THE GIFTED TWINS Episode 7 – Authoress Favour Story

THE GIFTED TWINS Episode 1 - Authoress Favour Story


Episode 7


“Who opened up the curtains? Can’t you see I’m trying to sleep?” I groaned half awake.

“Wake up Nira. We’re gonna be late for school” she shook me lightly.

“leave me Nina please” I begged

“You went to the club last night didn’t you?”

I sat up yawning and stretching my body at the same time. I finally stood up

“Answer me Nira” she half yelled while I smiled facing her.

“So? what if I went to the club? How does any of it concern you?”

“Can’t you see what you’re doing to yourself? You’ve completely lost it.”

“Don’t you dare talk to me that way, you have absolutely no right to interfere in my personal life. I do whatever the hell I want. you just watch your back and I’ll watch mine”

I stormed into the bathroom to have my bath. I turned on the shower and bathed for close to an hour.

It’s been Eight YEARS already. I was no longer the little attention seeker, I was different, so different. I’ve learned to accept the fact that I will never be loved by Mom and since then I’ve learnt to live my life on my own. In school I was
known as the bad girl. I made friends with all the rich spoilt kids especially girls, we usually visit the club every night. I went there yesterday and came back late and that’s why I slept over. We were in our final semester in college. After this we would finally graduate and get to be by ourselves. I’m really tired of this house, and especially Mom.

I finished taking my shower and wore my clothes. I applied my makeup and went downstairs for breakfast.

“Good morning dad” I k!ssed his cheeks. I didn’t bother greeting Mom.

“Nira?” dad gave me a look

“Morning Mom” I muttered

She simply nodded.

We sat down eating breakfast, she was with Nina but I didn’t bother, gone are those days I fought to get her by my side. I realized that it’s me against the world now.

“So your birthday is coming up” she disrupted my thoughts

“So what?”

“I would like you both to celebrate one last time before you guys graduate.”

“That’ll be nice Mom” Nina smiled

“What do you think Remi?

” Awesome ”

“Nira?” she glanced at me

“Whatever I don’t care”

“let’s have a double celebration. I’ll call my planner and maybe later, you guys can accompany to the mall me to get your dress”

“Ok Mom”

“Whatever you’re buying, just get me a black gown, that’ll be all” I stood abruptly from the table

“Why black and not blue”

“None of your business” I grabbed my clutch.

“Bye dad”

“Bye sweetie” he replied

“I’ll go with you too” Nina said standing up

I rolled my eyes “whatever”

I headed out and she followed me. Our driver drove us to school. Immediately we arrived, I left Nina to meet my friends, she went inside as well.

“Hey Aimee”

“Hi girl”

She hugged me

“How are you doing?”

“Better, yesterday night was crazy fun” I smiled

“So your parents didn’t scold you?” she asked

“Of course not, I’m capable of handling myself”

“So I heard that Derek will be visiting the club this evening and we have got to be there”

“I told you Aimee, I’m not going there for the guys but to have fun”

“loosen up girl, let’s enjoy it before we graduate, how about that?”

“Ok not a problem.”


“What about Tash?”

“She’s sleeping in, no school for her today. After the party at the club, she got tangled up in her friends birthday party”

“Speaking of birthdays, mine is coming up very soon”


“And I’ll like you to be there”

“let’s just celebrate at the club.”

“I’m planning to ditch the party.”

“love the idea”

“Come on. let’s go to class” I held her hands. we walked to class talking about irrelevant stuffs.

Later in the evening, I came back from school, I took my shower and opened up my wardrobe. I scanned through my clothes and settled for an off the shoulder gown and heels. I loosened my hair and wore my jewelry, it’s going to be
another awesome night today at the club and I can’t afford to miss it.

“You’re going again aren’t you?”


“Nira I know you’re hurt by everything but this isn’t the way to deal with it”

“You know I’m hurt? so all these while, you knew” I gave a sarcastic laugh


“You have no idea what I went through all these years for you and Mom and yes you’re right. I am hurt for always standing behind your shadow, always being second best to you. I’m
trying to create a name myself so don’t judge me got it?”

I applied my l!pgloss

“Nira…. ”

“There. all done.”


“You may have taken my kidney years ago but you can never take my life now”

I walked out of the room slamming the door very hard.

“Dad I’m going out, don’t wait up for me”


“Don’t worry dad, I’ll be careful”

“You’re a girl Nira, you can’t just go out so late at night and come back when you want to” Mom said

“You’ve lost the right to interfere in my life, stay out of this and watch over your daughter”


”See you later dad ”

My cell phone rang, I looked at it, it was a message that some money has been credited to my account.

“Use that to buy some gas”

“You’re the best daddy, love you” I kissed his cheeks, glared at Mom and walked out.

I got into the car and drove off to the club. I tuned in the radio and played some music along as I made my way to the club…

I muttered under my breath as a smile crossed my lips. I reached my code, I never thought I’d make it cause I haven’t been paying to my studies, most of my free time are spent
hanging out with my friends, going to the bar or club but somehow I managed to pass. I am smart after all. After Sir Desmond finished giving us our script, he dismissed us.
“That exam was tough” Tasha groaned
“it wasn’t too tough Tash. you didn’t study”
“says the girl who hasn’t opened her notes in months” Aimee grumbled

“let’s just say I’m lucky”
“so what’s your score” they asked. both eyes widened.
“ninety eight” I smiled
“Wow. I’m sure your parents are going to take you out and cook you a delicious meal”
“No one really cares about my high score. especially my mom, so I don’t plan on showing it to her, let’s hang out instead” I suggested
“Yay. I love a good time at the bar” Tasha squealed
“Ok and my birthday is in three days time, don’t forget to attend”

“I would never”
“Sweet” I smiled
After a fun and relaxing time at the bar, I went home, birthday decorations flew through the air. Everyone was organizing one thing or the other, my birthday has always been a cursed day in my life, it marked the beginning of my
miserable life so nothing interests me about it.
“Do you like the decoration princess” I turned to see dad standing at my back.
“It’s okay dad” I smiled
“Very good”
“I want to show you something, here” I gave him my script. He looked at it with a lot of admiration
“My princess is so smart, you should show it to your mom”

I shook my head no“she never really cared about my scores so there’s no point in doing so”
“Nira she is your mom, you can’t hate her forever”
“And you’re my dad but not once have you made me feel left out, you love us equally. I know twins can be a hassle sometimes but you’re trying your best” he heaved a sigh
“But mom… it’s been eight years but still nothing, I don’t hate her dad. I just want her to see what it feels like when someone
treats you like a bag of trash, like you don’t matter”

“I’m not proud of what she did but she loves you and she’s regretting everything she did in the past”
“Do you know why? cause Nina is all better now, if Nina was still sick, you and I know what would be happening right now” I snapped
“Its okay, you’re old enough to make your own decisions as well as know what’s right and wrong”I shook my head
“Madam we would like you to come and choose your cake”
“Be right back dad” I walked into the kitchen with the maid.

There were different cakes placed on the counter, mom hired Marian Sanchez, Miami’s best Baker to handle our cakes.
“Oh my it smells divine” I sniffed
“So which would you go for” she asked “strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, banana, … etc” She added
“Hmm strawberry, you can keep the vanilla for Nina, she likes anything pink” I said before I walked out of the kitchen
I was texting on my phone before the door was opened. I saw mom and Nina walk in with shopping bags, guess they went shopping for the birthday. I sat down texting on my phone.

“This one’s for you” she gave a bag to dad
“And you too Nira” she gave me mine. I opened it. It was a black ball gown, it really is beautiful.
“It was the only beautiful black on sale.”
“And I got the pink of it” Nina brought out hers “Its lovely isn’t it.”
I nodded
“Check this out, matching earrings and shoes, best party ever”she squealed in joy.

“Do you like it Nira?” mom asked
“It’s okay, it’s not like you would change it if I didn’t”
“Oh my I forgot to pick out my cake”
“vanilla right? I picked one for you”
“You’re the best Nira” she hugged me. I wanted to return I but decided against it. She pulled away, I took my things and went up to my room. the preparation were still going on.

I jumped on my bed“is mom really changing” I asked myself
“No she can’t be, she never loved me and never will, later in the evening, I took my shower and had dinner. The entire house smelled like preparation and gifts as if it’s christmas. I tuned In my laptop to watch a movie. I didn’t go
out tonight but I’ll definitely leave tomorrow during my boring party.
After watching, I closed my laptop, covered my blanket and drifted off to sleep..

To be continued…….

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