THE INTRUDER Chapter 14 – Damilary Olayiwola


Chapter 14

The knock paused the incredible story.The DPO ordered the door to be open.Jimmy opened the door,it was Officer Ben.He came in and salute the DPO

“what’s the matter?”The DPO asked

“sir! Its an urgency ,we recieved an information that those notorious armed robbers we are hoping to arrest are In jayeola street now robbing the KK supermarket and we seek order from you sir to zoom into action “he requested

“go with firearms,Make sure You get those robbers alive,i want them alive!”the DPO shouted

“permission to fall out sir!” officer seek request

“go! go!”he grant the request

Officer Ben exit the office going on a mission to arrest the notorious robbers.

The DPO is still interested in Benard’s story

“carry on “the said.

Benard proceeded

“i invaded their house like i said,what i saw really amazed me.

In mr daniel’s room i found a pair of shoe which belong to our fraternity owned by our cult leader.

The shoe symbolize sign of a leader then but ever since the shoe got missing,he promised to give any member who finds it whatever he wants

Oh yes! I’m happy my revenge has come i exclaimed and assumed when i found the shoe in his room but there’s something,how will i get my revenge since our fraternity have customized more of this shoe for all its member now all they would do to such person is turn him in as a new member.

Well that’s not bad i thought.

I will turn daniel in into our fraternity very soon so i keep my eye on the shoe.

I later discover it was daniel favourite shoe.

Oh that’s really good !

Wearing a shoe that will cause him harm isn’t bad i said delightfully to myself

But suddenly something changed my plan.

I discover again that he had given the shoe to his son ,tunji.

I feel bad that my plan had failed once again but after getting more details about tunji i realized it was the best plan ever.

I changed my plan,i will turn tunji in,a campus school boy and later use him to hurt his family especially his father.

Tunji wear the shoe in campus, everyone in the dark fears him thinking his one of the SKULL 💀 &BONES fraternity but he doesn’t know. I and my people visited him one night to inform him he’s already a member of the SKULL 💀 &BONES and we made him know the consequences of disclosing what he saw and what had happened.
Tunji played smart escaping the mission we gave him, now killing him was more difficult cos he’s putting on the shoe. Anyone who put on the shoes has got a special safety, the shoe serve as safety for The SKULL 💀 &BONES, no fraternity could attack or harm him even his own people but he doesn’t know about the safety.

We threaten him more but his on this shoes always. He’s very lucky I think and we can’t reveal the secret behind the shoes to him. We kidnapped his sister, Tinuke after seizing his phone and some of his things the very day he visited us around somewhere in the campus. I knew he would expose what’s happening to his family so I act fast, message Tinu as Tee-Boy and kidnapped her. Today would have been the last day everyone of Daniel family would die even him.

I believe by now Tunji would have been declared dead cos he already took a poison which I knew about, the poison gat no antidote and no doctor under this world would be able to save him without the antidote cos the antidote is sold in only one market in America.

Tinu would have been dead as well if not that I forgot to remove her SIM card in which the police used to trace and get my location if not.. I’d removed the tracker in her phone and you and your beloved wife would have received a bomb letter from me tonight thinking it’s another envelope containing an ordinary scary symbol or letter you don’t understand and I would have escaped back to America first thing tomorrow morning… “

“Oh my GOD! ” Mr Daniel screamed, slam his hand on the DPO’S table and hold his head tight after hearing the story.

“Mr Daniel what did you have to say about this? No wonder you’re interrupting when his about to say the side of his story ” The DPO said.

“This is unbelievable! ” ” Jimmy added.

Mr Daniel hit his Hand on the table and asked Bernard where he got those stories from.

Bernard laugh raucously and answered
“I make my research and I got this informations from Robbins before I killed him “

“Oh sh*t! You’ve made a big mistake! Robbins told you lies, he knew you’re gonna kill him that very day,a person who already killed your father what did you expect?? This is how it happened.. “

Then Mr Daniel start to narrate what happened….

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