THE INTRUDER Chapter 3 – 4 Damilary Olayiwola


Chapter 3&4

The following week, the family return back to their house since the robbers had been caught.

Mrs Daniel have nothing to worry about. Things came back normal.Tunji had to return to school after his few break.

The break had not been good for him,he had been frustrated by the incident that happened to his family. He did not enjoy his stay with his family but had no choice than to return to school after things has come back to place.

He was in his room busy packing his things when Mr Daniel came in.

“my boy are you ready? ” he asked.

He paused a little before responding.

Mr Daniel knew something is wrong with his son. He stretched his hand and rest it on his son’s shoulder, sit him down and ask

“Tunji what’s wrong with you? “

“Dad I had an hectic holiday,i don’t really enjoy my stay”he declared.

The father agreed with him

“if the tortoise cannot tumble,it doesn’t mean that he can stand, you just witness what you’ve never witness in your life my boy, you should be happy that none of those robbers meet us that very day, they might shoot anyone without hesitating and without realizing that we are not their target.

Those calm and powerful words of his father fix his mood

He hugged his father ending up saying with smile on his face

“Dad! you’re the best dad in the world”

“I gat a surprise for you! “Mr Daniel squealed as he brought out his favourite pair of shoe from no where.

“Dad! Why.. Are you with your shoes? ” he asked surprisingly confused as he chuckled.

Mr Daniel hand over the shoes to him telling him it’s a gift from him.

The shoes cost millions to mention, it was bought in Italy according to Mr Daniel to his son, one of the best Italian product.

Tinu entered his brother’s room to meet the two as they glued together.

“Awwn! ‘Tinu gush separate the two.

“Don’t be too jealous hmn?” Tunji said with smile on his face.

“Really? Don’t worry I will also go to school someday with mom’s shoes too when I gain my admission… “

Mr Daniel laughed as the two throws teasing words to themselves.

“It’s OK! Your brother gat to leave now and there’s is no much time left ” he put a stop to their teasing.

Tinu help his brother with his luggage and the three left the room straight to where the car was parked in which Mrs Daniel await them smiling.

They say their byes as Mr Daniel drove off with Tunji waving his hand as they depart

One week later,Tinu was in the house while everyone was away.Nobody was at home that Daniel has left for work. She was in the living room watching cartoon on their 72 inches LG plasma television when a heavy knock sounded

The heavy knock scared her so much because she knew no one would knocK the door in that rude manner. Not even the door bell?she asked herself

” yes who Is There “Tinu Asked tremulously Yet No one replied, her tension grew more, she had the flashback of what has happened to them. Her heart beat fast

“oh I’m doomed! “she thought.

She walk up to door to try her luck Whether she would escape the attack.

She opened the door,to her fearful surprise it was her friend Rejoice.

She sighed “ohuuu “A sigh of relief

Rejoice was her bossom friend bt she hasn’t visit her for weeks because of the incident so she decides to pay a surprise vist by not replying

“what’s wrong? “she asked as she walks in

“you should have replied when I asked who was there, you almost killed me, I thought it was…”

“you thought it’s the robbers again right?” she cut her off laughing

Tinu nods and her hand rested on chest, feeling relieved.

The both of occupy d couch in the living room close to the TV.

“you still watch cartoons??”she asked sarcastically

“yes I do! “she answered…

The both of them continue to tease each other before Tinu went to the kitchen to get her friend a chill soft drink from the fridge.

“Ting! Ting! ” Text chimes on Tinu’s phone which was placed on the chair.

“You have a message! ” Rejoice call on her friend who’s in the kitchen.

Tinu rushed down with the drink, hand it over to Rejoice nd picked up her phone to check who had give her the text. To her greatest surprise it was someone save with Tee-Boy.

“oh! Is that.. Uncle.. Tunji? “Rejoice asked as she gulped the glass cup of th juice.

“You don’t have to know! ” Tinu stucked out her tongue and smile as her fingers run on the screen, typing to reply the message.

“Hmm! “Rejoice sighed

Tinu asked the reason for her action nd she reply saying she undrstand what Tinu is trying to hid but Tinu doesn’t seems concern about her dirty thought (thinking it’s her boyfriend)

“Aunty plsss I’m going out as in right now! ” she said as she teased with happy grin on her face.

Rejoice spranged up

“Well since you’re heading out am also leaving but.. I have come to inform you I’ll be traveling to porthacourt tomorrow “

“Tomorrow? ” tinu asked nd she nod.

They discuss as the both of them exit and Tinu lock door

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