THE GIFTED TWINS Episode 14 – Authoress Favour Story

THE GIFTED TWINS Episode 1 - Authoress Favour Story


Episode 14

I opened the door to my new home, wow! it’s so amazing, dad finally struck the deal and I got my house. Although mom never wanted me to go but sadly I had to, and I’ve been turning Derek down for that date, I told him I needed to think about it first and he gave me time.

I packed my things inside and did some renovations, it took me three hours to get everything arranged. I called dad some
minutes after taking my shower to let him know that I’ve settled in perfectly. Nina also talked to me on phone but I later made an excuse that i was feeling sleepy so I could
finally end the call.

It was 2: 00pm in the morning when I heard a, tapping sound on the door. I thought it was the rain cause it was raining very heavily before I lied down to sleep but sadly it wasn’t, the tap
on the door increased and at irregular intervals, I stood up. I was already shaking. What if some kidnappers are around the area and traced me here. OMG!

I took a bottle from the kitchen counter and walked stealthily towards the door. I was super, in fact mega afraid. I quickly opened the door knob and I froze when I saw the person
staring at me.

“Can I stay here for the night. I went to the bar and it’s raining so I can’t go home now or dad would get mad” somehow he made his way inside

“Hey Derek come out. I never said you could go in”I followed him inside after shutting the door

”Don’t worry I won’t get in your way but please at least just until the rain stops please” he said sitting down, he was really drenched and soaking wet.

“How did you know where I live?” I asked

“Were you trying to run away from me?”


” Then no need to know that ” he rubbed both his palm together to generate heat and warm himself but clearly it wasn’t working.

I went to my room and brought out a towel for him, I threw it on his shoulder.

“Here wipe yourself dry”he stared at me in disbelief

“I’m just doing this for humanity so don’t think I’m doing you any favours”

He nodded and replied “can I use your bathroom?”

“Yeah sure. It’s that way”

He walked past me to the bathroom, why is he here? I could have any guy in this house but not just him, is my heart some sort of toy to play with?

He came out wearing a T-shirt, maybe he brought it from home. He went to the bar and poured a glass of whiskey for himself then came to sit down in the living room.

“Don’t just stand there, come and join me”

He’s literally trying to take over my house

“Do you realize it’s only some minutes past two which means that people are sleeping now?”

“Oh okay, so that’s why you wanted to kill me with that bottle. I get it now”

This guy is plain foolish

“I’m going to sleep” I announced

“And leaving me here, not good princess”

I turned to go when the power supply suddenly went off.

“What just happened?”

“Looks like the rain took out the electricity, you know what this means?” he moved closer and almost in a whisper he said

“Sweet weather for two”

I found some candles in the shelf and lit them. I hate the dark, I was so scared to go to my room.

“Aren’t you going to your room? you said you wanted to sleep right?” he asked but I just ignored him and sat down

“Great let’s have our date right here” he sat down on the couch, taking another glass he poured some for me

“Try it, it’s good for the weather”

I only took a sip

“Let’s play a game truth or dare” he sat up excitedly “ok ask me first”

“Alright. truth or dare?” I asked

He seemed to think for a while before picking


“Ok are you in love with Nina? yes or no?”

Why did you ask that Nira, he stared at me and smiled.

“No” he replied sharply


Your turn, truth or dare?” he asked, I thought for a while. I don’t want to pick dare because I was scared of what he might ask me to do

“I pick Truth”

He cleared his throat “tell me all about you Nira from the very beginning and nothing but the truth”

“Derek that’s a sensitive topic. it’s my personal life”

“But you just asked me if I loved your sister and I said no, don’t you know that’s my personal life as well?” he asked taking a sip

“You don’t have to know anything about me” I stood up but he grabbed my wrist.

“I don’t have to because I need to Nira, please tell me?”

I sniffed. I really don’t want to go back to the past.

“Why did you go out with Nina?”

“I… ”

“You did it to hurt me, do you know how much she’s stolen from me up until now?” I half yelled “you think I’m just one annoying girl but you don’t even know the half of it, do you
know what it feels like living under someone else’s shadow? being second best to someone? Letting someone take the spotlight and having a mom who only Loves you for selfish reasons?” he wanted to say something but i stopped him.

“You have no idea do you?” I gave a weak smile.

“Nira I don’t understand”

“What don’t you understand? that my birth was an unlucky one?”

“Nira Don’t say that” he tried to hold my hand but I moved back and folded my hands across my chest.

“Ever since we were little, mom had always loved Nina more.

she never cared that I existed, my own mom saw me as a stranger. She always says she loves me when she needed something.” I felt the tears roll down “I did everything I could to impress her. I had to read my books and make her proud but nothing changed. All she saw, was, Nina and the day she asked me to donate my kidney for Nina, was the day she crossed
all the limits. I almost died trying to save her and after that, I knew i was on my own and I had no one, there is no love for me in this world” I cried more

“That’s not true princess”

“Please let’s not talk about this any further” he nodded and pulled me close to him.

“Let it out Nira, just let it out” I cried on his chest, and after a moment I stopped. He carried me in his arms and we sat down on the couch, my head still placed on his chest.

“It’s okay princess”was the last thing I heard before I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep. His muscles engulfing me tightly. I felt a light k!ss on my head and somehow I knew I was in the right place….

I opened my eyes blinking them to adjust the rays of sunshine passing through them. I felt his breath on my shoulder. I turned to look at him, his hair all messy and across his face. I
was still in his arms, so this is what it feels like? I tried to break free but he tighteñed his arms around me, something told me he’s awake.
“C’mon Derek, you can’t fool me. I know you’re awake” he giggled and nibbled on my ne¢k
“I love your skin it’s so soft” I pinched his elbow and he jerked up.

“Hey that hurts” he groaned freeing me from his grip. I stood up stretching myself.
“I told you to get up but you didn’t, you brought it on yourself” I looked at the wall clock, it was 8: 00am, damn it. I can’t believe I slept in all thanks to him.
“I need to shower I’m already late for work” I turned to go upstairs but he pulled me towards him and we ended up on the couch, he seems to be enjoying this… hey who am I kidding?

“Stay for today” he pouted giving me puppy eyes, he looks so cute. I felt like k!ss!ng the hell out of him… what? he said it himself that he’s not in love with Nina too.
“I can’t Derek. I’ve got a business meeting with the Ellie’s and a project to finalize.”
“Can’t you call in sick?”
“Please you want dad, and the entire doctors in Miami to come running round my house” I seethed . “just let me go”
“After I k!ss you” he says bringing his lips closer to mine, I shoved it away.

“I haven’t brushed my teeth yet”
“I don’t mind”
“Well I do and let me go” he let go and I stood up, what a guy.
“OK Princess”
“Oh and have your shower and go home, your dad could be looking for you”
“Alright” he stormed inside and grabbed my towel
“Hey that’s mine” I half yelled
“Come and get it” he smirked.
“You can have it. I’ll get another one” I waited for him to use the bathroom. I prepared h0t tea and blueberry muffin for breakfast.

He came out few minutes later, the beads of water dropping down his chest to his toss, God those abs are to die for…
“Are you trying to sedûçe me?” I asked walking past him
“So what’s for breakfast?”
“Make do with whatever you find on the table” I said and got into the bathroom, when I came out, he was already done. I wrapped my towel round my chest. I sat down to apply my lotion and got dressed. I wore a jump suit and heels and headed down.

“Hey you’re still here, you better leave dad would flog me, he found out I let a guy sleep in my house the first day of moving in”
“Alright Princess, Bye” he k!ssed my cheeks “See you later, let’s grab ice cream at the fair”
He winked and went outside, finally he’s gone but I’m starting to miss him now.
I went inside the kitchen to grab my tea but it was already cold so I thought of heating it up a little, just then my phone rang.
“Yes Bernadette” I called “what?… they can’t wait much longer?… OMG they want to meet me… just handle it, I’m on my wa… I know… alright keep me updated and tell the Ellie’s
I’m expecting them soon… yeah… ” I kept going on. I poured my tea into my cup but I accidentally placed my kitchen cloth close to the fire I forgot to turn off the fire.

I took my tea and sat down to eat, few minutes later I started smelling smoke. I sniffed the air, it was smoke…. I rushed into the kitchen only to find everywhere covered with smoke. The
burning had increased drastically taking the curtains down as well…
“Aaarrrggghhh!!! ” I screamed trying to turn off the fire but it only kept on getting worse. I tried to run outside and call for help but I was trapped inside with no where to go. I had
already started coughing. My eyes went blurred and I fell down…

“There all fixed” I wiped the sweat off my face.
I stood outside Nira’s apartment. I was about to ride out but when I started the engines, it keeps on giving me disturbing
sounds so I decided to check out what’s wrong with it. After fixing it, I mounted on it, ready to ride when I smelled smoke. I thought it was coming from a nearby factory but there’s none around this area so where could it be coming
from? I was about to ignore when I heard a scream coming from inside. OMG!! Nira, I jumped down and ran to the front porch. I tried opening up the door but it was completely shut. I broke in only to find the house covered with smoke. I ran inside dodging the flames as they fell down. I went upstairs but she wasn’t there. I ran into the kitchen and I was
surprised to see her lying on the floor unconscious. I rushed inside, taking her in my arms and rushed back outside, her cloth was a bit burnt and her she had bruises on her body.

“Nira wake up” I called but no response. I checked her pulse and it was weak. I quickly brought out my phone and called for an ambulance…they arrived some minutes later and took her inside placing her on oxygen. Oh my world, my eyes were all sweaty by now, I don’t want to loose her. We just started the first stage in our relationsh!p which is getting to know each other and she wants to go…
I took her phone to call her parents. I didn’t have their contacts so I called Nina instead.
She wasn’t answering.

“What the fu¢k, pick up the damn phone” I yelled into the device, we arrived at the hospital and she was taken into the ICU for quick treatment
I called Nina again and this time she answered.
“Oh hi D….
I didn’t let her finish the statement
” Nira just got admitted into the hospital ” I broke the news to her
“What?… ” I could hear the shock in her voice
“Derek what happened?”

“Can’t explain now… come quickly” I urged
“What’s the name of the hospital?” she asked her voice breaking down, she was already crying.
“I’m on my way” she said immediately and cut the call. OMG Nira please be okay…. I thought to myself…

To be continued…

See the way am crying like a baby, let nothing happen to Nira oh God.


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