She pushed me away gently and got out of the bed,Heading for the door

.”Mitchell!”I called and she stopped suddenly

“Remember one thing,I love you” I said and she turned to stare at me,Gave me a smile and then she left the room

I slept back on the bed and smiled to myself,Now more than ever I feel so happy,Having Mitchell in my life is a very great birthday present,A present I never want to leave my life,A present I will always cherish and love for ever……


“Do we really have to take a walk this evening,Why don’t we just stay home and relax”Luis said suckingly

“I don’t feel like relaxing, I want to go on a stroll with you”I said holding unto his arm as we walk towards the sea

“Common let’s go into the water”I said running forward

I didn’t see notice the way Luis reacted after hearing that I was going to the sea.

“Common Luis,You will regret not coming in”I said as I ran into the water bare foot

“Luis,Comm………….”I couldn’t complete my sentence because Luis who was standing a while ago is now kneeling on the sand,Breathing in deeply.

Immediately I ran to him and knelt on the sand beside him

“Luis what’s wrong?”I asked holding his shaking hands

“Is it the sea? Are you scared of the sea?”I asked and he nodded

I pulled him to me and hugged him,Whispering soothing words to him Until he finally calmed down

“Are you okay now?”I asked

“Yes,I am”He replied not starring at me ,Could he be shy?I thought as I stared at him

“You must really be thinking of me as a weak man right?”He asked

“No,I don’t,I just want to know why you are scared of the sea?”I asked

“The sea”He said starring at it for a long time

Before starring back at me

“Did some thing happen”I asked again and he nodded

“I was kidnapped when I was a little boy”I replied

“Kidnapped? But how”

“I was kidnapped by some foolish men who wanted ransom in exchange”

“Were you tortured ?”I asked feeling pain for the man sitting beside me

“They kept me in a house which was beside the sea”

“Each time dad refuses to pay,They will take me to the sea and put me in it taking pictures and sending it to my dad,I suffered that for a week”he said

“And that’s why you are scared of the sea right?”I asked

“Yes,That’s why am scared,Does that make me less of a man in your eyes”He asked

“No,It doesn’t, It only makes me know the real you”I said sitting on the sand

“And who is the real me?”He asked

“That you aren’t a bad guy,Nor a womaniser and certainly not a heartless jerk”I said

“You really thought all that about me?”

“Well I did from the beginning but when I got closer to you,I realise that you are not like that”

“You are a very nice guy,A king who loves his people and takes care of them,A man who has suffered a lot and also overcame it all,A man I admire and love so much”I finished starring at him and he smiled

“Luis, You have been strong and you grew up to be a fine man,A man adored and respected by all,So don’t ever change okay,Always be the man you are and Your weakness isn’t some thing to pull you back but it’s meant to make you strong and you must find a way to overcome it”i added and just then a thought got into my head

“Come with me”


“To the sea”

“Are you messing with me right now”

“No am not,You need to over come your fears and you will be starting now”I said and pulled him towards the sea.


I opened my eyes and found myself in a room,A room which I don’t recognise.

I don’t even remember how I got to be here or what happened.

The last thing I remembered was being in the garden with Sarah my maid and then collapsing

The door opened and a lady walked in

“Young lady! Finally you have woken up” an old lady said as she walked into the room

“Who are you?”I asked

“I am the lady who saved you,I found you in the sea,Tell me what’s your name?”

“Mitchell,My name is Mitchell”


The real Mitchell have woken up ooooo😨😨

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Ilyas Yetunde
Ilyas Yetunde
2 days ago

The real Amit gel is coming to take back her place. Hmmm, can’t wait to know what happens next