THE GIFTED TWINS Episode 3 – Authoress Favour Story

THE GIFTED TWINS Episode 1 - Authoress Favour Story


Episode 3

“Aunty” I hugged her as soon as I opened the door, it’s aunt Emelia. Mom’s best friend, she had always been mom’s friend right from college, she is very precious. Wearing a blue gown and heels, I love the color.
“Nira” she wiggled me round the room and k!ssed my hair.
“How are you Aunt”
“Hmm.. I feel great, do you have..?”
“Chocolate” we said together and I giggled
“Where’s your dad?”
“He went to work”
“And Mom?’
I rolled my eyes. I really don’t want to hear her name, it pisses me off.

“She’s okay, probably in her bedroom”
“Where’s your other half”
“I don’t know”
“You don’t know where your half is? Nira that’s bad”
“She’s around here somewhere, not just next to me”
“Go call your Mom”
“Impossible Aunt, call her favorite to do it.” I said sitting down
“Her favorite?” Aunt asked looking puzzled
“Nina, even her name doesn’t feel right” I said through gritted teeth. I’m sure aunt heard it.
“Are you both having twin problems?”
“She’s not my twin, she’s a selfish, spotlight and attention stealer.”

“Ok Nira, tell me what’s wrong”
“Mom doesn’t love me aunt, don’t say she does cause it’s pretty obvious, she loves Nina more. She doesn’t look at me, she sees me as a stranger”
“Nira that’s not true”
“Mom slapped me because of Nina. She only says she loves me when she needs me to do something for Nina”
“Nira darling”
“Mom just doesn’t care” I let the tears roll down my cheeks. I said I won’t cry but I can’t help it. Mom is really being unfair.

“I won best student award 16 times aunt, mom never appreciated it but when Nina did, mom was over the moon”
“shh it’s okay” she wiped my tears with her palm.
“I’ll talk to Mom, would you be happy if I did that”
“It’s not going to change anything aunt, mom will never stop”
“Just let your aunt take care of stuff around here, how about that huh?”
“OK” I smiled. I knew it won’t work, mom would always be mom.
“Aunt Emelia” Nina called running towards her
“Have you been here for a long time?”
“I just got here”
“Did you get the pizza?”

“I forgot. I’ll get it next time promise”
“Go call your Mom for her” I said with anger in my words.
“Okay” she ran up to call mom.
“Emelia” mom called from upstairs, she was coming down
“Maggie” aunt responded “get your ass down here or you’ll be sorry”
“Still got that attitude”
“Will I ever forget it”they hugged.
“You didn’t tell me you’ll be visiting” mom asked pulling from the embrace
“Thought I’d stop by to see you and the twins a little surprise”
“That’s good”
“I’ll be leaving for New York next week so I just had to see you and spend some time with the kids. how’s Remi?”

“Got to finalize some work related stuff”
“Aunt. I’ll talk to you later” I k!ssed her cheek and walked out. I noticed mom’s eyes on me but I didn’t care. I’m just glad aunt is here.

I watched her walk out of my sight. My baby’s a big girl now with a big attitude.
I was a bit shocked with the way she answered me today. I really wasn’t expecting it. She’s changed so much.
“So what can I offer you?”
“Coffee. Macchiato or cappuccino, got any of that stuff?”
“let me check. I’m sure there’s something like that”
I walked to the kitchen and she followed me.
“so how’s dad?”
“Better than the last time you saw him.”
“OK. here’s your coffee”
“Thank you, come on seat down we need to talk”
“Whatever about?”
I sat down. She sipped her coffee and kept it on the table.
“How’s the twins” She finally asked after five minutes of suspense
“They’re doing OK”
“How much OK are we talking about here.

On a scale of 1 to 10”
“10” I blurted out
“Hope you’re being fair”
“How can I not be fair? I’m their Mom”
“What I told you last time is finally happening isn’t it”
“No it’s not”
“It is. Nira is getting the opinion that you love Nina more.
Maggie I told you.”
“Come on Emelia.”
“Don’t start a war you can’t finish, for God’s sake Maggie. They’re sisters, twins even which would complicate the situation more”
“I doubt that. I love my girls okay. Nira just doesn’t realize it”
“Kids say what they see, I suggest you choose the right path now cause if they grow older, you might worsen things”

“You were there Emelia, you know that Nina has a kidney problem. You were also there when he said I might loose my child anytime soon and she needs a stable happy environment with attention”
“I’m not saying that you should abandon Nina. Hell no! what I’m trying to say is, that you should do the right thing. Love them equally” she said.
“I’m trying”
“It’s not enough. Nira is already with the opinion that you have favourites”
“Emelia… ”

“If you don’t wanna loose both your daughters. I suggest you do the right thing cause whatever happens tomorrow, you’ll
bear it alone and before you realize it, it’s too late” she said sipping her coffee. She raised her brow giving me the I’m warning you look.
What could be going through Nira’s mind right now. I love both of them, how could she think that I’m having favourite or I’ll choose from either of them.
Emelia is definitely right about one thing. I can’t and i won’t leave Nina. What if I loose my daughter. I can’t bear the thought of it and I

I was really happy that aunt came to visit, she was the very best. I love her a lot cause she understands me.
Dad came back later in the evening. He freshened up and came to join us for dinner.
“Emelia?” he called, he was a little bit surprised to see her.
“Hi Remi” aunt smiled.
“What a pleasant surprise. I wasn’t expecting to see you here”
“Yeah. I just wanted to visit the kids and see you both one last time before going back to New York”
“So soon?” dad asked sitting down
“Yeah. I’ve got some stuff to take care of. Maggie told me about the project at work. how’s that coming along?”
“Still waiting for the board to approve the launch, although there’s still a lot of paper work I need to finalize”
Dad said putting the salad on his fork inside his mouth.

“But you’re the owner of the company, you should do whatever you want to”
“It doesn’t work like that in the business world. I own the company but I still have the board of Directors and decisions, like this cannot be made alone” dad sipped his juice
“It’s not like you’re planning to destroy the company.” aunt shrugged
“So how’s dad?”
“He’s a lot better.,The doctors came through.”
“That’s a relief”
“Yeah I know” aunt smiled
“So my little angels, how was school today?”
“It was fun” Nina giggled
“Ok I guess” I said
“Hope the kids weren’t a problem love” mom glanced at my direction.
“Not at all” she smiled “baby this is how you eat it” mom said helping Nina with her food. I shook my head and rolled my eyes at the same time.
“Nira let me help you with that” she took my food and cut it into small sizes. I was shocked. what is she doing? “here” she said and placed the food on my lips, I had no choice but to
open up.
Mom is spoon feeding me? Does she have a fever or something? what is wrong with her?
“Go on baby eat up” she said, she was staring at me so I’m sure she’s talking to me, what is happening?

“Do you want another one?” she asked
“No I’m fine” I replied trying not to sound too surprised
“OK” she smiled.
Finally the dinner was over. Mom is really getting me scared. I went upstairs to shower and Nina did Same. I sat down on
my bed. Suddenly, the door was slightly opened, mom came in with two glasses of h0t chocolate. She placed it on the drawer, I didn’t think she brought it for me. It’s for Nina I’m sure, she sat down on my bed and gave me a glass. My hands were shaking.
“Is this Seriously for me” I stuttered
“Sure, here you go Nina” she gave the other one to her. “it’ll make you sleep well through the night” I took a sip of it, it was really good. I drank the entire chocolate.
“Should I read you a bed time story?”
“Sure mom” Nina said

She took a book from the shelf. After tucking us in, she sat down to read. John and the beanstalk
I was already feeling sleepy half way through the story.
I shut my eyes. Mom finished reading. She k!ssed our hair and switched off the lights.
She came close to me. “I don’t want you to feel like you’re in a competition sweetie” she whispered “I love you very much. I
would never choose among either of you, mommy loves you
Nira don’t forget it” she added my hair and left the room, I opened my eyes. Was Mom being real? Did she really mean what she said? a smile crossed my lips.

Aunt’s presence in the house is really a blessing. She takes us out all the time and mom is finally seeing me as her daughter
now. We spend time together, I woke up in the morning and had my bath. I wore my clothes.
“Morning Nina”
“Morning?” she asked surprised
I ran down to the kitchen. I saw mom making breakfast.
“Morning Mom” I kissed her cheeks
“Morning baby, how was your night?”
“Very good” I helped her serve breakfast and some minutes later dad, Nina and aunt joined us.
“Whatever cooking smells delicious” aunt said sitting down. I sat next to Mom, she dished out for all of us.
“I’ll be leaving very soon” aunt announced
“Oh so soon?”
“Yeah. I’ve booked my flight and all my tickets are ready”
“We’ll miss you aunt”I said
” I’ll miss you too but I promise to come and visit ”
“OK. whenever you’re ready, you can tell the driver to take you” dad said
“Thanks Remi and you too Maggie for letting me stay here”
“Are you kidding? this is your house and you’re free to stay as much as you want OK” Mom said

“Thanks again”
“You’re welcome”
After breakfast, Mom drove us to school. She has been the one taking us to school this week cause dad is super busy.
She stopped at the gate and we stepped down.
“Give mommy a k!ss” she said and we both k!ssed her cheeks
“Bye Mom”

“See you later Mom” I waved
“Make sure you have lunch and no fighting” she yelled after us.
“Sure Mom” we yelled back
She blew us a k!ss and reversed the car. I am more than happy that Mom has finally changed and I hope it really lasts as well..

To be continued,….

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