THE GIFTED TWINS Episode 8 – Authoress Favour Story

THE GIFTED TWINS Episode 1 - Authoress Favour Story


Episode 8

I drove home. I looked at my watch, it’s 2:30am in the morning. I never meant to stay out this late, I hooted at the gate and it was opened by our gateman. I drove inside and parked the car.
I opened the door and stepped down. I walked to the porch and opened the door slowly trying not to make a sound. I walked into the living room,The cakes were still on the table untouçhed.

“What happened here?” I said to myself

“Exactly what you’re seeing just happened Nira”

The lights went on and i turned to see mom seated on the couch staring at me

“So what’s the point?” she asked staring intently at me “what did you gain? did running away give you any sort of closure?”

She added.

I didn’t say a word. I just stared at her as she spoke

“Do you have any idea how worried we were? We were on the verge of calling the police to conduct a search thinking that oh my God, Nira is missing”

“And because of your foolishness, all the guests are gone and the entire party was ruined for goodness sake” she took a present and threw it on the floor.

“Are you that selfish?”

My eyes flew open

“What is wrong with you Nira. I’m the one who hurt you, you should face me. Why hurt others as well, because of you, Nina refused to cut her cake thinking you’ll come home but hell no! you just had to follow that stupid brain of yours that
gives you whack thoughts”

“How is it my fault that she didn’t cut the cake should i have held her hands to do so? why should I be blamed for everything?”

Mom slapped me. I held onto my cheeks and rubbed it slowly.

“Go ahead, i told you before that I’m already dead so nothing matters to me anymore.”

By this time dad and the entire family came down

“You reek of alcohol, is this really how you want to live your life? In the bar with hundred bottles of alcohol?”

“At least it’s better than living in this house, at least those bottles don’t select or choose favorites. Everyone is has the right and is entitled to hold them irrespective of who they are unlike this house where one person is treated like a saint and the other like a demon” I glared my eyes. I would pour exactly how I feel this morning

“I’ve tried my best Nira to reach out to you but you never allowed it…

” How…?” I cut her short “by donating blood for me? would you have done that if Nina was not involved? No. You did it cause you wanted your precious daughter to live. By acting all nice?

Would you have done that if Nina still had that problem? No mom, you wouldn’t. You couldn’t” I yelled “so how did you reach out to me? answer me”

“I know I hurt you Nira and I’m… ”

“Sorry? You think sorry is gone cut it? I had, to live like a stranger with my biological mother in the same house. I had to beg for love, I had to beg for attention, to be noticed. You never cared about anything that concerns me.” The tears fell freely from my eyes but i didn’t bother

“You don’t have any right to interfere in my personal life cause just like you, you’re also a stranger to me. I don’t have a mother”

“Nira?” Nina called

I gave her a deadly stare as I turned to look at her.

“You” I pointed to her “I hate you Nina, I hate you so much.

You ruined my life” I slapped her hard on the cheeks

“Looks like you’re still drunk Nira, here’s something that will sober you up” she slapped me back

“You really are so shameless Nina. What have I not done for you? You took mom from me, I was the best but everyone treats me like a second place trash because of you. If it weren’t for me, you would probably be dead by now and you have the right to raise your filthy hands on me huh?” I yelled.

Dad and Aunt came to separate us from hurting each other.

“You’ve had a lot to drink Nira. You need rest”

“Don’t you dare tell me what to do. I regret having you as a twin talk more of sister, you’re dumb, so dumb”

“Nira shut up, what in the world has Nina done to you” mom asked holding her by the shoulder

“Enough Mom, enough, you don’t know how it feels whenever you take her side, why don’t you just say it that you love her more because I’m not even sure if I’m your daughter” I pulled my hands from Dad’s grip and ran upstairs. I sat on my bed, I had vowed not to cry anymore, it’s not worth it. They don’t worth any of it.

I woke up, had my shower and wore my clothes. No breakfast for me cause I’m not eating at home.

I drove the car to school without Nina, we are on the verge of writing our final exams. After this, I would graduate and live this stupid house. So I would focus all my time and my anger to my studies.

I have cut off all ties with my friends, they are not meant to be called friend. And I want to have some alone time with me, myself and I.

I walked along the Hall to class where I met the both of them.

Tash and Aimee.

“Hi Nira” Tasha greeted

“Are you sure you don’t mean Nina?”

“Come on girl”

“I don’t need you or anymore meddling in my life so please leave me alone. Oh and I’ll try to tell your new best friend that you asked about her” I walked inside and sat down. I don’t
want anyone anymore. After lectures I went to seat down under a tree as I flipped through my books taking notes as well. Someone drove his
motor bike and parked it by the corner.

He walked up to me and stood in front of me blocking the light, he was wearing his helmet.

“Um please move over.”

He didn’t move, he stood there.

“I said move. Are you deaf”

He took off his helmet, he was the one at the bar yesterday.

The stup!d one that took me to his house

“Y-You?” I stuttered

“Hi princess” he waved and sat down

“You even go to school here now?”

“No. I came to see someone but I saw you instead, feels like today is my lucky day”

“mxxm” i clicked my tongue

“Leave I’m trying to study” I added

“Didn’t you go to kindergarten?”

“What sort of question is that?” i asked rolling my eyes

“Because the first thing a kid learns in kindergarten is how to be polite and use the Magic words” he rested on the tree

“Just get out of here now” I half yelled.

“Hey easy, this is public property and I’m free to seat where I want”

I felt like spañking him

“Go seat somewhere else then” I urged but he didn’t respond

“Are you always like this?” he asked “how come i haven’t seen you smile once”

“And how come I haven’t seen you being serious for once?” I asked being sarcastic

“I’m a big deal around here you know so you can tell me anything”

“It’s my personal life and I’m free to live it” I said standing up

“Hey where are you going?” he asked seating up

“Anywhere as long as it’s far from you and safer for me” I turned to go

“Don’t go around frowning, life is too short to be spent grumbling. you’re too pretty to frown”

I glared at him and started walking pretty fast.

“You’re beautiful princess” he yelled after me.

“Hey Derek” a guy called him. I turned look at them. He was the Derek everyone is so engrossed about? You have got to be kidding me.

“Princess?” He called. I looked at him, he just smiled and winked at me

Gosh I have to leave this place like right now. he’s starting to get to me and I don’t want any of that to happen….

To be continued….

So how do you see this chapter? What do u think of Derek?

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