THE GIFTED TWINS Episode 13 – Authoress Favour Story

THE GIFTED TWINS Episode 1 - Authoress Favour Story


Episode 13

“What took you so long? We’ve been waiting for you” Nina asked immediately she saw us, she focused her gaze on me and back to Nira. I winked at her and I’m sure she got the

“Sorry I stayed too long.” I said pulling her in for an embrace.

Nira’s eyes were all sweaty right now.

“It’s okay” she smiled. “Come on let’s go” she held my hands pulling me towards the exit.

I stared at Nira, she wanted to say something but couldn’t. I didn’t mean to make my princess cry but I have to. It’s the only way she’ll realize the true meaning and value of relationsh!ps.

I can’t believe he picked Nina over me, ever since we were little, everyone chose her over me. I felt so frustrated, I had to visit the bar, it’s the only place safe for me to let my anger out. I gulped the whiskey down my throat without tasting, tears falling down my cheeks. Damn it
Derek, all of you. When I arrived home I was completely drun!k, I had no idea how I made it to my bedroom before passing out. I got a
hangover the next day when I woke up due to excess drinks. I took some aspirin before taking my shower and then went down to join the others for breakfast.

I didn’t eat much though, the incident yesterday kept on flashing before my eyes. I was such a fool, a big one for k!ss!ng him, what was I thinking when I did it?

“Can I come in?” dad asked opening the door slightly. I smiled and nodded.

“Sure dad”

“How are you feeling now?” he asked

“What do you mean daddy?”

“Aren’t you happy that you’ve finally graduated? what was the need to drink? is there something wrong?”

No wonder, dad must have caught me when I got back from the bar yesterday.

“No dad. I’m fine” I shyed my eyes away

“Nira quit drinking please, you’re finally done with college. You should think of getting a job and starting your life”

“I’m sorry dad, it won’t happen again promise”
he pulled me close and gave me a warm hug

“it’s okay” he whispered k!ss!ng my hair

“You know you should work in my company. It’ll be great handling the family business”

“But dad”

“I’m not forcing you, just think about it OK” he said and I nodded.

“Derek” Nina called


“Sis came back drun!k last night, care to tell me what happened?”

“She’s probably feeling bad”

“For what?”

“I don’t know”

Derek?” she half yelled

“Fine she k!ssed me but I didn’t budge”

“What? you’ve been waiting for that to happen and you did nothing?”

“She’s jealous, she didn’t mean it. I want her to know the essence of relationsh!p not agree to them because she’s jealous but trust me, your sis is quite the k!sser” I said and she pinched me

“Hey that hurts”

“Don’t talk about my sister that way, she’s trying to open up and you’re pushing her away”

“No I’m helping her open up better”

“I hate you”

“Cause you like my brother, what else” I chuckled and she blushed

“Don’t worry, when we’re done, Nira would come back to normal so help me finish up the list ok”

She nodded yes

“Thanks Nina, you’re nice. I can’t believe the other one is your twin”



(2 months later)

“So how was work?” Dad asked immediately I got in. I dropped the files on my table and sat down.
“Stressful dad but I’m getting the hang of it” it’s been two months since my stupid act with Derek. I wanted to tell him just how I felt about him but he pushed me away so I had to accept dad’s offer and work for him so that I won’t
spend the rest of my life wishing for something that can never be.
Nina got a job in another company, though different companies called to have me but I kept turning them down. I needed to be by myself.

“Dad I’ll go freshen up”
“Nira My business partner for the new launch is sending his son tomorrow and you’ll be the one to strike the deal”
“Dad it’s a very big deal and… ”
“I’m sure you’ll do a great job, just be yourself and do your best” he smiled.
“OK dad I’ll try”
“Very good”
“I’ll see you for dinner, let me freshen up please”
“Ok sweetie” I k!ssed his cheeks and walked out to my bedroom.

Fast Forward

“Bernadette” I called my secretary and she rushed into my office.
“Yes ma’am”
“Cancel all my meetings today. I have an appointment with someone later in the day” I said staring into my laptop. I have to summarize this project before he comes.
“Is it the business meeting you have with your father’s partner”
“Yes. why? do you know anything about him?”
“Yes. Um actually your father told me to do some research to help you just in case” she said and I nodded.

“Ok what did you find?”
“He’s a very funny, smart and overall a handsome guy” she said and I rolled my eyes
“Anything else?”
“Um nope”
“So how does this help us? we need real information like if he has a criminal record or something”
“No, he’s clean trust me”
“Sounds like you like him”
“Everyone does, he’s not just a guy but the guy”
“Next time everything I ask you should be work related and not based on some silly crushes got it?”
“Yes ma’am”
“Good, you may go and don’t forget to cancel my schedule which includes the board meeting and everything” I said staring intently at her.

“Got it” she said and walked out.
I sat down in my office still running through some files on my laptop when the door flew open.
“Ma’am he’s here”I could tell how excited she was.
“Let him in and bring coffee”
“Sure” she closed the door, the door was opened and someone walked in. I was focused
on my laptop so I didn’t bother looking up cause I knew that it was him
“Please sit. I’ll be with you shortly” I said still busy on my laptop.
“You must be very busy that you don’t want to attend to the person seated in front of you”
I sighed and looked up “for crying out loud…. ” I paused when I saw the person seated.

“Hi Nira, we meet again”
“What are you doing here. Please leave. I have a business appointment with someone important”
“I want to stay”
“Derek please get out of my office. I don’t want to talk to you right now” I yelled, the door flew open and Bernadette came in with a tray of
“Here you go sir”
“Who told you to give him that? take it back” I yelled.
“Ma’am are you OK?”
“Are you mad? take it away”
“Ma’am this happen to be the guy our company is supposed to strike the business with”
my jaw, dropped, I turned to look at him.

“Was I the important person you wanted to see today?”
I didn’t say anything. I swallowed hard.
“Bernadette please leave”
“Yes, ma’am” she shut the door behind her, for some minutes we didn’t say anything. He just took a sip of his coffee smiling occasionally.
“So you’re my dad business partner’s son?”
“Um so about the deal… ”
“Let’s forget about it. I’ve changed my mind” he, said standing up
“Hey wait”
“You can’t say that, please try to reconsider” I pleaded
“Ok I will but on one condition”
“Name it. I’ll do anything”
“Go out on a date with me…. ” he said smiling. What could he be up to now…

I frowned “sorry but I can’t” I said stating the obvious. As a matter of fact I can’t.
“Are you turning me down?” he asked but I didn’t respond, what is his problem? how could someone who made it so clear right from the beginning that he wants absolutely nothing
to do with me is asking me out on a date, maybe it’s one of his pranks.
“Nira… ”
“Please I don’t want to, and if you won’t say yes to the project because of this then you can go ahead, do whatever you want. After all I’ve never been able to stop you” I made way to my
chair but he pulled me back to him, for a moment everything felt fine, I was close to that
handsome guy that made me feel like trash.

“Derek we’re at work and anything not work related should be cut off”he smirked “are you chasing me away?”
“Why are you doing all of this? you told me you don’t like me so why are you torturing me? Please Nina is waiting for you” I tried to pull my hands from his grip but It was very firm.
“You’ve changed so much princess” he’s finally called me that, after the long wait I got to hear it but who am I kidding. He likes Nina and that’s plain fact.
“Yeah but not because of you though. I’ve finally realized my worth”
“Oh really..
” Yes so please leave ”I turned to go but he grabbed my wa!st and seated me on the table. I was wearing a flair short gown and black heels, he was coming in very close and I could feel the heat emanating between us.

His Cologne smelled nice and he looked so handsome. He lingered over my head, a strand of hair fell on my face but he took it behind my ears. I felt a burning sensation to k!ss him
again but refrained myself.
“Derek stop this” I pleaded, all of me was enjoying what was happening.
“You really gave me attitude love” he said, his gaze suddenly became serious love? What the fu¢k is wrong with this guy? I tried to get up from that position but he moved in between
my legs making it impossible for me, gosh I loved the feel of everything.

“Stop this… ”
“Just say you’ll go out with me and I’ll leave you” he said
“Cause I know deep down you’re loving this”
“So you can tell me how much of an idiot I am to you? sorry but I’ll pass”
“Why do you think I’m bad?”
“Well it shows so I’m not lying”
“I’ve been dying to meet you. I never knew the project was in your company till I came in” he moved further from me, I tried to catch my breath and compose myself

“I didn’t know as well” I said standing up
“So are you going with me?”
Before I could say anything, he pulled me close to him and crushed his lips on mine, he nibbled on my lower lip sending shivers down my spine, after the k!ss he pulled away
” Don’t turn me down. I’m expecting to see you ” He said and walked away closing the door behind him. I touçhed my lips to confirm what just happened. He k!ssed me. I smiled and went to sit down on my chair. OMG I forgot to ask him about the deal, what if he says something and his father decides to call off the deal, what response will I give to dad?

I put my stuff into my bag. I took some files to work with at home. After wearing my shoes, I made for the door.
“Were you able to convince him?”
Bernadette asked immediately I closed the door.
“Who?” I asked acting like I didn’t know what she was talking about
“The guy, the project for the new launch, sounds familiar?” she asked waving her hands sarcastically
“Yeah I did my best, let’s hope for the best”
“OK. I’ll arrange your office”
“Thanks dette” I smiled and walked towards the exit, responding to some workers who kept saying “good bye ma’am, have a good day ma’am”.

I opened my car and stepped in. After putting my seatbelt on, I drove home. I kept on thinking on what to tell dad, I feel like I’ve failed him. Maybe I should have just said yes to the date,
after all its just a one day thing and it wouldn’t hurt but Where’s my self esteem and respect as a woman if I did that.
“Good afternoon Desmond” I greeted as I stepped down.
“Afternoon ma’am Nira”
I nodded and took my stuff in the car. I hanged my clutch on my shoulder and made for the door. I sighed before pulling the door knob and going inside.

“Nira you’re home” dad greeted, mom smiled at me as she set up the table
“So how was work?”
“Very OK” I faked a smile, how do I tell him I’ve failed and crushed his dreams.
“Dad, I wanted to tell you that… ” he interrupted by hugging me.
“You don’t have to tell me anything. I’m proud of you Nira” he pulled from the embrace
“What do you mean dad?”
“Isn’t it good news? you impressed my partner’s son and he said he can’t wait to join us for the launch” dad smiled
“Say what now? I mean yes I did”
“He said his son can’t stop singing praises about you and the company”

I’ve been worried for no reason. He was right, he does have magic up his sleeve. I smiled but I knew I would tell dad the truth.
“Um dad, your business partner… ” I paused and looked at him
“Yes go on”
“He’s actually Derek’s father”
“Really” mom ch!pped in.
“You mean Derek? the guy who took your sister out? and came to your graduation? that Derek?” he asked and I nodded, why is he bringing back the past.

“So Derek was the one you met today?”I nodded yes again
“Wow what a small world but the important thing is that you handled everything”
“Thanks dad, oh and dad?”
he looked at me “yes sweetie”
“Now that we got the project, I was wondering if I can leave the house and live on my own now?” he looked at me sternly, probably shocked from what I said “I promise I’ll come visit soon. I just want to have the taste of being free and independent, please dad. I’ve actually found an apartment and I plan to move in soon”

“OK Nira, you’re big enough to make your own decisions”
“I love you dad”
“Hou’re agreeing to this?” mom asked
“Maggie the kids are old enough to decide what’s good for them”
“They are our children, they deserve to live with us” mom held my hand
“Nira please I know you’re leaving because of me, but honey don’t go”
“Mom you’re hurting my wrist” she loosened her grip on them.
“Nira I’ll be broken without you here”
“You should have thought of that before you picked favourites.
I’m leaving and that’s final.”
“Nira honey…
“Please mom, if you cared about me a little then agree to this
” I said before going upstairs to my room. I need my freedom and I know I would get it anywhere but not this house….


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