THE INTRUDER Chapter 5&6 Damilary Olayiwola


Chapter 5&6

Mrs Daniel return home and met the door locked.

“where’s tinuke? ” she asked herself.

She was able to open the door because she had a spare key to their door .

Immediately she got inside,she dropped her bag, pick up her phone to call her daughter but her number wasn’t going through.

“why must she leave the house without my consent? She will regret herself when she comes back “Mrs Daniel said angrily.

“or could she have went to Mr Jimmy’s house to visit her friend, Victoria, perhaps she went to buy something “

Different thoughts begin to struck her mind because she knew tinu would never leave the house without informing anyone. When she could not take it anymore, she decides to call on her husband, she scroll on her phone to get the contact saved with “MY LOVE ” that was when Mr Daniel came in

“oh! Darling I’m back ‘ he squealed as he comes in, open his arm wide to hug his beloved wife .after the hugs&kisses he saw that his wife is a little bit worried.

“darling what’s the matter? “he asked

She facepalm.

“I’ve not seen tinu since I came back from work,she’s not in her room, what am I saying? I met the door locked, I just had to open the door with the spare key “she explained

“are you serious? “Mr Daniel asked doubtfully, brought out his phone and dialed her number but unfortunately it was unreachable.

They waited for more hours yet tinu is not yet back. When it’s 11:00pm Mr Daniel had to call Jimmy whether she’s with Victoria,his daughter. They call others they think she could be with but all had been negative “NO’

Mrs couldn’t hold it anymore, she hold her husband crying

‘Where’s my daughter? Where’s my daughter?? “

Mr Daniel calm her down saying
“Darling it’s OK Tinu will be fine”

They visit the police station the following day since Tinu never showed up to claim report about their daughter’s dissappearance.

It had been seven days yet tinu remains lost but investigation is still on. The house of Daniels had not been Daniel decides not to inform tunji about what has happened again. He knew he might be frustrated and he might not concentrate on his studies because tunji really love his only sister, tinu. He could not afford to see his sister lost in his world.

Mr Daniel vow that anyone who had done this to him will rot in jail. He keep asking

“is my daughter kidnapped ??”

. “presently we can’t say was s Jimmy’s response”

Jimmy with his colleagues, Dickson & felix continue with their investigation trying to figure out a plan to find the missing tinu.

An idea struck Felix mind

“guys I think we can outsmart anyone behind this by tracking tinu’s phone “

“Ever since the incident happened, D phone had been switched off, I’ve tried but D phone is still untraceable “Jimmy replied.

“think I got a better plan, we should check the CCTV footage “Dickson suggest.

Jim and Felix nod their heads supporting dicksonSuggestion

They head straight to Mr Daniel house and Dey requested for their CCTV cameras. Mr Daniel open the password to the CCTV camera. They check the date on which the incident occurred nd it was discovered that tinu went out with a girl.

“who’s this girl? Jim asked

“This is rejoIce if I am not mistaken “Mr Daniel answered.

Mrs Daniel who was sitting worriedly move closer to check who the girl was

“yes that’s rejoice “she confirmed

“Rejoice is our lead now “Jimmy said .

Felix asked how they can reach Rejoice and they were told she lives close to God’s grace estate.

“Guys let’s move, Daniel I’ll call you and update you on any information ” Jimmy said as they Leave.

The corps arrived at ebute meta,banky M street described to be close to be close to God’s grace estate.

They met Rejoice parents, Mr&Mrs bankole.They told them the reason why they’re in search of Rejoice but the mother broke the news that keep they delayed.

The mother reported that Rejoice traveled the next day the Incident happened.

“Could she be the one who kidnapped tinu??” Dickson whispered to Jimmy’s ear as Felix interrogate the parents.

“I don’t know at the moment and we can’t say but… Right now she’s our prime suspect and she could lead us through” Jimmy muttered back to him.

Jimmy with his colleagues demand that the parents should invite their daughter for more in 2days time and they left.


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