THE GIFTED TWINS Episode 12 – Authoress Favour Story

THE GIFTED TWINS Episode 1 - Authoress Favour Story


Episode 12

“So how was the after party?” I asked immediately she walked in, this girl is a big thief. She stopped half way and turned to
look at me.

“Nira you’re still awake?”

“Why? were you thinking I’d be asleep by the time you came back?” I asked. I was feeling so left out.. in fact extremely jealous. I thought I was over my jealousy but sadly no, they’re
making all the memories flood through my head.

“No Nira I wa….”

“You were with Derek Right? I’m not even sure you went to an after party, you both went out on a date, you may have fooled everyone in this house but you can never fool me” I gave her a
deadly stare.

“I didn’t go on a date, i… ”

“Oh please, you always have a habit of stealing from people. Ever since we were little, you’ve always stolen from me, you couldn’t accept the fact that I’m better than you so you thought of taking everything for yourself… ”

“Enough Nira. I’ve lived my life watching you insult and I’ve never said a word. I’ve always swallowed it in because I thought that you were hurting. I took the blame so that you
could feel better but you’ve Crossed the line this time Nira.”

She said, her eyes flaring up. This was the very first time I’ve seen Nina like this.

“Maybe you should learn that the world is not against you.

Mom was wrong I’ll admit but at least she’s trying to amend her mistakes unlike you who is so cold hearted and think the world is set out to get you”

“You don’t know how much I’ve suffered Nina. you have no idea”

“Ok you’ve suffered and everyone knows that but do you have to include everyone in it. What has Derek Done to you, he’s only trying to reach out to you but you keep pushing him away, was he the cause of your problems?”

I tried to speak but words weren’t coming out

“Deep down Nira, you know all of this is wrong but do you know what your problem is? You’re too stubborn to admit it, just open up your heart, let go of all this pain and anger and see this beautiful world in front of you and for once try to appreciate its worth…..

I walked up to my bedroom after having a word with Nira.

I quickly undressed and got into the bath tub to have my shower. I wore my night gown and fl!pflops after the long shower.

Today has been a heck of a day, pretending to be someone’s girlfriend was harder than it looks. I told Derek it wouldn’t work and what’s the point of Doing it for someone who doesn’t
appreciate or deserve it?

I was about to sleep when I heard a buzzer from my phone. It was a message from Derek

Derek: how did it go?

Me: As usual she blamed me for everything

Derek: she’s a bit jealous I can tell

Me: Jealous or not. I wanna end this, the whole fake girlfriend thing was a big disaster. We never shouldn’t have done this from the very beginning

Derek: Calm down, it’ll budge. Between Ben said to say hi

Me: Oh ok thanks

Derek: I could tell you blushed

Me: Good night D.

I switched off my phone and lied down, sis is really taking stuff too far, she just doesn’t know that there’s a lot of people who love and care for her, her anger has really made her cold hearted.

Am I really cold hearted? why did I speak to her that way? I sat down on my bed, hugging my pillow very tight.

Am I really feeling jealous?

Nina is not right, she doesn’t understand a thing, she’s lived her life with everyone supporting her and she’s acting like she knows how I feel?

Damn you Nina, you’re a pain in my neck. I lied down on my bed. Part of me was thinking about Derek and the other part was trying to shut him off from my head.

God!!!! I can’t believe this is happening. I’ll be graduating soon and I don’t need any more distractions…. urgh!!!

“Nira Remi”
I smiled and walked up to the stage. I was clad in a gown and heels. Nina and I both wore the same gown but the difference is the colour,
finally I can’t believe I’m graduating from college. It was a dream come true for me. My dad, aunt and mom were all seated looking at me with smiles on their faces.
“Thanks Ma,am” I smiled and collected the paper showing that I’m finally done.
“Congratulations” she said smiling
“Thank you” I turned to look at the audience seated looking at me.
“Would you like to give a word or two?” I nodded. I walked up to the microphone.
“I would like to say thank you for gracing this occasion.

Finally the struggles and hurdles are over, we’re ready to plant our footsteps round the world, thanks to my family for being there for me and supporting me. I love you guys so much” I said, tears welling up in my eyes. The audience clapped their hands and after everything, we were done.
“We have to celebrate, my two daughters graduated with a lot of honours. ” dad kissed our hair
“I’ll make a huge dinner” mom hugged Nina. she came to hug me but I hugged dad even harder

“We should go out” Nina suggested
“Dad let’s just eat at home”
“Come on princess, at least let’s go out and celebrate. Please” he asked
“Alright dad” I was smiling so much but then it dropped when he walked in, way to ruin my perfect moment.
“Nina” he called “congratulations”
“Thank you” she said and let out a cheerful smile he turned to look at me
“Congratulations to you too”
What does he mean by to you too? Is he trying to say he doesn’t know my name anymore?
“let’s go out, and celebrate, don’t say no” he held her hands giving her the puppy eyes.

“I wish I could but I can’t. I need to spend today with my family, maybe next time or maybe you can come with us. We’re planning on eating out”
“Sounds good” he k!ssed her hands and she giggled, they were still talking like I wasn’t even here.
“Alright let’s go” dad said. I rode in the car but Nina insisted on riding with Derek or D as she fondly calls him now.
“Order anything you want” dad asked immediately we settled on our chair. I took to menu card and glanced through, my eyes were on the both of them, they would whisper something to their selves and chuckle occasionally.

I glared at them and continued looking.
“Mashed potato and chicken salad” Derek and I said at me exact same time.
“Wow you eat mashed potato?” Nina asked surprised.
“Yeah my favorite” he replied casually
“That’s Nira’s favorite food too, ever since we were little”
“Really?” he asked looking at my direction but I shed my eyes away. I can’t believe I was even staring at him… he took a sip of his champagne but he choked. I wanted to give him some
water but Nina beat me to it.
“Be careful” she said and he nodded
“Anything for you love” she hit him playfully on the cheek.

Love? Ok I’m about to explode. After eating, we all stood up to go, mum and dad made small
talk so I excused myself to visit the restroom. when I came out, I bumped into Derek. He was about going inside.
“Are you done?” I nodded yes and he walked in. before I could take a step, he pulled me inside and pinned me to the wall, his breath sent cold shivers down my spine. His hands firmly
held mine and eyes peering deep into my soul.

“Let go of me” I pleaded but he didn’t respond. he just kept on staring
“Derek leave me alone please” I begged
“Derek? no more silly guy with an annoying attitude?” he asked and just about then he left my hands. I kinda liked how we were though. Shut up Nira, you’re talking nonsense.
“What are you still doing here? Aren’t you leaving anymore? You said you wanted to leave so why are you still here? I’ve left you haven’t I?” he sighed, washed his hands and dried
them, he turned to go when I said the impossible.

“I’m sorry” he stopped halfway and turned to look at me, probably shocked by what I said.
“What did you say?”
“I’m sorry for yelling at you and throwing you out of my house so please don’t punish me any further”
“Am i punishing you? How?” he asked, my head hunged in disapproval, what would I tell him now? that I’m jealous or
“Stop whatever you’re doing to me please” I begged
“Sorry Nira but I have got no idea on what you’re talking about” he turned to go. I walked up to him and without thinking much about. I placed my lips on his, k!ss!ng him, we
pulled away some minutes later OMG! what did I just do? but I don’t regret it. I won’t let him
belong to Nina.

“Are you done?” he asked disrupting my thoughts, his face expressionless like nothing happened.
“I… um… well… ” I stammered
“Do you think I like you Nira?” it came like a bomb “I don’t feel anything at all for you so this k!ss means nothing, pretend as if nothing happened between us okay.”
“What are you saying?”
“It’s better we just pretend we don’t know each other like you’ve always wanted. I think it’s better that way”… and with that, he walked away.
What just happened? I can’t believe this, it was so foolish of me to think that…. no I’m alone in this world, no one wants me…. and I was so dumb to k!ss him, what was I thinking?….


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