THE INTRUDER Chapter 10 – Damilary Olayiwola


Chapter 10

“Tunji why are you here? “Mr Daniel asked as he open the door.

Hearing this Mrs Daniel and Jimmy stood up as they heard the name tunji.

Tunji rushed in breathing heavily and locked the door.

“Tunji what’s wrong? Why are you Breathing like this? Why don’t you call before coming? Hope no problem?”
But Tunji show no concern about such questions what he asked was

“where’s tinuke?

They all kept mute for a while because they don’t know how to break the news that his sister had been missing for about one month.

“Tunji! your sister had been kidnapped for days now “Jimmy announced as he stretched his hand and rest it on his shoulder to console him.

“what!!! “tunji exclaimed

He hit his hand on the table. Hitting his hand on the table, the brown envelope fell separating the paper from it cover. He saw the what’s in the paper and

“what’s The SKULL 💀 &bones symbol doing in our house? “

All were surprised to hear this from tunji.

“SKULL 💀 &bones symbol? “they all asked confusingly

“yes SKULL 💀 &bones symbol.”
Then he gave something shocking

“The very day I return to school after my few days break, some guys visted me one night in the hostel. They were armed with guns and other lethal weapons.They were on black outfit with red banners and this SKULL 💀 &bones on their clothe. They were seven in number. Their appearance clearly show that they belong to a secret cult group but why would cultist visit me? Are they here to take my precious life? Such questions rings in my mind as I asked myself. I couldn’t raise an alarm Because of their darling weapons.

“Teeboy “they said.

They told me they have been waiting for me.

“Why will you wait for me? For What? ” I boldly ask them that night because I know death is once.

They told me they belong to a secret cult group which is one of the dangerous fraternity in the campus and in the world. They said anyone who’s a member of them would have a symbol & sign that I had. I became more confused that which kind of symbol will I have to belong to any cult group ?

Is it a tattoo or what? ” I asked myself.

“what symbol is that? ” I asked.

They cackled and said “You don’t have to know cos you already know “

This words turns my brain because I don’t understand what they meant.

They left that night telling me I already belong to their fraternity I’ve never heard in my life.

“Is this how you become a cultist? Is it by force or coercion? ” such questions got no answer because I was warned not to reveal what had happened to anyone and if I do… I will face the wrath of the fraternity.

I was still in the dilemma state when I got a call 2days after from an unknown number that we have a game to play.

Which kind of game again?

I was told to meet them somewhere in the campus around 1:00am in the midnight.

Oh what a trouble I’ve put myself but I yet don’t know how I got into the trouble but something is still worrying me since the incident happen- “you don’t have to know cos you already know “

Sometimes in the campus when I pass by I got hailing from some traunt, hooligant guys but I don’t understand what’s going on until this people visited me in the dark night.

I did as they said, I met with them.

They told me the game means mission which I had to carry out before they could trust me totally. I said to them they don’t need to trust me because am not interested in being a member to their secret dark group but they threatened to hurt my family.

I agreed to play the game but the game turned out to be the one I could never play and yet I had to… For my family safety which is at stake.

I was told to kill one of our lecturer, Mr Aare also know as Mr President. I was told he also belong to a fraternity group too.

“Oh I’m doomed! ” I exclaimed in my mind. I was given 3days to carry it out.

They took over my phone and some of my things on the 7th February…

I had to lie to you that my facebook, whatsApp and my other social media accounts has been hacked incase you shouldn’t message or call me for them not to come after you.

I didn’t play the game so they insist and since then they’ve been after my life. They told me my sister had been kidnapped and they’re responsible and I’ll be killed in 24hrs time no matter where I hid myself that’s why I’ve been running down here incase anything happens to me “


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